Cadbury Creme Egg Cupcakes are Devil Food’s Cupcakes filled with Creme Egg Ganache and topped with Creme Egg Filling Buttercream.

I will admit that if I were to start my food blog today, I would not have started it.
Five years ago (well, almost 5) when I set out to do my blog there was hardly anyone blogging about food, especially baking.
People gave me weird looks when I told them that I ran a food blog, which followed with me having to explain what the heck it was.
Now a days when I tell someone I run a food blog I usually get the “oh my mothers brothers second cousin has one of those”…and so does the mother and the brother and so on.
They are out there.
Lots of them.
And it’s great.
It’s just so oversaturated that you have to do your best to stick out.
So I do my best to stick out.
Kind of like how I do in life. 🙂
I’m a little loud, a little out there, kind of sweet (depends on who you ask 😉 ) with a whole lot of sarcasm on the side.
Which I think is how it comes across in the blog as well.
My friend A sent me a link about these Cadbury Creme Egg Cupcakes that she had seen on a website.
The cupcake shop is in Ireland, and so I wont be getting around to picking them up anytime soon.
And so I took it as a challenge to make them myself. “Devil’s Food cake with lightly flavoured vanilla Cadbury’s Creme Egg buttercream and topped with cracked chocolate shell” is how it was described on the website.
I could make that I thought.
So I did.
But I added a Chocolate Shell Ganache to the middle to make it even more disgustingly sweet and bad for you.
It’s my job to make baked goods worse for you. 😀
Apparently that’s my thing and that’s how I stick out.
I’m the Paula Deen of the food blogging world.

Let my start off by saying these Cadbury Creme Egg Cupcakes are not cost effective.
To buy 20 Cadbury Crème Eggs will cost you quite a bit.
Even buying the big packs of them at Target like I did.
Then there is the annoying (read swearing inducing) part where you actually have to break them in half.
The swearing comes in while trying to get them to break evenly.
Which some chose not to do.
I have to respect their right for individuality, but f-off creme eggs.
Then you get to scoop out the middle of them and collect it in a little bowl.
As a semi funny side note, I am after years of begging, getting a house cleaner twice a month.
Being allergic to molds, dust mites, and most cleaning products makes cleaning things less than awesome.
And well, husband is not the best housekeeper (nor am I even if I wasn’t allergic).
So the poor woman came today.
Mid-cupcake baking.
With me in my pea pod apron.
And my uber-sexy purple bandanna on.
Covered in flour, chocolate and the oozy part of the creme egg.
With all of that on the floor and counters as well.
Throw in a spackle or two of buttercream frosting and I thought she was going to have a small heart attack.
She said “my what a big kitchen you have, and you seem to use it a lot”.
I do. I do.
Though that is the cleanest place in the whole house.
I’m sure she left there thinking, what have I gotten myself into.
I would just like to remind her though…she will get treats to go home with each time she cleans. 🙂
So back to the Cadbury Creme Egg Cupcakes.
Yeah, they are a little sweet.
How could they not be.
The devil’s food is what cuts it and keeps it not too sweet.
I ended up making 12 regular sized cupcakes and 20 mini.
When I make them again, I am going all mini.
They really are just the right bite and they don’t make it overpowering in the sweet department.
As someone who is not super crazy about creme eggs I didn’t expect much of these.
But I got to say, darn it, these are good….and they most definitely stand out.
And as always it’s a great day to order my cookbook.

Want More Easter Treats?
Deep Fried Cadbury Caramel Egg
It’s Not Swimsuit Season Yet Mini Cadbury Caramel Egg Fritters
Peeps Easter Chocolate Cupcakes

Cadbury Creme Egg Cupcakes
- For the Devil’s Food Cake:
- 9 TBSP unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1½ cups cake flour (not self-rising)
- ½ tsp salt
- 1 tsp baking soda
- ¼ tsp baking powder
- 4 ounces unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 1½ cups granulated sugar
- 2 large eggs, at room temperature
- ½ cup water
- ½ cup whole milk
- For the Crème Egg Filling Buttercream Frosting:
- the centers of 20 Cadbury Crème Egg scooped out (save the chocolate shells for décor and filling)
- 1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 6 to 8 cups powdered sugar
- 1 TBSP vanilla extract
- milk to thin frosting
- For the Chocolate Shell Ganache:
- 10 ounces of chopped up Cadbury Crème Egg Shell, if you don’t have enough to make 10 ounces, then add some milk chocolate chips to it
- 1 cup heavy cream
- For the Cupcakes: Adjust the oven rack to the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Butter (or use the baking spray) two regular size cupcake/muffin pans or two mini. I personally made 12 large cupcakes and 20 mini cupcakes.
