These NY Style Crumb Cake Topped Cinnamon Rolls are loaded with crumb cake topping to combine two great breakfast treats into one.

Well, I haven’t gotten much hate mail in awhile so clearly I am being too politically correct as of late.
So to rectify that, I shall bring up a topic that my friends and I were discussing the other day.
We were watching Top Chef and they all had to make a pie.
The immense fear that was in the eyes of the contestants was too funny to me.
It’s the fear that they all seem to get when they tell them they have to make a dessert.
Now don’t get me started on the whole you know they do a dessert every season just memorize a recipe thing that I go off on every season, that was not the discussion my friends and I got into.
The discussion topic was this….is it better to be a great cook or a great baker?
So I think we can all figure out where I stand on this one, but here is why…most people who can bake seem to be okay in the cooking department as well.
But I have met way too many a chef who is an awesome cook but can’t bake or make desserts to save their life (there are always exceptions I know).
I am an excellent baker (though I have several sever disasters under my belt :D) and a decent cook.
I used to belong to a supper club in Arizona.
Every single member was a chef except for me.
When it was time for the meals to be allocated (we did it from just pulling out of a hat) people would throw hissy fits when they got stuck with bread or desserts.
But the two bakers of the group always just took whatever we got and rolled with it.
And for the record, every single one of those chefs would just bring bread or dessert from their restaurants.
Then there is the convenience of being a baker.
It’s so much easier to bring someone a loaf of bread then say a rack of lamb or crock of chili.
Doable yes, but awkward and usually needing refrigeration.
So what do you think?
Better to be a great cook or a great baker?
Speaking of great baking…I present my 3am idea….NY Style Crumb Cake Topped Cinnamon Rolls.
Not sure how this craving came about, but it did.
Oddly enough, I could not find a recipe for that idea 🙂 , so I had to make one of my own.
This was such a poor choice to make.
I seriously could not stop eating these.
Lucky for me there was hockey that night and I could give them away.
See, again, with the portable baked goods (plus one for the bakers).
This ends up being more like pull apart bread or a cake than that of individual cinnamon rolls.
But the messier the better, eh?
P.S. It’s a great day to buy my cookbook Holy Sweet!

Want More Sweet Roll Recipes?
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sugared Buns
Creamsicle Crumb Topped Cinnamon Rolls
Bourbon Brown Sugar Caramel Peach Sweet Rolls

NY Style Crumb Cake Topped Cinnamon Rolls
- For the brioche dough:
- 1/4 cup warm water (filtered preferably)
- 1/2 cup plus 2 tsp. granulated sugar, divided
- 1 1/2 tsp. dried yeast
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- 2 eggs
- 3/4 cup whole milk
- 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 tsp. salt
- 8 TBSP unsalted butter, at room temperature, cut into dime sized pieces
- For the filling:
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 2 tsp. cinnamon
- 3 TBSP butter, softened
- For the NY Style Crumb Topping:
- 2/3 cup granulated sugar
- 2/3 cup brown sugar
- 1 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
- 16 TBSP (2 sticks) unsalted butter, melted and still warm
- 3 1/2 cups cake flour
- For the Dough:
- Place warm water and 2 tsp. of the sugar in the bowl of your stand mixer.
- Sprinkle yeast on top and mix with a whisk until yeast is dissolved.
- Let stand for 5 minutes while yeast blooms.
- Add remaining sugar, vanilla extract, milk, flour, and salt.
- Using the hook attachment, mix on low speed for 3 minutes to start bringing dough together.
- Switch to medium speed and slowly drop pieces of butter into dough. Mix for 10-12 minutes.
- Dough will be wet and sticky and will have good elasticity when stretched.
- Pull dough from bowl and onto a floured surface.
- Using extra flour on your hands, form dough into a ball.
- Place dough in an oiled, medium bowl and cover with plastic wrap.
- Proof in a warm room, 70-75F, for about 2 1/2 hours. Dough will almost double in size.
- In a small bowl, whisk together the sugars and cinnamon. Set aside.
