These Raspberry Chocolate Almond Muffins are a sour cream based muffin with fresh raspberries and chocolate almond bar pieces.

“Sometimes I sing and dance around the house in my underwear. Doesn’t make me Madonna. Never will.” –Working Girl 1988
Ever notice how there are certain things you will do when it’s just you and no one else around?
Like dance in your underwear?
Wear a mud mask?
Eat crackers as a meal?
Shove tissue up your nose because you are too lazy to keep blowing it?
Do Reddi Whip shots from the can?
Eat an entire pan of muffins?

I wasn’t actually going to put these muffins up on the blog.
I mean, they are just muffins.
But one thing I told myself this year (kind of like my only resolution) was to put more everyday stuff up on the blog.
I make stuff all the time that never makes it to the blog because I think, oh they are just muffins, or cookies, or bread.
But the thing is that is what people are making on a more consistent basis than say, layer cakes.
So I decided that I would show more of the everyday things I make.
Especially now that I am on a super budget and can’t really bake things just for the blog anymore.
These were made in order to use up some almond bark that I had at Christmas.
If you don’t have chocolate almond bar, good old chocolate chips will do just fine.
Though I do like the addition of the almonds in these. So if you might want to add chocolate chips and almonds in place of the chocolate almond bar.
While I wrote the recipe as raspberries, the berries in my muffins are actually Tayberries.
But you can’t find them in most parts of the US or the world.
And often you can only find them for a short time here in the PNW.
But I had frozen a bunch from when they were at their peak and decided to use them up.
So are there any embarrassing things you do when it’s only you?
P.S. It’s a great day to buy my cookbook Holy Sweet!

