This Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Bread has a peanut butter oatmeal base stuffed with chocolate chips made into a loaf or muffins.

This week I offer up another inspired by Dorie recipe.
I was suppose to make Chunky Peanut Butter and Oatmeal Chocolate Chipsters(chosen by Stefany of Proceed with Caution).
Which sound like something my hubby would eat but if he can see the oatmeal he wont eat it.
But I can hide it in bread quite well.
So that is what I did.
I hid it in bread.
And I created what I think is the quick bread version of these cookies.
I made both loaves and muffins to mix it up a bit.
A complex bread full of many things, unlike the road American politics has taken.
Very, very complex.
Before you have me all figured out politically, which might not be that hard if you read this blog, you might be shocked to learn that the last time my political party had a candidate run for president it was the 1800’s.
Let us remember I am half-American…and therefore vote.
I vote for everything.
From a simple school levy to of course, president of the United States.
I am a well informed voter, as is my husband.
We are the people that actually read each initiative and the bios of every single person running for whatever office they are running for.
Washington state has quite the collection of people running of governor this year…with a whole lot of side of crazy.
But I guess that is what makes this system great?
That any crazy person with enough signatures can get on the ballot.
And any of those with enough watered down ideas and a shit load of money can win that race. ๐
I kid.
Sort of.
So being that I like to vote you would think I am all about people voting.
I am not.
I am all for educated people voting.

And by educated I mean educated about the issues and people they are voting on.
I cringe when I ask who people voted for and they tell me โwhoever the Democrat running wasโ.
You don’t even know?
That is sad.
I choose not to get political on this here blog.
For I am one that respects whatever choice one wants to be as long as they can tell my why that is their party(and tell me in a calm manner).
I will say it shall be an interesting race between now and November.
I can’t wait for November to hurry up and be here just so I don’t have to watch the stupid commercials bashing each other.
The Democrats will have to see if they can unite after the rift they created during the Primaries.
And the Republicans, well, they might have dug themselves a little hole.
But I must credit Palin’s daughter…she at least got knocked up by a hockey player.
She could do worse. ๐
So do yourselves a favor voting America, become educated on the people and the issues that will impact your life…and mine.
And last but not least itโs a great day to buyย my cookbook.

Want More Muffin Recipes?
Cider Glazed Apple Fritter Muffins
Cranberry White Chocolate Chip Crumb Topped Muffins
Chocolate Candied Orange Peel Sour Cream Muffins

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Bread (or Muffins)
- 4 ounces unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 1 cup peanut butter
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- รยผ cup brown sugar
- 3 eggs
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 cup sour cream
- 2 รยพ cup all-purpose flour
- รยพ cup oatmeal
- 2 tsp baking powder
- รยฝ tsp baking soda
- รยฝ tsp salt
- 1 cup large milk chocolate chips
- Preheat oven to 375F.
- In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream together butter and sugars until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes.
- Add eggs one at a time and scrape down bowl after each addition.
- Add peanut butter and vanilla extract and beat until blended.
- Add sour cream and mix just until incorporated.
- Add the dry ingredients and mix on low speed until the batter is smooth.
- Fold in the chocolate chips.
- Scoop batter into prepared muffin pan and bake for 20-22 minutes. If making mini loaves, bake for 30-35 minutes or until a wooden skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean.
- Remove from oven and cool in pan for 5 minutes.
- Remove muffins/loaves from pan to finish cooling on a rack.
Rosa says
What marvelous muffins and bread! All those ingredients go well together! Yummy!
HoneyB says
lovin the muffins!
Maya says
I don’t have stomach for dirty politics either..
You always come up with interesting twists on Tuesdays ๐
Marthe says
I love your bread version of the Chipsters! Must try and make this one day!
My blog about the cookies will be up later tonight as I’m at work at the moment (taking a short coffee break to look at all my fellow TWD-bloggers) and have a birthday later tonight.
Dana McCauley says
Nice looking loaf! Too bad your hubby has an aversion to oatmeal – he doesn’t know what he’s missing. I wonder if there is a support group for wives who have husbands with this affliction?