- On a flour dusted surface, roll the dough into a rectangle about 12 inches wide and 16 inches long, with a short end toward you.
- Spread butter using your hands (messy but works best) across the dough leaving a1-inch strip bare on the side farthest from you.
- Sprinkle cinnamon sugar mixture evenly across surface. Press down the sugar into the butter.
- Starting with the side nearest you, roll the dough into a cylinder, keeping the roll as tight as you can.
- With a bread knife(or chef knife), using a gentle sawing motion cut the log into rounds a scant 1/2 inch thick.
- These are going to be smaller than your average buns because we are adding a crumb topping to them.
- Spray baking spray into TWO 9-inch Springform pans (you can just use a cake pan, but it is MUCH easier to remove using the spring form).
- Divide rolls between baking dishes, arranging cut side up (there will be almost no space between rolls).
- Cover baking dishes with plastic wrap, then kitchen towel.
- Let dough rise in warm draft-free area until almost doubled in volume, about 1 hour.
- 20 minutes before the dough is done rising, prepare the crumb topping.
- For the Crumb Topping:
- Whisk sugars, cinnamon, salt, and butter in a medium bowl to combine.
- Add flour and stir with a spatula or spoon until the mixture resembles thick crumbles; set aside to cool to room temperature, 10-15 minutes.
- Once cinnamon rolls have risen, split the crumble topping in half.
- As best you can evenly crumble topping on top of the cinnamon roll dough. Do this for both pans.
- Bake at 350F for 25-30 minutes.
- Let cool for 10 minutes and top with icing.
- For Icing:
- Sift 4 cups of powdered sugar into a bowl.
- Add 6 tablespoons to 1/2 cup of warm milk, briskly whisking until all the sugar is dissolved.
- Add the milk slowly and only as much as is needed to make a thick, smooth paste.
Clover says
I would say I’m better at baking, but I certainly can cook, too. I’ve never really understood why people are afraid of baking– if you can read, you can follow a recipe and get edible results. Obviously, some people take to another level, but everyone should be able to bake some things!
Erin says
It’s interesting to see where people stand with this. I know several people who hate baking, but love to cook. I love baking just a bit more, but I still really enjoy both! People in general also seem more impressed when you turn out a great baked good!
Belladatura says
Baking is a science while cooking is an art – they both have a place. I much prefer baking because I like to follow a recipe (I’m not too swift when it comes to making something on the fly). And, like you said, people love baked goods!
Rosa says
I agree with you regarding the fact that many people can be great cook, but that doesn’t make them great bakers. I have seen chefs on TV who were afraid of baking desserts…
I am good I both, I believe. 😉
Those rolls look terrific!
Allison says
I agree with you completely. But then I am a baker, so I’m slightly biased. But a perfect example: my husband is the cook and I am the baker. I can take the reigns in preparing dinner anytime BUT I’ve never seen him step into make dessert. Only eat it! 🙂
Memoria says
These cinnamon rolls look AMAZING!!!! I want some right now!
MyKitchenInHalfCups says
Now that’s simply brilliant 3am thinking.
I’d be really happy to just be able to bake really good bread.
Ashley says
Definitely agree that it’s better to be a great baker! Love your idea for these cinnamon rolls.
Jenny says
Who would send you hate mail? That looks divine!
Nutmeg Nanny says
I prefer baking but I can cook too. I think some people just do not like the fact that they have to follow directions when they bake. Perhaps cooking is for the free spirit and baking is for the uptight…haha.
By the way this bread looks freaking awesome. I could totally go for some right now…yum!
The Blue-Eyed Bakers says
Well based on these cinnamon rolls and how much we are dying to try one…we’ll say baking is better! And with the crumb topping…SOOOO much better!
Lisa Seatter says
I love baking and I like cooking. I don’t bake much though b/c I end up eating it all and the ole waistline shows it!!!! These cinnamon rolls are definitely going on my list of must do’s though…they look amazing!!
Rachel @ Working Out Wellness says
A) It’s more fun to bake.
