This Peach Melba Pie has both double crust and a crumb topping filled with peaches, peach schnapps, and raspberries.

So I have a special request and we will see how many people actually follow it.
Please don’t email me until after the New Year.
I am going through A LOT of tough personal things right now and combined with being back to working, I don’t have a ton of time to write and answer questions right now.
Especially, when, no offense, over half of the questions are not specific to my blog and could be answered with a quick Google search.
If I am sounding less than nice, I am.
I am tired of getting emails where people are in the middle of making the recipe and can’t figure something out.
And when I don’t respond to them right away because I am say…working (when you sub, you don’t have access to a computer) they freak out and send a chain of less than nice emails.
This is not a single experience.
It happens a ton (at least once a week in some manner).
And I’m a little over it right now.
So right now if you are unsure about a recipe, don’t make it.
Save it until after the new year and ask me then.
Since I am less than peachy keen right now, I figured I would haul out this recipe from my archives.
I made this Peach Melba Pie back when peaches were in season, but since peaches do freeze nicely, those would work as well.
It’s unusual in that it has a double crust.
And then you put crumb topping on the top crust.
I promise in the coming months that I will let you know what is going on.
Just right now I need my space. Thanks,
P.S. It’s a great day to buy my cookbook Holy Sweet!

Want More Pie Recipes?
Cinnamon Toast Crunch Apple Slice

Peach Melba Pie
- 2 9-inch Pie crusts (I just used store bought)
- 4 cups fresh or frozen peaches slices (if frozen, thawed)
- 2 TBSP instant tapioca
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 1 TBSP peach schnapps
- 1 cup fresh raspberries
- 2 TBSP unsalted butter, cut into ½ inch cubes
- 1/4 cup oatmeal
- 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- 1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted
- Preheat the oven to 450°F.
- Line a 9-inch pie plate with the pie crust.
- Crimp the edge and trim excess crust.
- Set aside.
- Place the sliced peaches in a large bowl.
- Sprinkle over the peaches, the tapioca, sugar, and schnapps.
- Toss gently until evenly mixed.
- Add the raspberries and toss again very gently to avoid crushing the berries.
- Pour filling into the pie crust and dot with bits of butter.
- Cover pie with second sheet of pie dough.
- Mix together until evenly blended, the oatmeal, flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, salt, and melted butter.
- Sprinkle topping over pie crust.
- Bake pie for 10 minutes in the preheated 450°F oven.
- Reduce the heat to 350°F.
- Bake for an additional 35-45 minutes, or until the juice begins to bubble through the topping. If the edge and top of the crust browns too fast, cover with
- aluminum foil.
- Remove pie from oven and cool on a rack.
- Serve with ice cream.
Kristina @ spabettie says
this looks absolutely amazing. peach is probably my favorite pie…
and WOW, really? it’s amazing how people act. 🙁 sorry about that.
marcia says
Sorry to hear life is not too good for you right now, I hope it all works out for the best. Peach pie is my favorite!
laurie says
life always comes first. do what you need to do lady. the internet isnt going anywhere. xo
Mary says
I love your blog – great recipes and even better stories. It’s one of my favorites. I hope you find peace in the coming months. You’ll be in my prayers.
Bobbi says
Take care. Warm thoughts your direction in whatever way they are needed.
Claire says
Sorry that you’re having a trying time right now. I hope that Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years will be relaxing rather than stressful for you.
VeggieGirl says
Here for you always, Peabody xoxo
Nutmeg Nanny says
Sorry to hear you are going through so much right now. Hopefully everything will work out and brighter days will shine soon.
Bri says
We’re here for you, but as Laurie said, the internet can wait. Take care of yourself. If you need anything, let us know.
Susan says
Hi Peabody – just ignore those folks and do what you need to do for you! Isn’t having your own baking blog supposed to be fun? You are totally not obligated to answer all kinds of questions especially when the people asking are rude! Good luck to you and I hope things start going better soon!
SS says
I’ve never posted on here (I don’t think) before but I am a loyal follower and love your blog. I hate to hear you are going through some difficulties right now and that this topic even had to be addressed. You deserve your space and people are lucky you ever reply to emails. People are ridiculous. Best of luck and I hope this curbs the rude emails (even beyond the new year…)!
Janice says
Umm I have a question…hehe just kidding! Take care of yourself, love your recipes.
Zazzy says
You know, I have to remind myself that you really are a complete stranger despite my stalker-like devotion to reading your blog – but I find I’d really like to give you a hug. If there’s anything that those of us out here in internet-land can do to help, just say the word.
