This Cinnamon Sugar Brioche Bread Pudding starts with making a cinnamon sugar brioche and then turning it into a yummy bread pudding.

Some people have children.
I have a dog.
A rabbit.
And well, this blog.
Yes, in some ways your blog can be like your baby.
Especially, if you are like me and really care about what you put out there into the blog world.
Just like if I were to have a tantrum having toddler at a restaurant I would feel embarrassed, I get equally embarrassed when someone makes something on here and it doesn’t turn out.
Even if it is the person making it’s fault, I still feel bad that it didn’t turn out for them.
I mean, a waste of ingredients is still a waste of ingredients.
Just like a child, I have watched my blog grow over the years.
A journal of sorts of my life.
Sometimes late at night I like to go back and review what I have written throughout the years.
I’ve certainly evolved from my blurry, flashy overexposed photos to my signature up close photos that most people comment as “so close it makes me feel like I can reach in a grab it”.
My writing has evolved from quick little quips to sharing (and sometimes over sharing) my slightly dull, definitely sarcastic outlook on life (but the good news is my crappy grammar has stayed the same…lucky you).
I’ve had weird email from people (still get that).
Sometimes I get fan mail.
And sometimes I get hate mail.
I get wonderful care packages from people (still warms my heart).
I “meet” lots of people.
I’ve been exposed to a variety of porn spam I never knew was possible.
But most of all I have received support.
I can tell right now that some of you may be panicking a bit.
This kind of sounds like a goodbye.
It is not.
See, Culinary Concoctions by Peabody turns 5 today.
That’s right my baby is growing up.
Definitely hard to believe.
When I have been telling people lately the common response, is, “I can’t believe it’s been around that long.” It has.
Though what they are really saying (because I feel that too) is “crap, I’m 5 years older”. 😛

Nothing of course embodies my baking blog than that of bread pudding.
And since my blog is like my baby, it got me thinking about my mom.
Whenever I was sick my mom would make me cinnamon sugar toast (with the evil crust taken off…oh how dumb we are as kids).
It was just white toast with butter and a cinnamon sugar mixture sprinkled on it.
To this day if I don’t feel well, that is what I want.
That and a 7-UP because that is what we had with it. 🙂
This bread pudding is tribute to that.
It’s Macrina’s Cinnamon Brioche, which I adapted to be more like my mom’s comfort classic of cinnamon-sugar toast.

There is no sauce in the picture with it.
I didn’t eat one with it.
Though a nice cinnamon anglaise sauce would probably go great
A special thanks to all the readers who have stuck around throughout the years.
And thanks to the food bloggers who constantly inspire me in one way or another.
Here’s to many more….
By the way, it’s a great day to buy my cookbook !

Want More Bread Pudding Recipes?
Apple Cider Donut Bread Pudding
Sticky Toffee Pudding Bread Pudding
Molasses Spice Orange Bread Pudding

Cinnamon Sugar Brioche Bread Pudding
- For the Cinnamon-Sugar Brioche:
- ¼ cup warm water
- ½ cup granulated sugar, divided
- 1 ½ tsp dry yeast
- 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
- 2 eggs
- ¾ cup whole milk
- 3 ½ cups all-purpose flour
- 1 tsp salt
- 8 TBSP (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature
- For the Cinnamon-Sugar Mixture:
- ½ cup granulated sugar
- ½ cup light brown sugar
- 1 TBSP cinnamon
- ½ tsp freshly ground nutmeg
- 4 TBSP unsalted butter, melted
- For the Bread Pudding:
- 1 loaf Cinnamon-Sugar Brioche
- 1 ½ cups heavy cream
- ½ cup whole milk
- 3 egg yolks
- 2 eggs
- 1/3 cup granulated sugar
- ½ cup brown sugar
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 ½ tsp vanilla extract
- For the Cinnamon-Sugar Mixture:
- ½ cup granulated sugar
- 2 TBSP cinnamon
- Prepare Brioche dough:
- Place warm water and 2 teaspoons of the sugar in the bowl of your stand mixer.
- Sprinkle yeast on top and mix with a whisk until yeast is dissolved.
- Let stand for 5 minutes while yeast blooms.
- Add remaining sugar, vanilla extract, eggs, milk, flour, and salt.Using the hook attachment, mix on low speed for 3 minutes to start bringing dough together.Switch to medium speed and slowly drop pieces of butter into dough.
- Mix for 10 to 12 minutes.
- Dough will be wet and sticky and will have good elasticity when stretched. Let rest in the bowl for 5 minutes.
- Pull dough from bowl onto a floured surface and flatten into a rectangle.
- Starting with a narrow end, roll dough away from you into a log.
- Fold ends underneath to form a loosely shaped ball. Place ball in an oiled, medium bowl and cover with plastic wrap.
- Let proof in a warm room, 70 to 75°F (21-24°C), for approximately 2 1/2 hours. Dough will almost double in size.
- For the Cinnamon Sugar Mixture:
- Combine ingredients in a small bowl and mix well.
- Line bottom and sides of a 9 x 5 x 4-inch loaf pan* with parchment paper and spread Cinnamon Sugar
- Mixture evenly on a rimmed baking sheet.
- Place dough on a floured work surface and pat it into a 6 x x 2-inch rectangle.
- Divide dough into 3 equal pieces and roll each piece into a rope approximately 10 inches long.
- Brush the strands of dough with melted butter, making sure they are thoroughly coated.
- One at a time, roll the coated strands of dough in the cinnamon mixture.
- Line the strands up side by side and, starting at either end, braid the pieces.
- Pinch ends together to form a seal and fold ends underneath.
- Lift braid into lined loaf pan. Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with remaining cinnamon sugar.
- Cover with plastic wrap and let proof in a warm room for I hour, or until loaf rises to fill three-quarters of the pan.
- While loaf is proofing, preheat oven to 360°F (180°C)
- Remove plastic and place loaf on center rack of preheated oven.
- Bake for about 45 minutes.
- Top and sides of loaf will be dark golden brown.
- The hot loaf will be very fragile, so let cool on wire rack for 20 minutes before removing from the pan.
- After 20 minutes, lift loaf out of pan and continue cooling on a wire rack.