B) It’s more fun to eat baked goods.
C) People like you more when you give them baked goods.
D) People stupidly think baking is really, really, like ridiculously “oh my god I will die if you make me” difficult.
In other words: WE WIN.
Clivia says
I live to bake. I’m happy when the children offer to make dinner.
These cinnamon rolls look fantastic. I’m finally glad it’s so hot in the house otherwise I’m be starting the dough now.
Bridget says
See, I think you mentioned both of the advantages of baking (most bakers can cook too, plus it’s easier to foist baked food onto other people), but missed what is for me the biggest disadvantage – that most baked food is so bad for you that you have to try to give it away. Sometimes I think life would be easier if I loved combining new ingredients on the stove more than I loved watching the patten my mixer makes when it beats butter and sugar together…
Peabody says
LOL- so true. I sometimes curse my ability to bake so well. 🙂
Cece says
That is so funny! I was thinking the same thing while I watched the episode. I would have to agree with the baking side and your argument that a good baker is usually a good cook, but a good cook doesn’t always make a good baker.
Ariana from Chicago says
You’re going to hate this answer but I think you can be both. The cook is intimidated by the prospect of making layer cakes, so they decide to hate baking. The baker likes the exactness of baking, but doesn’t see how wonderful the freedom of a pinch of this or that in cooking is. In sum, I just think intimidation and lack of effort keeps one from being both. I tried baking and found I could be good at both. And heck, even an ugly cake that is homemade tastes WAY better than the commercial stuff.
Peabody says
Don’t hate your answer, it’s very true.
Though I tend to be a little less exact than the average baker. 🙂
Hannah says
Just popping in to say: Bakers rule! 😉
Joanne says
One of my friends asked me the other day whether I thought I was a better baker or a better cook. (This was after watching top chef by the way. And yes I was appalled at the state of their pies.) I said a better baker. Because honestly I think that IS what I’m better at. But I can also cook. So yeah. Learning to bake is definitely the way to go.
I’m so glad you had a craving for a dessert this awesome. I’m enamored!
Julie says
I’m striving to be both! However, I think I’d be known by my friends to be both.
I also think there’s a difference between a chef and a cook. To be a chef requires so much more creativity.
Great looking cinnamon rolls!!
Danelle says
These cinnamon rolls look amazing. I’ve never thought of sending treats to hockey with my husband so I don’t eat everything, so thanks for that inspiration. And I say it’s better to be a good baker. I agree that it scares more people than cooking does.
Em says
I think being a better cook is probably a more useful life skill and being a better baker is better for winning friends. I say this only because I much prefer baking and I regularly lament the fact that cupcakes, blondies, cream puffs, etc. are not actually dinner (even if I eat them for dinner too often for my own good). Those cinnamon rolls look awesome, by the way. I bet hockey people loved them.
Cookbook Queen says
#1. It is way better to be a baker, because you are right, most bakers can cook too.
#2. People appreciate a plate of cookies way more than a rack of lamb.
#3. You have combined two of my all time favorite desserts, not to mention the fact that it is suitable to eat for breakfast.
#4. Which makes you totally and completely awesome.
kara says
I say be a great cook and a great baker! I mean really, a great dinner isn’t complete without a great dessert.
sarah says
these look amazing! and i agree with you. baking seems to require more skill and knowledge of technique than most cooking.
Felice says
First of all, how dare anyone send you hate mail. There is a nice way to agree to disagree but I guess the internet has allowed people to be anonymous cowards behind their screen names.
Baker hands down. It still amazes me that people are so grateful for what I bake, and it is not anything that fancy.
I watched that episode of Top Chef too and kept thinking if you don’t know what you are doing keep it simple and have one great flavor. Nope, they had to get all “chefy” and do something way out of their comfort zone.
Great recipe too. I look forward to seeing more of your 3:00am idea recipes.
