These Key Lime Raspberry Sandwich Cookies are mini key lime butter cookies filled with raspberry jam marshmallow filling.

Now we all know I’m married, but if I were single (I’d probably be dating a goalie but that’s beside the point) I think the the new way to tell me if a guy was really into me would be his iPod.
Let me explain.
See, I was sitting there looking at my iTunes thinking to myself that if anyone ever saw this, they would think I was crazy.
I have got some serious eclectic stuff on there.
Back in the day when I was a pubescent I really only listened to Punk and Alternative.
Which, for the most part is still true.
I would have never listened to however some of the stuff that is on there now.
Of course, back in the day I just listened to music to well, listen to music.
Now, it seems to have more purpose.
I have a cardio setting, 3 actually.
Songs on there I would not just listen to…but it gets my butt moving, and that is the important thing right?
There is background music mix for when people come over, and while I find Black Flag (Google them if you don’t know who they are)soothing, the average person does not.
There is music I have on there for when my parents come so we can listen to music that I can tolerate and they enjoy, like Neil Diamond.
And then there is just the random crap.
I have a lot of random crap.
Sometimes it is because I have that song stuck in my head and can’t get it out.
I find if I play it over and over again it eventually leaves my head.
The worst example of this is the Brady Bunch “Time to Change”.
Yes, that crap is on my iPod (can’t believe I just admitted that to blog world).
So what does this have to do with dating?
I think that if a guy bothers to show you his iPod list…the whole list, that is a good sign that he trusts in your relationship enough to open up and bear his soul.
Well, not his soul, but the weird stuff on his iPod.
Like way down at the bottom of his playlist is Beyonce’s Single Ladies or something bad like that. 😉

Yes, my husband has seen my list.
He has gotten stuck hearing some of it as well.
But since his stuff is just as weird, he tends not to say much….I mean Blue Grass covering Metallica…what’s up with that? 😛
So these Key Lime Raspberry Sandwich Cookies really have nothing to do with this post.
Which is random, so in a way, it does. Hmmm.
Very philosophical.
I like Key Lime.
And I like Raspberry.
I like Cookies.
There you have the ingenious ideology behind these.
This is a softer dough than some cut outs, since there is rice flour in them.
So you want to make sure that you have a cool surface to work on, and work quickly.
The marshmallow creme frosting is more for whoopie pies, but I thought it was a fun addition to these.
These cookies are versatile as well.
Instead of lime with raspberry filling you could do orange with cherry filling.
Or lemon with blueberry filling.
And so forth…you’ve got options is my point.
Well, I’m off to listen to Social Distortion, or the Carpenters (don’t judge), you just never know.

Want More Cookie Recipes?
Roll Out Shortbread Sugar Cookies
White Chocolate Chip Creamsicle Cookies
Vanilla Bean Caramel Thumbprint Cookies

Key Lime Raspberry Sandwich Cookies
- For the Key Lime Button Cookies:
- 1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour
- ¼ cup rice flour
- 1 TBSP cornstarch
- ¼ tsp baking powder
- ½ cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
- ½ cup powdered sugar
- ¼ cup packed light brown sugar
- 1 egg
- 3 TBSP key lime juice (fresh if you can get it)
- For the Raspberry Jam Marshmallow Filling:
- ½ cup Marshmallow creme
- 1/3 cup powdered sugar
- 3 TBSP raspberry jam
- ¼ cup shortening (don’t use butter, it’s just not the same with these)
- For the Key Lime Button Cookies:
- In a medium bowl, sift together the flours, cornstarch, and baking powder. Set aside.
- Using a stand mixer with the paddle attachment (or a medium bowl and an electric mixer), cream together the butter and sugars on medium speed, until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes.
- Add egg, and key lime juice. Beat on medium speed until fully incorporated.
- Turn mixer onto low speed and add about ½ of the flour mixture. Beat until combined. Then add remaining ½ of flour mixture. Again beating until fully combined.
- Divide the dough into fourths. Form each fourth into a flat disc and wrap in plastic wrap, forming it into a rectangle as best you can. Stick in fridge and chill for at least 2 hours and up to over night.
- Preheat oven to 350F. Place parchment paper down on three baking sheets, or you can use baking spray instead.
- Remove from fridge. Do one fourth at a time, leaving the remaining discs in the fridge while you roll the dough out.
- Roll dough out to about 1/8 of an inch thick. Using a 1-inch diameter cookie cutter, cut out circles in the dough. Place on prepared pan. Cut until all the dough is gone. Take out another disc from fridge and keep cutting out cookie buttons until there is no dough left.
- Bake for 6-7 minutes. Remove from oven. Let sit on cookie sheet for 5 minutes, then remove and place on wire rack to finish cooling.