Peabody says
Hugs are always good. 🙂
Merry120 says
Sending good wishes your way. Just remember that for every one “negative nelly” that sends you crap emails there are hundreds of us that lurk without saying a word even though you brighten our day. As a fellow blogger it always amazes me how much quicker people are to write a nasty-gram than they are to say “Way to go!”, “You Rock” etc. I hope you are able to get through your personal issues quickly with clarity and grace. *Hugs!*
vanillasugar says
hope all is ok over there Ms. P. time for a break indeed because we all need em. be well. 🙂
Lisa says
Sorry you’re going through a tough time. And I am also sorry that people are stupid and act as if you’re their personal baking consultant. Wait! Could that be a new industry? :O)
Take care of yourself. That comes first.
Lis says
Hugs, Gracie xoxoxo
Felice says
Sorry that people can be such jerks. You are doing us all a favor by sharing your wonderful blog with us and you have every right to be upset when someone treats you this way. I hope that this rough patch is short-term for you and that life gets back on a more even keel soon. Take all the time you need and we will be here waiting when you feel like posting more.
Joanne says
Whoa I canNOT believe people are so rude. As if you don’t have a life other than this blog. Puhleez. I’m sorry things are rough for you right now. Hoping they get better SOON. The pie looks fabulous. I think I need to purchase some frozen peaches.
Kerstin says
Oh no, I hope things look up soon. Good luck with everything *hugs*
Julie says
Sorry to hear you’re going through a rough time!! Your blog always makes me smile.
Sending hugs your way!
Kaitlin says
I’m terribly sorry to hear that you’re going through some rough times.
All the best!
sarah says
the pie looks great–and don’t let those jerks get you down! I think you’re fabulous and will say a prayer that whatever is going on will work out well and that you will have some peace and joy. hugs!
Panya says
‘Sending good wishes your way. Just remember that for every one “negative nelly” that sends you crap emails there are hundreds of us that lurk without saying a word even though you brighten our day.’
DITTO! I’ve only commented a handful of times, but I love your blog. I’m sorry that things aren’t going well for you right now. (((((HUGS)))))
Heather says
Blessings your way. Praying for your path to smooth out, and for the rude people to lose their e-mail capabilities. 😉
Margaret says
I’m sorry to hear about the worst of your fans. The rest of us LOVE you and your great recipes! Keep up the great work, and take a break from blogging and e-mail if you need to. We’ll miss you, but we will understand.
Thanks for all of your fun recipes! 🙂
K says
“Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you. But if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.”
Hope your butterfly comes back soon Peabody!
Rhonda says
I’m with Zazzy…I also have a stalkerish obsession with your blog, and hope that you find your peace…no matter. Sending imaginary hugs your way (is that a little strange?? :))
Allison says
We love you, Peabody!
Jessica @ bake me away! says
Mmm, peach and raspberry is one of my favorite combos.
Rude people are rude. Hope things get better for you soon!
carolyn says
Lurking on and off (since 2006! eek), but seriously now, I do appreciate the awesomeness that you make. This is one of the first food blogs I noticed and loved. Like everyone above, I send my good wishes to you hoping things straighten out soon. Don’t bother a damn about nasty comments, your real life is most important.
Rosa says
A fabulous pie! That fruit combo is to die for.
Barbara says
Wow. Do people actually do that? How obnoxious.
Anyway…take your break, we nice bloggers will still be here!
Joanna says
People are douches, and that’s that. I’m sad you have to deal with it! I’m also sorry you’re going through a tough time right now. Take care of yourself! Maybe have another cookie or twelve 🙂
Chris says
Be sure to breathe…..sigh and cry and definitely stamp your feet. Whatever you need to do. Make certain, though, that you pamper yourself often. And if you can’t think, make lists. It’s one baby step at a time. There is always light at the end of every tunnel. So take it at YOUR speed. We’ll wait for you. Patiently. You deserve nothing less.
Ignore the jerks. Over-the-top thank-yous from all of us who care…..
Karen says
wendyywy says
Ignore them.
I get pissed with requests asking me to convert my recipes from grams to cups for them.
Take ur time to settle things down, I’m always watching out for ur updates and won’t be pestering you. Don’t worry. LOL.
karen says
So sorry about the strife. My best wishes for you. I love your blog.
Nicole says
Hang in there! You can only do so much in a day. I can’t believe people ask unimportant questions as if they are urgent! Teaching is stressful enough without everything else.
Deborah says
That is definitely the down side of blogging. I’m so sorry people have been that way – you don’t deserve it!!