Di says
Wow. What a fabulous creation! I love anything with crumbs on top. As for your question, I would much rather be a great baker. I just find baking so much more fun. And while baking is often more precise than cooking, I still find lots of room for creativity. I have to agree with your assessment–I think I’m a very good baker, but I’m also a good cook.
wendyywy says
I love baking so much that I feel like baking everyday, but I restrain myself to 2 bakes per week. I only eat 10% of what I bake and the rest gets given away.
As for dinner, I love trying new recipes, and I do very well most of the time, but I don’t cook that often and I don’t feel the need to cook that often.
I’m game for anything in the kitchen, curious about every recipe, but my tummy and purse can only accomodate some at a time.
Kristina says
I have to say baker. I think intuition and finesse are a big part of baking, and not everyone has the touch for it. The other reason is, there are many great restaurants you can eat at, but how many truly memorable bakeries are there? I’d take a well made cake or brownies over a perfectly cooked meal any day.
You can’t find good bakery any old where. Just about anyone can throw together a tasty meal, but bread and dessert are in a different league.
Baking Soda says
*raises hand* I was one of those thinking I couldn’t bake. Husband was my to-go-go desert maker in our house. (Not baking but ice-creams and mousses and such).
I think I’m a baker now and still can cook. Says my waistline.
clumbsycookie says
Oh this toppic is so close to my heart. I also saw that top chef pie thing and thought the same. I studied pastry in a cooking school and all 3 years of the course I had to put up with silly comments from my fellow “savory chefs”. They’d love to say pastry is minor in the hospitality business and they laughed about it. Now imagine their surprise when they went into the real cooking world and had to do some desserts and realized that desserts are the last thing clients eat and for so the last thing on their minds. I’ve got to tell you that my phone started to ring a lot with questions! Guess who’e laughing now ;)! I love crumbs in everything by the way!!!
Sara says
I go on the same rant everytime the chefs on Top Chef start whining about having to make dessert. I mean seriously? You know you’ll have to make dessert at least once…
I’m a good cook, but I’m (dare I say it) a great baker. It took much less time to be able to throw things together for a meal than to start creating recipes for baked goods though, so I can see why the precision of baking is tough for some people. I mean, how many chefs point out that with with fresh, seasonal ingredients, you barely have to do anything to make the food taste good? But decide to throw in some extra baking soda for the hell of it, and a baked good takes on a whole new life…
shaz says
hoo boy, drooling here. That looks so amazingly good…crumbs AND icing!
I was actually just thinking about your topic the other day, the aussie version of Masterchef had all these contestants make scones (US=biscuits) and a simple cake, and most of them failed terribly.
I like to think baking is a bit of a cross between art and science, which is why I enjoy it so much. But I can cook pretty decent meals too 🙂
Ange says
With baking you have less freedom to add a pinch of this or a pinch of that, but I think that’s why I love it. I love reading recipes and methods. A simple vanilla cupcake recipe can have so many different recipes and methods to produce so many different products at the end. I love baking.
Kristin says
Better to be a baker. I do both, but am known mostly for my baking because that’s what you share. It thrilled my daughter’s housemates while she was at Scholar’s Academy for three weeks last month.
Jillian says
There are a lot of good cooks out there. But less when it comes to bakers. Which is fine by me. I love to bake and people who don’t are always in awe of the treats I give them. So yeah. I’m glad baking is an exclusive club that is admired by many but occupied by few. It was pretty funny that the top chef contestants were daunted by a pie challenge.
FranishNonspeaker says
Of course it’s better to be a great baker! Love your post and totally agree with your whole argument!
VEE says
I had this dissussion with a friend too! Baking is exact, and you have to do the same thing each time to get the same result, so it more precise.
When people ask me if I am a cook, I tell them nah, I am a baker, but dont get me wrong, I can still do a fantastic pork loin with a apple compote! 🙂
Elle says
I vote for baker, but glad I know how to cook, too. At the library I’m known as the cake lady (no hockey team to bring stuff to) and they would be less likely to be thrilled to see me if I were bringing them salad or chili or chicken with onions and tomatoes…or maybe not 🙂
This is an AWESOME creation Pea…two great breakfast treats get married. Might try it with cream cheese icing.
