These Snickerdoodle Cinnamon Sugar Blondies turn the beloved cookie into a cinnamon sugary soft and chewy blondie.

Sometimes I get little polls sent to me on email or via Facebook.
They ask questions, sometimes silly ones, about your life so that people can get to know you better.
I am always stumped by the question, “what actress would play you in a movie about your life?”
First off, if someone made a movie about my life it would either 1, go straight to DVD or 2, become a made for TV movie on either Lifetime or the Hallmark Channel.
So that really cuts down on my actress choice.
Because really, does Kate Winslet want to be in a made for TV movie, I think not.
And though if I were picking a body to play me I would choose Kate Winslet, the reality is (other than she looks nothing like me) is that as lovely as she is as a person, she is not quirky enough to play me.
Let’s face it, I really need someone who is a little off center.

In a face recognition program I match up with Hayden Panettiere (the cheerleader from Heroes).
She would so have to pack on some serious pounds ala Renee Zellweger for Bridget Jones’s Diary to play me.
She is far too famous now to pack on the pounds for a made for TV movie.
They don’t give out Oscars for that.
And now a days the only reason to show yourself naked (tastefully) or gain weight is to try and get and Oscar.
Oh well, I guess I still can’t answer that question.
What about you?
Who would play you in a movie of your life?
Speaking of things that should be in a movie.
This super yummy Snickerdoodle Cinnamon Sugar Blondie.
I had a reader write me and tell me that though she was a fan of the refund muffin she would like for me to make a new Snickerdoodle baked good.
So off I went.
These are something I so wish I didn’t make.
I know that the pan, the whole pan, will be going in my stomach.
No amount of gym time will be making up for me eating the whole pan, but darn it, these are good.
Especially warm, with slightly melty ice cream.
P.S. It’s a great day to buy my cookbook Holy Sweet!

Want More Bar Recipes?
Birthday Cake Batter Cereal Blondies
Chocolate Chunk Churro Cookie Bars
Dried Cherry-Chocolate-Cashew Blondies

Snickerdoodle Cinnamon Sugar Blondies
- 8 ounces (two sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 1 cup loosely packed light brown sugar
- 3 ounces Mascarpone cheese
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- ½ tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp baking soda
- pinch of salt
- ¾ tsp cream of tartar
- ¼ tsp freshly grated nutmeg
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- Cinnamon Sugar for coating (about 1/3 cup)
- Preheat oven to 350F.
- Butter a 9 by 13-inch pan.
- Sprinkle cinnamon sugar and move pan around to make sure that the bottom and sides are coated. Set aside.
- In a medium bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, nutmeg, and cream of tartar.
- Using an stand mixer, cream together the butter and sugars.
- Beat for three minutes.
- Scrape down the bowl.
- Add the Mascarpone cheese and beat until fully incorporated.
- Add eggs, one at a time, scraping down the bowl after each addition.
- Add the vanilla and beat for another 30 seconds.
- On low speed add the sifted flour mixture.
- Mix until fully incorporated.
- Spread mixture evenly into prepared pan.
- This will be hard as it is a thick batter. I found it easiest to just wet my hands a little and press the batter into the pan. Then even it out afterwards with a spatula.
- Sprinkle more cinnamon sugar on top of the batter.
- Bake for 20-25 minutes.Remove from oven and let cool on a wire rack for 5 minutes.
- Cut into squares and serve.
- I like mine warm with ice cream.
karen says
i made your refund muffins a while ago and they were really good. can’t wait to try these. i don’t know who i would want to play me in a movie either. maybe cameron diaz but that choice is all wrong. 🙂
Erin says
These look absolutely divine!
Claire says
Oooo…when I saw that first picture I knew this had to be a snickerdoodle blondie! Soooo yummy looking. I think I’d go with Anne Hathaway in a movie about me…though more in her Princess Diary look than Bride Wars.
elly says
Yep, this is brilliant. Another thing makes it to my “to bake” list, which is like 700 strong (500 from your site probably).
Wandering Coyote says
Oh my God – these look sinful! I’ll be bookmarking this recipe for sure.
Nicole says
Oh my, snickerdoodles are my favorite! I can’t wait to try these,
ingrid says
WOW! How cool you have snickerdoodle blondie recipe & Julia from a dozen flours has one on hers. I’ve made hers MANY times in the past 6 months or so. Everyone loves ’em. I’m slightly famous amongst my children’s friends & their teachers for them. I can’t wait to give your version a try! Thanks for sharing the recipe! I’m printing it out!
Laurel says
This looks amazing. I have to make it.
Also, I went to Bakespace for the first time and there you are with your peanut butter cup cake, right on the front page! You rule.
Ashley says
Yummmmmmm awesome creation. I’ll be trying these! I wonder if you can taste the mascarpone cheese at all? I’m sure it adds something yummy.
nina says
Oh Dear, I cannot even think of anybody who would want to play my “crazy” life, people get tired and exhausted just watching me overload my days…. I love the Blondies….yum!
