This always bugged me when I was a kid. I spent more than enough time trying to find words that did indeed rhyme with orange…and of course, no such luck. I have noticed lately that the dictionary has been adding many a slang word and so today I will create a new word(sort of like the Tarookie incident) that will rhyme with orange, hope it catches on and then no one can say nothing rhymes with orange. And poor kids everywhere wont waste time like I did trying to find words that rhyme with orange. So that is why I made this Cranmorange Cake. A moist, tangy cranberry mandarin orange cake that is baked in a loaf pan.
I came home very cranky from score keeping on Friday. It appears it was say mean stuff to Peabody week but no one gave me the memo, so I didn’t know. So when I am mad( I was called the angry baker in college) I bake or hit people…but since hockey wasn’t until Sunday(my chance to hit people) I had to stick to baking. So there I was at 2am trying to figure out what to bake that wouldn’t keep me up all night. Plus, I have been sick(again, I know) so no grocery shopping had been done. I only had cake flour and almond flour, so I used both. This cake is a little kitchen sink-ish but the end result was moist and delicious.
Cranmorange Cake
1 cup plus 2 TBSP cake flour
1/2 cup ground almonds
2 tsp baking powder
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup powder sugar
grated zest of 2 mandarin oranges
1/2 cup sour cream
3 large eggs
2 TBSP honey
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup canola oil
3/4 cup dried cranberries
Center a rack in the oven and preheat the oven to 350F. Generously butter an 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 inch loaf pan and place the pan on a baking sheet.
Whisk together the flour, ground almonds, baking powder and salt.
Put together the sugar and zest in a medium bowl and, with your fingertips, rub the zest into the sugar until the sugar is moist and aromatic. Add the sour cream, eggs, honey and vanilla and whisk vigorously until the mixture is very well blended. Still whisking, add the dry ingredients, then switch to a large rubber spatula and fold in the oil. You¢â¬â„¢ll have a thick, smooth batter with a slight sheen. Fold in the cranberries. Scrape the batter into the pan and smooth the top.
Bake for 50-55 minutes, or until the cake begins to come away from the sides of the pan;it should be golden brown and a thin knife inserted into the center will come out clean. Transfer the pan to a rack and cool for 5 minutes, then run a blunt knife between the cake and the sides of the pan. Unmold, and cool to room temperature right side up on the rack.
Inspired by a French Yogurt Cake in Baking from My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan
So please start to use this word in your everyday life 🙂 …so that you too can help the hundreds of children who waste time of this rhyming delima.

Laura Rebecca says
Mmmmm, cranmorange. This looks so, so good.
rachel says
nice crumb!
Chris says
I would like a slice of cranmorange please…or two…or three….:) Looks yum!
Natalia says
That has always plagued me too! How can there not be even one word that rhymes with orange? I’ll definitely start using cranmorange as often as I possibly can.
Shawnda says
Nice job!
Brilynn says
Or we could just all learn to speak french where they don’t have this silly “nothing rhymes with orange” problem…
jasmine says
I like cranmorange…and I’d like a slice, please…
jancd says
When do you add the cranberries? How many? ha
peabody says
Jancid- Ha…sorry I am sick…I actually left the house today in just my socks and didn’t realize it till I made it to the car. So I can easily see how I missed one of the main ingredients…thanks for pointing that out.
Kirsten says
Invented words are simply the best. No mean old dictionary men telling us what words to use. 🙂
Frankly, most angry people drink or abuse substances or people, so your hockey/baking habit is just downright heartwarming.
If people could all see your baking creations, they wouldn’t dare even think of contributing to you feeling cranky!
Yukari says
I am a big fan of oranges. I simply looovvvee them. In fact, I just finished eating one a moment ago. xD
I must say, though, your Cranmorange Cake looks absolutely DELICIOUS! *___*
Tanna says
Wrong, I think we should all aim to keep Peabody as cranky as possible and we’d just get double of all this goodness!
Um…now how do I tell Peabody this looks absolutely fabulous and still make her cranky. Need to figure that one out. Perhaps I should start with a slice or two of this.
Could you pass me a slice Peabody, please.
Patricia Scarpin says
This is a delicious cake – the texture looks great! I love anything with oranges. 🙂
Jenny says
Oh my goodness! I thought you and I had made the same recipe this weekend! (We didn’t but boy do they look similar!)
So? How much time did you spend in the penalty box on Sunday? 🙂
connie says
cranberries and oranges make such a great flavor combination that it’s high time someone made up that word… cranmorange. thank you
Cheryl says
This looks cranmorangealicious. I like you angry, cause you make a mean dessert
veron says
Now you had me thinking what rhymes with orange. Lovely cake, awesome crumb!
Lisa says
Hi Gracie.
How did you know my most favorite flavor in alla world was cranmorange? Especially most cakes flavored with cranmorange.
Hope you feel better soon!
PS – Is there anyone you need me to beat up? Cuz I would. For you.
gilly says
Hi Peabody – I’m loving the sound this cranmorange cake… and new addition to my vocabulary – I will use it when I can.
Speaking of which – did you pound the cranmorange out of other hockey players on Sunday? 🙂
Linda, The Village Vegetable says
delightful. im in love with your last photo. oh those nooks and crannies!
Lisa says
Call it what you will — that looks SO good. Yikes, the flecks of orange, the red cranberries, the golden-brownish cakey part — the photos make me want to bite into a piece right now. If this is what you whip up out of nothing…!
peabody says
Jenny -“So? How much time did you spend in the penalty box on Sunday?”…none, I’m a good girl. Even when I hit the guys they usually let it go.
Lis- I think I can beat up my own guys but thanks for the offer 🙂
Gilly- I just cranmornaged the guy who kept slashing me all night…he does everytime I play against him
Morven says
Oranges Poranges – who cares!
Canmorange sounds like a delicious combination.
jenjen says
You always have to torture us with your beautiful photos don’t you. Just cruel!
Your cake looks fantastic!
jann says
that’s a good word-and that ‘s a good looking cake-
Kristen says
I bet your friends try to make you mad just to make you cook in hopes of getting a bite of whatever glorious thing you are making!
Looks great!
Helen says
Great word! Great cake! Tanna may be on to something…just kidding! This cake would be great with a cup of tea.
gattina says
YOu angry baker, hehee…
This cake looks super-moist to me!!! Must be a keeper!
Jeff says
I’d have to hit the rink for like 3 hours a day if I lived with you and all those yummy deserts 😉
sara says
yum, this is such an amazing recipe! i made this into muffins substituting yogurt for the sour cream and oat flour for the almond flour with excellent results. thanks for posting this! 🙂