These Deep Fried Cinnamon Rolls are easy to make by using store bought cinnamon rolls and extra sinful because they are deep fried like a donut.

Total random thoughts and stories…with a side of Deep Fried Cinnamon Rolls.
Screw Zombies, I am afraid of a spider apocalypse.
Last night while having a bit of insomnia I upgraded my toe nails to Domestic Goddess by OPI from the chipped whatever color that was on them.
While calmly doing my nails just trying to avoid dog hair…dropped from the F&*$ing sky was a spider that landed in my wet nail polish on my big toe.
I’m not sure why a blood curdling scream did not spew from my mouth.
Pretty sure I was past screaming.

I mean here was a tiny to most but huge to me black with now a touch of purple spider squirming on my freaking toenail.
Definitely hyperventilated while the dog watched me strangely flail around and freak out.
With the world’s largest wad of toilet paper I removed the spider.
But spent the rest of the night on the lookout for the spider paratroopers.

If you want to hear me squeal then you should have been at the grocery store yesterday when my favorite bacon was on sale.
And then there was a coupon on top of that.
The freezer is FULL of bacon.
Bacon and ice cream…and Jägermeister. 😀
Breakfast of Champions.

I have decided that people who make socks hire people to go and steal at least one of those pairs of socks when you get home.
Seriously who keeps taking all my socks???
I keep buying socks and keep having LESS socks.
Nothing goes better with bacon than Deep Fried Cinnamon Rolls.

Seriously not healthy and seriously awesome.
I figure with Paula having to cook healthier there is an opening in the death queen category so I am applying.
These took me all of 20 minutes and that’s what works for me.
Yes you are going to want to make these.
No, don’t be afraid of frying.
It’s a great day to buy my cookbook.

Want more Fried Foods?
Chocolate Sprinkle Yeast Donuts
Vanilla Bean Glazed Soft Pretzel Donuts
Chocolate Malt and French Fry Donuts

Deep Fried Cinnamon Rolls
- For the rolls:
- Vegetable oil (enough to cover at least 2 inches of a heavy pan)
- 1 package refrigerator cinnamon rolls (I used the Grands)
- For the Glaze:
- 3 TBSP unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 1 ½ cups powdered sugar
- 1/3 cup orange juice
- Pour enough oil to cover at least 2 inches in the bottom of a heavy pan (I used a Le Crueset).
- Using a deep fry thermometer, heat oil to 350F. Do not leave unattended.
- While oil is heating, open cinnamon rolls and fasten each one with a long toothpick or wooden skewer that has been cut to size.
- Let dough rest for 10 minutes.
- Carefully place cinnamon rolls (I use tongs), one or two at a time, into the oil.
- Cook for about 1 minute on each side, or until golden brown.
- Using a slotted spoon (or tongs), carefully lift donuts out of the oil and place onto paper towels to drain and cool completely.
- For the Glaze:
- Whisk all the ingredients together and drizzle over the rolls.

