These Mini Mocha Chocolate Chip Cookies have a coffee and chocolate base all rolled into sugar for a nice crunch.

So I was updating my recipe index the other day.
And when I do that I tend to re-read what I wrote and look at the recipes I made.
I find it quite interesting for someone who lives in the land of latte and likes the flavor of coffee, I sure don’t make hardly anything coffee or mocha flavored.
Maybe because if I am making something chocolate that I could add coffee to it, I don’t because of the picky hubby, who of course does not like coffee.
But this week I said screw it.
I’m sick, I will make what I want (then was still nice and made a half batch for him without coffee…I am weak).
I stuck with just cookies.

I am semi-out of it now that I have pain meds and I didn’t want to make anything too complicated in case I screwed up.
My husband has eaten quite a few now and is still alive and liked them so I think I am in the clear.
For those wondering, my swelling has gone down considerably.
I no longer look like a hamster after he just shoved food in his cheek for later.
It’s still swollen and it hurts to touch the cheek. I of course will be needing a root canal (throw confetti now).
They have to wait for the antibiotics to run their course and then Monday I go for evaluation and if I am good to go they will fix it on the 25th.
If I am not on the meds it still hurts quite a bit.
Not as much as last week when I was stuck riding it out with no meds.
And as always it’s a great day to order my cookbook.

Want More Cookie Recipes?
Peanut Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies
Caramel Cream Filled Snickerdoodles
White Chocolate Dried Pineapple Salted Macadamia Nut Cookie
Strawberry Cheesecake Chocolate Chip Cookies

