These Butterscotch Toffee Blondie Muffins are really just blondies baked in a muffin tin but it makes them sound so much healthier.

I will have you know that you taking down your website RUINED my 7 year daughter’s birthday party.
My daughter had requested your Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cake which we served for my husband’s birthday a couple of months ago. Imagine my surprise when I opened up my browser to see that your site is no longer running.
How am I supposed to make this cake if you site is down?
Why put up a website only to take it down?
I waited all Saturday night and all Sunday morning for your site to work, I even went to my neighbors to see if it was my computer.
My daughter was so embarrassed that I had to serve store bought cake.
I am beyond upset.
She was crushed.”
Oh goodie, let’s add Child Birthday Ruiner to my resume shall we, right after ball buster and before dream crusher.
First off, I did not voluntarily take my site down.
It crashed.
My ex (aka webmaster) was out of town and could not see what was wrong as he was in the sticks with very little connection.
It crashed because lots of people are stopping by, which is awesome, but the server I have now can’t support t that.
Which we are looking into a new server but we have to upgrade to WordPress 3.0.
Which sounds easy, but when we do it, it messes with my blog design.
So the blog design has to be fixed, which if you haven’t guessed cost money.
And so does going to a larger server.
So it’s pay the utilities or upgrade my blog.
Sorry, but the blog loses out.
Feel free to help pay for it if you want.
I do have a PayPal account…it’s the same address as what is in my contact section…my gmail account.

I’m very sorry that the child’s birthday was ruined and thanks for making me feel like crap.
But perhaps if something is so important as your child’s birthday, that next time maybe you will print out the recipe WAY ahead of time.
I suggest this to everyone.
Even I planned on making something off my site as well this weekend…and even I couldn’t access it.
Was my weekend RUINED?
No, I made an alternative to what I was going to make.
You, lovely reader, should have had an alternative cake for your child as well.
Or hey, how about Google peanut butter chocolate chip cake.
It might not have been mine, but it might have worked.
My alternative turned out pretty darn awesome if you ask me.
These are Butterscotch Toffee Blondie Muffins that are baked into muffin cups instead of the usually pan.
Just mixing it up a little.
I love the flavor of butterscotch with toffee, so these were pretty much a no brainer.
Serious yum.
Top with some vanilla ice cream and some salted caramel sauce left over from my sundaes and HELLO Yumville.
I would actually like to apologize for my site going down.
These things happen.
I try not for them to happen.
Again, if you want to help, feel free.
Things might get done faster that way.
Or you could pay for a bag of flour. 🙂
It’s a great day to order my cookbook.

Birthday Cake Batter Cereal Blondies
Fruity Pebbles Salted Caramel Blondies

Butterscotch Toffee Blondie Muffins
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- ½ tsp. salt
- 3/4 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 3/4 cup granulated sugar
- 3/4 cup dark brown sugar, lightly packed
- 3 large eggs, at room temperature
- 1 tsp. Vanilla extract
- ¾ cup butterscotch chips
- ¾ cup toffee pieces
- Preheat to 325 F.
- Grease a regular sized muffin tin that holds 12 muffins.
- Using a stand mixer with the paddle attachment cream the butter and sugars on medium speed.
- Beat in the eggs, one at a time, making sure they are fully incorporated. Scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl after each addition.
- Stir in the vanilla.Add flour and salt until well combined.Fold in the butterscotch and toffee pieces, trying to disturb as evenly as possible. Good luck. 🙂
- Using a regular size ice cream scoop, scoop one ice cream scoop per muffin tin. Y
- ou should get exactly 12. If you did, you scooped too much. If you have left overs, you scooped too little.
- Bake for 28-30 minutes, or until a wooden skewer inserted near the center comes out clean.
- Set the pan on a wire rack to cool for 15 minutes.
- Remove from pan.
- Serve with ice cream and salted caramel sauce.
Jillian says
Mmmm….I love butterscotch. Have you made buttermilk syrup before? It is buttery, sweet and slightly salty.
Haley W. says
Anna says
What the heck is wrong with people? I can’t even fathom the insanity required to send that email!
The butterscotch looks freaking amazing.
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) says
I seriously hope someone did not write something like that to you. If so, how could they not have printed it out before? Good grief. The blondies look amazing! Sorry for the site trouble. I hope you have a good week!
