These Snickerdoodle Ice Cream Sandwiches have a caramel snickerdoodle ice cream middle sandwiched between to soft snickerdoodle cookies.

Summer finally hit the Seattle area.
Apparently in the next few days it’s going to hit hard. \
Which is what happens when all the Seattle people start wishing and a praying for the sun and warmer weather too hard, the weather over compensates.
I decided on our first full day of sun that I would embrace it and go out for a walk.
I hate shorts but felt that the neighborhood should be punished and I would expose them to my pasty white Scottish Canadian legs.
No seriously, I bring white to a new level.
It’s like I always say, I’m so white I don’t absorb the sun, I reflect it.
So I grabbed the pair of shorts that I was the longest pair I could find that would still be considered shorts and a tank top.
Lathered up in sunscreen and headed out.
When the sun is out, the people come out.
So often you run into neighbors, and sometimes one you haven’t met.
Like today.
Today I met a neighbor I hadn’t met.
A perfectly fine gentleman who spent a large amount of time staring at my shorts while talking to me.
I just figured he was looking at the ASU Hockey logo at the bottom of them.
Apparently not.
Apparently my fresh from the dryer shorts had a stowaway on them.
The bad news is that it was well, underwear, desperately clinging to the side of my shorts going for a joy ride.
I guess the good news is that my neighbor now knows I have great taste in underwear. 😉
Since it is Summer, nothing says Summer like a good ol’ ice cream sandwich.
In this case a cookie one.
Snickerdoodle Ice Cream Sandwiches.
I have several people write me asking me that since I make all things snickerdoodle how come I don’t just have a cookie recipe.
Truth, it’s one of two recipes I’m not allowed to give out.
So this one is similar to what my family recipe is, minus a key ingredient that I wont say or else I might be killed. 🙂
But these ones are pretty good.
I use nutmeg in mine which not everyone enjoys, but I sure do.
Please note that you will need to make a DOUBLE batch of the cookies for the sandwiches.
For the ice cream I just made a caramel ice cream based and finely crushed up some snickerdoodles.
So these are very snickerdoodly (yes, that is not a word…is now).
Thanks for all the well wishes for my birthday.
Crazy Cocker Spaniel did great at the Beerfest, and as you can see by the picture I had a good time too. 🙂
And as always it’s a great day to buy my cookbook.

Want More Ice Cream Recipes?
Pineapple Upside Down Cake Ice Cream
Peanut Butter and Pretzel No-Churn Ice Cream
Circus Animal Cookie Ice Cream

Snickerdoodle Ice Cream Sandwiches
- For the Snickerdoodle Cookies:
- 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
- 1 cup unsalted butter
- 2 eggs
- 2 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 tsp cream of tartar
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1/4 tsp salt
- for rolling the cookies in:
- 1/4 cup granulated sugar
- 2 tsp ground cinnamon
- For the Caramel Snickerdoodle Ice Cream:
- 1 vanilla bean
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/4 cup water
- 1 1/2 cups whipping cream
- 1 cup whole milk
- 8 large egg yolks
- 15 regular sized snickerdoodles or30 mini
- For the Cookies:
Heat oven to 375ºF.
Mix 1 1/2 cups sugar, the butter, and eggs in large bowl.
Stir in flour, cream of tartar, baking soda and salt.
Shape dough into 1 1/4-inch balls( I made mini ones, using a mini ice cream scoop).
Mix 1/4 cup sugar and the cinnamon.
Roll balls in cinnamon-sugar mixture.
Place 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until set.
Remove from cookie sheet to wire rack.
If making minis bake for 6-7 minutes.
****You will want to make a double batch. ****
For the Caramel Snickerdoodle Ice
Cream:plit vanilla bean in half lengthwise.
Scrape seeds into large saucepan; add bean.
Add sugar and 1/4 cup water and stir over medium-low heat until sugar dissolves.
Increase heat and boil without stirring until syrup turns deep amber color, occasionally brushing down sides of pan with wet pastry brush and swirling pan, about 8 minutes.