Debbie Green says
Your bread version of Chipsters looks delicious for breakfast. Wish I had some right now!!!!
Judith says
I think my problem is that I AM an issues voter, but there is rarely a candidate that actually falls much into line with me on the issues. I’m a socialist, a pacifist, a lesbian… to be quite honest, I’ll vote Obama in November because he’s not McCain, which is basically like just voting for the Democrat. But in a way I suppose that’s voting on the issues as well – I just don’t like the guy who’s strongly *opposed* to my issues!
VeggieGirl says
Hehe, I love your sneaky strategy to get your husband to eat oats, with the loaf – awesome!! ๐
“I am all for educated people voting.” AMEN!! This will be my first time voting, so of COURSE I’ve researched the candidates well; and I’m very interested in following politics, so I would have done all that even if it WASN’T my first time voting ๐
Susan at Sticky,Gooey,Creamy,Chewy says
I agree that it will be an interesting (and scary) few months.
Love the quick bread idea! I think I’d enjoy these more than the cookies, which I couldn’t make anyway because my oven is still dead. ๐
clumbsycookie says
So cool to transform the cookies into muffins! And they look great too!
veron says
Great muffin and what a ingenious way to hide the oatmeal!
MyKitchenInHalfCups says
Oh Pea I love the mini loaf!
In my book oat meal is just good but I also know it can hide beautifully and you got it just right here.
chocolatechic says
Looks wonderful.
ashley says
can’t wait to try to this recipe!
Teanna says
Love the post- great read and you bring up some great insight. And love the loaf! Great job!
LyB says
Thank you so much for the muffin idea! My daughter has the toughest time eating breakfast before school but I’m sure she would eat these. They look delicious! ๐
rainbowbrown says
That is quite a beautiful little loaf. Very cool recipe conversion here.
Cathy - wheresmydamnanswer says
This Loaf looks amazing and will be a big winner in my house!!
cindy says
these muffins look amazing.
and on the political side i agree. educated votes people!
Maria says
Love your twist on the cookies!! And I am all about voting!! Can’t wait until November gets here!!
Holly @ PheMOMenon says
Here here on your view about educating yourself before voting! As for those muffins, I will be making them soon – I think I love the muffin idea even better!
Patricia Scarpin says
When it comes to elections, Brazil sucks, big time – we are obliged to vote here. So you can imagine what kind of crazy and creepy things happen when everyone has to vote – not only the ones interested in making the country a better place.
Oh, I think that subject makes me a little bitter. That could be perfectly cured with these beauties. ๐
Bridgett says
What a great take on this cookie. To be honest, I think this would be much better! Great post as well. I always get a kick hearing the reasons behind people’s votes. They usually have nothing to do with the candidate’s abilities!
Allie says
How many muffins or mini-loaves does the recipe make? Thanks!
macduff says
Gorgeous bread/muffins, great idea.
And yeah, I’m with you on voting. I’m ready for November to be here already.
Kayla says
This looks so great. What a creative takeoff from the cookie recipe.
Mrs. L says
Ah, so it was a hockey player that got her preggers? Info I didn’t know ๐
Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) says
Thanks for your rant about uneducated voters. We do take voting for granted in the US, so we don’t always do our homework to cast a good vote. My Canadian husband, who cannot vote here, is acutely aware of the elections, and informed about the positions of the candidates on various issues.
HeartofGlass21 says
Respectfully, Peabody, I’ll have to disagree with what you write–not that I want people to be ignorant about issues, but when passing judgment about who is capable of voting, there is an ugly legacy of voting ‘tests’ in the South and it’s far too easy to use ignorance and the mantra of ‘they don’t understand’ as a code word for disenfranchisement. I think the process of voting itself can force an individual to be more educated than he or she would otherwise, even if people aren’t as educated as one might like, by and large–but it seems as if many people are more energized this election campaign and are more aware–I know I am super-pumped about Obama!
Although I did hear the Canadian food company McCain (no relation) is hoping for a Republican win :p
Love the cookies–pretty much anything with peanut butter looks good to me, although I swear if they smeared peanut butter on the republican touch pad in the booth, I wouldn’t bite!