LJohnson says
I was waiting for the humor to come out of the message from this person. It didn’t. Really?
I completely agree that if the birthday happiness HINGED on a specific recipe it should have been printed months ago in triplicate with a copy stored in a safe deposit box.
Peabody, I’m sorry finances are tight but please don’t let comments as this deter you from continuing your exploration of foody bliss. There are far many more of us who really appreciate you.
Jackie says
What the hell is wrong with people??????? Bet it makes you love your dog and bunny all the more. :}
Gina, Mom to The Shoe says
Global warming is all your fault, too, isn’t it? 😉 This looks so delicious and the caramel puts it over the top!!
Heather says
Good grief. Hope this is a better week/weekend for you than the last one.
Blondies look awesome!! 🙂
kq says
i don’t like to judge, but, it sounds like someone has deeper problems, than your site going down and not being able to make a cake and ruining a 7yr old’s birthday (for real?). I have a 7 year old and let’s just say I wasn’t able to make a certain cake for her. She, AND I would be like “oh well” and move on. Like I said, the person who wrote that might have other issues, to be so incensed that she would dole out a flogging via keyboard.
CW says
I had to wait a whole day to make the double corn cornbread muffins!! I could have been upset, but then I decided to make pistachio-blueberry mini cakes instead. Made the cornbread muffins today (yum!).
You know what this means, don’t you? You will have to keep this blog going live each and every day for the rest of eternity!!! 😉 Otherwise you will ruin some other day in this lady’s life. (Its always someone else’s fault, isn’t it…) :p
Nutmeg Nanny says
Well that lady sounds a complete basket case. Don’t let her craziness bring you down.
This looks awesome by the way…I could go for a few right now 🙂
Emily O. says
That is ridiculous and unfair to you. If it’s that important, you print it off ahead of time. And you explain to your child that sometimes things happen and we have to change plans, but we can still have a fun birthday party.
But the PB chocolate chip cake does sound delicious – I am on the hunt for a birthday cake for my husband’s March birthday. I am going to go look it up now!
Lis says
F*ck ’em, Gracie. Write for you and only you. You weren’t hired to share your “concoctions”, therefore no one – NO ONE – has a right to say anything like that woman did. I’m sorry you had to receive that. 🙁
The blondie sounds awesome and looks even better. Thanks for SHARING it with us. 99.9% of us are very grateful for you, your blog, your stories and how you share the goodies you come up with even though you don’t have to.
Love you, Gracie! xoxoxoxo
Lolo says
People are f*cking nuts. Don’t let someone like that ruin your day! Like there aren’t millions of other recipes she could’ve found on the internet. Yours do look the yummiest tho 🙂
Michelle says
Dear Lovely Reader/Hate Mail Writer,
Your failure to plan is in no way Pea’s responsibility.
Things happen. While I’m sure your daughter was bummed about not having peanutbutter cake, your reaction probably bummed her out even more.
When life hands you lemons, make lemon swirl cheesecake bars.
Michelle M. says
That looks divine….however for the lady she needs to get a grip on reality! Does she own a printer? She should have been planning in advance because things happen…I wonder how she acts when serious things go wrong wow.
sara says
Ugh, I don’t know what is wrong with people! This is a FREE website, not a paid service that this woman has subscribed to, and thus you have no obligation to anyone! Don’t feel bad at all or feel like you need to be sorry – this woman is clearly a little crazy.
Also, for future reference, when sites go down, you can often access the text content through the cache on google or something like the wayback machine. Don’t know if that would have helped here, but just something to know in this type of situation in the future! 🙂
And finally, just wanted to say I love this site! Of all the food blogs I visit, I feel like I read yours for WAY more than the recipes (although those are also wonderful) – you’re a fantastic writer and I love hearing your stories!
Lindsay says
OMG, I can’t believe how rude some peole are! I also love that because your website was down she had to serve store bought cake. Apparently you have the only recipe out there for home made cake.
Lori says
Oh cripe, what a drama queen!
Butterscotch…drools. 😀
Kita says
Hey Peabody, I design websites for WordPress on the side. Id love to help you out. Shot me an email if you want.
PS – LOVE this post.
Sarah says
Good grief…it’s even available by simply Googling and viewing the cached page (
Some people. I suh-WEAR.
