This Milk Chocolate and Caramel Tart has a chocolate shortbread crust, caramel filling, and is topped with a milk chocolate mousse.

The end of the month is upon us(YAY!!! here comes Fall) and that can only mean one thing…Daring Bakers Challenge.
We have returned to the land of chocolate…milk chocolate to be exact.
And made this Milk Chocolate and Caramel Tart.

Now milk chocolate is something I rarely bake with, why I have no idea.
I mean I love to eat milk chocolate and yet I never seem to put it into anything I bake.
And I should probably fix that.
Well this tart is a good start.

This was a fairly simple tart with my only problem being that my caramel didn’t set up all that well.
I was pretty solid when first taken out of the fridge but if it sat around (like it did for the photos) it began to ooze.
Though, is there really anything wrong with oozing caramel…I think not!

Many other Daring Bakers had problems rolling out the dough, but apparently I lucked out in that department has no issues there.
This is one sweet tart.
And you know if I am saying it is sweet, then it is sweet!

It is very similar to eating a Milky Way bar.
So if you are a fan of those you might want to break out your tart pan.
Thanks to Veron and Patricia for hosting this month’s challenge.
Head on over to their sites and the Daring Bakers Blogroll to see just what everyone else did!
P.S. It’s a great day to buy my cookbook.

Want More Tart Recipes?
Mini Bailey’s Irish Cream Mocha Tarts

Milk Chocolate and Caramel Tart
- Ingredients:
- ½ lb (250 g) chocolate shortbread pastry (see recipe below)
- 1 ½ cups (300 g) granulated sugar
- 1 cup (250 g) heavy cream (30-40 percent butterfat) or crème fraiche
- ¼ cup (50 g) butter
- 2 whole eggs
- 1 egg yolk
- 2 ½ tablespoons (15 g) flour
- 1 ¼ cups (300 g) whipping cream
- ½ lb (250 g) milk chocolate
- For the Chocolate Shortbread Pastry:
- Note: The Chocolate Shortbread pastry can make 3 tart shells.
- Ingredients:
- 1 cup (250g ) unsalted butter, softened
- 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons (150 g) confectioners¢â¬â„¢ sugar
- ½ cup (50 g) ground hazelnuts
- 2 level teaspoons (5 g) ground cinnamon
- 2 eggs
- 4 ½ cups (400 g) cake flour
- 2 ½ teaspoons (10 g) baking powder
- 1 ½ tablespoons (10 g) cocoa powder
- For the Alternate Caramel Method:
- If you have problems with the dry method, you may use this method.
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup water
- 1 tablespoon corn syrup
- A day ahead:
- In a mixing bowl of a food processor, cream the butter.
- Add the confectioners¢â¬â„¢ sugar, the ground hazelnuts, and the cinnamon, and mix together
- Add the eggs, one by one, mixing constantly
- Sift in the flour, the baking powder, and the cocoa powder, and mix well.
- Form a ball with the dough, cover in plastic wrap, and chill overnight.
- Instructions
- Preheat oven to 325 °F (160 °C).
- Line the baking pan with the chocolate shortbread pastry and bake blind for 15 minutes.
- In a saucepan, caramelize 1 cup (200 g) granulated sugar using the dry method until it turns a golden caramel color.
- Incorporate the heavy cream or crème fraiche and then add butter.
- Mix thoroughly.
- Set aside to cool.
- In a mixing bowl, beat the whole eggs with the extra egg yolk, then incorporate the flour.
- Pour this into the cream-caramel mixture and mix thoroughly.
- Spread it out in the tart shell and bake for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool.
- Prepare the milk chocolate mousse:
- Beat the whipping cream until stiff.
- Melt the milk chocolate in the microwave or in a bain-marie, and fold it gently into the whipped cream.
- Pour the chocolate mousse over the cooled caramel mixture, smoothing it with a spatula.
- Chill for one hour in the refrigerator.
- To decorate: melt ½ cup (100g) granulated sugar in a saucepan until it reaches an amber color.
- Pour it onto waxed paper laid out on a flat surface.
- Leave to cool.
- Break it into small fragments and stick them lightly into the top of the tart.
- For the Alternative Caramel Method:
- Set mixture in a pot over medium-high heat and stir slowly.
- When the mixture comes to a boil, stop stirring and leave it alone.
- Wait till desired color is attained .
Source: Eric Kayser's Sweet and Savory Tarts
Meeta says
oozing is good – when it comes to tarts, chocolates and caramel. I love the idea of piping the mouse on the caramel layer. Looks lovely!
barbara says
