These Key Lime Graham Cracker Icebox Cookies have a graham cracker flavored middle surrounded by key lime cookie.

So I did something today that I had never done before.
I went to the bookstore (I’ve done that before) and picked up a book.
Big deal, right?
Maybe not to you.
But seeing my name in the acknowledgments section as well as my recipe along with my name and blogs name in that book was awfully fun for me!
What seems like ages ago, author Mia King, contacted me and asked me if she could use a recipe from my blog for her book.
It’s Seattle based, and though fiction, had recipes in the back.
I immediately looked for the book that this was the sequel to, Good Things.
It was a fun and light read, taking place in Seattle, so that made it even more cool to me.
I finished it in a day (I tend to consume books) and looked forward to reading her new book when it came out.
Then life happened and I totally forgot about it.
I was going through my recommendations (evil) and there was this book, Table Manners.
Gosh, why did that sound familiar?

I clicked on it and my brain started working again.
And if that didn’t remind me, seeing my name down in the description under “includes King’s trademark recipes from prominent chefs, chocolatiers, restaurateurs and food bloggers from Washington state”, definitely jolted my memory.
I gave a recipe for a Ricotta Cheesecake.

Yes, that is my previous last name and yes my blog used to be called Culinary Concoctions by Peabody.
So I get a copy (from the publisher), but there is something about going to the book store and seeing it in there.
It was fun.
I bought a copy…for my In-Laws, they come next month and I figure it’s something they need, right?
Having nothing to do with this book, other than that they were baked by me the food blogger, are these little experiments I made.
It’s still too warm for me to bake during the day, so I thought I would make some icebox cookies.
That way when I had more time during the day I could make the dough, and the bake them off in the cool of the night.
That idea worked well.
These Key Lime Graham Cracker Icebox Cookies are a combo of two separate cookies actually.
So if you only want to make one kind to make it easier, you totally can.
It’s a Graham Cracker Cookie center that is surrounded by a Key Lime Cookie…portable pie flavors, none of the mess!
And as always, it’s a great day to buy my cookbook.

Want More Cookie Recipes?
Dirt Chocolate Pudding Cookies
Vanilla Bean Caramel Thumbprint Cookies
White Chocolate Dried Pineapple Salted Macadamia Nut Cookie
Caramel Cream Filled Snickerdoodles
Double Chocolate Rainbow Chip Cookies