LilSis says
Now, these look dangerous. I’d be afraid that I would eat the whole pan if I made these!
Dana says
Snickerdoodles are famous in my family. My brother, who is not a dessert eater, can polish off a whole batch with no problem. Since I don’t love making individually shaped cookies, this is a great solution, thanks!
snooky doodle says
I have just made some blondies which were the first time for me but they were more cakey these look so good I have to try these. I think you would be more famous than kate Winslet if they made a movie about you especially if they film you when cleaning the bathroom 😉 Thanks for sharing this yummy desset
Monica H says
I’m a fan of the snickerdoodle and this looks so gooey and yum!
Bellini Valli says
So decadent Snickerdoodles and icecream …although my daughter could be played by Scarlet Johanssen I have to be played by Phoebe from Friends…Lisa Kudrow..I am told we look alike:D
Melinda says
Snickerdoodle blondies? They look ab fab!
I think Dawn French should play the starring role in the award winning comedy of my life!
Meeta says
ummm! i am sitting at home with flu and a runny nose – I am wishing that plate was in my reach because I know this will make me feel better!
CookiePie says
How yummy!!! Two fabulous desserts in one!
Debbie says
Oh those blondies look good. Have no idea who would play me in a movie…..I like Angelina Jolie but we don’t look alike at all!!!!
VeggieGirl says
Mary says
Wow these look delicious! I wonder if I could make a pan tomorrow and then promptly leave town without them? It may be a plan!
I think Kristi Alley could play me. She’s not getting many good movie rolls anyway, and if she’s in one of her fatter stages all the better!
Amy says
Holy crap!!!! This is just the type of thing I’ve been craving! I’ve got to make some of these… diet be damned!
Looks incredible!
Kristen says
Oh, my goodness! The picture with the ice cream = instant craving. I have to try to make these gluten free!
Kara says
Oh man, you are such a diet buster! These look amazing, especially with the ice cream!
Joelen says
This is awesome – the joy of snickerdoodles in bar form a la mode!
Cathy-wheresmydamnanswer says
What a great transformation of an old favorite!! I love cookies that can be made into bars!!
Elyse says
Wow! You’ve just taken two of my favorite desserts and – bam – combined them into one AMAZING looking dessert. I need these right now. Oh man, the snickerdoodle blondies look absolutely amazing. I need to stop myself from drooling over the pictures now.
pinkstripes says
Snickerdoodle blondies sound amazing! And with the ice cream, wow!
Mytastytravels says
how freakin amazing is that? I love snickerdoodles and those blondies look amazing. I can’t wait to try these and will be adding lots of nutmeg and cinnamon. I wonder if you can sub some of the mascarpone and egg for eggnog??
Courtney says
This looks so good! I have a question though–what’s the Mascarpone cheese do? Like in regular snickerdoodles, you don’t need that ingredient. I’m just curious. I want to make this–your pictures are making me hungry.
maris says
These really sound great! I am more of a chocolate chip girl but I have a friend who adores snickerdoodles and if he sees this, I will surely be making them.
howtoeatacupcake says
You wish you’d never made it… I wish I’d never seen it…. Oh I’m so making this soon! ;P
Hannah says
Oh god, I’ve been tagged so many times on Facebook for that 25 things about me meme, or whatever it is… I don’t even want to think about it! I’d much rather make blondies like these- They sound fantastic!
Kate says
I’m drinking my snickerdoodle hot chocolate right now and thinking about how well it would go with those blondies.
Joy the Baker says
With ice cream on top!? These blondies look so so good! Who would play me in a movie!? That’s one heck of a hard question? Why do people do that to themselves? Is it some sort of wish fulfillment thing? I dunno. Too hard a question for my brains right now.
HoneyB says
These look awesome…esp with that ice cream!
The Food Hunter says
These look really good. I wish I had a piece right now.
Peabody says
The Mascarpone cheese is used for texture. So that these are chewy like Blondies are. If you make them like the cookies then all you will have is bar cookies.
cindy says
yum…snickerdoodle anything is a good thing in my book. i am with you on eating the whole pan.
courtney says
Well on a looks basis I get told I look like Natalie Portman alot, both short, petite, same hair/eye color.
However I guess it would be Tina Fey in that I am somewhat of a “Liz Lemon” I am a dork, always have sarcastic coments, love food, and am a class clown type. However I am married.
Lynn says
Can’t think why anyone would want to make a movie of my life, so I guess I’m stuck playing myself. Snickerdoodle blondies are a fabulous idea! You are a dessert genius.
Dana says
WOW these look absolutely amazing, thanks for another yummy-looking recipe. I’ve made several of your goodies and they’ve all worked out great. I can’t wait to try these!!
Just wanted to say thanks for creating such a fun, lively and yummy blog!
Elle says
It’s clear that these are the equal of, if not better than, the refund muffins. You devil, you!
Lisa says
Holy cow, Gracie.. blondies are my favorite.. give me a brownie and a blondie and I’ll choose the blondie every time. Give me a chocolate chip cookie and a snickerdoodle and I’ll choose the snickerdoodle every time.