Mini Mocha Chocolate Chip Cookies
- 8 ounces unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- ½ cup powdered sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp coffee extract
- ½ tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 2 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
- 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 12 ounce mini chocolate chips
- granulated sugar for rolling cookies
- Preheat oven to 375F.
- Grease cookie sheets with either butter or baking spray.
- In a standard mixer(using paddle attachment) or with a hand-held beater, cream together sugars and butter until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes.
- Add eggs, one at a time, scraping down the bowl after each addition.
- Add coffee and vanilla extract and beat for 30 seconds.
- Sift together salt, baking soda, cocoa powder, and flour.
- With the mixer on slow, add the flour.
- Mix until thoroughly combined.
- Fold in chocolate chips and place in refrigerator for 20 minutes.
- If making larger cookies use a small cookie (or ice cream) scoop.
- If making mini ones like mine, use a small melon baller as your size guide.
- Roll into balls.
- Roll cookie dough ball into sugar to make sure the whole ball is covered in sugar.
- Place on cookie sheet and bake 10 minutes.
- If making mini ones bake for 6 minutes.
- Leave on cookie sheet for 3 minutes then remove and let cool on wire rack.
clumbsycookie says
I had to laugh when you said you looked like an hamster! That’s what my dentist started to call me after I took a wisdom tooth out. I feel you pain (well not literaly thank God) but you know what I mean. Eat some cookies and hang on there!
MyKitchenInHalfCups says
So glad to know you’re no longer a total hamster! A root canal . . . thank goodness for modern medicine.
Love the sugar dusting!
Culinarywannabe says
Oh I’m saving this one! The cookies look so great rolled in the sugar. Glad to hear you got some meds, but sorry about the upcoming dental work. At least you can eat all the ice cream you want!
Rosa says
Oh, how soothing! These cookies look so good and pretty!
VeggieGirl says
Oooh good call making the cookies mocha-flavored – yum!!
Candace says
Those look delish! Hope your mouth feels better asap!
Erin says
These look so good! I don’t like drinking coffee (unless it’s one of the really sugary drinks), but I love all coffee desserts! Hope you feel better 🙂
heather says
Natashya says
Poor you! I didn’t realize that you were suffering.
Love the cookies – we are coffee lovers in our house – I have never seen coffee extract before, is it a liquid?
Sarah says
These cookies look so comforting! Love the photography… the milk bottle is awesome.
Elyse says
First of all, these cookies look fabulous. And I’m glad you were a bit rebellious and made some with coffee (although, it was very sweet of you to leave some “plain” for your hubby). Secondly, I’m uber-impressed with how cogent your writing was! Man, if you can write this well on painkillers, well, I’m just downright impressed! Hope you’re feeling even better as the days pass!!
Mary says
I hope your tooth continues to get better. Your cookies look divine! I totally want one!
Laurel says
These look awesome!
I had to have a root canal in December, and it was surprisingly not bad at all. I won’t say anything about the crown build-up at the following dentist’s appointment though.
megan says
cookies do make the world a sweeter place and these could sweeten me up!!! I like the coffee idea but the kid is more like your hubby. Stinkpots!
Lynn says
Good job making those lovely cookies while medicated! Glad to hear you’re in less pain now. Root canal? Yeesh. Definitely treat yourself to milk and cookies.
Melinda says
Glad you are wee bit better. The cookies and milk made me feel hungry!
Kate says
Wow that is some serious bad luck. Your wonton disregard for you husbands taste (kinda) has inspired to make something my fiancé hates but I love…tuna pasta salad. Maybe I’ll be nice like you and make a non-tuna version.
Irene says
Gah, I hope you feel better soon! Cookies look great.
Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) says
Anyone who’s suffering with dental problems (and who is phobic like we are) deserves all the cookies in the universe. And coffee can only make them better!
Mrs. L says
Root Canal? So not fun. Here’s hoping everything goes well and by next week it’s all taken care of.
Those little cookies look wonderful. I can so see sitting with a big glass of milk reading a book and eating (and eating) those little beauties.
Kara says
So sorry about your tooth. I can’t believe you are still cooking and posting-you are one dedicated blogger! (Or maybe you are just addicted like me.) 🙂
brilynn says
Some days all I want is a plate of cookies. That’s pretty much everyday.
These look great!
Wendy says
At least you’re medicated now. Root canals are no fun though. Best wishes!
Your cookies look wonderful.
Lisa says
Cookies certainly do make the world a better place. I remember one late night in college my roommate and I had a very groggy, probably alcohol-induced discussion about how underrated cookies are as a dessert item. We agreed that they are without hesitation dinner party-worthy! Good luck with your tooth too by the way!
White On Rice Couple says
Tooth pain sucks. Diane went through that not long ago. We are send you painless thoughts. Love the cookies. Glad you said screw it, although it was awfully sweet for you to make your hubby his own batch. He’s a lucky guy. -Todd
kickpleat says
Mmm, at least the cookies look delicious!!
nina says
I know abscess pain and I admire you for still wanting to try something even though you are in pain…
I bought chocolate chips today, so guess what I am making tomorrow!
CookiePie says
Beautiful cookies! What is it with out non-coffee-liking husbands?? Oh well, I guess no one is perfect… 🙂 Glad to hear that you’re on the mend. Don’t worry about the root canal — it isn’t fun, but it isn’t nearly as terrible as everyone makes it out to be. Hope you’re back to 100% soon!!
Martha says
I wish you a speedy recovery and more delicious baking Peabody! Cookies certainly help the soul, specially these little guys!
bill says
I’ve gone through it. The swelling does go down, the pain eventually vanishes — not quickly enough, but it does — and you will be able to enjoy your excellent cookies, and milk, then.
Good luck.
Claire says
Yum! These look wonderful. I love the mini size.
Lang says
B&J Coffee Heathbar Crunch, that’s my main coffee-related food–although sometimes a little black coffee goes into chilies or sauces.
Feel better!
Kerstin says
Looks like a very tasty combination of flavors – I love cookies rolled in sugar because they just look so pretty!
Elle says
You are amazing! Bet you could make gorgeous cookies with a 104 degree fever and one hand tied behind your back…not that you should do that or anything…and it was sweet of you to make half the batch without coffee for the hubby.
Hope the antibiotics do their job and that next week it is all over and fixed.
Manggy says
Ooch. I’ve never had a root canal or any major tooth problems (er… do braces count?), so I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through. I hope it’s speedily healed.
Patricia Scarpin says
Pea, I don’t like coffee flavored things (don’t like coffee, only the smell of it), but like mocha (paired with chocolate, right?). These look like a wonderful treat. Good to hear you are feeling better.
Maria says
Cookies and milk, the answer to all problems! Love the looks of these!
Holly says
You have all my sympathy! I’ve got to tell you that, years ago, before I had my first baby, I had to have a root canal (that actually wasn’t the bad part) but the pain leading up to it, was horrendous. In fact (until my 2nd pregnancy – the one from hell) including, my first pregnancy and delivery, that “tooth ache” was the worst pain of my life. I am SO SO SO sorry that you are going through this!
Kristen says
Well, I’m glad you’re not so hamster-y, but I’m sad to hear about the root canal! I have dentist issues, too, so I feel ya on that one.
These cookies are adorable. That first picture really should be in a book or framed. 🙂
claire says
those look like the perfect ‘weekend morning coffee’ cookie, to me!
snooky doodle says
get well soon! these cookies look to be such a nice treat 🙂
Hannah says
Wow, those sound perfect… I wasn’t feeling hungry all morning, but somehow my appetite has returned now! 😉
Carolyn T at says
Hi Peabody – do hope you’re feeling better. Meanwhile, though, I made your cookies, but they don’t look anything LIKE yours. Yours are dark. Mine are white. Did you possibly add brown sugar to the dough? Or cocoa? That didn’t get into the ingredient list?
Kyrias says
I hope you feel better soon. Tooth problems are the worst. You take the cutest photos, that milk jug is really just too dear!
Carolyn T at says
Hi P – I made these cookies again – including the cocoa in the flour mixture this time (I was the one who noticed the cocoa was missing from the recipe). I added 1/2 cup cocoa, actually. Oh, are these cookies tender! Oh so tender. Luv-em. I’m posting them on my blog tomorrow (Tuesday 5/26/09) giving you all the credit.
Michelle says
Thanks for a great recipe, Peabody. I made these today for the teachers at my kiddos’ school. They taste excellent! I’ve posted on my blog and linked back here. thanks again.