Pip says
Dear Angry Mother with limited problem solving skills:
Please try practicing a “24 Hour Grievance Waiting Period” as it will help you to not send emotionally charged ridiculous emails that you cannot take back.
Also..Happy Birthday to your daughter, 7 is such a fun age. I hope she got past the cake tragedy and was able to enjoy her special day.
Zazzy says
Do you need some help with wordpress?
Peabody says
@Zazzy-it’s not word press that is the issue. My blog design runs on 2.9, when we upgrade to 3.0 things get messed up or completely go bye-bye.
Cheryl Newton says
Hi, Peabody,
As if you haven’t had enough trouble with pain-in-the-butt readers lately, do these bake at 350? Recipe says 32. Just wanted to double-check.
Jamie P says
Firefox has an addon that is scrapbook function. Works great for these reasons. It’s saved on your pc so the only way you can not have the recipe is if your computer crashes. *sigh* people
Eliana says
Well, I’m glad you’re back. And thanks for coming back with this kick-ass confection.
Swee San says
Some people are just ignorant and like to blame. They could have taken down or printed the recipe if it was for such an important occasion (like the daughter’s birthday), and not wait till the last minute.
On the other hand, the muffin, absolute food porn ><
Coco says
Good. Grief.
Seriously woman, calm the eff down. If it was that important, you should have printed it off a long time ago.
Sorry Peabody. When that kind of crap happens to me, I call myself the “Dream-Crusher”. I act like I’m a super hero… dream crusher, dah dah DAH!
Samantha says
You’re awesome, amazing, and eff anybody that thinks otherwise. She’s obviously not all that with it, and I cannot believe anybody would actually react that way, much less write that to you.
This looks amazing and I’m going to have to make it pretty darn soon. I’m a sucker for butterscotch anything!
Maggie says
Ugh, the entitlement of some people routinely astounds me. I’m sure her daughter won’t be scarred for life!
PS – I think you probably meant 325 degrees, not 32 :)…at that temp they might take a few days to bake!
Jess says
Please don’t let one whack job get under your skin or make you feel bad. I’d say she pretty much rates in the cellar as bad mom for not thinking ahead or, yes, googling the recipe. She’s a goober and you rock.
Kristina @ spabettie says
wow. insanity. having made the recipe a few months ago you’d think there’d be a printed copy instead of being All Your Fault.
simply insanity.
please don’t apologize – these things happen. I send a sorry it happened YOUR way, because I know it’s a frustrating thing to go through.
that kind of person serves as perspective for me – so glad I’m fairly happy and positive and don’t over react or place blame. insanity!
nina says
You ruined my day cause there is a lot of yucky caramel on my screen. Ewww!
Steph@PlainChicken says
Good Grief! I can’t believe someone actually sent that email! That is SO tacky.
These butterscotch toffee muffins look AWESOME!!!! I will be making them soon. I think I’ll go ahead and print the recipe out. Don’t want my week ruined in case your site crashes! 😉
Fallon says
What a fabulous dessert. Blondies into muffins?? Amazing!!
Don’t let that comment bring you down. The server crashing was not your fault at all. It is their fault for not printing the recipe ahead of time or finding an alternative. There are far more important things to get upset over.. but dessert?? Please plenty of dessert options times infinite!
Katie says
Jeeeeze Peabody, here you go again effin up people’s lives by baking awesome yummy treats! How dare you?!?
I will dream about caramel tonight, I can’t bake it right now and I’m having a baby on wednesday so maybe I should print the recipe just in case I don’t have internet when I decide to bake it! 😉 😉
Love to luv ya!
Tracy says
LOL, what is wrong with people?? Please don’t let her make you feel like crap; you did nothing wrong. If it was really that important she would have printed out that recipe months ago!
kitty says
thing is, she made the recipe a couple months ago.
likely, she has it somewhere.
you make days better. your stories are inspiring. i keep thinking about what you said about girls and their images, and i swear you have made me more confident.
Jovian says
Oh Lawd. There are children dying of malnutrition in Africa as we speak. I shall now play the world’s saddest song on the tiniest violin for this crestfallen and aggrieved reader -.-
KB @ Home-Baked Happiness says
Some people are such dicks. I mean, seriously — if you make a recipe and really like it, WRITE IT DOWN, dumbass! That way, no matter what happens to the site, you have it for the future, including when your little girl decides she wants it months from now. And if you didn’t write it down, you shouldn’t have promised it to your daughter until you had the recipe in hand again. Moron.