- If needed, run a sharp knife around the sides of loaf and invert pan to remove it. (It’s important to remove the loaf from the pan before the sugars cool and stick to the sides.)
- For the Bread Pudding:
- Preheat oven to 350F.
- Make cinnamon-sugar mixture by simply mixing the two together until they are fully incorporated. Set aside.
- The night before making the pudding. Cut the Cinnamon-Sugar loaf into rectangular pieces. Lay them out overnight on the counter uncovered, as to get stale.
- In an greased but not floured 8-x-8-inch pan, sprinkle as many bread pieces as you can on the bottom.
- Mix the egg yolks, sugars, vanilla extract and cinnamon together in a bowl.
- Then stir in the heavy cream and milk.
- Pour the custard over the bread first layer of bread.
- Pour enough custard over the bread so that when you press down on the bread, the bread is soaked in custard.
- Layer again with bread and again pour custard over and push down. Repeat until dish if full and bread pudding is to the top of the pan.
- Depending on how stale your bread is you may likely will have extra custard.
- Don’t feel like you have to use all the custard.
- Sprinkle top with cinnamon-sugar mixture.
- Place pan into another pan that will hold a water bath.
- Bake the bread pudding for 45 minutes to an hour until golden on top.
- Cool 10 minutes and serve warm.
Stephanie says
Happy 5th blog birthday!!
The bread pudding looks phenomenal!
Ginny says
Hey Peabody. I’ve read your blog for probably a little over three years now. I’ve made a few things, but as it is just after 5 AM on the east coast all I can remember at the moment is that amazing french toast recipe with the oatmeal bread. I haven’t always agreed with your opinions and attitudes on certain subjects, but I have always admired your willingness to be true to yourself and say what you want to (have to) say. Congratulations, and I hope you continue blogging!
bellini valli says
The next time I am in Seattle I would love to visit this bakery. I have been blogging for 3 years so I’d have to say I’ve been reading for that long.Blogs were literally unknown to me until that point.I also read your other blog Northwest Noshings. So Happy 5th Birthday Peabody!!!!!!
Julie says
Congratulations on 5 years! 5 years is a huge accomplisment! I read your blog regularly and have been reading it about 18 months!
This bread pudding looks amazing. My mom made me cinammon toast, too.
I’ve never visited Seattle, so this would be a little piece of the city. Thanks for the chance for the cookbook.
dani says
i wish u a very happy blog birthday!!! my blog will turn two in july and i have been following u since the day i started blogging 🙂
i havent made anything from your blog bc i like to play around and make my own recipes, but i have drawn lots of inspiration from your “sharing” sessions and your photos. thanks for sitcking around 🙂
corinne says
Congrats! I can’t think of anything I’ve been doing for 5 years, other than your standard stay-alive type things.
I think I’ve only been reading the blog 2 or 3 months, but I’ve made the peanut butter sweetie pie, the captain crunch cookies, the brown sugar toffee snack cake, and i really want to make the cinnamon roll cheesecake soon!
stephanie says
Your food always looks so good! I can’t remember when you were not in my Google reader..maybe 3 years? Keep on trucking!
Megan says
Congratulations on five years strong. I love the photos, even for recipes that you swear didn’t turn out right? (I usually think, “Really? I’ll eat it — I’m not picky!”
Thanks for the last five.
Kim S. says
I found your blog sometime last year. The recipes and photos are fabulous! So far I have made the Tiramisu cupcakes and the Bailey’s Irish Cream brownies, both were amazing!!
Joanna says
Wow, congrats to 5 years! I thought 3.5 was long 🙂 I’ve been e reader for about a year, but have stalked your recipes on Bakespace for much longer! I’ve made maybe ten of your desserts, including a chocolate slice and brittle. Yum!
fiona lynne says
I’ve ben reading your blog religiously for the past two or three years… I forget exactly how long.
But you know, when I just went back through your posts to try and find something that I’d made, there were so many that I starred, and I’ve never got round to making any of them.
Which is pretty shocking since my computer is in serious danger from all the drool every time I click over here… I meant to rectify the situation this weekend! Maybe with that cake with fresh strawberry frosting from sept 08…!
Julie says
Hello. I’ve been reading your blog for I think 4 years now. I’ve made a bunch of stuff. I’m especially susceptible to your cookie recipes. The Captain Crunch Chocolate Chip cookies were just trotted out again recently for a party. Thanks for the fabulous blog!
Lori says
I honestly can’t remember how long I’ve been reading, I guess I’ve been reading for quite awhile then!! I’ve made a few things from here, but my favorite was the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake, so delicious!! 🙂
Helen says
Happy Blog Birthday! I can’t believe you have been doing this for 5 years, my blog is only 3 months old! I have been reading for about a year but haven’t made anything from here YET…… I have a long list of recipes that I want to make bookmarked in their own folder called ‘By Peabody’ though! One day I will bake at least one!
Amy Kelly says
Congratulations on five years of blogging! I’ve only been reading for a few months (ever since I saw your Cadbury Cream Egg Cupcakes on Foodgawker). I haven’t made any of the recipes from your blog yet, but I have several bookmarked to try!
Sarah R says
Wow! Five year–congratulations! I’ve been reading for about 3 years and have made many many things from the blog with the pumpkin whoopie pies always getting rave reviews.
Valerina says
A very Happy 5th to you and your blog!! Congratulations. I’ve been following your blog for a little over a year now, it’s actually one of the blogs that inspired me to start my own.
My favourite recipe from here are your Snickerdoodle muffins. I think I’ve made them at least 5 times. 🙂
Judith says
Happy fifth! I’ve been a reader for three years and this is one of my favorite food blogs. Oddly, I don’t think I’ve made that many recipes from your blog, even though I bookmark nearly all of them. I did make the Cheddar Ale Spread though, and it was really yummy!
Katie says
The biggest and greatest thing I made from you blog is…My blog! Thank you for your super fun blog and excellent recipes. You inspired me to write my dorky fun blog full of tasty food!
Kristine says
Hi Peabody! Happy blog birthday! Just wanted to say that yours is still my favourite baking/cooking blog – and I have a few on my roster.
I have been reading for 3 or 4 years now, I guess, and I have made your ghetto toffee more times than I can count. It’s fast, it’s easy and seems to impress people.
I also made your savoury cheese cake – and I LOVE it.