JennyBakes says
I loved what Tom C. said on that episode: “My grandmother’s not a pastry chef either, but she can make a pie.”
Please, people. It isn’t rocket science. And I agree that most bakers are pretty decent cooks! Because after you’ve developed a feel for baking, you can be intuitive about ANY food.
OMEGA says
Banana bread is my go-to gift if I need to bring something and I’m not sure what they’d like (like to your new boss’s Christmas party, for example). Everyone enjoys baked goods. Plus, baking is really so much simpler; there’s no timing issues like with cooking, where everything has to be put on just at the right time or else something will be cold, or burning, or underdone…
Elise says
I knew I needed to catch up on Top Chef. A pie??? What could be easier than a pie?? Ah well ..
I never quite understood the “baking is hard” mentality. Nobody has ever really been able to answer that one for me and I don’t always follow every recipe exactly, so that isn’t an excuse either. (well, usually…)
I can both bake and cook, but prefer to bake. I don’t think they would be lined up an my desk at work for my heavenly chicken and cheese dish, but your peanut butter filled chcolate cupcakes bring them down from three floors away!
Julie says
I totally have the same conversation with the television every time Top Chef contestants cower in fear of dessert!
I can both bake and cook, but I started with baking, so I consider myself a baker at heart. Personally, I think baking is better when it comes to get-togethers… after all, everybody loves dessert, and I’ve never known a host to turn down loaves of freshly baked bread!
MIA says
You are right! I love to bake & am a good cook also.
I’d rather do dessert or bread, but will do anything…except maybe salads.
ingrid says
Baking! 🙂
Gwen says
I hadn’t thought of that but now that you mention it I can’t think of anyone who bakes who isn’t a decent cook. I’d say it’s best to be both and I’ll have to admit to having a bit less respect for the so called chefs who go on about not baking. As for crumbs on cinnamon rolls – I love both and am now have a “why didn’t I think of that?!” moment.
kitty says
the trick is, people think baking is so complicated — but i like to bring baked goods, because it is hands DOWN the cheapest option! particularly vs the rack of lamb!
Melissa says
I think these folks squirm with the idea of dessert for several reasons.
One, baking doesn’t allow them the wiggle room they are used to on the line. Its an exact science. So maybe they are out of their comfort zone.
Secondly, for some odd reason there is some preconceived notion that it is difficult.
Personally, I find it therapeutic and gratifying.
Melissa says
I could eat crumb topping with a spoon.
I very rarely cook something inedible, but I can make a mean cookie…
Yummy looking recipe – thanks!
Karen says
I vote for cook – I have not earned the right to call myself a chef and I’m too slow and not enough origionality to claim chef BUT I am a good cook.
What’s so tough about baking a pie. My specialty is apple with mincemeat and bourbon.
dani says
i agree – being a baker is better… and yes, us bakers are usually pretty handy in the cooking dept too 🙂 that means we can offer to full 9 yards when it comes to dinner parties 🙂
Erika says
I think I’m pretty good at both, but find baking to be much more therapeutic. I like precise measurements, etc., so baking fits into the way my brain works a little better than cooking sometimes. And it still fascinates how such simple ingredients like eggs, flour and sugar can turn into some delicious treats!
RobinW says
Is there really the same amount of flour in the topping as in the dough?
Eliana says
First – this recipe is SICK!!! But to get to your question – I’m a Libra who is in an eternal search for balance. So I think it’s best for folks to be well-rounded and know how to bake AND cook 🙂
brilynn says
This is one of your best ideas yet! I’m craving one of these like you won’t believe…
Kathy @ The Sugar Queen says
Those rolls look just amazing! I would never have thought to put a crumb topping on cinnamon rolls, but certainly will try it, they look so good ~
On the topic of baking vs cooking, I prefer baking, and I’ve got the cookbooks to prove it! I’m a pretty good cook, but I don’t do gourmet – I’m more of the home-style cook. I would never try a roast of lamb, or anything that fancy, but chili? You bet! =)
grace says
just looking at this creation makes my answer clear–’tis better to succeed at baking!