BurgerMary says
Dear moronic lady who has time to send lengthy emails but no google skills, it’s called a cached page.
Good on you for calling her out, Peabody!
Anne says
Don’t ‘cha just love people sometimes??? Ignore their drama… rock and these blondies look amazing!
Laurel says
I’m bookmarking this. It looks amazing.
Also, I googled “peanut butter chocolate chip cake peabody” and came up with the recipe here:
I’m magic!
Caroline says
LOL at Laurel’s googling!! I can’t believe someone really wrote you an email!!!! Hugs.
Rosa says
Not funny for the child and mother, but so hilarious in a way…
Those muffins look extremely good!
Felice says
I did the same thing as Laurel and had the recipe in a few seconds. This woman is a few sandwiches short of a picnic, and that is me being polite. The hide of some people. I am beyond pissed that she (or anyone else for that matter) has the audacity to send you crappy emails like this. You need an intern to take care of these things for you.
adrienne says
Wow, what audacity that woman had. I’m a little glad the site was down just to spite her. First of all, not to take anything away from your glorious recipes, but there are probably about 12 comparable recipes via google annnnd even if there wasn’t a similar recipe anywhere to be found, why was a store bought cake the next step? Peanut butter and chocolate in general lends itself to about 1,042 recipes off the top of my head alone.
I’m sure the child she’s raising is just as irritating and snot-nosed as her so I’m glad they dined on store bought disappointment. One day they’ll learn that the earth actually was not created for their very existence….oh wait, no, they probably won’t.
Oh poop, reading what I just wrote reinforces the notion that I need out of the service industry stat.
Felice says
Sorry, I was so distracted by that numskull that I forgot to tell you how fantastic your Butterscotch-Toffee Blondie “Muffins” look. Seriously, I would intern for free if I could just learn how to take such mouthwatering photos of the amazing stuff you make.
katie says
Take no notice. Some people like to blame anyone they can but themselevs. It’s not like you did it on purpose!!
Allison says
I have to agree with the other comments – this person is obviously rude and ignorant (a terrible combination). Although I understand the ability of one bad/mean comment (out of 100 good ones) to bring you right down into the dumps. Chin up! The entire world isn’t full of raging idiots, no matter how much it may seem like it sometimes. You’re amazing. Your site is phenomenal. Your recipes defy description. If there are people out there who lack the ability to use Google or, God forbid, open a cook book then it is not your responsibility. Don’t let it get you down!
Oh, and that butterscotch sauce (and the glorious photograph of said sauce) had me making lustful sounds not entirely appropriate for work. Thanks a lot! 🙂
Dani says
Unbelievable! I guess it really does take every kind of person to make the world go ’round.
Lynn says
It’s amazing that people feel they can complain about something they’re getting for free. I think this woman knows very well she dropped the ball but needs someone else to blame for her fail.
Lauren at KeepItSweet says
I really dislike technology somtimes! Good comeback recipe:-)
HeartofGlass says
First of all, I have to say–total Snickerdoodle synergy! I just baked some Snickerdoodles for a friend and posted them on my blog.
More seriously, when I was writing for Serious Eats, I remember the first baking recipe I posted told the readers to line the pan with parchment. I didn’t boldface it or stress the recipe was sticky, and one reader posted how miserable she was because she didn’t use parchment, and accused me of ruining her pan.
I felt just awful–so even though I was laughing hysterically at your post, I can appreciate how bad you felt, even for a moment, no matter how much it wasn’t your fault. 🙁
Clearly this woman is a lunatic–and stupid, given she could have Googled the recipe, or another recipe instead. And not printing a birthday cake recipe before ‘the day.’ What if there had been a power outage and she couldn’t get online at all!
I really feel bad for the child, though–not because of the cake but because clearly something ‘not nice’ is going on in that family and the woman is taking it out on other people.
A Tablespoon of Liz says
That was a really great response, haha. And that looks delicious!
Michelle says
Hmmm is it a plugin breaking in 3.0? Or a widget? Do you have a temp server to test the upgrade on? I can play around with it if you like (although if your server can’t handle super high traffic, I’m not sure moving to 3.0 is the solution, although it certainly should be done at some point). I can set up a vanilla 3.0 install and try to get your design to run on it.