Remove from heat.
Add cream (mixture will bubble vigorously).
Stir over low heat until any caramel bits dissolve, about 4 minutes. Add milk; bring to simmer.
Whisk yolks in large bowl to blend.
Gradually whisk caramel mixture into yolks.
Return custard to saucepan and stir over medium-low heat until custard thickens and leaves path on spoon when finger is drawn across, about 5 minutes (do not boil).
Strain custard into large bowl; refrigerate until cold.
Process custard in ice cream maker according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Fold in crushed snickerdoodles.
Transfer ice cream to covered container and freeze until firm.
Scoop ice cream onto the flat side of the snickerdoodle and then top the ice cream with another snickerdoodle. Eat immediately or keep in freezer.
sarah says
these sound amazing! and i am that pasty white too. but i live in the south. people say i look like i’m glowing, but at least i won’t have skin cancer!!
The Blue-Eyed Bakers says
Snickerdoodle ice cream?! Oh yes please! These sounds delicious and perfect for beating the heat…!
Sara Tea says
oh lord. i love everything snickerdoodle. too fabulous.
Di says
*laugh* It’s always fun when my husband asks me from across the room what I’m reading that is causing me to laugh hysterically… =) I’m not sure when the last time was that I made ice cream sandwiches–I bet my girls would love these.
Joanne says
Your underwear story sounds almost like one of those nightmares where you dream you end up naked in front of a huge audience of people. Except not quite as bad.
Oh snickerdoodles. how I love thee. Even more so in ice cream sandwich form.
kristan roland says
Oh no…having a stray pair of underwear stuck to your shorts is almost worse than putting on a pair of yesterday’s jeans (they’re not even dirty, really) and later in the day having a pair of yesterday’s underwear come out the bottom of one of the legs…not that that has ever happened to me, of course.
Your cookies look stinkin awesome and the ice cream just totally seals the deal. Love the shirt too!
Food Fascination says
I love snickerdoodles!!! YUM.
Rosa says
Those cookies look divine! Hehehe, I liked the sentence about your legs which “reflect the sun”…
clumbsycookie says
I’m so sure your neighbour will not forget you! Maybe you should take some of those cookies to him. Oh no, forget about that, bring them to me!!!
Clivia says
Love those snickerdoodles! And in ice cream – wow.
Maytina says
Snickerdoodle ice cream sandwiches?! Yuuum! I especially love the idea of making the cookies and making the ice cream. truly homemade ice cream sandwiches! Great post!
annie says
Gosh, it’s as though you have a magnet that attracts all these weird things that happen to you. You must admit your life is never dull, and I’m sure your neighbor is still wondering what you’d been up to!! Still, snickerdoodle ice cream sandwiches will heal all that ails you.
Paula says
oh, I really like this cookies! I have to do some! 🙂
have a nice day!
MIA says
In other centuries my pasty white skin was prized!
I’m heading to the kitchen…
Steph says
Yum! I will put this in my “To do” pile too. The ice cream sounds perfect to go inside too. Snickerdoodles are one of my favorite cookies.
Sorry about your underware
Alisa - Frugal Foodie says
Oh, I have done the stray dryer underwear one too!
Happy belated b-day – looks like you had fun!
Val says
Absolutely hysterical about the shorts!
Those snickerdoodle ice cream cookies look snickerdoodley delicious (I love this new word!)
P.S. Happy belated Birthday!
grace says
caramel snickerdoodle ice cream…be still, my heart. this couldn’t be more appealing, and that’s all there is to it.
Mrs. L says
The snickerdoodly ice cream sandwiches sound divine!
And it wasn’t underwear attached to your’s the new trend, all the teenagers are doing it (go with it!)