- Sift together the cocoa powder, cake flour, salt, baking soda, and baking powder in a bowl.
- In the bowl of a standing electric mixer, or by hand, beat together the butter and sugar about 5 minutes until smooth and creamy.
- Add the eggs one at a time until fully incorporated. (If using a standing electric mixer, stop the mixer as necessary to scrape down the sides to be sure everything is getting mixed in.)
- Mix together the water and milk. Stir half of the dry ingredients into the butter mixture, the add the water and milk. Finally stir in the other half of the dry ingredients.
- Fill cupcake pans 2/3 of the way full with cake batter. For regular size bake 20-22 minutes. Mini bake 13-15 minutes.
- For the Buttercream Frosting:
- Place the butter in a large mixing bowl.
- Add 4 cups of the sugar and vanilla extract.
- On the medium speed of an electric mixer, beat until smooth and creamy, about 3-5 minutes.
- Gradually add the remaining sugar, 1 cup at a time, beating well after each addition (about 2 minutes), until the icing is thick enough to be of good spreading consistency.
- If too thick, thin out with milk.
- You can take half of the icing and color it yellow for effect.
- You will also probably have little bits of chocolate that stayed with the crème filling, no worries, it’s tasty.
- For the Ganache:
- Put chocolate in a medium bowl.
- Bring cream to a simmer in a saucepan and remove from heat. Pour over chocolate. Let sit 5 minutes.
- Whisk in chocolate until smooth. Let set up at room temperature.
- To assemble the cupcakes:
- Take chocolate shell filling and place into a pastry bag fitted with a small tip.
- Take tip and place into cupcake squeeze filling into cupcake using the cone method (or just poke into center and fill if making mini).
- Frost cupcake and top with chocolate shell piece. If making the mini, they do make mini eggs. Cut those in half and use as décor.
Sarah says
I have been reading your blog for almost 4 years now but this is my first time commenting. First of all i am so happy you started your blog 5 years ago and not today because i have saved A TON of recipes of yours, more than any other food blog.
These look absolutely amazing and i will be making them for Easter. Yow will soon be one of my husbands favorite people 🙂
Liese says
I noticed that you had mentioned:
“Stir half of the dry ingredients into the butter mixture, the add the coffee and milk.”
But when I looked at the ingredients, there was no coffee. I just didn’t know if there was supposed to be coffee or not. I can’t have coffee and so if coffee is meant to be in this recipe, would it turn out fine without it?
Peabody says
Yeah, the original used coffee but I used just water. Forgot to switch that, thanks.
Angela says
these make my heart go pitter-pat. I thought I was alone in my cadbury creme egg love, but now I see that I’m not!
Vicky says
This is my favourite candy ever. And I only get it once a year. Too bad Justin & I aren’t up there this week!!
VeggieGirl says
Cadbury Crème Eggs = one of the ONLY things I miss not being able to eat 😀
Memoria says
I completely understand what you mean about the high number of food blogs out there. I started just last year and never thought I would make it as far as I have. I like having documentation of the different foods I like, and I’ve grown to really love photography and collecting new dishes and recipes.
Your cupcakes look amazing. What a great idea. I must make these for Easter!!
Kerstin says
Wow, they are so over the top and look amazing!
Dawn says
love it!! I can imagine how sticky and messy it would get cracking all of those eggs. I may have to try this as a cake for Easter. I’m glad you blog, I love reading y our posts and recipes.