Peabody says
@Michelle-It’s a lot more complicated than that. We have to upgrade to 3.0 to go to the server my ex wants us to go on.
bellini says
My own site was down this weekend as well. It said my blog does not exist. I swear that Blogger is constantly fighting hackers since the moment I e-mailed on their forum my site was up again. How do we spell relief:D
Caroline says
I print your recipes out even when I don’t have a purpose, just so I can drool over them and finally have an excuse to make them! Sorry you were called a birthday ruiner, but you are hardly that! Someone just can’t handle accepting they waited until the last minute and their plan backfired. Not your problem at all. These toffee muffins look phenomenal – the toppings are what sends it over the top!
Jenny says
If she made the cake once – why not keep the print out – or save the recipe in an e-mail like I do. Peabody – you make the world go round! What a burden to bear. xoxo
Susan @ SGCC says
The level of entitlement that some people possess never ceases to amaze me! I get my share of wacky emails from “readers” too, though not nearly as many as you. I love the ones that demand that I change my blog format/functions, etc., to suit THEM. Yeah, right. I’m going to pay my web designer $$$ to do that just for you! I’m glad that you didn’t take this one on the chin.
BTW, I did Google “peanut butter chocolate chip cake” and came up with 1,060,000 results. Seems like this clod could have easily come up with an acceptable substitute if she had tried.
Pamela says
I hope this woman is utterly embarrassed after reading this post and all the comments left in your defense.
People make mistakes and I’m sure after reading your post she will realize what a BIG one she made by blaming you.
Now let’s see if she sends you an apology?! That would be the decent thing to do.
Hey lady!! get the hint, you were completely out of line and Peabody deserves an apology!!!!
Thanks for sharing this with us Peabody.. just makes me appreciate nice people even more 🙂
Traci says
Some people! I could understand (possibly…it’s a stretch. she still should have printed it out for such an important event) if this site was a service that we paid for, but this is your PERSONAL blog!!! Some people just need to blame others for their own misfortune it seems. I just made blondies yesterday. I wish I had waited!! These look amazing.
Sweets By Vicky says
Guess you don’t need another person telling you how gorgeous these look or another person agreeing with the rest of the crew that the woman has some temper issues- poor kid- hope her dad’s got a better sense of courtesy and brains.
But I do have to say that you’re always inspiring my brain with super wacky recipes!
Sourkraut says
Oh. My. Lord. I read this yesterday but had to come back today to comment in the hopes that one more comment will help make you feel better. I hope by now you’re able to laugh it off, especially after all of the supportive comments other folks have left for you. The situation is funny on so many levels from her inability to plan ahead to her ineptitude with computers. Aside from the obvious solution of using Google cache is it that difficult to find an equally tasty peanut butter chocolate chip cake on the internet? I’m sure yours was delicious but in such a dire situation as hers I’d imagine she could have lowered her standards enough to use a lesser recipe. Surely anything would be better than a *shudder* store-bought cake.
ButterscotchBB says
*stands up from being bent-over laughing hysterically* .. But for real, was that a real, for true e-mail you received?, That HAD to be a tongue-in-cheek piece of fiction!
Karen says
While I am sorry that the 7 year old’s birthday was “ruined” this was great for me. I am looking for a cake to bake for my mother in law’s birthday this weekend and this will be perfect. Thanks angry mom for bringing it to my attention!
Melissa says
Seriously? Some people!
This recipe looks insanely delicious! I can’t wait to try it 🙂
marcia says
Dear peabody, I went to buy underwear the other day and to my dismay I take an extra large,an extra large!!! damn you! I think this must be your fault! Your blog is the first I read everyday because it makes me smile! Thanks for all the great recipes!
Erika says
Seriously???? People send emails like that????
I wouldn’t worry about ruining the birthday party; sounds like it might have been a good life lesson for mom and daughter.
Erin says
My husband worked for a utility and there was a bad winter storm that took out power for multiple days. My husband volunteered to work in the call center for a few evenings and was told by a lady that he ruined Christmas for all the children. I don’t if that was for all the children of the Seattle area or the world…
Amy says
Love your blog. My fav is still the snikerdoodle muffin, which my kids LOVE. Never printed out the recipe though. Hope you don’t ruin some random Saturday morning by having your site crash just when I go to make these wonderful delights for my family! Fortunatly for me they are so wonderful that many of your blogger fans have reposted, so I think I’m good.