Niki says
Happy 5th Birthday!!! I’m drooling over this bread pudding!
I have to say, I have only been reding you for about a year and I’ve copied down hundreds of recipes, but the one that I love (it’s from before I started reading your blog, but thank God I magically found it) are the peanut butter and jely muffins. Yum!
Donna says
Hi Peabody:
I am one of your silent lurker readers. I have been reading your blog for about 4 years now. Quite often after reading your blog, I have been inspired to put my baking hat on, and try my hand at the recipe of the day. Some of the favourites include Key Lime Sandwich cookies, Potato bread, Caramel apple cake, Fried peach pies and those wonderful Onion rings. Thanks for all the inspiration.
Ashley says
Happy blog birthday! I have been reading for about a year. I have made a few things from your blog, but by far, the caramel macchiato muffins remain a family fave!
I have rarely been out of Canada, and never to Seattle, so having a piece of such an awesome city as a cookbook in my collection would be terrific!
Courtney says
Happy 5th Birthday! I only got into reading blogs about 3 years ago, and yours was one of the first ones I read.
I have so many bookmarked recipes from her, but the best one I’ve made was the No Bake Milky Way Tarts. My photography was subpar then (it’s still not great now), so I never blogged about them. I made them for a dinner party, and everyone loved them.
Jennifer says
I have bookmarked SO MANY of your recipes that it’s ridiculous. The one that stands out to me, though, was the Key Lime Yogurt Cake with Raspberry Coulis Ribbon.
I really think I could get my husband to do anything for me if I baked that for him all the time.
Erin says
Yum! Happy Blog Birthday! I’ve been reading – and drooling over the recipes – for more than 3 years!!! Though when I started I went through ALL the archives and read them as well – what can I say? I was pregnant with my son at the time! Thanks so much for keeping it up – every time it looks like you might stop I get nervous and cross my fingers! 🙂
Erika says
Happy Birthday! I guess I’ve been reading your blog about a year….I have a terrible memory so I can’t really remember!
Keep up the good work, and I wish you many more happy blogging years.
Lisa says
Happy birthday! That bread pudding looks amazing! *wants some*
katie says
Wow happy 5th blog birthday! You were one of the first blogs I ever found/started reading years ago and one of the ones that inspired to start my own.
The bricho looks to die for and includes all my favourite things cinnamon, brioche and pudding! Whats not to love?
I’ve made your pumpkin loaf cake recipe – though I fiddled with the flavours a bit and your cheesecake has been on my ‘must bake’ list for ages!
Heather says
Wow. Time flies!! How long I’ve been reading? Well – my computer crashed 3 years ago. And when I got my new one – I had to go back and find all my subscriptions to blogs – and yours was one I was reading, so at least 4 years. 😉 Don’t you love how I figure things out?
As for recipes, I’ve made a bunch. World Peace cookies, gingerbread bars, Baileys cream cheese bar, rocky road bars, snickerdoodle muffins, Baileys irish cream cake, apple cheesecake, oh the list goes on and on. 🙂
congratulations on 5 years!!
Amy says
I’m a newer reader, I’d say within the last few months even. I haven’t made anything yet, but this looks like it might move right to the top of my list – I love cinnamon!
Ana says
I came across your blog when I moved to Bothell in 2008. I was looking for information on my new home, and I found your other blog. Since then, I have tried out several of your recipes, and I come back regularly to read. Earlier this year we moved to Southern California, but I still follow your blog. Makes me feel like I am still in Seattle (you can keep the rain!) and I love the recipes and ideas.
Laurel says
I’ve been reading your blog for…probably 4 years now? Is that how long it’s been since I first saw you link to it on the Knot? Damn. Anyway, I’ve made a bunch of things from it – caramel apple cheesecake, various bread puddings, the pumpkin muffins. I’ve been meaning to make the refund muffins for years but keep forgetting until I’ve already made some other muffin.
Margaret says
Happy Birthday to your fabulous blog! You are the first place I go to look for a recipe. I’ve been reading your blog since Fall ’06 when you popped up in my google search for pumpkin cheesecake. I’ve made so many things, I can’t even remember them all – pumpkin cheesecake, raspberry swirl cheesecake, caramel apple cheesecake, cinnamon roll cheesecake, nutella cookies, key lime coconut blondies, peanut butter blondies, World Peace cookies, caramel peanut brownie cake, financiers, Dorie’s perfect party cake and just this week, the solid gold carrot cake for my husband’s birthday. He knows you as the “girl with the cheesecakes” and any time I want to try a recipe from you that’s all I have to say to get the green light. I love that you occasionally post savory things too – I took your apple, blue cheese and onion tart to a party once and it was one of the first things to go.
Finally, that cinnamon brioche bread pudding, mmmmmmmm. Just the bread alone looks fantastic.
Jena says
Congratz on 5 years blogging! That’s amazing. I don’t know if I could be that dedicated to something, at least online lol. I’ve been reading your blog for at least 2 years now, ever since I started to get into baking. I haven’t made anything yet, but I’ve saved a lot of your recipes to Microsoft Word, hoping to pull one out when the time comes. 🙂
Karen says
I have read your blog ever since we sat together at Herb Farm just over two years ago. Since I have a toddler now, I don’t have the time to make as many recipes of yours that I would like but the rebate muffins are one of my favorites!
sharon says
I’ve been reading your blog for several months and have made a few items from it. My husband won’t let me make many of them because he would weigh 300 lbs!!
Laurie says
Happy 5th Birthday! You know I have made many recipes from this blog. A few of my favorites, white cupcakes(which are my go-to), pumpkin swirl cheesecake, oreo krispy treats, and all the snickerdoodle creations. I have spent hours just browsing on your blog. Love it.
Heres to 5 more babe! xo
Amy says
Happy Blog Birthday!!!!
I’ve been reading your blog for 3-4 years now, I’d guess??
I love how honest and upfront you are about everything, without being too much so. (Not sure if that makes sense, but sometimes I get the feeling that people are trying to be TOO real, that they’re not REALLY being real. Yeah. That makes no sense written out).
Anyway, love the blog! Can’t wait to see what delicious stuff you make in the next 5 years! 🙂
Natalie says
I guess we both got the ‘cinnamon bread pudding’ memo yesterday! Yours looks fantastic!