You tart looks stunning. The piped topping is so much nicer than just spreading it over.
baking soda says
Oh…oozing caramel, nothing beats oozing caramel! Drool!
Dharm says
So lovely! I love how you piped the chocolate on. I did too but I smoothened it out – dont as me why. And the picture with the caramel oozing out just makes it look all the more yummy!
Anne says
Beautiful! My caramel didn’t ooze – I wish it had! 🙂
Anh says
Elegant as always! I love the look of your tart. And hey, the soft caramel layer can be so fun to eat you know? 😀
sher says
Mine oozed too–but yours looks like a work of art. I lovely sauce. As always–you rock!
Kelly-Jane says
Oozzy caramel is the best kind 🙂 My dough was ok to roll as well, and I was a bit worried! Well done.
Jen the Bread Freak says
I’m so envious of your lovely piped mousse! Mine was too soft to pipe when it went on the tart (thank goodness it set up). And, I too, agree, nothing wrong with a nice oozing caramel 😀
Pille says
I am so envious of your milk chocolate mousse – it looks absolutely perfect!! And I quite like how the caramel oozes out of the cake – almost like self-saucing, you know:)
Mary says
I like the ooey gooey caramel look too.
Anne says
the piped filling looks really lovely and the ooozing caramel makes it more tempting 🙂 Beautiful!
joey says
It looks perfect! And that oozing caramel makes me want to reach into the screen and swipe some!
veron says
hey , how did you get your caramel oozing? That looks like a neat trick! It actually makes the tart more tempting. I just love those chocolate mousse swirls.
sunita says
Looks gorgeous…the piping makes it look really nice.
Ivonne says
Oh! Look at the oozy outy caramely! Are you kidding me? I wish my caramel would have done that! It’s divine, Peabody.
And yes, let’s hear it for fall!
kellypea says
Peabody, I knew I’d find that you were able to pipe the chocolate creme. Sheesh! Mine just wouldn’t stand. And I’m thinking that oozing caramel is just the ticket. It looks completely sinful. I’m there. Even after licking my own plate!
Patricia Scarpin says
That oozing caramel is decadent, Pea!
I’m glad you liked baking with milk chocolate.
Marce says
Luscious as usual, Peabody! And I´m with everyone, that caramel oozing out of the tart is amazing, it´s like a self-saucing tart!
leslie says
Okay, even the slight glimpse of the pumpkin cake set me right back to drooling again….
You did a great job with this tart! I like the oozy caramel – I have a suspicion I may have overbaked mine a bit. Wasn’t the caramel divine?
brilynn says
Nice job with the mousse piping!
monica glass says
i love how you piped the mousse on the tarts! egg-cellent job!
Anita says
Beautiful little tarts Peabody! you decorated them so prettily!
Claire says
THis looks great! I love your pretty topping style.
Deborah says
I love the piping – gorgeous! And the oozing caramel makes your tart look very appetizing!
Sylvia says
Another lovely cake.And whit a amazing decorated.
Belinda says
Very, very pretty…the Daring Bakers have succeeded yet again in creating beautiful, picture perfect works of edible art. 🙂
Laura says
You are an autumn girl after my own heart and the tart turned out as beautifully as I would have expected, ooze on…!
Lisa says
I love your pretty swirlies, Gracie! and I couldn’t agree more.. not a damn thing wrong with gooey oozey caramel. 😀
Aoife says
Ooh, great oozy caramel pictures! And don’t you love the word ooze?
Tartelette says
I feel we’re twins separated at birth sometimes: I piped it too, makes it easier for minis. Love the oozing caramel…very tempting!
Bea at La Tartine Gourmande says
What a fabulous looking tart! Lovely design on top!
Elle says
Now I know why I liked this one…I love Milky Way bars. Have you become a milk chocolate convert with this recipe? The piped mousse looks beautiful. Ooozy caramel is NOT a problem. Autumn better get here soon…it’s 95 today!
Ari (Baking and Books) says
Mouth watering photos as always, you sure know how to torture a gal when she’s at the office. I love the combo of milk chocolate and caramel – there is no way to go wrong with those two!
Sara says
Piping the mousse – brilliant. I love the oozy caramel pictures.
Renea says
I see nothing wrong with oozing caramel. Looks fabulous!
Andrea says
Very pretty, and I’m all for oozing caramel!
Jann says
This is outrageously gorgeous……..great photos~
Lydia says
Always fun to see what the Daring Bakers are up to!
Alice Q. Foodie says