On a side note, I noticed that you didn’t leave the compost cookie/bar recipe up long. Making sure your indivduality stays front and center? 🙂
Amy says
Holy CRAP! Those sound amazing. Cadbury Creme Eggs are one of my favorite holiday candys (I love chocolate covered cherries, too)!!!!
Now I wish I was your cleaning lady if I got to bring these home!
Caroline says
Wow! There are almost no words. I am dying to try these, hard core to say the least. Way to bring it!
elly says
Seriously, Peabody, you’re killing me. Cadbury creme eggs are my #1 favorite seasonal treat. Sadly I have no motivation/patience to make these right now, so I think I will need to pay someone to make them for me. 🙂
Ange says
OMG! They’re beautiful. Just like all your stuff, I gained weight just by looking at them. Keep the goodies coming.
apparentlyjessy says
Wow, this is pretty special!
sarah says
wow…these are my very favorite easter treats…if only they weren’t so expensive! i may have to try them anyway
Dana says
When I was young, and then not as young, my very favorite dessert in the world was a Cadbury cream egg. I would bite into it, scoop out all the filling with my finger, then eat the chocolate shell. Good memories. I am so impressed that you took on this challenge and there is no way I could get anywhere near those without inhaling them. There are many of us out here that are thankful you started (and continue to keep) this blog! Food blogging wouldn’t be the same without you!
Joanne says
“Making it” in the blogger world is definitely no easy feat. I spend a fair amount of time thinking about what works and what doesn’t and I have to say that I think you’re infinitely better than the Paula Deen of the blogger world.
These cupcakes are awesome. A truly unique idea.
Julie says
Love Cadbury eggs, how great these cupcakes look.
I started blogging a little over a year ago. Late by current blogging standards but I did it for ME. The fact that I am gaining a small following just makes it that much better.
Kate D. says
You definitely stand out! I love your blog and share links with my friends (often with an “OMG!” subject) all the time.
Jennie says
OMG! Those are evil!! I am literally drooling reading this post. Those cupcakes look AMAZING! Off to buy Cadbury’s right now. Seriously. Not joking.
Lynn says
Yes, you are the Paula Dean of the food blog world. More butter!
These cupcakes are darling! My boy would hoover right up, then be on a sugar high, swinging from the ceiling fan like a monkey.
Sarah says
Oh boy – these look A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! Definitely keeping this recipe – Cadbury Eggs are my favorite!!!!!
Crystal's Cozy Kitchen says
I could feel my blood sugar level raising just reading this post! They look delicious.
sugar plum says
These super cuppys are jus what would be lovely for this months CUPCAKE HERO…yeah and if u do participate …my votes for u for sure :-)))))
Cynthia says
Wow, these look amazing! I love your blog and I’ve been following you for a long time but I just never posted until now. You definitely post diet breaking recipes but they are always so delicious! Looking forward to more bad for you but taste so good treats! =)
Katie says
These are just adorable! I’m not a fan of creme eggs usually but I love the sound of these, so much easter themed decadence. I’m sure your cleaner will soon learn how lucky she is if you pay her in baked treats like this!
Manggy says
Lol, I love that. What do you have to cut the sweetness? Devil’s food cake… Ha ha ha. But please don’t ever compare yourself to Paula Deen!! 😛
Hannah says
That is just ridiculous, and I mean that in the best way possible! Man, if creme eggs were vegan, my waistline would be in serious trouble right about now.
kristan roland says
As ridiculous as this may sound, I have NEVER had a Cadbury Creme Egg…I guess the Easter Bunny never saw me as worthy…. 🙁 These look super yummy, I’d try them if I wasn’t scared of trying to break all those eggs in half!!
ashlee says
you’re a girl after my own heart. i could polish off all of these in one sitting. they look beautiful!
Erin says
Holy cow, these look amazing! Cadbury eggs are one of my favorite candies and these cupcakes look perfect!
bellini valli says
These are the perfect special treat for Easter. I thought I had been doing well by blogging for 3 years….
dani says
certainly worth all the effort by the looks of it 🙂
Betsy @JavaCupcake says
Just found your blog and am LOVING IT!! 🙂
I reposted your recipe for Cadbury Egg Cupcakes too!