And I have been reading for about two years. I remember a little over a year ago when I started my blog I sent you an email. You were one of the first blogs I found and I was just obsessed.
Amy says
Congratulations on 5 years!!
I’ve been reading your blog for about 3 years (maybe a little more) and love it!! Keep up the good work 🙂
sarah lynch says
Happy 5 years!
I have been reading since the beginning:)
I have made many of your recipes, but the one that comes to mind immediately is the pumpkin bread pudding…yum!
stacy says
I would say I have read for probably 4 years. I love your inspiration – congrats on 5 years!
gramps says
When Bossy came thru Sacramento, one of the bloggers in attendance asked me (as the only guy there, I just listened a lot) about the cooking blogs that I follow. I said that I follow a bunch but tend to make more stuff from “Peabody” than any other. Plus she likes hockey
gramps says
Oh, yeah, probably followed for about 2 or 3 years
Katie says
First off, congratulations on the blog birthday! 5 years. What a wonderful accomplishment. 🙂
I have been reading your blog for a relatively short amount of time, a little over a year and a half, but I’ve enjoyed it so much I’ve gone back to read the archives. No blog I’ve encountered has the ability to lift my spirits like yours does. Your personality shines through so much and the recipes are always stellar. My favorite would have to be the Snickerdoodle Blondies or the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffle Cheesecake. To die for. Thank you for doing what you do!
Rebecca says
Mmmmmm, that looks delish! Can’t wait for the next 5 years and many more after that! Well done Pea!
Bri says
Congrats! I’ve been reading your lovely blog so long I don’t remember when I started. Is that a good enough answer? 🙂 It’s been three years, give or take. I’ve only made a couple things from the blog, but everything always looks so good. I don’t know how you can do WW and run this blog but I’m thrilled you do! Thanks Peabody!
Kelly says
I think I found your blog around 6 or 7 months ago. It was one of the ones that inspired me to start my own. Keep up the good work! I have made a few things and bookmarked dozens… better get to it eh? 😀
Jade says
I have read your blog for about 2 years now and love it. I have made several things from your blog, including your Key Lime Pie, which I also blogged about. Readers made it and think its the best in the world. Happy 5th Anniversary!
Erin says
Congratulations on 5 years! I have only been reading since late 2007, but have enjoyed making many of your recipes from the very beginning!
MIA says
WHEW…I can breathe now! So happy for your anniversary & so happy you’re still going strong!
Julie says
I think I’ve been reading your blog for about a year – so a relative newby. I have made a couple things but the one that stands out was a rice/cocoa krispie treat with oreo cookies. It was a huge hit!
Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) says
Congrats on your five-year anniversary! It’s a huge achievement to maintain a blog for that long. And thanks for this luscious bread pudding recipe, too.
Debbie says
Happy 5th Birthday to your blog!!! I’ve been reading you for two years and enjoy all your recipes! Thanks for sharing all this with us!
Linda says
Yum. I love bread pudding.
Wow, 5 years. Congrats! Here’s to 5 more and beyond!
Jen says
Happy blogiversary!
Irene says
Happy blogobirthday!!! I don’t remember how long I’ve been reading… probably since before I started my own blog, so two+ years? Five years is really cool, congratulations!
Deana Klein says
Congratulations on your 5 years of blogging! Five years ago, I did not even know what a blog was! I am always amazed at all the wonderful blogs people have. I found your blog a couple of days ago through Aunt Pity Pat’s blog. My mouth is watering looking through your blog. I have not made anything yet. I am still browsing looking to see which I am going to make first! Oh Yummmm!! Will definately try a few with my kids this summer! Thank you for sharing your baby with us!
sarah says
Congratulations on 5 years! That is awesome! I’ve only been blogging for about 1 1/2 years, but it is so rewarding. And I LOVE your bread pudding recipes 🙂
Natasha P. says
I have been reading your blog for a little over a year, heck, maybe even two years, I’m not sure. It was after PW mentioned you. I have never made any of the recipes you’ve posted because for some reason they seem intimidating. But, I love your blog and your wit. I think we would be great friends, because we seem alike in many ways. Happy blogiversary!
Andrea Eyler says
I’ve been reading your blog for a year now. My favorite recipe is the Chocolate Hazelnut Cheesecake!
Joanne says
I did feel some palpitations coming on when you started sounding like this was your swan song. It was bad for a second. I almost called 911. Thankfully I kept reading 😛
I’ve been reading your blog since around the time I started blogging, which was about a year and a half ago and I’ve always adored it. Your stories never fail to make me laugh and your food never fails to make my stomach growl. congrats babe!
That bread pudding looks some kind of awesome. I’m a sucker for bread pudding. Every time.
Kristin says
Congrats on five years! I’ve always loved the pictures on your blog 🙂
Patty says
Happy Birthday! I love your blog and have been reading about two years. One of my favorite was during the Olympics when you ever so nicely blasted the rude hockey fan. Bless your heart. I have made lots of your recipes, but the one that stands out is the Soft Pretzel Salted Caramel Bread Pudding. Outstanding!
ingrid says
Oh, hey, wow! Five years? You go girl!
I’ve been reading here about two years now and I’ve actually made several of your recipes or variations of them. I have to say that all of them have been good though some obviously more than others.
We actually have similar tastes, bread puddings, snickeroodle & s’more-ish flavors, YUM!
Looking forward to many more!
AnneStrawberry says
Happy 5th birthday to your baby Peabody! 🙂 Your blog is one of the first cooking blogs I found and still my favorite. Thanks for writing!
Amy says
Happy 5th birthday! I started reading about three years ago and while I’ve drooled over most everything, I’ve only made the refund muffins and the cranberry orange cookies. Both get rave reviews every time!
Karen says
Congrats on 5 years. I adore your blog. I know I have baked off it a few times, banana-espresso muffins springs to mind and I’m sure there have been others.
katie says
Happy Birthday Peabody!!
I’ve read your blog for at least two years…. but I’ve read back through most of your recipes!
I’ve made a lot of your recipes…Strawberry whopper cake, whopper blondie things…That gooey caramel peanut topped brownie, some of the loaf recipes…it’s been a lot of things…oh those cinnamon bun swirly cookies that made me swear a lot…there was also a delicious pumpkin butterscotch cake I made a few years back!