Really nice Peabody – I love how you piped your cream!
Chelsea says
Your tart is so beautiful! Love the piped mousse – what an elegant touch!
Kate says
I really wish I had half of your baking talent! Even though chocolate’s not my favorite, how can you turn down chocolate AND caramel?
Tag you’re it! Check out my blog for more info
SimplePleasures says
love the oozing caramel and the piped milk chocolate layer look so elegant! so sophisticated!
Amy says
Mmm love that luscious ooze. Milky ways are one of my favorite candy bars and this tart is a great comparison.
KJ says
I love the piped effect with the mousse. Your tart looks luscious.
Morven says
YUM! If I hadn’t known I would have thought the oozing caramel was done on purpose. It looks very styley.
Amanda @ Little Foodies says
I need to learn how to pipe – mousse, icing, everything! Looks wonderful. I’m so glad to see your caramel oozing – mine did that a little too. I took crap pictures of the oozing caramel and canned them, wish I hadn’t now.
Katie says
They look so pretty with all those little swirls on top. I too piped my mousse. As you say, who doesn’t like gooey caramel? Even more of an excuse to lick the plate 🙂
Jenn - The Leftover Queen says
Beautiful! I love the piped mousse! Nice job!
Jenny says
You recipe follower you. I baked my caramel layer until it didn’t jiggle at all, but now I’m sad that I did because I think the oozing is quite appealing!
Inne says
The oozing caramel makes it look incredibly decadent!
Dolores says
ohmygawd that’s gorgeous! I haven’t even read the story behind it yet… the photographs (and yes, the oozing caramel) have completely captured my attention.
valentina says
Oh Peabody, your little concotions look stunning. And the pictures!!1 wow! you are so inpirational.
Nora says
Gorgeous photos – I liked the 2nd one the most.
connie says
i love how you decorated it Peabody! so wonderful and elegant. Your photos are always wonderful
Meadow2u says
Justawonderin …. ummmm I might be blind but I really wanna make this beautiful tart (hopefully it will look like yours, you ARE an inspiration) … you meantioned the recipe for the “chocolate shortbread pastry (see recipe below)” I didn’t see the recipe for the crust on the post… I will go to Daring Bakers and see if I can find it but from one Foodie to another I love-love-love your site!
Steph says
there’s certainly no problem with oozy caramel…it’s a self-saucing dessert! looks good!
Jenny says
Ooh such pretty ooze! And mousse!
As usual, your tart looks wonderful!
Kirsten says
Delicious oozing caramel!! This looks like it would be so sweet it would make your teeth hurt, but you would keep eating anyway because it is so delicious!
Tanna says
How ever do you manage to always surprise and thrill! Oozing caramel can’t be beat. This is awesome beautiful.
I feel kind of odd saying this, me the savory girl, but I like this and didn’t think it was over the top sweet. says
I my goodness!!! I am so trying this recipe!!!
Lynn says
Beautiful job on the tart! I love the piped chocolate on top. And, in my book, there’s nothing wrong with oozing caramel. It has a high yum factor.
Amy says
Wow. That’s all I have to say. Wow. This looks so tempting. The chocolate mousse swirled on top of dripping caramel makes me want to bake it right now! Great pictures and great job!
Jerry says
You blow me away everytime!
chris says
Your oozing caramel is oozing happiness here in Atlanta! 🙂 Looks amazing!
heather says
beautiful as usual. I, like you, am excited for fall. In my world it means football season and the start of college hockey. We will have to talk hockey this year. 🙂 YEAH Fall!!
Wendy says
Your tart looks divine. Such big swirls of chocolate mousse – nice. The oozing caramel is a bonus. Wendy
Dolores says
And you… if Ivonne makes this tart look elegant, you, my dear, add a healthy shot of sex appeal with that oozing caramel… Yum!
breadchick says
Oozing caramel AND pretty swirly-Qs all on one tart! Fantastic as usual Peabody!!
Meadow2U says
I just wanted you to know that I made this recipe & whoo hooo!! it is CHOC-CO-LATEEEEEY! So good, I really was worried it would take me too long to make but in reality it was fantastic recipe to make in stages. First I made the dough one night, then I baked it off the next night & made the caramel then…chilled overnight. The next day I made the mousse & chilled for a couple of hours more…wha-la! Thumbs up from the whole family :o) Thanks for inspiring!