Thanks for all you do and I think we’re all hoping that that poor child isn’t scarred for life after that store-bought birthday cake!
Jill says
Good Lord. Seriously? her options were your fantastic cake or store bought? She had no other ability to find another recipe? Or find the cached page like everyone else could find?
And in her world this cake-tastrophe was enough to “ruin” a birthday? Her life is clearly terrible. Such trauma over a cake. And I feel sorry for that 7 year old’s sense of entitlement… I sure hope her life isn’t ruined when she doesn’t get a BMW for her 16th birthday and then turns to a life of crime.
You rock. You know it. 🙂
megabite says
Love your sassiness. True story.
hobby baker says
Ohmyheavenlygooeyyumminess! Yum, scarumph, drool. It’s so not fair that I’m desugaring right now. Oh and there is a saying isn’t there: “Failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part…”
Reagan says
In the spirit of completely asinine comments I would love to blame your site going down for the 14″ snow storm we had this weekend and for the world spinning. I obviously cannot fathom placing the blame where it belongs, so you seem like an appropriate punching bag. Thank you.
Now, could you create a recipe using my 3 favorite ingredients? Crab, Chocolate and Bell Peppers? Thanks!
On a serious matter, you are fabulous!
Joanne says
People are insane. You should ALWAYS have a b list of recipes for special occasions. Just saying.
And THAT being said I can’t believe THIS was a b list recipe. Too amazing.
ErinsFoodFiles says
That lady is an idiot!
Amy B says
First of all, the email you received is hysterical. I can’t believe someone would actually blame you for their incompetence and lack of planning! I’m glad you handled it with humor 🙂
Secondly, I was wondering the consistency of the blondies. I, too, made a blondie recipe this weekend that I made up, and it came out too cakey. I think maybe I needed an extra egg and no baking powder/soda…which is exactly what your recipe is like. Were they like a dense, fudgey consistency?
Peabody says
@Amy B- these are more chewy…now I don’t know if it was my recipe or if it was baking them in muffin cups instead.
Adam says
Internet entitlement strikes again!
Tim says
You RUINED it! All your fault! You probably set it up on your calendar and timed it to go down around her daughter’s birthday, didn’t you? Seriously, as the operator of a free blog, you need to be held responsible for when people can’t access your site. Who do you think you are? She should call the cops on you.
People are idiots. #notsarcasm
Amanda says
Wow, I am coming out of lurk mode to comment on that horrible e-mail! I can’t believe someone would ever send that. And, I read through every comment posted because I was sure she would have realized her mistake and apologized… Just be happy to know that the more people criticize, the more of an impact you are making. I love your blog!
IslandBlue says
Wow. Just wow. It’s all been said above, so I’m just gonna chime in “love this website, every recipe I have tried has been great and your food photography is stunning.” Thanks you for the effort you put into this site.
Oh, and I blame you for my weight problem. It could not be my fault. LOL
wooliegirl says
I want names and addresses! I’m ready to kick some unrealistic butt! I’m all for you!!! Keep it coming, we will support you!
Gosh….are you responsible for PMS too?????
Veronica says
Don’t let idiots like this upset you. Hubby and I just roared with laughter on reading this email. It will go down in history with the “refund muffins” 🙂 Keep on being yourself.
PS belatedly, thanks for the feed modifications. It works fine with the yummy photo and brief text giving some idea what to expect.
Ali says
Oh. my. gosh!
Bwahaha. Cheers to you for publishing the email. People are just so damn self absorbed.
I feel kinda bad for that kid and their ‘ruined’ birthday, but it has nothing to do with what cake they had to eat. :<
itzel says
i love this post, and everyone´s comments. funny!
everyone is right. the lady is not good at planning or fixing problems. i hope she has learned from this experience. maybe therapy can help.
cheers to you and your great blog!!!!
Jen says
Has anyone actually made this recipe and can they comment on whether it worked well and or is good? The comments all seem to be about anything and everything other than the actual recipe.
Can this be made in an 8 x 8 or 9 x 9 pan?
Peabody says
It probably could be made in a pan. The recipe is from 2011 so it’s not super fresh in my mind. But most blondie recipes can be adapted for a pan.