- You get about 40-50 mini cookies. It was hard tell, I ate some of the dough while I was making these.
- For the Raspberry Jam Marshmallow Filling:
- Using a stand mixer with the whisk attachment (or a medium bowl and an electric mixer), beat together the marshmallow creme, jam and shortening on medium high-speed.
- Reduce speed to low and add powdered sugar.
- Increase speed as you see powdered sugar getting absorbed into the marshmallow mixture. You just down want to be showered with powdered sugar. 😉
- Beat until sugar is fully incorporated and you have a fluffy filling.
- To Assemble the cookies:
- Try to match up cookie rounds as best you can.
- Take one cookie round and pipe (I find piping the easiest when they are this small) or spoon in the marshmallow filling.
- Place another cookie on top to sandwich it. Repeat until they are all gone.
Rosa says
Those sandwich cookies look wonderful! What a scrumptious looking treat!
kath says
Yummmm! I just made some wagon wheel wanna-be’s the other day, so I am all into marshmallow…I also have a cardio setting of music I would NEVER listen to (there may be some JT, and even possibly that super annoying Vengaboys song about the party bus…but I’m not sure…)
VeggieGirl says
HAHA! Love this 😀
Baking Soda says
I love the Carpenters (and U2, Red Hot chili peppers…) oh and lime plus raspberries? Count me in!
nina says
I have just realized how old I am getting….I don’t own a ipod!!! I would like to own a couple of these cookies though!!
Sara says
I’m afraid to tell most people what kind of music I listen to. They generally look at me in confusion and comment “you don’t look like you would listen to that.”
Barbara says
Oh no- you wouldn’t want to peek into my iPod list. Talk about eclectic!
Your cookies are adorable and because they have marshmallow in between- irrestible.
brilynn says
Alright, confession of a song recently added to my ipod that is only there for the same reason that the Brady Bunch is on yours: It Doesn’t Matter by Wyclef Jean and The Rock… someone help me get that song out of my head…
Natalie says
Peabody this is totally random and I love it! My iPod has a weird collection also, ranging from Marilyn Monroe to Beyonce to David Bowie to Easy E.
These cookies look so delicious. The raspberry jam marshmallow filling sounds delightful on its own, I doubt much would make it to the cookie in my house!
Eliana says
This looks like the perfect sandwich cookie to me 🙂 I would be dangerous around them.
The Cooking Bride says
I so do not judge. I have both Tool (for my husband) and Maria Callas on my iPod.
Joelen says
Ha! I’m glad there is another person out there that has an eclectic mix of music too. I shift between “elevator music” to hard thumping house and freestyle. No rhyme or reason aside from I like it. 🙂 These cookies look delicious and I like how you combined key lime and raspberries!
Lynn says
So true – it takes true trust to show your iPod list to anyone. I love the randomness of this post and the cookies and Karen Carpenter. I loved that a woman could be a rockin’ drummer.
Dolce says
They look very much like French macarons but are surely easier to do!
Linda says
My hubby loves Single Ladies. In the evening we both listen to Pandora and sometimes agreeing to check the thumbs up or thumbs down can get heated.
Jade says
I only use my ipod for the gym, but I totally need to update some music. I just let my husband put whatever is fast on it! These cookies look wonderful!
Clover says
Good grief, do you know how many recipes I have stacked up that I have to try? About 90% of them are from you! And now you post this luscious looking thing. Love the picture of the cookies stacked in the glass. I need to make more friends so I have more people on which to press baked goods. I just made your Oreo-Cocoa Krispie Treats last night. My kids (and, well, me, too!) are impressed.
Haley J. says
Speaking of Black Flag, I always thought Henry Rollins was about as yummy as those cookies you’ve posted. Sounds like your iPod is crammed with my kind of stuff. Just like your blog. 😀
Natasha says
Wow! I have been so busy at work this week that this is the first day I had to stop by your site and to my pleasant surprise there wasn’t one new recipe, but three! Thanks, Peabody! Your site rocks!!
snooky doodle says
that was hard confessing to the blogworld. I don t have an Ipod I must be so old or very back dated. These cookies look so pretty in pink and flavours must be awesome
Irina@PastryPal says
Confession time? Neil Diamond is one of my favorite guilty pleasures. And I can’t get enough of “I Think I Love You” by The Partridge Family. One boyfriend once looked over my collection and proclaimed that it consisted of mostly Brit Pop. Well, ok, then.
These cookies are as cute as David Cassidy.
Donna says
Beautiful photos!
Elaine Corwin says
Like Dolce, I thought these were macarons but sort of funny looking. As far as the ipod, I have everything from German Industrial to Schubert lieder and I’m a little worried about my mind now that I’ve written that. No recent Honda sightings btw. School must be in session.