Emily says
Yep, I believe the Republicans might have dug themselves a little hole. . . but who falls in that hole remains to be seen. They might be planning to bury a democrat in it. Where I live, folks dig holes to cook their prey in. . . pork shoulders and the like.
The food looks good, but this post ended up making me a little queasy, haha!
bronte weiss says
I looove the bread idea!
the cookies were really good, but I think ill try it in a quick bread version.
great job! <3
A&N says
I love your blog because you deal with more than just food. Which is the way life is.
And your muffins will surely make other problems vanish ๐
Erin says
I love how you made a muffin and bread version. It looks delicious!
Kate says
The hubs and I are a big fan of discussing people and proposed measures before heading to the polls.
elly says
Those are some gorgeous and moist looking muffins! I’m definitely with you on the educated, well-researched people voting. And also on the getting knocked up by a hockey player. ๐
Tiffany says
I agree about wanting the educated people to vote ๐ What a delicious looking loaf! Peanut Butter, Oats and Chocolate Chips? What could be better?!
Carol Peterman says
What a successful transformation from cookies to muffins!
Manggy says
HAHAHA! Palin’s daughter could do worse indeed. You are too funny, Pea. I have an uncle who claims to be a democrat but will vote for McCain, and his reason was just so uninformed it made me cringe and I’m not going to repeat it here.
Ah, maybe your hubby will start reading the blog to find out if he likes what you put in the desserts ๐ But if he’s not converted to oats after these delicious muffins/breads, I don’t know what will!
Carrie Fields says
I agree whole heartedly. I am glad though that people are far more excited about the elections this year than in years past. I just hope that they inform themselves enough to make an educated decision. Beautiful quick bread, I will have to try it. I am lucky that my family is ok with oatmeal as long as it isn’t gloopy or soupy.
By the way, I LOVE the hockey pic, forgot to tell you.
Jayne says
Clever idea to make a quick bread – looks very good.
And I’m with you – people really need to educate themselves before they vote.
jancd says
I agree that good recipes are a good topic. Voting is a personal choice. Everyone needs to read, listen and investigate both sides, then vote. This is a scarey time.
Elle says
Great bread creation. Nice to know there are at least two more folks in the US of A who actually read all the stuff in the voter pamphlet. If you take the time to do that, all the wacky and muddy TV campaigns don’t matter because there are plenty of facts to help you make up your mind. This is especially true of all the Propositions that Califormians love to add to the ballot. Lucky us!
Hope you feel tip top Peabody!
deb says
i too love to vote, and i am also dual (canadian & american as well!) and vote in both countries. so, don’t forget to vote on october 14th for the prime minister, too!
yummy twd this week!!!
Sugar Betty says
I love the creativity! Great job. Fantastic photos!
snookydoodle says
I have given you an award could you please visit my blog to collect it ๐
Shari says
I always love your twist on the theme…cookies to muffins is brilliant! Bravo!
Gigi says
Great twist on a classic cookie Peabody! ๐
Baking Soda says
Amen! When I read the articles in our (Dutch) paper on how -some?- people vote in the US it makes me cringe. Facts people, and no there are no left or right facts, that’s the funny thing about facts.
Harumph… Great looking loaf you got there!
zarina says
Hi, this looks like a cross between a muffin and bread. something different and unique. would love to try it. I’m always game for new recipes.
steph (whisk/spoon) says
how funny that you had to sneak the oatmeal into this! looks good! and thank goodness for CNN, so i can keep up the presidential race from australia…everyday brings something interesting, that’s for sure
Joelen says
Yum… fabulously done, as usual!
Jaime says
hmmm… wonder if i would like the bread/muffins better than the cookies? it was a few too many flavors all together for me, but for some reason i still couldn’t stop eating them!
Hamancheez says
Thanks for this recipe. I made these as mini muffins yesterday and they are a big hit!
Nancy says
I made these the other day (posted about it on my blog and linked to you for the recipe and much more lovely photos than my own) and they are SOOOO GOOD! Yum. Thanks for sharing.
Erin says
These look heavenly! I may just bake them tonight. Thanks for the recipe!