This Simple Lime Yogurt Cake is a tart and yummy

First off, no, there is no squirrel in the cake.
I know I was married to a man from Alabama, but roadkill never became part of my repertoire (his either). 😀
So it may be hard to believe but I saw the movie UP for the first time last night.
I chose not to see it in the theatre because I heard I would cry (for the record, I did, how could you not).
I don’t like to cry in public (who does) and so I avoided it.
Then I somehow missed it when it came to On Demand.
And then it went on a different movie channel.
And before you know it I forgot all about it.
Then this past weekend I noticed it was coming on and I recorded it for later.
I couldn’t sleep last night and I decided to watch it.
If you haven’t seen it, do. It’s such a great movie that will run the gamut of emotions for you.
Though the movie is touching and poignant and I may write about that this week, I want to focus on one aspect of the movie, the talking dog.
The talking dog, as with all the dogs in the movie are all easily distracted by squirrels (hence the title).
At first one might think oh, a talking dog, what a great money maker… and then the thought hits me, I would have to hear my dog talk.
And though mostly, like now as I look down at her, she has a blank, vapid look, one might falsely assume she has nothing to say.

Now I know she won’t be spouting out sonnets and what not, but I am quite sure on going daily conversations would be as such:
“Why am I so itchy?
Ugh, so itchy.
Must itch.
Ahhh, feels so good to scratch and chew.
Stop telling me not to scratch and chew woman, I am scratchy.
Don’t you dare put that blue collar on me, aww damn.”
“Feed me. Feed me. Feed me.”
“Why am I eating this dry kibble crap when you are eating whatever that is that smells infinitely better than what this is?’
“What’s that smell?
Sniff, sniff?
Really, what’s that smell?
It’s coming from my butt.
Sniff, sniff.
Darn, it’s me.
I smell like that.
Quick, pretend no one saw you sniffing your butt so they won’t know it’s you.”
“Wait, I will not wait. I need to pee now woman.
You try and wait.
I don’t get to crawl up on that white thing, no, I have to wait for you.
So get moving or I will find your shoes and pee in those, maybe poop too.”
“I will shred you from limb to limb you evil man wearing the brown uniform who dare disturb me.
Can’t you see I am napping.
How dare you disturb me.
Are you trying to steal my toys?
My bone.
I will cut you.”
See, clearly her speaking would not be a good thing.
For now I like the non-talking neurotic dog that I have.
I’m sure if she could talk she would complain how she never gets any baked goods as well. 🙂
This is a Simple Lime Yogurt Cake to use up limes.
One of my many everyday things I make.
P.S. It’s a great day to buy my cookbook Holy Sweet!

Want more recipes like this? Try these:
Hummingbird Streusel Loaf Cake
Strawberry Lemonade Crumb Cake