Mimi says
Bakers are forced to measure ingredients. That is why they make better cooks. You can’t just toss in a little of this or that when you bake.
Jen says
Baking for sure. I’m not a bad cook & I can do most meals from scratch (dumping a few prepackaged foods & a can of soup together is not cooking!). However, cooking feels like a chore while baking is fun. Baking is so precise & orderly-maybe that’s why I like it better.
Dana says
Well first, yum. But you already knew that. Second, I was nodding my head through this whole post. I cook like I bake – i.e. I follow the recipe and don’t make many substitutions. I am just beginning to branch out and get more creative and it is hard for me! I always get pissed when watching Top Chef and people get all whiny when they get dessert – like it is something lesser or beneath them. We bakers cook all the time!
anna says
I’ve noticed since I went to pastry school that savory and pastry cooks’ minds are wired a little differently. I’m ok with them not getting why you shouldn’t measure ounces of flour using the liquid measuring cup (yes a coworker did this), so long as I don’t have to fabricate meat or make sausages.
Avanika (Yumsilicious Bakes) says
Bakers rule. reasons –
1. People think it’s intimidating, thus giving us an ego boost.
2. Everyone cooks, but not everyone bakes.
3. A well made cake is much more appreciated than some chicken.
4. Baking means sharing, which means happier friends.
5. I bake, so it has to be the better of the two 😛
Rachel says
I agree with you. I would much rather come home to homemade bread than chili. I know my husband would rather that I know how to cook really well (and I know he would pick that too for himself), but I would rather bake. As usual, your recipes are mouth-watering delicious looking and one day I will have to get off my butt an make one of them myself.
m says
Sometimes being a great baker is a bit of a curse because people are always expecting you to bring something amazing for dessert,nobody ever expects you to come to their house and cook them dinner!
Jessica says
I get giddy when they do desserts on Top Chef for that very reason. But I’ll be damned if one of them doesn’t always dump sugary egg over bread and make some winning bread pudding every time!
I’ve done both professionally, baking and cooking. Both are equally challenging in different ways. I do think bakers come out on top. But when I say bakers I mean people who generally try a lot of styles of baking, so they’re well versed in many disciplines. Pastry, more than baking. Anyone can dump a box mix together, make cupcakes and call themselves a baker. Someone who makes pastries can poach fruit, make an emulsion, temper eggs and fold whites gently into a batter. Those are examples, but they are tough disciplines. So is measuring and the chemistry behind knowing why if you overbeat that macaron batter, they puddle out rather than puff. We’re smarter.
Cooks do deserve some recognition though. Theres a real artistry to good knife skills, and flavor profiles and various cooking techniques. I think Top Chef has become a shabby example of that as it seems they all just toss random stuff together and pretend it was intentional. You can act on a whim with cooking. Baking takes time and thought.
So, I’d go bakers, but don’t diss the cooks.
Lisa says
That looks amazing.
Stephanie says
this looks and sounds absolutely amazing. cinnamon buns and crumb topping? no dessert has ever been more up my alley than this! thanks for sharing!
Mrs. L says
My mind doesn’t come up with anything half as good as this if I’m up at 3AM….
katie says
Oh wow these look divine! Love the pull apart – cake – cinnamon idea!
Personally I like being a better baker than cook as a lot of my friends can cook but not many of them bake so they always love things I make for them. Everyone loves sweet treats
Lara says
wow….4 hours later and it was all worth it! Thanks for posting this recipe, I shall be making it again and again and again….
Peabody says
I’m glad you liked it…it does take a time with all the rising. 🙂
Melinda says
I am a much better baker and more adventurous in baking when trying new things out.
With cooking, I quite like my rut of same ole things that I do. I might never get taken out for dinner, if the dinner was better done by me! But my desserts are had to beat.
Your crumb cake cinnamon rolls look very naughty good.