I so wish I had some brioche cread pudding to eat right now, I had dental surgery yesterday and I think that is considered “soft food” YUMM.
You make me laugh and you imnspire me to bake great things. Here’s to 5 more awesome years!!
katie says
P.S. You were the first blog I started reading and inspired me to blog!!! 🙂
Melissa says
The recipe for that bread will be the next one I try! It looks amazing! I’ve been reading for just about a year and have made lots of your recipes, trying each time to post a comment about how I liked it. The last one I made (and it was wonderful!) was the cashew butterscotch bars. YUM!
Darlene says
I so enjoy your blog!
You can look at it as not 5 years older… but rather 5 years BETTER!
liz says
Everyone knows ginger ale goes best with cinnamon toast when you are feeling sick 🙂
The bread looks delicious. Congrats on five years. Thanks for entertaining!
Myla says
I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now ~ it’s one of the first places I look if I’m needing inspiration for a yummy dessert recipe!
Melissa says
5 years is great! Thank you for everything! And, I love cinnamon sugar toast, too, but I don’t save it for special occasions anymore. 🙂
Jen Yu says
Awwww, hells yeah, girl!!! Happy 5 year blogiversary. I’m so glad you blog because that’s how I met you 🙂 And I’m GONNA meet you too – can’t wait for IFBC. Loves ya, sweetie xo
Joanna says
Happy 5th Birthday! I have been reading for 2+ years and enjoying every delectable post!
Randi says
I think I’ve been reading this blog for about a year now. On Thanksgiving, my boyfriend and I tried to make the chocolate cream pie. He told me that he loves me, but he never wants to chop that much chocolate for me ever again. Unfortunately, we must have done something wrong because the pie didn’t set. >.< I do have other recipes from here on my list of things to try, though.
Elle says
Happy blog birthday Pea! I’ve been readin you ever since I started blogging…over 3 years ago. I have made recipes from your blog and always love your bread pudding recipes…a shared love. Who can hate cinnamon sugar toast?…or bread pudding? If I win the book pick again since I have a copy…it has the recipe I use for sourdough starter and much more. Again, happy 5 years & many more!
Carolyn Ellsworth says
I have been reading your blog since Nov. 2008. It all started with one very boring desk job and the ability to surf the web at work 🙂 I’ve definitely made recipes, which have all been great except when I screw them up!
Lisa says
Yes, PLEASE! Don’t take this the wrong way… but I want to lick your blog.
Meg says
I’ve checked your blog daily for the past 3 years (but have read all of your entries), and have enjoyed it very much.
I have made: Peanut Butter “Sweetie” Pie, Peanut Butter and Jelly Shortbread Wedges,Peanut Butter and Jelly Tart (yes, I like PB), and pumpkin ice cream!
Rachel says
Five years! Wow, that’s impressive! I love Macrina bakery and especially enjoy cookbooks from bakeries I love (like Grand Central’s … ). Also, your brioche looks amazing, even prior to becoming a pudding – which also looks amazing. Excited to continue following your blog. 🙂
Susan says
Happy 5 years! I think I have been reading for at least 2 years and probably longer. I have made many of your recipes and printed out lots more to try. I love the snickerdoodle blondies and anything with key lime!!
Laura says
Congrats on your fith year blogaversay! 🙂 Can’t remember when exactly I started reading your blog, but I’m guessing that it was pretty close to when your started it. And I missed your posts so much when you took your break (deserved though it was)! Though I’ve never made anything exactly as posted (I love creating my own recipes), your beautiful creations have given me so many insiprations. And you’ve been my go-to source for mini-pan baking times. Your posts make me smile and your photos dream of creating treats even half as beautiful. Thank you!!
Di says
Happy birthday! Wow, 5 years. I’ve been reading for just about half that time. I haven’t made any of the recipes other that the ones we have in common from Tuesdays with Dorie. In fact, reading about one of your first recipes for TWD was what prompted me to join the group. I love your writing and photos, and one of these days I’ll have more time to try some of your recipes. =)
Deborah says
Happy blog birthday!! I have been reading your blog forever it seems like – probably almost since the beginning! I’ve made quite a few things from here and have loved every single one. The first thing that came to my mind was the key lime pie cupcakes. YUM!
Kristina says
Happy blog birthday! I’ve been reading your blog for about 9 months. I’ve loved it from the first post I read. I’ve tried Hot Chocolate cake, which I loved and got rave reviews, and the Cider Walnut bread from the book I’m hoping so much to win! The bread was AH-mazing!
Claire says
I have NO CLUE how long I’ve been reading you…for as long as I can remember. I’ve had my blog for 4 years…so probably close to that! And I have definitely made recipes from you…multiple ones! Can’t wait to try more!
jacquie says
congratulations of 5 years. i have been reading your blog for at least 2 years. while i’m not sure if i have made any recipe directly from it – i have certainly modified some recipes due to the inspiration of your blog. and please don’t change your postinf voice – not that your could – i love your sometimes irevarant point of view.
Sarah says
I have been reading your blog for about 3 years now. It is one of my favorites. I have made the cinnamon roll cookies from your blog, along with a few other things.
stacy says
Congratulations on 5 years – isn’t that a lifetime in blog years? I discovered your blog about a year ago, but I haven’t made anything since my husband is trying to lose weight. If he gets to go on his big motorcycle trip this summer, I might have to make some of your recipes and share them with my neighbors, or something. 🙂
Ellen says
I have been reading your blog for about a year. It is my absolute favorite blog because it not only fuels my recipe collecting addiction but my hockey addiction.
While many many of your lovely recipes have gone into my stash I have really only made the malted milk blondies…but I have made them several times with variations.
When I was a kid, cinnamon sugar toast was my dad’s go-to breakfast on Saturday’s when my mother was working. Yum. I can’t wait to make this brioche!
Joanna says
Wow, cinnamon toast and a 7up was my childhood go-to when feeling sick as well! This brioche looks amazing, when I was going to school at AiS, I would walk by Macrina and drool while watching them bake with their big open windows. Mmmmmm.
I’ve been reading your blog for about a year or so – I was referred by my friend (and yours) Marcie!
