This Cream Cheese Frosting Carrot Cake Ice Cream is a cream cheese frosting based ice cream with chunks of carrot cake folded in.

I am an end piece kind of girl.
It’s the perfect piece.
Three out of the four sides are covered in frosting.
One day I want to make a cake that has frosting on the bottom as well. 😀
But for now I must settle with the end piece.
I’ve been known to wrestle a kid to the ground (yes, as an adult…hangs head in shame) to get the end piece.
Only exception being if it’s their birthday cake…then I’m nice…that time.
I was the one who always went for the large and gaudy frosting rose that topped the cake as well.
I love me some frosting.
And in all of the frosting world, cream cheese frosting is what makes me…hmmm, no comment. 😉
Many joke that you could put cream cheese frosting on top of cardboard and they would eat it.
I’m not sure I’d go that far, but truth be told, that circumstance has never come up , so I can’t really say. 🙂

The best thing ever about my mom’s carrot cake was the cream cheese frosting.
It was always piled high, and being the awesome mom that she was, she would make extra frosting so we could spread more on to our cake piece.
Hmmm, why am I fat?
Oh yes, I remember.
It is ice cream season and it is a little warm.
Though if I was smart I would not have made this ice cream.
Since you have to bake a cake in order for it to work.
So the whole avoiding the oven thing didn’t really work out.
It starts with a sweet cream base, that you make into ice cream.
I couldn’t decide for the longest time if I wanted to add the cream cheese frosting before or after the freezing process.
I went with after because I figure that might leave some frosting bits and that might be yummy.
Then of course you throw in carrot cake. I chose to make a full carrot cake, cream cheese frosting and all….because I like me some overkill.
It’s pretty darn awesome.
How could it not be?
I could have even thrown cardboard in there and been fine. 😛
Last but not least…it’s a great time to order my cookbook.

Want More Ice Cream Recipes? Try these:
Peanut Butter and Pretzel No-Churn Ice Cream
Circus Animal Cookie Ice Cream