Valerie says
I’m slightly irritated when chefs scoff at the thought of making desserts (I’m a bit on the defensive when it comes to this issue.) I think if you can bake, then the entire culinary world is yours for the taking! 😀
I noticed that the brioche recipe for these delicious looking cinnamon rolls came from the Macrina Bakery and Cafe Cookbook. I think I’ve read through the entire book at least 5 times! I’m just waiting for my stand mixer to arrive before diving in. 🙂
Natalie says
Mmm this looks amazingly delicious, i love anythying with cinnamon yum!
Val says
I totally agree with you about chef’s not being able to cope with baking but baker’s totally being able to deal with cooking. Bakers win!
Those inventive crumb cake topped cinnamon rolls look incredible!
pita says
I am a better baker than cook because I prefer baking. The attention to detail feeds my minor OCD tendencies. I can cook and can make up recipes as I go along, but I get more satisfaction from baking. I think some of the issues folks have with baking is that you have to be more precise when you bake. Yeah you can fudge somethings with baking, but there is only so much leeway with substitutions. Cooking can be more forgiving if you put in the wrong amount of something with a few exceptions.
I do have to laugh at the contestants that have gone to culinary school that freak out over having to do a dessert. They had to have taken some sort of dessert class at school so it shouldn’t be too terribly foreign to them. And knowing that at some point some sort of dessert is going to come up, how hard is it to learn a pound cake recipe or shortbread recipe? both of those can be transformed into something new just by what you pair it with.
Patricia Scarpin says
Pea, I’m on transition to a new boss and he’s a sweet and lovely person (maybe the angels felt sorry for me because of the last 5 years…). 🙂 He loves cooking and has even taken a cooking course – we talk lots about it. But as far as baking is concerned he doesn’t know much – when I bring him cookies, brownies, he gets so impressed, it’s actually funny. He almost died when I brought him macarons the other day… “How on earth did you make these”, he said. 🙂 To him, baking is a complicated thing – and the guy can bone a whole chicken, for crying out loud. 🙂
Sorry I haven’t been around lately, and it’s my loss, because there are several delicious posts I missed!
Lynnette says
Ok, so I’m late. I’d still like to vote – it’s much better to be a great baker!!!
Nina says
Just found your blog via “Baking Bites.” I think it’s best to be a good baker. Like you, I love to bake (and am pretty good at it), but I also enjoy cooking. I just like baking a little more (OK, probably a lot more).
Also, I love cookie dough and cake batter more than just about anything. How else will I have access to such delights if I don’t bake? 🙂
Ace says
I wholeheartedly agree that I would prefer to be a great baker and a decent cook than the other way around. It is far easier to brighten someones day with homemade baked goods brought into the office or at a party. Plus there is just something so cheery about homemade baked goods – they can either make your super happy and chipper, or they can be sultry and sexy too. I don’t really see cooking go that way. But guess as a baker I probably wouldn’t. 🙂
Liz says
This looks delicious! Will be making it soon.
Claire says
I find baking a stress reducer whereas cooking causes stress. I can’t handle having three pots boiling on the stove, a blender running, the oven pre-heating, the chicken marinating and the timer going off.
However, with baking I can turn on the music, get out my ingredients and one step at a time make something delicious that my friends can’t wait to eat. So much better.
Damara says
Being in college, I am on a limited budget obviously, but I saw this recipe and just HAD to try it! Instead of making a cake crumble topping (I didn’t have cake flour) I 2 used instant oatmeal packets, about 1 cup of flour, same amount of brown sugar/sugar, and 1.5 sticks of butter to make almost like an apple crisp topping but more crumbly. I also only have $.96 walmart cake pans, so instead I cut parchment paper to fit the bottom circle of the pan and left two “flaps” one on each end, and used them to pull the cake out of the pan onto a plate. Turned out GREAT!! Me and my roommates love it! I will be making it again soon 🙂
Damara says
…I also don’t have a stand mixer…so the good ole’ hands were all I had! Took a LOT longer, but actually worked just as well!