I have yet to try any of your recipes, but the nutella tart is high on my list … mmmm, nutella …
grace says
SUCH an accomplishment, peabody–bravo!
and, may i say, best brioche ever. 🙂
Courtney says
I’ve been reading your website for probably a year. I love baking and it’s fun to see your unique creations!
I’ve made the cookie dough chocolate cookies and loved them. Anything cookie dough is the best!!
Charlene says
Happy 5th Birthday! I am new to the blogging world, but am hooked. I stumbled across your blog while looking for a samoa cheesecake and when I searched, yours popped up. I made it and well there are no words to express how truly sublime this was. I plan to try many more recipes. Here is wishing you all the best and keep your recipes coming because you have a wonderful blog filled with so many exceptional recipes. Enjoy your week-end!
Jenny says
Happy Birthday! I love all of your recipes – I have them all saved in my file and I send all your bread pudding type recipes to my best friend.
jan says
WOW! and congrats! I can’t believe its been 5 years! I’ve been reading your blog for at least 4 years and its been absolute heaven… thanks!
Katrina says
Ahh, happy #5. I started my blog two years ago this past February, so that’s probably about how long I’ve been reading yours, having first discovered Cookie Madness, then checking out all the blogs she linked, yours was one of them.
Good stuff!
Here’s to another 5 more-at least, your blog will be an adolescent by then!
Jon says
Congratulations on turning five! I’ve been reading for about six months now, though I haven’t made anything from here yet. I do have your “Cinnamon Roll Cheesecake with Cream Cheese Frosting” pinned to my desktop, though, waiting for the next time company comes for breakfast!
Laura says
Hooray! How lovely. I am a fellow Seattle-ite, and I’ve been following your adventures for a little over a year. I’m sure I made your pecan tassies awhile back, and those gluten-free cookies from your review of the flying apron bakery.
delia says
I’ve only been reading for the past few years, but I get so excited when I see you have a new post because there are always yummy food pictures and fun anecdotes. Congratulations on 5 years!
Amber Smith says
Well Happy 5th Birthday to your amazing blog (and yes I was thinking exactly that I’m 5 years older too) Oh well, at least it’s been 5 years of yummy food and great reading. Cheers to many more!!
Jessica V. says
Wow, 5 years! I’ve been reading your blog for about 2 years now. I also read a bit of Northwest Noshings too–I like to keep up on the tastiness, as a fellow Northwesterner! I love your frankness when it comes to every subject imaginable (probably because I have the same reactions to everything, lol!), and, of course, the food. I’ve made a few things from your site, but the first thing I ever made was your Italian Meringue Buttercream….I was a very ambitious amateur cook back then and after two empty egg cartons and half a bag of sugar, I got it down and then my mother pretty much stole the bowl away from me.
I’ll have to try this brioche soon. I’ve been having mad cravings for cinnamon toast!
Your blog has been a source of chuckles and photographic inspiration–congratulations on 5 years!
Donna says
Happy 5th Birthday!!
I have been a fan for about 2 years and as luck would have it, just yesterday I made those evil rice krispie treats laced with nutella goodness. My son in law took one bite and slowly reached over to grab the entire pan and clutch it to his chest. My daughter said where in the world did you get this recipe? So I replied, from my friend Peabody! Thanks for everything you do! You always make me smile.
Kristina says
happy bday blog! one of my favorites, I’ve been reading (with a brief recent hiatus) for 3.75 years…
and I think I’ve made every cheesecake you’ve ever featured… my favorite being the Circus Animal cupcakes.
thank you.
Stephanie says
Congrats on the anniversary! I’ve been reading your blog for quite a long time. My blog turned 3 years old in May, and I know I’ve been reading yours before I started my own – so longer than three years! I know i’ve made quite a few things off your blog, off the top of my head the one I can remember are your cinnamon-sugary snickerdoodle muffins… my mouth is watering just from the memory of making those. 🙂
Thanks for blogging for all these years! Yours is one of the few that has remained over the years.
Jannett says
Happy 5th Birthday….I love your blog…there are so many great recipes… Can hardly wait for the next 5 years… 🙂
Felice says
Happy 5th Birthday!! Here’s to many more wonderful years of blogging. Wow, five years can go by in the blink of an eye. I haven’t been here since the beginning but I have had a lot of fun going back through your older postings – such funny stories and wonderful recipes. I guess I have only been reading for somewhere between six to twelve months.
Jennifer says
Happy Birthday to you!!! and many more (I hope!) Yes, I love your blog and have been reading it for 2 years, so glad I found you.
And yes, I have made many of your recipes, but mine hardly ever look as good as yours 🙂 , but they are always yummy!
Carol says
Happy 5th Birthday to you! I’ve been reading and enjoying your blog for almost 2 years. I can’t get here as often as I’d like but always enjoy the time I spend here and your wonderful recipes.
My absolute favorite that I’ve tried is your Snickerdoodle Muffins…they are absolutely the BEST!
Traci says
Congratulations on the big milestone! I only found you about a year ago, but yours is one of the first blogs I check when I turn the computer on. I love the way you write and your pictures are devine! Thanks for putting so much into your blog for all of us readers!
Kerstin says
Congrats on 5 years!!! And what a lovely bread pudding – yum!
Barbara says
Happy 5th Birthday!
I’ve been reading your blog for a couple years now and loving your sense of humor and fabulous recipes.
I know I’ve copied many of your recipes and probably made some too, but I’m too old to remember which and when! 🙂
claire says
I have tried lots of your cookies, I keep going back to Spritz. Thanks for the blog
m says
happy blog birthday!!!!!Your blog is my favorite!
Ashley says
Happy Blog Birthday! Your blog is my very favorite and has been for the four years I’ve been reading it. If I ever need a recipe I check here first as I respect your baking talents over most.
I’ve made several of your recipes including banana breads, pound cakes, and I adore all of your cheesecakes.
Mimi says
Happy Blogoversary!!
I think I’ve been reading along with you for around three years or so now.
Since my blog has been mostly sourdough, whole wheat and unrefined sugars, I come here for serious food porn. I haven’t made any of your recipes yet, but as far as I can tell, you haven’t made any of mine either. 😀 so it’s all fair either way, lol!!