Have I told you lately how much I heart you? 😀
Cakelaw says
LOL – I think if it is a movie about your life, you can choose whoever you want to be you. I reckon in the looks department, I’d get Megan Followes to play me.
These blondies are definitely Oscar-worthy – they’d be going straight down my throat as well.
deeba says
Take a look at those…mmmmmmm. Forget which star; you play youself!! These are outrageous!
Shawnda says
You’ve made a lot of things over the last couple of years that I would label “pure genius” but this seriously goes to a whole new level!
I would let Ali Larter play me… but she’d have to gain 30 lbs and work on her Texas accent – it wasn’t believable in Friday Night Lights and that just won’t cut it!
grace says
i pick natalie portman. and a tray of these, with cinnamon ice cream. awesome bars. 🙂
Chuck says
I think if they made a movie of my life, it would be canceled half way through do to lack of a plot lol. I’m such a boring person.
I love Snickerdoodles. Even better is when they are topped with Ice-cream.
Abby says
Oh, man that looks SO GOOD.
I’d love Catherine Zeta Jones to play me. IN MY DREAMS. But still, a girl CAN dream, right?
Kristen says
Ooh! I’ve made Snickerdoodle Bars before, but never with mascarpone! *bookmarks* 😀
Alisa from Go Dairy Free says
Your posts are always so fun to read 🙂
My only saving grace in this would be that a lot of great actresses are the same wee size as I am … but looks wise, not so much. Though, I bet those actresses are pretty darn quirky.
Those blondies look awesome … thankfully for my waistline, they look far too difficult to make dairy-free, so I have an out!
dawn says
everytime I turn around there is a new way to use snickerdoodles…a blondie is something I never would have thought of
Kitarra says
OMG! Those looks porntastalicious! I think that I could make them only if I was immediately going to take them somewhere otherwise I would eat all of them too. *drools and saves off recipe for later, nefarious purposes*
Jen Yu says
Snickerdoodles used to be my favorite cookies to make until I moved to the mountains where elevation has plagued my cookie-baking. Blondies don’t seem to pose nearly as much trouble and I love how you combined the two! I’ll have to try it out.
MyKitchenInHalfCups says
See, I knew I should skip this one! Those look super good . . . now if only you’d thought to call me, I could have helped you with half the pan and saved you half the calories. Now I’ll be stuck with the whole pan too.
thereddeer says
Looks great – I’ll have to try this one out. What program did you use to match your face with Hayden?
Patricia Scarpin says
That is a tricky question, Pea – I would love it to be Kate Winslet, too (love her), but no way… It would have to be someone loaded with freckles. Any hints? 😀
I think that Renée looked prettier with the pounds she added for Bridget Jones.
I love anything snickerdoodles – will be trying this one here!
Kevin says
Those look good! I like the sound of serving them with ice cream.
Victoria says
I made these this weekend and they were absolutely amazing. perfect texture and flavor!
Katie says
I love this. It’s my favorite cookie and in a bar form this looks even better.
Mrs. L says
You know I’m going to have to put the whole pan of these I make into my stomach too! Such an enabler…
Melissa says
I brought a pan of these into work with me and they were gone in an hour. luckily I made sure my bosses got first pick, otherwise I never hear the end of it if they wait too long and miss out.
Erin says
Jeff made these for us last tonight to celebrate our V-day at home. It was really good.
Claire says
I made these yesterday and they are SOOOO good! I could totally eat the whole pan by myself but I won’t do that…I’d be a bad example to my patients if I did. 🙂
Sherlie says
Oh my gawd!!! I made these last Friady and they are fabulous. I wish it was all edges and that part is the best. Of course no one is forcing me to eat the middle and it is mostly gone too. Even hubs liked them and he is such a Brownie fanatic that I wasnt sure he would. Thanks so much for sharing your recipe. This is a keeper.
Sarena says
I just made a dairy free version of these and my family absolutely loved them!
Robin says
Oh my goodness – these are fantastic! I am a huge blondie fan and these will be entering my rotation. Make sure that you put plenty of cinnamon brown sugar on both the pan and the top – it’s puts these blondies over the top!
Peter says
My kids loved these, but next time I think I will not add the nutmeg.
Karly says
Ooh, these look dangerous!
choccycake says
I made these recently and they didn’t last very long in our house, will definately be making them again!
Michelle says
I made these and they are delish!! Thanks! The whole fam loves them; they’re dangerous.
Gabby McGraw says
My family LOVES Snickerdoodles. I can’t wait to make these
Carrie says
These were incredible! The smell of them baking had my family salivating in expectation and we devoured them straight out of the oven with vanilla bean ice cream. Amazingly, all 8 of us loved them, which is uncommon. I did substitute cream cheese for the mascarpone, but I can’t imagine it made a big difference. Next time, I will use a higher ratio of cinnamon to sugar and possibly add some toffee chips. Thank you for this recipe. It’s a keeper!