This S’mores Bread Pudding is made with a Hot Chocolate Bread and is covered in chocolate sauce, marshmallows, and graham crackers.

I was the best kind of teachers pet in school.
For I did my work, got good grades, followed all the rules (never once getting detention or discipline of any kind), was helpful when asked but was not a suck up.
But I was not a teacher’s pet in Junior High PE.
Now I love sports, the only problem is we never did any sports I liked in Junior High.
The problem was that both the girls PE coaches were competitive runners, doing marathons often.
They were under the delusion that everyone else loved to run as well.
I guess that is why our Track and Field Unit lasted most of my 8th grade year.
We also ran the mile every Friday…in AZ heat, when I had 7th hour.
That’s right, the peak of the heat.
Plus they were insane to think that we could all run a mile quickly.
You could not get an A if you did not run in 6:30 or less.
Um, yeah, I was around the 8 minute and something mark.
This body was not built for running.
So needless to say I did a lot of extra credit work to keep my grade up in that class.
One day they said we were doing something special and NO running would be involved. I was beyond excited.
I was up for almost anything at that point.
That was until the said Square Dancing….with the boys PE class.
Square Dancing?
Touching another person’s hormonal sweaty hand while dancing? Ew.
I let them know my feelings and in return I got the horror of my life.
My group of four nerdy girls got stuck with the stoner boys.
I was mortified.
Half the time they didn’t show up to school let alone for gym class and now half of my grade was depending on this.
And I was also told NO extra credit since no running was involved.

I must have been pretty scary because I laid down the law to them that the darn well better get their butts to class every day or they would answer to me.
It worked.
They showed.
And they sucked.
We would barely touch fingers.
I got what one might call the leader of the stoner group, A, as my partner.
Hair down to the middle of his back and his perpetual red eyes.
Luckily he never smelled of pot but always stunk of cigarettes.
We learned the steps but were told that if we didn’t show some enthusiasm we would be marked down at the Jamboree.
The day came where we were to compete.
My stoner boys were not there.
Finally they strolled in.
Brains fried beyond belief.
Normally I would have been pissed, but this one time it worked in our favor.
As these guys went full out Square Dancing dork.
Slapping their legs and full on holding our hands and smiling the whole time.
Me and the other girls just went with it.
We won the blue ribbon that day and got an A+ for that unit.
My AZ friend sent me a newspaper clipping the other day.
Apparently my former stoned square dancing partner now runs a multi-million dollar company.
There was a picture of him, all clean cut with his wife and two kids.
It made me chuckle out loud and reminded me that you never really know where life is going to lead you.
What does this have to do with S’mores Bread Pudding?
Well when I baked the bread I wasn’t really sure what I was going to do with it.
So you could say I didn’t know where the loaf was going to lead me. 😉
I thought about French Toast with some caramelized bananas.
But while rummaging through my pantry I saw a bag of marshmallows.
Mmm, S’mores.
And then it hit me, I should try to make a S’mores bread pudding, so I did.
First you do have to make the bread which will make your house smell like hot chocolate got poured on it, so yummy.
Then you chop that up, throw on some graham crackers and chocolate chips.
Bake and top with marshmallows while still warm to get them to melt.
Top with some chocolate syrup and you are in serious business.
It’s a great day to order my cookbook.

Want More Bread Pudding Recipes?
Bailey’s Irish Nut Bread Pudding
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Bread Pudding
Sticky Toffee Pudding Bread Pudding

S'mores Bread Pudding
- 1 Guatemalan Hot Chocolate Bread (recipe follows)- cut up into square pieces
- For the Hot Chocolate Bread:
- 4 TBSP unsalted butter, chilled
- ½ cup whole milk
- 2 tsp dried yeast
- ¼ cup granulated sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp coffee extract
- 2 eggs
- ¼ cup dark cocoa powder, sifted
- 2 ¼ cups unbleached all-purpose flour
- 1 tsp salt
- For the Bread Pudding:
- 1 ½ cups heavy whipping cream
- ½ cup whole milk
- 2/3 cup granulated sugar
- 3 egg yolks
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- For the Topping:
- 10 graham crackers
- ¾ cup mini chocolate chips
- 2 cups marshmallows (give or take, the amount is really up to you)
For the Bread:
Cut butter into dime-sized pieces and set aside to reach room temperature.Warm milk slightly in a small saucepan an d pour into bowl of your stand mixer. Add yeast, 1 TBSP of the sugar, and vanilla extract. Mix with a whisk to dissolve yeast, then let bowl sit for 5 minutes while yeast blooms.Add remaining sugar, coffee extract, eggs, cocoa powder, flour, and salt. Using the hook attachment, mix on low speed for about 2 minutes to bring ingredients together. Switch to a medium speed and start dropping pieces of butter into the dough. Continue mixing for 12-14 minutes. Dough will look satiny and stingy. Let dough rest of 5 minutes.Pull dough from the bowl onto a floured work surface and form into a ball. Place ball in an oiled, medium bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Let proof in a warm room, 70 to 75F, for 2 hours. Dough will almost double in size.Remove cover and place dough back on floured work surface. Flatten dough with your hands to release excess air bubbles. Pull edges of dough onto the top, repeating this action until you have formed a tight ball. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper and place ball in the center. Cover with plastic wrap and let proof in a warm room for 1 hour. Loaf will almost double in size.While loaf is proofing, preheat oven to 350F.Remove plastic wrap and place baking sheet on center rack of oven and bake for 1 hours. The finished loaf will be deep brown and sound hollow when tapped on the bottom. Let cool on a wire rack for 30 minutes.