Elizabeth says
I fell in love with your blog when I found the post from March 4, 2009. Not only was it posted on my birthday, the title was Recycle (I am a super recycling freak), and the recipe was for “Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes with Brown Sugar Frosting” (can you say “yummmmm” ??). So now I check your blog daily, and drool all over the keyboard whenever you have a new post 🙂 keep ’em coming!
dena says
I’ve been reading your blog for over a year now. I’ve downloaded a few of the recipes, but can’t recall which specific ones they were, sorry…
dena says
misspelled my website, oopsie! This is the correct url.
suzanne says
Happy Blog Birthday, hope there are many more to come. This brioche looks wonderful. I have added it to my “to do” list
Natalie says
Happy 5th birthday hehe!! :D:D this bread looks so good, it looks like cinnamon swirl bread, yummy!!
Monica H says
Well happy birthday!
I’ve been following you for about a year and a half. I’ve made your potato soup several times, blondies and I plan on making your orange mascaropne mousse for my mom’s birthday in a couple weeks.
Congrats on 5 years!
Suzanne says
Happy Blogiversary!! I’ve been reading your site for about a year and a half and always look forward to your new posts! Thanks for always keepin it real 😉
Laura says
I can’t say I have been reading since you started but I can say I have been with you for the last two years. I have made your choc. chip cookies and they were awesome!! I just made this brioche and it was great!! I have also made a few more things….and have added them to my own personal recipes. Everything you make looks good and what I have made I can honestly says is YUMMY! Thanks for having your website and keep up the awesome job, I really appreciate what you have given us.
Allie says
Congratulations! I’ve been reading your blog a year and a half or so, and I’ve made your caramel cake and lime pound cake.
nags says
i have been reading you for more than 2 years now. Have bookmarked a few but never gotten around to trying anything. 5 years is a long time, congrats and here’s to many more 🙂
Katy Hardin says
I’ve been reading for about 6 months or so and I’ve made the key lime cupcakes from your blog. I took them to a work food day and they disappeared faster than anything else and I have had numerous requests for them since then.
caitlyn says
Happy blogiversary! I discovered your blog just recently (via foodgawker) and am so glad I did!
baking soda says
5? Already? And you look as young as ever! Must be all that pudding 😉 Celebrate!
Nothing screams comfort as bread pudding does! Thks for the recipe.
Jessica says
I’ve been reading for around two years now, and I’ve made a bunch of the cookie recipes – though I am so going to try making that brioche. It’s gorgeous!
Happy birthday to your awesome blog!
Shannon says
I’ve been reading your blog for about four years and have made the key lime raspberry cheesecake bars and the Captain Crunch cookies.
Kara says
If I could only conquer my fear of brioche… (although this looks so good, I might just give it another try)
I’ve been reading for the past 3 years or so! And I’ve tried a few recipes… peanut butter blondies, brownie cupcakes with peanut butter frosting (do we see a trend here?) and the Chocolate Bailey’s Pound Cake! YUM
Julia M says
Congratulations on 5 years! I’ve been a fan for about 18 months. Just last week we made your “be thankful for what you have cookies”! They were soooo good – we used them to make ice cream sandwiches. Thanks for all the recipes, pictures and stories!
Cheryl says
hey i love your site! congrats on your 5 years! looking forward to many more 😀
Amanda Joy says
Hey Peabody,
I have been a lurker to your awesomeness for about 6 months now. I have made the Turtle Jumbles, and I love everything Lime, so I can’t wait to make the raspberry lime cheesecake. I also can’t wait for the hazelnut rice krispy treats. There is just too much I want to make. Thanks so much! Happy BirthdayL:)
Melinda says
I think it is about 2 1/2 years now that I found your blog through Cookie baker Lynn. The very first post I read of yours I knew I had to make it. It was the pumpkin brioche. I love the recipe and even bought the baking book by Sherry Yard. A book that I value very much in my baking library. I have made quite a few things from your blog now. I love your sassy use of caramel and chocolate!
Here’s to many years more of blogging and hopefully we will meet someday soon! I love reading your blog sweet Pea. Cheers x
Joanna from Colorado says
Hi Peabody! I’ve probably been reading all about hockey, food, your relationships, and you for only maybe 6-8 months or so, but you feel like one of my girlfriends.
I love making stuff from scratch, and I have actually made your Cheesy Beer-Hard Cider Bread, but I used all Shiner Bock once and all Guinness another time instead of half hard cider, and my husband and I love it (I usually make it when I make chili). I have also saved like probably at least 10 more of your recipes that I haven’t tried yet.
Congratulations on your blog being 5 years old! I would love to run a blog, but I would probably not be able to keep up with it as well as you do.
Please keep on keepin’ on. I love your work, hehe. 🙂
Dana says
Well, first of all – gorgeous job on that bread! Second of all, huge congrats to you. 5 years is an amazing achievement and I have thoroughly enjoyed every one of you posts that I have read over the years (probably three years). I have the book, so don’t consider me in the running, just want to say thanks for the inspiration!
Anita Turner says
I can’t remember how long I’ve been reading – not 5 years, but maybe two years. I enjoy your recipes and your writing!
Dad says
I haven’t made anything from your blog. I can’t find anything in the kitchen so I can’t make anything. You’re mom keeps asking me if I live here.
However, I did make you and I’m satisfied the way it came out and you photographs well.
Dolores says
Happy 5th anniversary/birthday Peabody. I’ve been reading since day one, and I’ve made more “Peabodies” over the years than I can keep track of. 🙂
Dolores says
…and I’m looking forward to many more!
Samantha says
I have only been reading your blog for the past year or so, but i have read much of it since then. I use both ideas and recipes from here all of the time in my own cooking endeavors.
Shari says
Happy Happy!! A milestone to be sure. And that is one amazing looking Brioche! Here’s to many more happy years of blogging. . .
Tami says
Happy Happy blog Birthday! I agree! A blog is like a baby…
Amy says
Happy 5th Blog Birthday Peabody!!
I’ve been reading your blog from the start…since I was a fellow Seattle Knottie/Nestie.(AmyInOly) Your blog has always been a wonderful source of entertainment from your written entries and drool-worthy photos and recipes.
I’ve made many things through the years and most recent was the Banana Fosters Bread Pudding…. so so so good!!
Looking forward to more blogging from you!!
