These Apple Tarts with Quince Sorbet and Creme Fraiche Ice Cream have an oatmeal crust with a simple apple filling.

Todays creation comes from the resources of one food blogger and the inspiration of another.
Once again, Elle of Feeding My Enthusiasms was kind enough to send me quinces.
I just can’t seem to get them here and I love them so.
This year I got a bunch so I made two things, quince paste and quince sorbet.
I had seen a lovely apple tart with cranberry sorbet over at my buddy Jen’s blog and knew I had to follow suit.
So I made a Apple Tarts with Quince Sorbet and Creme Fraiche Ice Cream.
I already had leftover tart shells from when I made the Butterscotch Pudding Tarts, so that was a plus.
Jen’s apple filling was simple as well.
But what to go on top?
That is where the quince sorbet came into play, as well as a crème fraiche ice cream.
I wanted something with a little tang to go with my tart.
And I must say that the whole combo taste really nice together.
If you don’t want to make the tart you can make a Fall flavors float.
Scoops of quince sorbet and crème fraiche ice cream with fresh apple cider poured over it…yum!

I’ve been a busy little blogger as of late, though nothing to do with blogging.
So if you haven’t seen my stopping by and saying hi, sorry about that.
I am pretty busy up until the election as I am volunteering my time.
And they take all of that time up!
In good news, since Palin cursed a new team and mine has been winning.
Both of my teams are improving, so my mood is improving as well. 😉
My player seems to be recovering nicely too.
All the critters are doing well.
Little Fuzzy Bunny’s eye is the same (but that is good) and Crazy Cocker Spaniel has stopped having tummy issues.
Hope everyone has a safe and happy Halloween.
All treats and no tricks as well….I got a great treats this year.
Special thanks to Elle for the quinces and Hannah for my adorable candy corn magnet!!!
Last but not least…it’s a great time to order my cookbook.

Want More Tart Recipes?
Mini Bailey’s Irish Cream Mocha Tarts
Caramel Mascarpone Cheese Tart

Apple Tarts with Quince Sorbet and Creme Fraiche Ice Cream
- 4 4-inch prepared Oat Wheat Tart Crust (go here for recipe)
- apple filling (go here for recipe)
- quince sorbet (recipe follows)
- creme fraiche ice cream (recipe follows)
- For the Creme Fraiche Ice Cream:
- 2 cups creme fraiche
- ¾ cup half-and-half
- ¼ cup buttermilk
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 6 egg yolks
- For the Quince Sorbet:
- 2 lb ripe quinces
- 1 cup plus 2 TBSP sugar
- 8 cups water
- 2 TBSP Grand Mariner
- For the Creme Fraiche Ice Cream:
- Combine creme fraiche, half-and-half, buttermilk, vanilla extract and sugar, and warm the mixture over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar has dissolved, 3 to 5 minutes.
- In a medium bowl, whisk the egg yolks just until blended, then whisk in about one-quarter of the warm half-and-half mixture.
- Return the yolk mixture to the saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the custard coats the spoon, about 10 minutes.
- Strain the custard into a medium bowl to remove any lumps and let cool to room temperature, then refrigerate until fully chilled.
- When cold, pour the mixture into an ice-cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Transfer the ice cream to an airtight container and freeze until set, at least 2 hours.
- For the Quince Sorbet:
- Peel and quarter quince, then core.
- Simmer quince, sugar, and water in a 6-quart pot, uncovered, until very tender, about 1 hour.
- Blend mixture in batches in a blender (use caution when blending hot liquids), then force through a large fine-mesh sieve into a bowl.
- Cool to room temperature, about 2 hours.
- Whisk in Grand Mariner.
- Freeze mixture in 2 batches in ice cream maker.
- Transfer to an airtight container and put in freezer to harden.
Rosa says
Scrumptious! Those refined tartlets must taste heanvenly!
Manggy says
It has been just as hot as it’s always been here, so that float looks mighty good! Am loving the tart too 🙂 Looks like mostly good news from your end– I’m so happy for you!
katie102006 says
Oh goodness…that looks INSANELY GOOD! I’m seriously DROOLING over the idea of creme fraiche ice cream!!
Maggie says
I love the float idea! I wonder how it would be with sparkling hard cider?
VeggieGirl says
Hooray for help from blogger friends, and delicious treats 🙂
MyKitchenInHalfCups says
Love the glasses Pea! Can I call that a float? I know it would float my boat!
ashley says
this looks amazingly great! drool worthy!
Deborah says
I’ve never tried a quince before, but this sounds delicious! have a happy Halloween!
alexandra's kitchen says
Oh my. so much deliciousness going on here. I love quince, too, and went on a little bit of quince bender last fall myself. but quince sorbet? and creme fraiche ice cream? I cannot think of anything more delicious. except maybe them served together over an apple tart. yum!
nina says
It is amazing how you can take “fall” ingredients and create a summer post. Just lovely!!!!
Hannah says
As soon as I finally get my hands on some quince, I definitely want to make this sorbet!
upturned.barbie says
I know I am a cooking dunce… but what is a quince?
Kylee says
Ohhh those look heavenly. I also love quince paste – nothing like it when you pair it with cheese and some chunky fresh bread!
Ohhh yes!!!
Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) says
I’m lucky to have a neighbor with a quince tree, so I get a large supply every year. Until I moved here, I’d never cooked with quince at all. My next challenge is to make quince paste, which is so wonderful with manchego cheese.
CookiePie says
Beautiful tarts!! And botht he ice cream and sorbet sound divine. YUM!
CookiePie says
Hey there – one more thing – I gave you an award 🙂 Come by my blog and check it out.
grace says
i’m glad your critters are doing well! i’m also glad you post such decadent pictures, as i’m too lazy to make half of these things myself. 🙂
Kate says
I don’t think I’ve ever had a quince!
Kelly-Jane says
Quinces I snap them up when I can, this looks fabulous 🙂
Elle says
What a fantastic combo. Not sure if I would go for the tart or the float, they both look wonderful. I knew you would come up with wonderful ways to use the quince.
Glad the pets are doing well and very glad that you are being a busy political person. Only a few more days…
Jen Yu says
Gorgeous!! I was half expecting the quince products to be that lovely deep pink color. But this all looks amazing and delicious. Mmmm…. quince sorbet… 🙂
Mrs. L says
Yum, everything looks so good! And kudos to you for volunteering!
kamaile says
Love the photos of the Fall float.
snookydoodle says
nice as always
Amy says
Hi! I’m a little behind, but I love the new look of your blog. It’s fabulous! I also was reading your recipe and wondering what the heck a quince is. And then at the store today I saw them haha. Delicious looking recipe and delicious looking blog. Bravo!
Jaime says
mmm both look great though i would love that float! i need to try a quince…
Katie says
It is official I should not read your site this early in the morning. It makes me not want to eat my breakfast and just eat whatever you have posted.