I’ve always thought of Valentine’s Day as a scam….for men that is. It’s made to believe that women are to get flowers, chocolate and diamonds…and what do men get?…a coupon book for “massages”. Joy. Growing up I never celebrated it. Most of my adult years were spent in Arizona and as luck would have it, Arizona’s birthday is also February 14th. And so all you anti-Valentine people I invite you to celebrate Arizona Statehood Day with me. There are not a whole lot of ways to celebrate it, so all I really do is make sugar cookies each year…in the shape of Arizona(yes, they really do make cookies cutters in the shape of Arizona). Now don’t get me wrong, I will make my husband a nice meal(something a little more special than a regular Wednesday night meal). I bought him a card and will write something mushy. I bought him some of his favorite candy, all in the obligatory heart shape. But that is it, and that is all I will get too. And that is great because I don’t need a day to remind me how much I love my husband or vice versa.
Happy Arizona Statehood Day!

Kirsten says
Peabody!! You are too cute! What a great way to get around V-Day.
I am a huge dork and have always loved Valentine’s Day, although it is a minefield of dashed hopes and high expectations. 🙂
Have a great Arizona Statehood Day!
p.s. I love your cookie cutter
Sara says
Scott and I aren’t much into Valentines day either, although I am making a very nice dinner tonight. Happy Arizona Day to you too!
Otto Pohl says
I also think Arizona Statehood Day is more important than Valentine’s Day. For the last two years I have put up posts on my blog to note the anniversary of the upgrading of Arizona from a territory to state.
Blair says
Currently living in AZ and celebrating statehood (95 this year) with a happy face since my family actually arrived here before the proclamation!
As you can tell, I am not all that into Valentines this year, perhaps it is because my in-laws have been her for 2 months already?
Tanna says
Well, then Happy Arizona Day!! I’m always up for another reason to celebrate.
Anh says
Happy Arizona Day! Love the photos. Very cute!
Mary says
Husband and I are eating leftover pizza for dinner tonight. Ugh, we’re so un-romantic after so many years together.
Dolores says
Happy Arizona Statehood Day!
Reminds me of the fourth grade, when we were studying California Hisotry, and Missy D’s mother brought in California-shaped cookies with Sacramento, San Francisco, LA and San Diego indicated with almost microscopic frosting poppies (poppies being the state flower) Do you decorate your cookies with key cities and other map-like data?
Gluten-Free By The Bay says
Ha! Happy Arizona Day to you! A much better thing to celebrate than Valentine’s Day for someone such as myself who is going through a divorce ;-P My grandma lives in Tucson so I’ve spent lots of time there. If I could, I would plant a saguaro today in commemoration of Arizona Day.
Anita says
that is so cute! Happy Arizona Day to you -hope you have a wonderful time with your husband!
peabody says
Dolores- Yes we did different things with them. I have a chest cold right now or I would have frosted them too(just really didn’t feel like doing it). I did more landmark type things.
Ivonne says
That is so cute! I can’t believe they actually make a cookie cutout of the state!!!
Abby says
I ranted about the commercialism of this “special” day, too. Well, not a rant, but a strongly worded post?
I collect cookie cutters.
I will now begin my search for all 50 – plus the not-included-in-the-50 special ones. Yippee!
sandi @ the whistlestop cafe says
I broke out the cookie cutters as well– Sweet!
Cheryl says
I’m loving you the more and more I read your blog. I feel the same way about V-day and the same way about giving men those stupid little “coupons”.
We watched tv and ate buffalo wings together.
Happy Arizona Statehood Day.
Terry B says
My wife and I love Valentine’s Day. I think the key is to not make it the minefield Kirsten described, keeping gifts and celebrations simple but thoughtful. If you show your love every day, as many have said, you’re not pressured to prove it on one preordained day–you can just share it. Of course, the first step is finding the right partner. I’m happy to report that I did.
Kristen says
Happy state day to Arizona! I think your cookie idea is great… hope you enjoyed your day!
Jeff says
Need some red frosting on those!
heather says
I am not surprised about the Arizona cutter as I have a Nebraska one that I use during football season! I never thought of celebrating statehood day though. Give me another reason to use the cutter.