Simple Lime Yogurt Cake
- For the Cake:
- 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 tsp. baking powder
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 1 cup plain whole-milk yogurt
- 1 1/3 granulated sugar, divided
- 3 extra-large eggs
- 2 tsp. grated lime zest
- 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
- 1/2 cup vegetable oil
- 1/3 cup freshly squeezed lime juice
- For the Glaze:
- 1 cup powdered sugar
- 2 TBSP. freshly squeezed lime juice
- For the Cake:
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
- Grease an 8 1/2 by 4 1/4 by 2 1/2-inch loaf pan(I used 3 mini pans).
- Line the bottom with parchment paper.
- Grease and flour the pan.
- Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt into 1 bowl.
- In another bowl, whisk together the yogurt, 1 cup sugar, the eggs, lime zest, and vanilla.
- Slowly whisk the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients.
- With a rubber spatula, fold the vegetable oil into the batter, making sure it’s all incorporated.
- Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for about 50 minutes(about 35 in the mini pans), or until a cake tester placed in the center of the loaf comes out clean.
- Meanwhile, cook the 1/3 cup lime juice and remaining 1/3 cup sugar in a small pan until the sugar dissolves and the mixture is clear. Set aside.
- When the cake is done, allow it to cool in the pan for 10 minutes.
- Carefully place on a baking rack over a sheet pan.
- While the cake is still warm, pour the lime-sugar mixture over the cake and allow it to soak in. Cool.
- For the glaze, combine the powdered sugar and lime juice and pour over the cake.
VeggieGirl says
Hilarious roadkill commentary, haha 😀
Love this refreshing cake recipe!
Jen says
Up is a great movie! Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel!
The cake looks good too.
sarah says
love your dog’s “thoughts” and Up is so heartbreakingly wonderful! I may have to try this cake as well 🙂
Kita says
Ive been trying to get my dads wife and her sister to watch Up forever. Im tough as nails in my neck of the woods and cried like a baby at Up. Honestly, I would love to have the relationship Carl had some day. It was beautiful – and I was amazed at how many emotions Pixar was able to express through animation. No Im not a Disney freak – Up really did impress me.
You came up with like 5 more things that I can even really imagine my dog saying. >.<
The cake looks beautiful as always 🙂
Barbara Bakes says
Cute post! I have a beagle who I think would talk just like the dog in Up. Always wagging his tail I can see him saying, “you are my master and I love you.”
Your cake is gorgeous – I think I could love it!
Melissa says
This cake makes me think of summer for some reason 🙂
I haven’t seen Up yet, but I’ve heard great things about it. I’ll definitely be watching it soon!
Kate @ Savour Fare says
Our new dog talks like Dug. “I do not know you, but I LOVE YOU! Squirrel!”
Carrie says
This looks super yummy! We love the movie “Up,” too. Our dog was *this* close to being named “Dug.” One of his favorite toys is actually called a “flying squirrel,” so when we say “squirrel!”…he runs and gets it.
Rosa says
A gorgeous cake! I haven’t seen that movie…
Felice says
I love this movie. I did see it in the theater and yes, there were tears. Sometimes I am the one who is dragging my girls to see a movie. I remember years ago, when the Little Mermaid came out, I really, really wanted to see it but thought it would be kind of weird to be an adult without a child sitting there. I should have just gone. My absolute favorite movie is Beauty and the Beast. I can watch that over and over (13 Going on 30 is a close second :))
Oh, and your cake look delicious too.
Kristy says
ooophh.. UP is great, gotta agree with that..
and, i do think that dogs can talk; they just like fooling us around by barking and yelping instead.
PLEASE read this, if you haven’t already:
it’s an awesomely hilarious conversation between dog and owner.. =)
bellini says
Now you have me curious about seeing the movie and maling a lime cake.
Stephanie says
Lime yogurt cake sounds delicious – i’ve only ever done a lemon one but this sounds like a glorious change!
I’m a substitute teacher right now, and recently my sub plans had me reading “Martha Speaks” to four different 3rd grade classes. It’s about a dog named Martha who ate alphabet soup and the letters went to her brain instead of her stomach – which caused – You guessed it – Martha to speak. My favorite part of the days I was there was when I asked the students “If your dog could talk, what do you think they’d say to you?” One of my favorites was, “Could I ride you to the circus?” Probably some of the funnest conversations I’ve had in an elementary school. Your post reminded me of that memory! 🙂
Blog is the New Black says
This sounds like a great dish for bfast or a snack!
Bethany @Bridezilla Bakes says
Yes! I knew this post would be about Up when I saw the title! Such a great movie. The “squirrel” thing really make think about the dog I had growing up — her life revolved around squirrels. SO funny!
And you’re right, it really is touching and emotional. Hilarious and sweet — a great movie.
Caroline says
As soon as you said ‘squirrel’ I thought of UP! How funny. I also love “Hi! I was hiding under the porch…because I love you…”
Our dog loves geese, but he gets fixated on squirrels, too. I wish I knew what he was thinking, it’d probably be close to your narrative!
Your cake looks amazing. I love the addition of the citrus flavors. the first time I had yogurt cake was when we had a French exchange student stay with us – I’ve been hooked ever since! So moist, so tender! Love it!
Lisa @ The Cooking Bride says
Your dog conversations were
hilarious. I think if my dog could talk he would sound a lot like Gomer Pyle.
Joanne says
I still haven’t seen UP but at least now I know what my main mode of studying procrastination is going to be this weekend! I wonder if it’s available on Netflix On-Demand….
I think one of the perks of having a dog is that they DON’T talk. Otherwise, you’d just have a child, right?
Mmm limes. Mmm cake. Yum.
Bridget says
Ugh, I wish someone had warned me about Up. I was expecting a cute little cartoon-type thing, not something that would make me cry in the first 5 minutes!
Also, I wanted to let you know that I really enjoy seeing your simpler recipes too – I like seeing how people really eat (I’m nosy).
Barbara says
Now I’ll have to see that movie. Checking it out with Netflix in a sec. I hate crying. I hope I won’t.
My daughter has a neurotic cat…I’d love to hear what he was saying in meows. I KNOW what I’m thinking when he’s around. (and it’s isn’t nice.)
Fun to have a lime cake instead of lemon..they do taste different although lots of people can’t tell the difference. Lovely and moist.
Cakelaw says
LOL – yep, probably just as well your cocker spaniel doesn’t talk. Gorgeous little cakes here.
Sarah K says
Hahahaha…don’t you have a cocker spaniel? I think I remember that. Anyway, I have a cockapoo who is neurotic and always scratching and/or chewing herself. And she wears a cone when we’re gone. Or else she chews her toes, till they bleed… Is that what you meant by blue collar?
Heather of Kitchen Concoctions says
I love the movie Up. I had no idea what it was about and ‘forced’ several friends to go with me to see it in the movie theatre. I was so embarrassed because I cried like a baby through almost the whole movie!
A Tablespoon of Liz says
This looks so good, I love lime!
hobby baker says
Mmmmmmm, late as it is, I simply must make a batch of this to send to work tomorrow!
Robin Crittenden says
I made this cake last night. It is wonderful. Easy to make and uses up a few limes too. I had a big bag that I bought that needed to be used.
The cake cuts beautifully and more important tastes wonderful. Lime, if you love it, this is for you.
kamaile says
Your doggie dialogue cracked me up. That last line reminded me of bon qui qui…lol
Sticky Penguin says
I’d wondered if a squirrel cake might be sort of variation on a hedgehog slice! Nope, but it does look very tasty indeed. I saw Up! on a plane (appropriate, perhaps?), and sat there sniffling occasionally and feeling a bit daft, but really loved it…
The Food Hunter says
It looks great..I wonder how it would be with lemon?
Leah says
made this today substituting it with lemon and a bit of orange (no limes at hand) i had to use up some yogurt that was going bad soon. it’s so tasty!
thanks for the inspiration
julia says
I am making this now with blueberry yogurt and lemons (that’s what I had- had to substitute)for my uncle’s birthday. Thank you for the recipe- it smells nummy!