Key Lime Graham Cracker Icebox Cookies
- For the Key Lime Icebox Cookie:
- 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
- ¼ tsp baking soda
- pinch of salt
- 2/3 cups granulated sugar
- zest of one lime
- 3 ounces unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 1 large egg yolk
- ¼ cup key lime juice
- For the Graham Cracker Icebox Cookie:
- ¾ cup graham flour (use whole wheat if can’t find, but does make a difference)
- ½ cup all-purpose flour
- ½ tsp baking soda
- ½ tsp ground cinnamon
- pinch of salt
- 3 ounces unsalted butter, at room temperature
- ½ cup lightly packed dark brown sugar
- 1 egg yolk
- 2 TBSP honey
For the Key Lime Icebox Cookie:
In a medium bowl, sift together the flour, baking soda and salt.
In a small bowl place the sugar and lime zest together.
Using your hands, rub the lime zest into the sugar to release the lime oil into it.
Run sugar through a sifter to remove lime zest pieces.Using a standing mixer, with paddle attachment, cream together sugar and butter until light and fluffy.
Beat on medium high speed the egg yolk and key lime juice.
Scrape down bowl.
Switch to low speed and add flour mixture.
Blend until mixture comes together. It will look a little crumble but will stick together when you press it.
For the Graham Cracker Icebox Cookie:
In a medium bowl, sift together the flours, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt.Using a stand mixer, with paddle attachment, cream together the butter, honey, and brown sugar, until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes.
Add egg yolk, and beat until fully incorporated.
Reduce speed to low and add flour mixture.
Blend until mixture comes together in a ball.
To assemble the cookies:
Start with the key lime layer.
Set out a long piece of wax paper.
Pat out the dough into a long rectangle, about 18-inches long and 6-8 inches wide.
Roll the graham cracker dough into a long tube and place it down the center of the key lime dough. Kind of like a hot dog.
Using the wax paper to help you, roll the key lime dough over the graham cracker dough, so that the graham cracker dough will be in the middle of the cookie.
Once graham cracker dough is completely covered, roll cookie dough into desired shape…round, square, somewhere in between like what I have. 😉
Roll up in wax paper and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight.
Preheat the oven to 375°.
Unwrap the cookie dough and cut into slices about ¼-inch thick and bake on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.
Bake until lightly browned around the edges, about 12 minutes.
Cool the cookies on a rack and store in an airtight container.
Erin says
How exciting to be in the book like that! It sounds like a good book, and I’ll definitely have to check it out. The cookies look fabulous!
heather says
brilliant! you must be absolutely beaming! and another great recipe to boot…
Laurie says
so very cool Peabody. I bet you have permagrin today. cookies are super cute too.
Caroline says
Wow that is so cool, way to be published! I would trade you our cool, wet weather for your hundred degrees if I could, we both would be way happier.
Felice says
Congrats on being published in the book. I’ll definitely look up these books the next time I am in B&N. Hopefully next is a cookbook by Peabody – I can just imagine us drooling over your beautiful photography and delicious recipes.
VeggieGirl says
HELL YES!!! I need to get my hands on a copy of that book.
Lilis says
How awesome is that! Very exciting!! I love the photo of your name in black and white. And, I love the cookie recipe.
BigSis says
Congratulations, Peabody! I’d be jumping up and down if I were you. It’s huge!
I love the cookie, and have bookmarked it on delicious for a baking day when it isn’t 100+ degrees in Texas!
sarah says
congratulations on being in a book!!!! that is so exciting and would absolutely make my day (and life…probably…)
Cricket says
How cool! It must be wonderful to see your own blog in an actual book. 🙂 Congratulations. And seriously well earned.
These cookies are adorable. A key lime pookie. :> Yum!
Ron Merlin says
Hey, that’s got really kinda cool wrapped ALL around it….
Katrina says
Awesome. Now she owes you some royalty money, too, because the book sales will go higher since you mentioned it here! 😉
Rachel says
CONGRATS! So exciting! I will definitely look for it on my next trip to Barnes and Noble!
Irene says
Congratulations! How wonderful!!! I still get a huge rush from seeing the name of my blog linked on other people’s blogs. It’s just so cool.
Rosa says
Congratulations! That’s great!
Those cookies look fantastic!
nina says
All that is missing from this post is you telling us that you are writing your own book!!
Well done!!
Meeta says
oh that is absolutely great being in a book like that. congrats. i still love going to the bookstore! actually even if i do not buy any books i go there and they have these huge leather armchairs and i select a few books make myself comfy and can spend an hour just flicking through the books.
Erin says
There is all kinds of awesomeness in this post!
Niki Theo says
Congrats! Definitely exciting to see your name in print!
Dolce says
Well, congratulations to you! This is awesome indeed 🙂
I hope you did a little self indulding victory solo dancing for this!
Jade says
Congratulatoins!! That is a wonderful accomplishment. I would have been jumping up and down also!
Nutmeg Nanny says
Congratulations:) How awesome is it that you are in a book! Now even more people will love your blog:)
Kerstin says
Congrats, that’s so cool to be able to see your name in print!
I consume books too – it’s a problem because I read to make my commute go by faster, but if the book is really good then I stay up all night finishing it and have nothing to read on my commute the next day!
nicole says
peabody– i love you and your blog and your recipes, and i’m excited that you got a major shout out! but i have to lol because the only things i can think of when looking at these cookies are marrow bones =) i’m sure they’re delicious though, and i really want to try them!
CakeSpy says
Wha-wha-WHAT? AMAZING, Peabody!! You’re getting the fame you so very much deserve. This is totally awesome. I have got to pick this one up, it is right up my alley. And the cookies, of course, look amazing!
Laura says
Congrats! Its absolutely awesome that your amazing baking skills were immortalized in a book. A long time follower of your blog, I think your “concoctions” are worthy of on entire book to themselves. 🙂
Abby says
So cool. So VERY cool.
And is your name really Peabody? I didn’t know that! More coolness.
HeartofGlass says
I hope this is the start of great(er) things for you!
cheffresco says
Congrats!! That’s awesome!
Debbie says
Congrats to you Peabody! That is just toooo cool!!!! Fantastic!
Stephanie says
How super cool is that!!!!!!!
Patricia Scarpin says
Congratulations, Pea! You sure deserve the spotlight, darling!
I love all your recipes, but I’m especially adore the ones with limes – I love the fruit and you happen to make delicious things with it.
mimi says
yay yay yay! congrats, how awesome, and well deserved. and these cookies look so good!
Mrs. L says
So you know I have to run to the bookstore and get this book just because you are in it! Wait…is that considered stalking? 🙂
Julia M. says
How exciting!!! I can’t wait to get my own copy. I’m hoping this gives you some ideas to maybe write your own cook book!
Whitney says
That is so exciting. Congrats!
Claire says
SUPER cool! And these cookies are, too. I think my dad would totally like these…we’ll see if I can make them next weekend when I go see them.
Margaret says
Very cool 🙂 Your cookies look delicious – anything key lime is a winner in my book.
Jenny says
Wow! So exciting – I’m actually in a book too – one George Stellas cookbooks – there is a whole page with my bio on it. Amazon recommendations are evil – damn them! I have to go get Table Manners now!
MyKitchenInHalfCups says
That is absolutely awesome! If you could see me now you’d laugh at what a very big smile I have on my face for you. Terrific fun!! Great congratulations!!
Melinda says
Well that is so exciting! I am so pleased for you.
You deserve this accolade and more because you are a spin doctor baker of delicious treats!
Dana says
Congrats Peabody! That’s awesome, nothing better than seeing your name in print. I’d be really excited too!!!!
I love Key Lime, but have only had it in pie form…gotta try these cookies, they sound fantastic!
Elle says
You’re famous…again! Congrats…and it is a great recipe that the author chose. VERY exciting!!
The cookies sound like fun, too, key lime pie in a cookie. Hope it is cooling down some by now.
Monique says
That IS exciting!! I would have bought the book too..Now I must make these:) It looks so nice in print! Bravo!
zenchef says
Yippie! One of my recipe is in Mia King’s book also. So happy. Congrats to you! and those key lime cookies have my name written all over them. Well not really but i wish. 🙂 They look delicious!
Jenny says
Sorry I’ve missed alot of your posts lately, I’m behind on everyone (again.)
Love the looks of the pound cake and the pineapple cakes.
Karen says
What Fun!! You go girl. The book sounds like a fun read – I’m on my way to bookstore.
Have you ever thought of doing a book about a hockey playing woman finding romance? Could be interesting.
Lovely says
these sound delish. i got this new key lime juicer from world market *love that placee* and only used it for like the best key lime pie recipie…although not as good as the salty dogs’ sigh…i could eat a whole pie.
but i love the thought of key limes in cookies…must go make some