And this pie is a flavor combination I’ve always wanted to try. It looks amazing!!
ashlee says
I’m sorry things aren’t peachy right now 🙁 and seriously, people, it works wonders!
Hope things turn around for you soon!
Kara says
Hope you feel better! And even though you’re feeling down thank you for giving out such a great recipe!
Cara says
Sorry you are going through some rough times. And that your readers don’t have much class, or ability to think on their own for just a sec and find their own solutions. Booo to that. Wishing you well through the holiday season.
Melanie says
LOVE love love your honesty : )
When life gets you down, annoying people who can’t think for themselves can definitely get on your nerves.
I sincerely hope that whatever you’re dealing works out and thoughts are with you during this time.
Melanie says
And @wendyywy – you’re kidding, right? Here’s a link for them:
Peabody says
She is not kidding. People write ALL the time and ask me to convert for them.
Barista says
You’re a better person than me. I WISH someone would email me with that nonsense. I’d totally publish their email addresses so people could annoy them.
That pie looks amazing. Hope you’re days get brighter 🙂
lindseylu8 says
people can be so rude, tacky, ungreatful, etc etc…Im sorry you are going through rough times & that people are too lazy to google search…
Chloe Heller says
hope things are looking up for you, people can be such downers some times but it only because they are unhappy!! your blog is awesome and brings happiness and yummy creations to people!! thanks for the ideas and this peach dish looks amazing. don’t get down on yourself, enjoy ur holidays!
VEE says
I love your blog! Sorry to hear about rough times. Blessings to you!
Laura says
Can’t believe people e-mail you in the middle of a recipe expecting an immediate answer! You’re a fabulous blogger, not a help hotline. Good luck with your rough patch.
burkie says
take care of yourself, ma’am. you give us plenty!
Julie says
I’ve only recently discovered your blog, and LOVE both your recipes and style of presentation. Ignore the needy jerks, take care of yourself, and know that you’ve satisfied sweet-tooth addictions everywhere!
Sara says
I hope things look up soon. 🙂
(Sigh) People… I don’t know how you handle it. I was irritated for weeks when someone complained about a recipe that didn’t give them the results I got (though I made it several times with perfect results).
January says
Hi Peabody,
I’ve been lurking here for several months, but I’ve never commented. I love your blog. I hope things brighten for you soon! We will all still be here when things get less hectic for you! I hope your holidays are happy and nasty-email free.
Thanks so much!!!!
Kelsey says
Peabody, I am so sorry that you’re going through a rough patch. Whatever it is you’re experiencing, I hope and pray you’ll come through it.
Irina@PastryPal says
Wow, some people are unbelievable! Just lacking common sense. I guess this stuff happens to all of us bloggers at one time or another, and I just started to completely ignore it. Anyway, I hope everything works out for you and we’ll be here with open arms if/when you decide to come back.
Donna says
I will send you hugs and good wishes. One day at a time is the best we can do.
Mrs. L says
So do I need to come up and bring some beer? Hang in there!
Brandy @ says
Take care of yourself!! We understand 🙂
Sara Tea says
My thoughts are with ya Peabody. Keep on keepin’ on.
Carole says
DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT RESPONDING TO THIS COMMENT. I am going through some issues myself.
Just know that I love your recipes and check your blog almost every day.
I pray that your issues settle quickly mostly for your well being but we miss you.
Mia says
Best Wishes, Sweet Pea!
Robyn says
don’t let the haters get you down! feel better soon!
Alex G says
Man, people are SO needy! Have you considered sending an auto-reply to your emails? Something to the effect of “I’M Sorry if I can’t reply to you individually right now, have you tried looking at these online resources”? My bfriend had to do that and it seemed to stem the tide of repetitive, let-me-google-that-for-you emails.
Lisa says
Sorry to hear that life is rough right now. I hope things pick up soon.
Also, omg, this looks so tasty!
Thank you again for all of your fantastic recipes, photos and stories.
annie says
Life is very difficult and everyone goes through trying and life changing moments. This is why people should be extra nice to each other, and treat others as you would like to be treated. Hope everything will work itself out, hang in there, Peabody.
Jamie says
Sorry to hear things are stressful for you right now. Praying the bumps smooth out in your life’s road and that you are able to cope with whatever you are facing. You are an amazing baker and I really enjoy your blog. Be blessed.
Rebecca says
Another long time lurker…. here to say, ignore the people that don’t know how to use google, keep on helping me keep my dentist in business!
Thanks! From one Canuck to another…