Thanks so much for sharing!!
MIA says
These look great…but I’m not about to crack open 20 Cadbury eggs!
Traci says
I think you do a great job at standing out. Yours is always one of the first food blogs I check out. I also will send links to your recipes to my dieting coworkers. Is that wrong?
Sues says
Wow! You always have the most creative, delicious-looking recipes. I’m a Cadbury Creme addict, so these would be dangerous for me. I’d be “accidentally” breaking all the eggs! These are so beautiful 🙂
Erika says
Just wanted to let you know that I love reading your blog – I like that you talk about the good and bad parts of life, and admit it’s not always some sugar-coated fantasy land 🙂 I especially admire the sarcasm!
I’ll go to some effort for baking, but I think I’ll draw the line at cracking open Cadbury creme eggs!
Enjoy the house cleaner!
Kate Thompson says
I love the fact that there are so many food blogs, gone are my unorganized recipes torn, smudged with food and scattered everywhere.
I have an entire bookmark filled with blogs that I visit all ordered in how often I visit and how much I enjoy their stories and recipes.
You, Peabody…are at the very top. I visit your blog every Saturday to enjoy my morning coffee with you. Thank you for starting your blog.
annie says
Peabody, truly amazing and decadent treats. Must also be time consuming to make….you’re great.
Doriann says
Mmmmm, looks delish!
Elle says
How cute are these? Love it that you made the buttercream yolk colored. You will always be a standout!
Jena says
Those are intense. I want to try one! 😀
Barbara says
Do you know how many people read our blogs but do not comment? I read someplace is was around 90%. So a lot of people read and move on. Commenting takes time.
Anyway….is that the way Cadbury wraps its Easter candy? Is that ever cute! It was all the color you needed next to your heavenly cupcake!
katie says
Cadbury Creme eggs are my favorite treat in the whole entire universe!!! These look amazing Peabody!!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
Lady, you definitely stand out in such a good way! I love everything you do! Good for you for getting a house keeper to help out. Allergies are rough, especially when you have to clean! Your treats look delicious!
Mary says
omigod. I am in culinary heaven. The cadbury creme egg is one of my favorite foods…thank you so much for this post.
Sarah says
I think I may have gone to diabetic shock just reading this post. 😉 But oh, do I love me some Cadburry Eggs.
Lynds says
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! I am practically screaming and jumping up and down!!!!!!!!!!! Cream Eggs are my most favorite thing ever…and you just made my life. 😀 😀
Heide says
These are freaking insane. In the best possible way.
Cakelaw says
These are super! Love them.
Kristen says
I feel that I should be applauding for all the effort that went into these. Seriously. Scraping out the goo? I bow down. 😉
I made cupcakes a few years ago, with a mini creme egg in the center – yikes, talk about sweet! But the frosting here sounds so intriguing, another attempt may have to be made.
Danica says
Marry me
Colleen says
These look amazing and I can’t wait to have my first egg of the season soon!
On the blog front – I guess I really write my blog for “real life” people, many of whom have never seen a food blog before. When they tell me they like mine, etc. I always say “oh mine is nothing compared to other ones out there” but I take a little pride in knowing that SOMEone appreciates it and is getting something out of it, even if there are thousands of others out there.
Lisa @ The Cooking Bride says
You are SO WRONG for making these! I am a creme egg addict. This will send me into shock . . .
At least I will die a happy girl.
steph (whisk/spoon) says
haha! that is awesome, and i love the color of the “eggy” buttercream!
Maaya says
wow this looks so good. yummy
i love it eggy
Maggie says
My sister and I made this for our birthday, but turned it into a layer cake with the ganache in between. Gotta say, cracking open 20 eggs is NOT as bad as it seems–yummy and fun. But the end result was so sweet that we could barely eat the cake! Any ideas on cutting the sweetness? Perhaps through the frosting?
Andie says
I was wondering can you make these ahead of time and how to you store the left overs? In the fridge? Looks wonderful, going to try them for Easter…Will post how it went..