Candice says
I’ve been following for a few months. I tried your caramel popcorn recipe, and I LOVE it!! My husband and I only make it once in a very long while, but we’ll make a huge batch and eat over the next couple days. DELICIOUS!
Happy blog birthday!
Chaya says
I have been blogging for a year and yours was one of the first blogs, I found. I have been a lurker more than anything else.
I have enjoyed your style of writing and picked up tips from that rather than copying recipes.
Helen says
Happy blog birthday! I’m glad this blog’s been around to provide me with amusement and inspiration for yummy desserts.
Angela says
Happy 5th Blogiversary! I’m amazed at how huge your recipe index is every time I check it out; I suppose I should have realized Culinary Concoctions was getting up there in years 😉
After looking through my own blog and cookbook, I have come to the unexpected realization that I’ve never made anything from here.
But I can tell you, right off the top of my head, that the caramelized sugar chocolate chip cookies and mini frosted-animal-cracker cheesecakes have always been on my mind to try!
I think I started following your blog at least 2 years ago…since the moment I found it, it’s been on my daily list of sites to check =)
Jessica says
Happy 5th (blogging) Birthday!!! I’ve made the snickerdoodle blondies and have marked many additional recipes to try. I’ve been reading for less than a year, but I love your blog!
Jennie says
Happy birthday, blog! I have been reading your blog for at least 3, if not 4 years. My, how time does fly!
I have made a couple different recipes from the blog–can’t remember which ones right now since all of them look good every time and I think to myself, “Oooo! I’ll make that soon!” So it’s hard to remember which ones I’ve made and which ones I’ve just PROMISED to make. 🙂
annie says
Hi Peabody and congratulations on your baby’s 5th birthday. I’m sure this blog is as difficult as having a human child around, as you have to work just as hard! I’ve made easy recipes…some cookies and loaves. I am challenged when it comes to pastry skills, so I pick the easy route. I’ve been reading your blog for about 3 years, now. To many more years of great recipes and hilarious stories. Thank you.
Sarah Winfrey says
I’ve only been following along for just a few months, I’ve made the cookie bars with the maltballs…super yummy. I have lots of plans to try more of your recipes but have been watching my weight lately 🙂
Bri says
I’ve been reading your blog since December 2007. My favorite recipe so far has been the pumpkin whoopie pies. Those are totally addictive!
Allison says
Happy Blog Day! Your blog is a morning treat for me over coffee. Thank you!
Sherry says
Holy Five years! My one year is just about coming up, so I can only say I’ve been reading your blog for about a few months. I know I’ve made something from here but I just can’t put a finger on it… I have, however, been DYING to one day make your cinnamon roll cheesecake!
Emily says
Congrats on 5 years! I love your blog… like you said, it’s the pictures. I feel full after looking at them sometimes, they’re so mouth-watering delicious. I’ve made quite a few things from your blog, but the one that started it all was the original key lime cupcake. I was searching for one and stumbled on your blog. That was probably about 2 years ago. Now, I made anything with lime and raspberry on your blog. And then I bookmark everything else to try later. So glad you’re not saying good bye!
Kathy says
Happy 5th Year! I just found your blog today. I love trying new recipes, can’t wait to try some of yours. The pictures are amazing, it makes me want to taste everything. I will be reading regularly.
Patricia says
Hi Peabody! Congratulations!
I just came across your blog today while blog hopping and looking for something a little different and yet soulish-if you know what I mean. The bread pudding recipe is exactly what I am looking for with company coming this weekend. What a gem!
Again, congratulations!
Jaime says
happy 5 years peabody!! gosh i am not sure how long i have been reading your blog (though i don’t often have time to comment anymore w/my 7 month old in tow)….it’s been maybe 3 years? i’ve made several things from it and have loved them all 🙂
Shoshanna says
Hi everyone,
My name is Shoshanna and I am a Peabody-Aholic. I first discovered Peabody back in 2007 while procrastinating accounting homework and instantly became hooked to this website. I have tried valiantly not to obsessively check Peabody’s blog on a daily basis. I profess that I have good weeks and bad.
I think what keeps me coming back to read Peabody’s blog is the delicious goodies featured on this addictive website I check on a daily basis, her love for Calgary Flames (read: Canadian hockey teams and hockey in general), and the stories (most memorable with the Trader Joe Jerk who cheered on Sid-the-Kid during the Olympics.) There’s the optimistic side of me that hopes/prays(?) there’s an off chance Peabody will deliver the above said goodies to Vancouver, Canada. 🙂 (j/k)
Here’s the list of items I can recall for sure that I have made using recipes on Peabody’s website: Coconut Thumbprint cookies (super delicious and highly recommended; made it 3 years in a row for Christmas and successfully ate 1/4 of what I made every time), Banana Cake, Cream Puffs, cookies (don’t remember which ones). Since I just bought a madeline pan from Williams Sonoma, I’ll be attempting the “White Peach Sangria Madeleines” soon.
All in all, happy 5th blog-anniversary Peabody and here’s to many many more!! Thank you for successfully feeding my food-blog addiction to my husband’s dismay. He wishes I spend less time reading food blogs and more time making them.
Shoshanna :o)
Jenn says
I have been reading your blog for about a year after stumbling across your ‘Loud and Proud’ blog with the cheesecake meets cinnamon roll creation. I haven’t made anything from your blog yet but that doesn’t stop me from constantly drooling over your treats! Thanks and happy 5th blog birthday!! 🙂
Mrs. L says
Happy Belated Blogivesary! I’m so glad you have this blog…it made me learn to make donuts 🙂
And I’d love to send you a care package but I have no idea where to send it…maybe a little bird could send me the PO Box for that???
Lynn says
I’ve been stopping by your site for my daily dose of drool for about 3 years now. It’s amazing how you can consistently improve on perfection!
Eliana says
(This is a bit late) but happy blogoversary. Looking forward to many mroe years of your wonderfully delicious and whitty posts.
michelle says
Congrats on 5 years!!
I’m so gonna hafta make that brioche!! Oh my gosh!!!
Kate D. says
I’ve been reading your blog for about a year and a half and have made too many things to count. All of it delicious!
Emily says
Happy Birthday! I’m sorry I’m behind in my reading and missed your giveaway, but appreciate you sharing your recipe and as always, love reading your posts!