Lynn says
oh dear~ funny you should mention the clingy underwear, as that’s what i worry about all the time when i’m walking to work 🙂 and now you’ve made my worry into a real story, and now i’m extra freaked out. ha~
and since my legs haven’t seen the sun (and vice versa) for the past 10-15 years, i imagine i’d blind people if i subjected them to shorts. the rest of me turns red and tans…i like to compare my hands to my legs sometimes for a laugh.
you though, can rock anything, including stowaway undies, and definitely anything snickerdoodle-ey! ;D please keep it up~
and really, that you and that shirt = <3
take care~~
Cat @ ButteryBakery says
I just love snickerdoodles, although I’ve never seen an ice cream sandwich made with them before. Sounds great!
Sues says
Oh man, that story is hilarious! And a fear I’ve always had! I always worry there will be underwear stuck to the back of my jeans as I’m walking down the street…
I’m sure these cookies did an excellent job of taking away the embarrassment 🙂
Mary says
I always tell people my legs reflect the sunlight instead of absorbing it too!
Jade says
I am totally with you on the white legs part!! I only own work out shorts. My legs are so white I to reflect the sun and blind those around me! These snickerdoodly cookies look great.
Avanika (Yumsilicious Bakes) says
Hahhha I love this post <3
Amber says
can i sub the cream of tartar? I wanted to make these tonight but that is the only thing I don’t have…
Peabody says
Cream of tarter is what gives a snickerdoodle it’s flavor.
dani says
at least u werent flashing him certain body parts :p
Amber says
ah… then its probally best i take the 2 minutes to run to the store thats 1 block away and pick some up! 😉
changes are i will burn/ruin/drop/spoil the cookies somehow… i’m not very good at this- my poor kid- he is battling cancer AND my cooking…
Peabody says
I’m so sorry to hear about your kiddo. 🙁
Katelyn says
Snickerdoodles = my favorite, but as an ice cream sandwich….heaven!
Sandi says
I love your posts. I’ve been following by RSS feed for a long time and just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your humor, your wit, and best of all your great recipes.
I make a few, but I have a tendency to eat them when I do – imagine that. Just sniffing food makes me gain weight. Keep it up though! I still like to cook and still love to eat!
My husband’s favorite is Snickerdoodles. I will have to make these.
Again thanks!
From a whiter-than-white Southern Chick. :))
brilynn says
I don’t care if it’s freezing cold here and there’s frost on the ground, ice cream sandwiches are always a good idea! Those look awesome! And happy belated bday!
Kerstin says
That is such a cute pic of you! Happy belated bday! I love snickerdoodles and you’ve taken them over the top with these little sandwiches – yum!!
Eliana says
Hmmm – perfect summer treat and very cute pic 🙂
foodess says
Yummy!! And too funny about the laundry joy ride!
Amber says
I DID IT! I MADE THEM!!! They were WONDERFUL!! Tucker (my son) LOVED THEM! infact he tried to get me to admit that I bought them from a store!! They were SO good! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!
now if you could inspire me with an icecream (gulp) birthday cake for his bday in 2 weeks…. i’m sure he’d appreciate it…
Karen says
I am seriously bummed by this post. Currently I can’t eat cinnamon or drink beer. Of course I LOVE both snicker doodles and beer.
But I do have a great farmers tan (from golf.) Dont’t think it makes up for no snicker doodles and beer though.
Brett says
Snickerdoodles are the only cookies that my boys will eat. Seriously… they hate any cookie with chocolate, nuts, raisins, oats, etc. And, for some reason they won’t eat plain ‘ol sugar cookies.
Kim always wanted to be the kind of mom that made cookies but it took her years to find a recipe that the kids would eat… and snickerdoodles are it!
Peabody says
Are you sure those kids belong to you Brett? 🙂 I remember you being a cookie lover. At least they like snickerdoodles, that’s redemable.
Naomi says
these look fab! snickerdoodle ice cream sandwiches have been added to the recipe hit list. thanks!
Tanisha (muppetpinchess) says
LOVE the underwear story! These ice cream sandwiches look incredible. If I weren’t going to a movie tonight I think I’d make them for myself for my birthday. Yum!