Kristen says
I feel the same way as you about the food blogging world now. It has changed so much, hasn’t it? I’ve only been blogging for 3 1/2, but it seems like even in that time span, our little niche has grown tremendously. I’m happy for everyone, but it is not something uncommon these days anymore!
Maya Clemintine says
I made these when I found some cadbury cream eggs on sale…halved the recipe and decided to make this my first try ever at cupcakes with filling. All I can say is that you are brilliant. So so so so so SO delicious. Thank you so much!
Shan says
OMG pretty sure those should be illegal. If I were on death row, this is what I would request for my last meal.
amanda says
Peabody, I am so glad you started your blog then but wish that if you hadnt you would have have started it now. For recipes as amazing as yours need to be shared-I think you should write a cookbook. or have you already? Must check. or start a food biz. Seriously, you are one talented girl 🙂
Life is Sweet says
Hello Peabody 🙂
Glad I came across this blog entry. How cool you tried my Creme Egg Cupcakes and added your own twist. I never manage to get any shells to stay in one piece so well done! The description of your mid-baking kitchen made me laugh. That’s basically my kitchen’s constant state with all the orders. Thanks for the mention and link to my website. Nice blog!
Lyns says
This recipe is why I would either want to hoard cream eggs now to make the cupcakes all year they turned out so well or save it till next Easter to be savoured once again I cant decide haha Thanks for sharing
Lyndsay says
We made this recipe and it was ammaaaazing. I both love you and am cursing you for this culinary genius! I shared our results here 🙂
Prob my most fave food EVER.
roxan says
Hi Peabody, Just wanted to let you know that I re-created these cupcakes and wrote about them in my blog. Thank you so much for the recipe, I loved it! They were a lot of work but really fun to make.
Lisa says
I absolutely LOOOOOOOOVE this idea! I am the biggest Cadbury Creme Egg ho you will ever meet. Just a thought (assuming you don’t already know this.. if you do, please don’t feel like I’m talking down to ya, lol) – the creme filling of a Cadbury egg is a fondant center, which is actually very simple and super inexpensive to make:
3 tbsp. room-temperature butter
3 tbsp. corn syrup
2 cups confectioners sugar.
a few wee drops of vanilla extract
Combine all. It starts off as a paste, but softens into creamy goo afer a few weeks (ever notice that some Cadbury fillings are firm/dry and some are really creamy? The dry ones are fresher and haven’t had as long to liquefy). You can speed up the liquifying process by adding a few drops of water. This might be an option for those who can’t dole out the crazy amount of money for 20 Cadbury eggs (though if you made the fondant yourself, you’d have to improvise for the “chocolate shell” parts of the recipe). Definitely saving this one to try – thanks for sharing! (To make your own eggs, color a small portion of the fondant yellow and roll into balls; cover with a layer of white fondant, then dip in chocolate and let them sit in a cool, dry, dark place for about 3-4 weeks – voila, homemade Cadbury eggs.)
Audrey says
I love your blog and am so happy you have kept it going for 5 years! Hopefully i will have as big of a following as you some day!
Those cupcakes look amazing and i will definitly make them
donuts4dinner says
Gosh, I know just what you mean about starting a food blog today. I didn’t even start mine until 2009, and it seemed then like there was still plenty of real estate left for me; now I realize that there are literally a bazillion NYC restaurant review blogs out there. Okay, not literally. But close.
Anyway, you certainly have set yourself apart with this recipe. I can’t believe you did all this and don’t even care for Cadbury Creme Eggs! Thanks for making them for those of us who love the original ones . . . and the chocolate ones . . . and the orange ones . . . and the caramel ones, too. And might fly to England just to have the Cadbury milkshake they have over there. The only thing I’d do different with this recipe? About a zillion times more frosting!
Stephanie says
Now it is 2013…and I must say, you still stand out. I have a slight obsession with food blogs and you will always be a front runner. (Do you have email subscribers or just the your feeds? I want to make sure I am not missing it!) Thanks for your wonderful, honest posts and awesome recipes.
Peabody says
@stephanie- just Feeds. Though many people have asked for an email service. The hard part is finding an economical one.