For the Bread Pudding:
Butter a 8-x-8-inch pan.Whisk together the heavy whipping cream, milk, sugar, egg yolks, egg and vanilla extract. Set aside, this is the custard mixture.Sprinkle bread pieces on the bottom of the pan so that the pan is covered. Break graham crackers in to pieces and sprinkle evenly half of them on top of the bread. Sprinkle evenly half of the chocolate chips as well. Add 1/3 of the custard mixture and press bread down so that the custard soaks in. You may need more custard depending on how dry your bread is. Then add bread pieces again, followed by remaining graham crackers and chocolate chips. Add another 1/3 of the custard mixture and again press the bread down to make sure all the bread pieces get soaked with custard. Keep adding the custard until all of the piece are soak through with custard. You will most likely have both bread pieces and custard left over, feel free to make a mini one.Place dish in a water bath and bake at 350F for 1 hour. After the first 20 minutes, place aluminum foil on top of the bread pudding to prevent the graham cracker pieces and top of the bread from browning too much.When the bread pudding comes out of the oven, immediately spread marshmallows on top to allow them to melt. You can use a kitchen torch or place under a broiler to get the toasted marshmallow look. Top with chocolate syrup and serve warm.
Jaime says
wow! that looks amazingly chocolately and good.
love your blog makeover too 🙂 sorry i have not been around lately, just catching up on blogs now after returning from vacation…
Rosa says
What a delightful Bread Pudding! Really scrumptious!
Manggy says
Oh yum! Hot chocolate bread to make a chocolate bread pudding– that is genius 🙂 Funnily enough (or predictably so), I was also the same way as a student. Ugh, bad memories ;)I love how the VOTE! imperative runs over the edge of your blog, haha!
Meeta says
YOu are my bread pudding queen! This is brilliant Pea Hot chocolate bread and then using it to make a bread pudding oh you are ingenious!
Is that BS true? Are people really feeding others with crap like getting arresting if you vote? We watched a pretty shocking report yesterday about America and how in tatters it really is. I hope everyone goes and votes! VOTE PEOPLE!
Zazzy says
My stoner square dancing partner was the absolute best square dancer in the school. There had to be a story behind that and I sure wish I knew it.
The bread pudding looks fabulous!
clumbsycookie says
Oh my this is the very best bread pudding ever!
Kristine says
Funny story, decadent pudding!
miss v says
holy smokes. both of these recipes look out-of-this-world good!
Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) says
I’m laughing too hard to type — great story, and it brings back memories of all of those uncomfortable encounters in our school days. Bread pudding would have made it all better, though!
Katrina says
Now THAT looks like a yummy bread pudding! I mean, REALLY!
Candace says
Oh Sweet Jesus. That looks outrageous!
And WTF is up with the square dancing in school? I remember I had to do that in middle school in North Carolina too. Mortifying, I tell you.
joey says
Hot Chocolate Bread? Smores bread pudding? Be still me heart! If I was your teacher and you were baking these stuff back then…oh boy would I have been a pushover!
Haley says
I thought you were going to say something like…”so I got baked…and made this amazing Hot Chocolate Bread”. 🙂 Ah yes, square dancing…
Erin says
I love all your versions of bread pudding. This one looks amazing- I’ve never seen anything like this before!
wunami says
Haha, you should have called this “baked” s’mores.
VeggieGirl says
Haha!! Love the connection you made between the bread pudding and your past schooling 😉
That bread pudding is total food porn, Peabody!! I want some – yum!
Mary says
Going to an all girls school meant no square dancing. I still flunked gym class though. My fastest mile was just under 10 minutes and I was seriously horrible at gymnastics.
Mary says
Ooops. I meant to add that the bread pudding looks super delicious.
And I voted.
anne says
Wow- that hot chocolate bread sounds amazing but the bread pudding looks even better!
I’ll agree that square dancing in PE was the worst (especially when you’re taller than all the guys!)
dawn says
I was laughing while reading your great story. I used to call that group the ‘stoners’ too. And the “eww” with the hormonal sweaty hands? Too funny.
I love bread pudding this way; this is NOT boring by any means.
Culinarywannabe says
Love s’mores, but hate how messy they get. Looks like this is the perfect solution!! 🙂
Elizabeth says
Oh my gosh! Smores bread pudding! fantastic.
ingrid says
OH.MY.GOSH! You are a genius!! I love S’mores and have yet to turn down bread pudding; together they must be outstanding.
Your photos look so good!