laurie says
The orange kind are Liam’s favorites too. If only I had a fryer. It will go on the list with the waffle maker.
Lori @ RecipeGirl says
omg. Deep fried yummyness. Spider on wet toenail (or anywhere on me for that matter) would have freaked me out too.
Joan@Chocolateandmore says
I am so going to try this, but not when the kids are home, these will be all mine!
Arbine says
I am totally going to make these soon. Spiders creep me out too. I thinking watching Arachnophobia when I was younger kinda helped with that. Have a lovely day!
Julia says
Really, you REALLY fried cinnamon rolls. That’s flipping fantastic!
Rosa says
OMG, I’m speechless!!!! Those look just incredible.
Tanna says
Wow oh wow, fried cinnamon rolls … just stack ‘sum up around the bed. That should keep the spider paratroopers away 😉
I somehow don’t see you in the death queen category even with these fried cinnamon rolls. When you make me laugh this much, death queen category just doesn’t fit.
Panya says
OMG, I have no words… If that happened to me with the spider, I’d have likely had a heart attack. 😯
Stephanie says
OMG….you used thongs to dip the rolls in oil…..bwahahahaha I love you!!!!!
Blog is the New Black says
Holy moly!!!
Erika says
Spiders don’t really scare me, but I would have been furious that it messed up my nail polish!!!
Nothing like a deep fried cinnamon roll to make you feel better, though 🙂
I think CCS and I are on the same motivational scale regarding exercise!
Susan says
Cinnamon rolls look delicious!
And a little amusing at the timing of the spider story – I just had a spider crawl across my monitor at work… about had a heart attack, but managed not to squeal!
Ingrid says
Oh snap! Those are wicked! I do believe I have a package of cinnamon roll dough in the fridge. I’ll be getting major mommy points tonight!
vanillasugarblog says
hey they worked!
might have to buy some of that premade stuff and try them out.
LeeH says
I’ll bet these rock! Can of cinnamon rolls goes on the shopping list. Homemade might be better, but this seems more an emergency type snack to me. You rock too!!
Diane says
Bring bacon with you on walks with the dog. Give her bacon crumbs every time she actually walks. Eat strips of bacon while walking. Mm..
Becca says
Holy crackers! I would have screamed bloddy murder if a spider landed on my toe (I’m an arachniphobe (sp?)). I’ve actually jumped out of the shower mid-shampooand ran down my hallway screaming for my dad because a spider was above my head.
And yes, I am afraid of frying because oil doesn’t like me and splatters me and then I’m in pain and then I don’t go near the oil, so then my food burns. These do look good though 🙂
Kelly-Jane says
They look gorgeous.
I’ve had a spider drop on my hair, it’s like you have this mega intake of breath and the scream freezes in your throat!
Lauren at Keep It Sweet says
Rodzilla says
lol at spider paratroopers.
I think you need to give your dog a break though. Have you considered that she doesn’t have the luxurious life of a stay at home dog (SAHD) that can just exercise whenever she wants? Wait..
Sure homemade is good, but the dough boy is still a classic. You’ve got my vote.
Joanna says
Holy mother of God those are decadent!
Adam says
Here’s my Spider story: I was chatting on MSN messenger one night, really late, leaning back in my computer chair, feet up on the desk. When a spider drops down right in front of my face. From that angle it was about 3 feet wide. I freaked, pushed myself away, which because I was leaning back, meant I launched the chair over, I fell on my back, the keyboard went flying and a message was sent to my friend that went something like this “I think that al;skjdf io0”.
And it goes without saying that those cinnamon rolls look amazing. Standing ovation. Bravo!
Erin says
Ugh I saw a cockroach on my ceiling above my bed one night while I was reading, and I kept my eye out for it moving. Then all of the sudden it was gone and I was convinced it had landed in my bed somewhere. Totally grossed out I spent the night on the couch after grabbing a pillow and blanket and vigorously shaking them just in case.
I want this cinnamon roll. And I am glad you used the store-bought kind because sometimes you just need a good fried thing fast!
DessertForTwo says
I don’t know how you survived that spider thing. Wow.
And I want to move into your freezer. How much is rent?
Tracy says
LOL spider paratroopers! I would have been screaming and flailing about too, haha. Love the fried cinnamon rolls!
KCatGU says
What I really want to know if what is your favorite brand of bacon? PS. I am with you and socks, the dryer is totally winning the war at our house.
Melinda says
You are so deep fat fryer bad! I am one of those scardy-cat people of deep fat frying.
Chris says
Have you noticed how those “sock people” ALSO have a nasty trick of packaging each pair in different lengths??? Especially when you get a bag of 5-6 pairs…AND, after you wash them a few times, the colors don’t “match” anymore either. I smell a conspiracy here, don’t you?!?!?
Wish I could smell those rolls…..
brilynn says
These are amazing. There’s a Cinnabon in the train station and every time I go through there it kills me, cinnamon rolls can even make a train station smell wonderful…
Jeanne H says
When I was a teenager, I used to fry up some bacon in a cast iron skillet, then make French toast in the bacon fat – with out draining any of the fat first! My mom had a fit at the thought of it, but tough – my breakfast. Now, I’m imagining frying the cinnamon rolls in the bacon fat. H’mm.
About dog not wanting to walk, could she have a health issue – feet hurting her or something? I’ve never had a dog that didn’t want to walk because of so many interesting smells to sniff. Maybe take her for a ride to a new park or something? Yes, my dogs were probably spoiled. 😉
Kevin (Closet Cooking) says
So, so decadent but they sound amazing!
Ingrid says
Made ’em …. Loved ’em!!!
Ronette says
I’m trying it now but I dipped mines in eggs mixed with mix and cinnamon to give it the French toast taste
Stacey JOHNSON says
Calling them “ghetto” is a poor choice of words. Please consider the tone and possibly unintended consequences of such…