These Red Velvet Swirl Brownies are a classic twist on the cake complete with cream cheese frosting swirled into the very red brownie.

Some of you who are read my blog are fellow food bloggers but most of you are not.
So many of you probably never heard that this week one of our fellow food bloggers lost her husband suddenly and without warning to a heart attack.
She wrote an endearing post about him and how she is working on figuring out a new normal, she has to.
As part of her healing process she is making a peanut butter pie.
One that she had planned on making for her husband but never got around to, and Jennie is asking us to make a peanut butter pie for the ones you love in your life.
Death is never easy.
I often wonder if it’s easier to know your loved one is going to die (meaning it’s been a long time coming) or suddenly?
Obviously most people who are doing the dying would like it suddenly and without suffering, but I think those who are doing the mourning and the searching for answers would prefer to get their goodbyes in.

I think for closure reasons the goodbye is very important.
And I think for Jennie her peanut butter pie is her closure.
She will be getting on with her new sense of normal.
I respect her for that.
She doesn’t seem to be playing the why me.
Jennie is focusing on the gifts in which her husband brought to her life and celebrating them.
As much as it pains her, she must move on, she knows this.
I think death brings to light all the things you have been putting off.
Things that you always thought you would have time to accomplish you start to realize that you might just not.
Let death be a time to reflect on the things you had hoped/or needed to do in your own life but have not done.
You are probably looking at this and saying, Peabody this isn’t a peanut butter pie.
No, it’s not.
The peanut butter pie day is this Friday.
But if I didn’t write about it now, how would you have time to make the pie?
You are also saying what does Red Velvet Swirl Brownies have to do with any of this?
Nothing. I had a different post in mind for them.
But I do find baking therapeutic to both the baker and person receiving the baked goods. 🙂
So I invite you to join me in making a peanut butter pie (or some form of it) on Friday.
I personally don’t like peanut butter pie, but I like to be supportive and will be making some version of it.
Hug your loved ones.
Tell them that you miss them.
Don’t put off tomorrow what you really should be doing today…except laundry…because that truly can wait (unless you are naked).
It’s a great day to order my cookbook.

Want More Brownie Recipes?
Marshmallow Crunch Brownie Bars

Red Velvet Swirl Brownie
- Red Velvet Layer:
- 1 stick (4 ounces) unsalted butter, melted
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- 1/4 cup cocoa powder
- Pinch salt
- 1 TBSP red food coloring
- 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar
- 2 eggs
- 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
- Cream Cheese Layer:
- 8 ounces cream cheese, softened
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1 egg
- 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
- Butter an 8 by 8-inch baking pan, and set aside.
- For the Brownie layer:
- Add melted butter to a large bowl and add the sugar, vanilla, cocoa powder, salt, food coloring, and vinegar, in that order, mixing between additions.
- Whisk the eggs in a small bowl and stir it into the cocoa mix.
- Fold in the flour until lightly combined.
- Pour the batter into the prepared baking pan, saving 1/4 cup of the batter for the top.
- For the Cream cheese layer:
- Blend together the cream cheese, sugar, egg, and vanilla in a medium bowl.
- Gently spread the cream cheese layer on top of the brownie batter in the pan.
- Dollop the remaining brownie batter over the cream cheese layer.
- Using a skewer or the tip of a knife, drag the tip through the cream cheese mixture to create a swirl pattern.
- Bake the brownies for 30 minutes.
- Remove to a cooling rack and allow them to cool completely before cutting.
patsy says
I was lucky enough to meet Jennie a couple years back. My heart breaks for her and her girls… and I’ll be making a peanut butter pie that my family loves for Friday… makes you realize how important living in the moment is and that you shouldn’t put things off to later, if you can avoid it.
Erin says
Oh gosh that is so sad. I started to read her post and had tears coming to my eyes withing seconds. I love peanut butter pie and will gladly make one for the loved ones in my life on Friday.
Rosa says
I’ve heard of her loss… So sad.
Those brownies are so pretty and tempting!
Cheryl | Black Girl Chef's Whites says
I’ll be making a peanut butter pie for Jennie on Friday. I only know her online, but her loss still hurt my heart.
I lost my dad suddenly to a heart attack years ago. I am losing my mom slowly to cancer now. Both suck, but you do find your new normal.
VeggieGirl says
Swirled goodness for a good cause.
Katie says
What if you are naked but you don’t have to go anywhere and aren’t expecting company?
Pip says
Thank you for passing this on, I am sharing it with all that I know. It’s hard not to take our loved ones for granted, but we should definitely work hard not to.
Erika says
I read about Jennie’s loss on another blog earlier – so sad.
I agree with you about baking being therapeutic. Unfortunately I find eating baked goods therapeutic, too 😉
Are peanut butter cookies close enough to peanut butter pie??? (I think so!) Perhaps that is what I will whip up for Friday.
vanillasugarblog says
nicely said P
California says
“I often wonder if it’s easier to know your loved one is going to die (meaning it’s been a long time coming) or suddenly?”
This reminds me of a woman I know who lost each parent both ways. One passed away from cancer, the other in a split second, being hit by a car while crossing the street. She said when someone dies slowly, it’s harder on them but easier on you. When someone dies unexpectedly, it’s harder for you but easier on them. Just makes you think. A very thoughtful blog post.
Adam says
Tragedies like this always remind me that I’ve been so lucky in life. No one close to me has ever passed away. I still have all my grandparents. And as I’ve grown older I’ve come to realize how important it is to cherish all of the moments I have with my family. It’s probably the only piece of advice I have that is truly worth anything; and I wish that I had realized this when I was a teenager.
Nicole L. says
Every once in a while I read a post that puts everything back into perspective. My heart hurts for her loss. I will definitely be making a pie (even though it will be the first one I ever make!)
Ali says
oh God that is awful 🙁 That video is beautiful but so sad to watch. I hope they find peace somehow.
mis-cakes says
i had already planned on making a peanut butter pie on friday but if i wasn’t your post would have lit the fire. It hurts my heart to think of what she is going through. I don’t know what i would do in that situation.
Cakeflower says
Very, very nice.
kelly says
Nicely done, peabody. I read her piece and bawled, then immediately sent my husband who is often in sustained stressful situations an email with her story’s sad news and a “take care of yourself.”. Too much sadness on teh Intrawebs this week. Way too much for my soft heart. I will be making peanut butter pie.
Jenny says
Great job Peabody – thank you.
Mia says
Ouch…my heart hurts for her.
Christine says
I can not even imagine the pain she must be feeling.. Peanut Butter pie is a family favorite our ours and I would love to pay tribute..
Lynn says
Thanks for the reminder, Pea.
Kristine @ SugarBeams says
will definitely join you in making and posting pie on friday—thanks for this and introducing me to her blog and story…
gardenchef says
Hi, I found your recipe and my daughter just gave it a try last night. We love it! Thank you!
Ana M says
Hi this recipe looks really great. I was wondering how essential the Apple cider vinegar is; can it substituted for something else? Thanks!
Peabody says
Well you need the acid what are you wanting to sub?