Want More Muffin Recipes?
Cider Glazed Apple Fritter Muffins

Raspberry Chocolate Almond Muffins
- 1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 2 tsp. vanilla
- 2 eggs
- 2 and ¼ cups all-purpose flour
- ¾ tsp. baking soda
- ¾ tsp. baking powder
- 1 and ¼ cup sour cream
- 2 cups mixture of frozen raspberries, thawed, and patted dry
- 1 cup chocolate almond bar (I used Hershey's), chopped up into small chunks
- Preheat oven to 350F.
- Cream the butter and sugar until soft about 3 to 5 minutes.
- Add in the vanilla.Add in the eggs one at a time and mix until each is incorporated.In a separate, mix together the flour, baking soda, and baking powder.
- Add the flour mixture and the sour cream alternately to the egg-butter mixture in the additions.
- Start with the flour and end with the flour.
- Scrape the bowl occasionally.
- Fold the berries and chocolate almond bar pieces into the batter.
- Portion the muffin batter into greased tins (I use an ice cream scoop). Depending on the size of your tins, you should get about 12 to 14 muffins.
- Bake them for approx. 20 minutes (mine took 25 because my berries were super juicy) until they are golden brown.
karen says
The muffins look super. As to the activity how about dancing sans underware?
Bethany @Bridezilla Bakes says
Gorgeous pictures today, by the way.
Well, when no one but me is home, I eat peanut butter…. for dinner. Just PB + me. It’s a beautiful relationship.
Kristina @ spabettie says
I dance when no one is watching… I really do!
I also sing to Basil, my dog. I think he likes it?
Blog is the New Black says
I can’t believe you almost didn’t share these! How about… eat like there are no calories?!
Rosa says
Wonderfully moist muffins! I also sing and dance when I’m alone…
Lis says
These muffins look particularly delightful for some reason. Like crave-able delight-ful. 🙂
I sing (really, by no stretch of the imagination is it singing) like a rock star when I’m home alone with the dogs.. we’re talking screaming, head banging, jumping around like a complete asshat.
My dogs definitely do NOT like it. 🙂 xoxoxoxo
Zazzy says
What a tasty way to use up almond bark – as if we ever had any left over. 🙂 I look forward to reading more of your “everyday” recipes!
laurie says
I love that you are posting ‘everyday’ stuff! These are the kinds of recipes that I will see and think, yes, I have all this stuff, I can make them right now. Dont get me wrong, I love the eye candy cakes and whatnot too, but I do not get to make them on a regular basis.
Hrm, I do a lot of embarrassing stuff. But, I am rarely alone. I was alone this afternoon for 30 min. I had bold chex mix for lunch, with a nice chocolate milk chaser. And then I walked the dog in flip-flops. Man, if the kids had a nanny-cam, Id be in deep shiz.
Gwyn says
Really almond bark?! I have to make these… way too interesting to pass up and besides I love muffins and these look so yummy!!
Beth says
There’s no such thing as “just muffins”. These look great. I will happily make them and eat the whole pan — but only if I am home by myself.
Cassandra says
The muffins look very yummy. When my hubby isn’t home I’ll stick tissue up my nose when I have a cold.
Felice says
Yummy looking muffins! I always sing when no one is home. I am sure the neighbors think I am torturing the cat we don’t own. I also love to eat a certain condiment on toast.
Melissa says
I love muffins! Funny, I ate crackers for lunch last week. I dance all the time and anywhere. My husband tells me to stop. He gets embarrassed in store parking lots.
Susan @ SGCC says
Lol! I do the singing around the house in my underwear thing too. But, that’s all I’ll admit to. 😉 I’ve been feeling the same way about the material for my posts. I’m always worried that something I make isn’t “special” or “unique” enough. Trying to get past that.
Love those muffins! They just look so happy!
Melissa says
Oh yum! Thanks for sharing these!
And, I’m among those who dance around the house and sing at the top of my lungs…only when no-one’s watching of course 😉
Jackie says
Nice muffins. Who the hell has leftover candy???? Turkey, stuffing, potatoes – okay…..but never candy. :}
Joanne says
I talk to myself. A lot. ANd I’m all about the REddi Whip shots. They’re the best kind of shots, if you ask my opinion. Right up there with tequila. Yum.
Love these everyday recipes! SOmetimes a girl just needs a muffin, you know? And it’s nice to have a trustworthy source.
claire says
Um…yes, these look great! I LOVE that last picture…the chocolate is just perfectly melting along with that bright and beautiful raspberry.
Dolores says
Somehow when you post a recipe with pictures, it ceases to be “just a muffin.” Because we lowly mortals wouldn’t think of pairing raspberries with almond bark. Until you suggest it. Brilliant!
As for alone-only activities, I attest to two of those on your list in the past week. A nasty head cold has blown me through two boxes of tissue, and leftover apples with cinnamon (in muffin form) made the only breakfast I could TASTE. Washed four of them down with half a bottle of orange juice. The breakfast of coughing, sneezing, stuffy headed champions!
Baking Soda says
Uhm dancing like I’m Ginger Rogers (Glenn Miller cd) or pretending I sing like Karen Carpenter counts? Enacting entire conversations with the things I should have said? Up and including the body language and gestures. Yes. Ahum. We have this new wall of windows since we rebuild and I can’t explain to anyone why they scare me… LOL
Let’s eat muffins!
Pamela L. says
I also sing aloud when I’m alone. But I’ve also been known to break out in song at the supermarket deli when they call my number…
Melinda says
Lovely muffins, Pea.
So singing and dancing with or without your knickers when everyone is out, isn’t that odd, it seems.
When my husband isn’t around…I get into his toolbox and play with his stuff.
Now, that is real naughty!
kelly says
Arg! Your text is on black on my iPad and I can’t see it! Love, love, love Working Girl and that line, but I’m seriously boring. No dancing in my undies.
As far as the muffins go, you know how I feel. As much as churning out spectacular sweets goes, it gets old on the waistline (buttline?) and the budget. Plus, it’s nice to share life with simple things. Like muffins. Great use of holiday candy.
melissa says
I follow several food blogs, and I never post. I also never read the actual blog. I look at the pics and then the recipe, however, there is something really great about your blog. You don’t try to be something other than a great baker who likes to share stories, and I thought I would tell you that I look forward every other day in clicking on your blog and reading what you have to say. Thank you!
Peabody says
Thanks Melissa. You are right, I try very hard to not be something that I am not. But then again, I don’t really know how to be anything else. 🙂
katie says
My word they look delicious. I adore the combo of berries, almonds and choc – yummy
Lisa @ The Cooking Bride says
Two words – granny panties.
And I’m known as a carbaholic, so if I’m alone and just cooking for myself I have been known to pig out on a big bowl of rice or noodles – plain.
Gloria says
I watch movies like Working Girl for the 20th time when I’m alone!!! Love the quote from Joan Cusack..Saw you comment on my new blog and clicked over..You should be writing for a living if you are not now…of course then it might not be fun….:)