Kristen says
Oh, my. The last three recipes have all made my ‘to make’ list. But this one? Lime AND raspberry? *swoons*
Cricket says
Don’t be embarassed, I’ve got Shelly Duvall’s ‘He Needs Me’ sandwiched between ‘Weapon of Choice’ and ‘Africa’.
Your cookies are beautiful! I love your photos but they make me realize how bad my camera is. 🙂
Jessica says
Wow, I feel like I just found my sister from another mother! This is my 1st time coming to your blog and just reading this 1st post, I feel like I could be reading my own blog (if I had one). I too am a hockey fanatic, plus I must admit to also having both Social D AND Carpenters on my IPod! Can’t wait to read some more posts and I look forward to coming back frequently!
dawn says
oh one of those hot hockey goalies? oh yeah, I can totally see why.
remember the whole don’t date a guy by the shoes he wears? I so totally believe that one too.
love that filling too, how creative of you my dear.
Emily says
I haven’t been on your site in a couple weeks, and was pleasantly surprised there were about 12 posts to catch up on! Good thing my little guys are napping. 🙂 Your peanut butter mousse-brownie thing looks amazing. My dad’s birthday’s coming up…that might be his cake. 🙂
lynn@queenofthecastlerecipes says
Your site is amazing. So glad you stopped by my blog so I could discover yours. Your desserts look to DIE for! My biggest baking challenge is that I’m not feeding very many people these days so don’t feel like I can bake much or I would eat the results myself for breakfast, lunch, and dinner 🙂 But now I know just where to come next time I must have my baking fix. Thanks for the terrific recipes and keep up the great baking. I can live vicariously 😉
Nutmeg Nanny says
Your cookies looks adorable and delicious:) I think we all have random music on our iPods. I generally listen to my songs on shuffle mode and find it amazing what songs come up next. With over 2000 to choose from I’m never sure if it will Neneh Cherry or the Talking Heads.
Paula Bohan says
Yummy post! Heath Bars = Skor Bars in Canada if you have any Canadian bakers who want to try this out …
Also, for the commenter above – Paul Westerberg does a kicking version of “I Think I Love You” live – I downloaded it from his website and listen to it all the time …
Katie says
I’ve never had genuine key limes, they are hard to find here but these cookies sound amazing. Love the fluffy look fo the marshmallow filling
HeartofGlass says
“She makes good dieters go bad
She makes good dieters go bad.
I was hangin’ in a corner with mah 100 calorie pack friends,
I knew Peabody was trouble but I couldn’t resist…”
As always, I can totally relate to your little insightful ‘morsels’ of thought about the world, and you inspire my own blogging.
Debbie says
I love all kinds of music…from hip hop to Tom Jones!!!! Your cookies look great and I love the combo of key lime and raspberries. THAT is a winner to me!
Barbara says
Raspberry marshamallow creme frosting sounds perfect with key lime! Fun pic stacked in a glass!
Molly Jean says
Making yummy cookies while listening to Social D? I love it! My husband came home to me cleaning the bathroom and listening to Dillinger Four the other night. I smiled and said, “Hey, I still got it babe”.
cindy says
i love this post! when my fiance, sean, and i met we pretty much just geeked out everyday exchanging music 🙂
celia says
Love the key lime/raspberry combo!
I love eclectic iPod lists- I’m much more interested in someone who has a mixture of musical types. After all, I’ve got Barry Manilow, showtunes, and the Clash on mine. How can I judge?
Allie says
I love the photograph of all the cookies stacked up in the glass – beautiful!
Jaime says
aren’t those just as cute as button? 🙂
Elle says
Never made it to iPod, so checked out the CDs…yep…eclectic collection…blues, jazz, classical guitar, Counting Crows, Irish fiddlers, Norah Jones, Turkish music, blue grass, Dave Matthews…nothing too weird I guess, but mixed.
Mixed fillings for cute cookies is a great, random idea, too.
Anda says
The cookies look so good and I love the mouth feel that rice flour gives to cookies.
Michelle says
Those are incredibly cute! I love the photos.
Lindsay says
Totally true. I have some REALLY really REALLY strange options on my Ipod- but, hey certain situtaions call for certain music and…. I’m pretty much covered for WHATEVER situation comes my way ;). cute little cookies
Jill says
I think it’s totally cool to have eclectic taste in music. I too enjoy listening to Social D and The Carpenters (yeah girl drummers!). I have The Ramones on my iPod, along with Allison Krauss and Union Station, plus a lot of other music that is really good but really different and that altogether on an iPod looks and sounds really random. Hooray for randomness!
Lauren Beatty says
Hey! I am ten and love to cook! You are very good at the presentation and I love them! They taste very good!