Cream Cheese Frosting Carrot Cake Ice Cream
- Needed:
- Ice Cream Base (see below)
- Cream Cheese Frosting (see below)
- 3 pieces Carrot Cake (store bought or homemade)
- For the Ice Cream Base:
- 2 cup heavy cream
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 2/3 cup half & half
- For the Cream Cheese Frosting:
- 2 ounces unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 8 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
- 2 cups powdered sugar
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- For the Ice Cream Base:
- Pour cream into mixing bowl.
- Whisk in sugar a little at a time, then continue whisking until completely blended, about 1 more minute.
- Pour in half and half and whisk to blend.
- Pour in to ice cream makers and freezer according to manufacturer's directions.
- For the Cream Cheese Frosting:
- Using a stand mixer, cream the butter and cream cheese together on medium speed until smooth, about 3 minutes.
- Scrape down the sides and add vanilla and 1/2 cup of powdered sugar.
- Beat for 1 minute on medium.
- Add another 1/2 cup of sugar, beat, and then scrape down sides.
- Repeat until all the sugar is used up.
- Keep frosting in mixing bowl.
- To Make the Ice Cream:
- Remove ice cream from freezer and let it get a little on the soft side, but still holding shape.
- Add it to the bowl that already has the cream cheese frosting in it.
- Using the paddle attachment, beat on medium speed until the two are combine.
- Chop up pieces of carrot cake. How much you use is up to you...I used three very large pieces.
- Fold into ice cream base.
- Pour into a freezer safe container and freeze until solid. Enjoy.
sarah says
oh dear lord…i don’t think it is legal! but it looks amazing!!
Rosa says
I love ends and frosting too! That ice cream looks so irresistible! What a treat!
ValerieF says
That HAS to be illegal! Gotta try it 🙂
Margaret says
I have to keep this post away from my husband or I know what I’ll be doing this weekend regardless of the heat wave.
Jade says
This looks heavenly! A perfect combination.
Sara Tea says
It’s like Christmas in July. I just got an ice cream machine last week and all of my favorite bloggers are putting up recipes for ice cream. Yessss!
Valerie says
This is so so bad but it looks so so good! Wow.
Jenny says
I am not an ice cream fan – but that looks delicious.
Lisa Seatter says
You’ve done it again! You are going to make me extrememly obese. It’s funny though that your recipe today was ice cream. I was thinking about making it today as I stood with the freezer door of the fridge open hoping to find some in there! Adding carrot cake and cream cheese icing is way over the top but completely genius! I’m gushing ’cause I am so excited. You are the queen of all things yummy!!! Have a great week!
Sara says
Icecream, carrot cake and cream cheese. Why has this not occurred to me before?! Just found your blog, its very beautiful!
Jennifer says
Holy mother of all things…my heart has skipped a beat. This has made me cry; all my beloved things (just missing chocolate milk and peanut butter) are here…in one cup.
I would lick the cream cheese off of that cardboard…no sense wasting the frosting! Seriously
Donna says
You are an evil woman.
Joanne says
Cream cheese frosting makes me..hmmmm also. I think after eating this, I would be able to die happy. Is that wrong?
Katrina says
Wow, looks heavenly. I need some of this right now.
Nancy says
OMG this sounds so good. but is there a way of making it without an ice cream maker?
Peabody says
I’m not sure it would work. I’ve never made ice cream without an ice cream maker.
Jen @ Project Cookie 365 says
Um. Excuse me. What?!? Carrot Cake Ice Cream?!?! WHAT?!?! You are the freakin’ devil, you know that. Seriously… ohhh Jenni just bought an ice cream maker, Jenni loooove carrot cake and cream cheese icing, why not just post this itty-bitty recipe…
My pants are going to hate you! And my kids, ’cause I have a feelin’ that I’m not going to be sharing this one!
cookiepie says
I have said it before, and I will repeat: You. Are. An. EVIL. GENIUS.
Kathy @ The Sugar Queen says
Mmmmm! Looks great!
Claire says
Ha! I used to do this with my cake and ice cream…I would mash them all together. My mom fussed at me and told me it was rude, but I LIKED IT! So, even without tasting this I can tell you it is wonderful! 🙂
Cakelaw says
Carrot cake in icecream form – how good is that!
Diana @ frontyardfoodie says
mmmm creamcheese frosting. It’s actually the only kind of frosting I like. So I have to use moderation!
Carrot cake is also my favorite cake. My mom used to make it for me for every birthday. I love her.
Jessica@Coffee and a Cookie says
This is so illegal, you should be arrested! I love cream cheese frosting on carrot cake, it is my favorite. You ARE an evil genius. I totally agree with you about the end piece!
erin says
Ohmydog…why, why, why??? aren’t we neighbors?! That sounds like my dream ice cream…truly.
MyKitchenInHalfCups says
Sheeze this is NOT what I need to see today. I’ve been craving carrot cake for a month now … wait I think somebody I sleep with maybe has a birthday very soon … turn the AC down … I think I’m baking a cake this week!
Then there will surely be a little cake left over for this ice cream!
Dreamy my dear.
Patricia Scarpin says
That mouthwatering ice cream and your post reminded me of one episode of SATC when Miranga eats at Krispy Kreme and says “this is worth being fat for”. 😀
Beautiful, Pea!
katie says
EKKKK! That sounds insanly delicious! I adore carrot cake – how can I not have thought of this before – its pure genius!!!
Ellen says
I don’t even like carrot cake that much and that ice cream looks delicious. We have been making sorbets like crazy this summer (let me say that nectarine sorbet is a scoop of pure happiness) so I think it’s time for some real ice cream.
Nutmeg Nanny says
What a delicious looking ice cream! It’s a perfect combination between two delicious desserts…yum!
Ashley says
Wow this is brilliant. Cream cheese frosting is my favourite!
The Food Hunter says
This is like heaven in a bowl.
grace says
i bow to your dessert-making prowess. this is freakin’ outstanding–i’m a cream-cheese-frosting obsessee as well, and carrot cake is my favorite vehicle for it. this ice cream would send me to fat-ville and quick. 🙂
pumpkinpie says
That looks amazing. Have you tried making cream cheese ice cream? That would benefit nicely from carrot cake too, I would imagine.
ErinsFoodFiles says
that looks incredible!
Eliana says
Thsi looks sick! I freakin’ love it.
Cece says
Yumm! My husband is making ice cream right now and I am wishing he had read your post first. I, too, am a cream cheese frosting loving girl.
Deseree says
It was lovely meeting you yesterday! And I am dying over this ice cream it looks divine. I’ll just have to get an ice cream maker now that I have a new kitchen 🙂
Elle says
No only is this fantastic ice cream, but your photos are amazing…and ice cream is sooo difficult to photograph well. Bravo!
Xiaolu @ 6 Bittersweets says
I was actually the opposite kid, avoiding the frosting as much as possible. I only found out in college, when I started baking for myself, that real frosting was nothing like the supermarket cake kind. Had I gotten homemade cakes as a kid, I bet I would’ve fought you for the end piece also. This looks ridiculous and ridiculously delicious.
Michelle says
Oh, mercy. This looks fabulous.
Mrs. L says
Okay. I need to admit something here. I really don’t like cake. No really. To me, it’s all about the frosting. Can’t tell you how many weddings and birthdays I’ve been to where I’ve eaten all the frosting (top, sides, between layers) and left the cake.
Luckily I’ve found a husband who likes the cake better than the frosting…I’d keep him around just for that.
Avanika (Yumsilicious Bakes) says
Oh my! I’m pretty sure this isn’t legal!!
Anne says
You’re a genius Peabody. I’m totally the same way with the cake. I usually eat the cake just for the frosting (so I might try this sans cake!)
Sophia @ NY Foodgasm says
You are the woman and you rock my tatse bud’s world! WOW! This may need to happen for me!