Trish says
Mmm, looks really good. I love your square dancing story. I went to Desert Foothills Jr. High in Phoenix, AZ class of 1990. I remember those days and boy am I glad that they are over! BTW, I really love your blog!
Roxy @ There's No Place Like Home says
Yumm, Smores are my favorite. I will definitely be making this recipe!!
Tracey C. says
That looks simply amazing! I was all excited about the Guatemala hot chocolate bread (finally! I can use up the last of my chocolate from Guatemala!), but it just has cocoa powder, darn. 🙂 Guess it’ll just have to go into proper hot chocolate after all.
My favorite sport in junior high was field hockey. No touching! Hitting things! It was great, but we only did it for a week.
Lynn says
Yes, please, I’ll take s’more of that! Your story cracked me up, reminding me of the dreaded dance day Fridays in jr. high gym class. Euww, sweaty hands!
CookiePie says
WOW – I think I had completely blocked out the memory of square dancing – but it all just came rushing back! Thank goodness you posted that GORGEOUS s’mores bread pudding to distract me 🙂 OMG does that look fabulous!!
cindy says
yum…smore-y goodness. this distracted me from election day anxiety for about 1 min…and that is saying a lot.
monica H says
If this doesn’t get people to vote, I don’t know what will!
Beth says
YUM!!!!! I’m a fellow TWD baker, and I was thinking that it would be nice if we all could chip in and get Laurie some small token/gift for all the work she does. Would you be willing to contribute? If I can get enough people, it would only be about $1 per person. No pressure 🙂 Let me know!
Cathy says
You gotta love it when the stoners surprise you one day with their do-si-doing prowess! I’m pretty sure the stoners I knew are not running multi-million dollar companies . . . but you never know! The bread pudding sounds fabulous! And YES, voting is the most important thing that we can do today!
patsyk says
what a great story!
I can almost smell the bread baking… mmmmmmmm!
Hayley says
Now that’s my kind of bread pudding, yum!
Rachel says
I love bread pudding and I love s’mores so this is perfect for me!! YUM!
Mollie says
That looks SO amazing Peabody! Ugh – you’re killing me!!
Hannah says
This is such a great idea! Of course, I do have something of an affinity for vegan marshmallows, but it sounds like a perfect dessert to me.
Kate says
This looks almost as good as your hot chocolate bread!
MyKitchenInHalfCups says
Hot chocolate bread! . . . and then it becomes bread pudding! S’mores Bread Pudding . . . WOW!! I’m in!
Katie says
I just had S’mores bread pudding at a restaurant this weekend but yours looks a lot better.
Sarah says
I about fell out of my chair when I saw that first picture–wow. Looks like a little piece of heaven.
I hated those school days where your grade was determined by other peoples’ efforts–no one ever worked as hard as I thought they should!
dessert girl says
Oh, my god. Seriously, oh, my god!! The bread alone sounds amazing!
steph (whisk/spoon) says
mmmm…how decadent! your stoner buddies would probably have liked to snack on that! we had to learn square dancing, too. seemed weird to me at the time (still does, actually)…i figured it was because we lived in virginia.
Hillary says
Your bread pudding is making me drool. S’mores flavor?! I think you’re a genius…
I also would like to point out that I love that your encouragement to VOTE! literally carries itself right off the page 🙂
elly says
Holy crap does this look good! Mmmm. I always love your stories, too 🙂
chefsquire says
This.looks.heavenly. I am bookmarking this!
Chez Us - Denise says
WOW, chocolate bread & smore bread pudding … a girl after my heart! I cannot wait to try both of these recipes, especially the chocolate bread!!! Thank you for sharing a great story as well – don’t we all have one of those dorky moments in school. 🙂
Cakespy says
I vote…for this bread pudding!! It looks kind of like a stoner boy’s dream…but one that can be enjoyed on its own just as much!!
Ashley says
Oh my hot chocolate bread?!? Who knew such a thing existed. Well I’m glad I do now. And then made into smores bread pudding?? Brilliant. I will be dreaming of this bread tonight..
Thip says
Chocolate bread and S’mores sound great together!
My Sweet & Saucy says
That is simply drool-worthy!!! Your dessert creations are FABULOUS!
Laura says
that looks so decadent and so good!
_ts of [eatingclub] vancouver says
I like the story. =)
maris says
WOW. This might be the single, most decadent photo I’ve seen in the blogosphere!
This looks delicious, and a meal in itself 🙂
Kim U says
Wow! The bread itself looks amazing, but the bread pudding looks positively decadent.
sue says
could you post instructions for making w/o a mixer? Hand kneading etc. When and how to add cold butter?
ingrid says
Hi, I made an adaptation of this tonight and was wondering….how “wet” is the bread pudding supposed to (or not)come out? The tooth pick came out clean but when I scooped out some it was still wet. Thanks!
Sarah @ Craft Quickies says
Hahaha! That story is beyond awesome! And beyond RANDOM as it applies to this recipe. Haha! I can’t wait to try making this. I am going to include it in a giant s’mores roundup on my blog tomorrow. Thanks for sharing!