This Brown Sugar Almond Pound Cake with Sauteed Spiced Apples is a moist pound cake topped with spiced apples and caramel sauce.

This was not only a good cake but a good post so we will revisit both.
Sixteen Candles is one of the best movies ever.
Oh the movie that gave every teenage girl hope.
Hope that the hottest guy in school would leave his well endowed, hot girlfriend for geeky, nobody you.
Did I mention he is not only hot, but rich and drives a Porsche?
Oh yes, this was the modern day Cinderella story that every female teeny bop was waiting to happen.
Unless of course, you were the well endowed, hot chick at school…then it was already happening to you (bitch).
That being said, I would never give my undies to a geek.
Or anyone for that matter.
Now perhaps back then, when my undies were bought by my mother and were ugly (probably the 20 pack from Costco) I might not have cared as much.
But gosh darn it, now a days, good looking undies just cost too much to be giving away.
Or ripped off for that matter.
Granted this did not happen in Sixteen Candles, but it happens in a lot of movies.
Sure it isn’t sexy to have to stop to take off your undies, but really, it probably hurts to have them ripped off.
And hurts even more if they are La Perla and you paid $45 for them.
Now, that hurts.
So girls, keep your undies.
Or if you do give them to a geek, work out a payment plan with them, and charge interest.
Now I am a reasonable person.
But for whatever reason, I thought for sure I would wake up on my 13th birthday with boobs.
When that didn’t happen, I knew for sure it would be my 16th.
For sure.
There is a part in the movie where the main character Sam is standing in front of the mirror checking out her lack of bod.
Oh how I related to this.

When I woke up on my 16th birthday rationally knowing boobs did not grow overnight, I still had to look.
And look I did, all day.
Thank goodness my birthday is in the summer, I would have hate to have been caught staring at my own chest in school.
That would have been cool.
Alas I am still waiting on my boobs.
Oh sure, from time to time if I gain enough weight I can get some bigger boobs, but then I just get bigger me and so they don’t really look all that hot.
So in honor of the boobs I never got and only get when I gain pounds…I made pound cake. 😉
This Brown Sugar Almond Pound Cake is nice and simple…and loaded with calories…3 sticks of butter and 3 cups of sugar.
Surely you can pack on some boobs (and stomach, thigh and butt) with this yummy treat….after all “the Donger needs food”.
P.S. It’s a great day to buy my cookbook Holy Sweet!

Want More Pound Cake Recipes?
Bourbon Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cake
Strawberry Lemonade Bundt Cake

Brown Sugar Almond Pound Cake with Sauteed Spiced Apples
- For the Pound Cake:
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 ¼ cup almond meal
- 1 tsp baking powder
- ½ tsp salt
- 1 ½ cups unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 8 ounce cream cheese, at room temperature
- 2 cups firmly packed light brown sugar
- 1 cup powdered sugar, sifted
- 1 TBSP pure vanilla extract
- 1 tsp pure almond extract
- 6 large eggs, at room temperature
- For the Sauteed Spiced Apples:
- ½ cup granulated sugar
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- ½ tsp ground ginger
- ½ tsp ground nutmeg
- 3 large apples, I used Pink Ladies, peeled, cored, and sliced
- 1 TBSP unsalted butter
- For the Pound Cake:
- Spray a Bundt pan, 10-inch tube pan, or two 8 ½ by 4 ½ inch loaf pans with non stick cooking spray (I used a loaf pan spring form and two mini loaf pans).Preheat oven to 325F.
- In a bowl, sift together the flour, almond meal, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.
- In a large bowl, using an electric mixer set on medium speed, cream together the butter and cream cheese, about 3 minutes. Gradually beat in the brown sugar and powdered sugar and continue beating until pale and fluffy.
- Beat in the vanilla and almond extract.
- Add eggs, one at a time, scraping down the bowl after each addition.
- Switch over to using your hand and a spatula. Add the flour mixture and fold into the batter. Do this until no flour can be seen and batter is smooth.
- Spoon batter into prepared pans. Bake until a skewer inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean, 75-90 minutes. For my mini loaves, it took 55 minutes. For the springform loaf pan it took 70 minutes.
- Remove from oven and let cool on a wire rack.
- For the Sauteed Spiced Apples:
- Place the sugar and spices into a medium sized bowl and mix till completely combined.
- Dredge the apples in the sugar mixture, turning to make sure they are coated well.
- Heat butter in a large saute pan over medium heat. Place apples in saute pan and cook until apples become soft.
- To prepare:Slice piece of pound cake. Top with spiced apples. Spoon homemade or store bought caramel sauce.
Rosa says
That is a divine combination! Just terrific.
Lori @ RecipeGirl says
Ok, you totally made me laugh. I just watched that movie the other day for the 15th million time. So classic. I had boobs long before 16. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be 😉
Hanne says
Hi Peabody! Long time reader, first time commenter. I love your blog! 🙂
I can relate to the boob thing, I also expected mine to appear over night when I was a teenager. I’m in my twenties now and I’m still waiting 😀
Jess Wakasugi {Life's Simple Measures} says
What a beautiful looking treat, I love your pictures of the apples on top of the bread. Gorgeous 🙂 Pinned!
Erika says
Haha – great post!
Jo and Sue says
Oh wow…that looks so amazingly delicious 🙂 Beautiful photos!
P.S. – you are too funny!
Victoria says
I love Sixteen Candles and immediately started cracking up when I saw the title of this entry. 🙂
And the pound cake looks yummy!!
Sarena (The Non Dairy Queen) says
Oh how I loved that movie! As for the boobs, I was the girl with HUGE boobs when I was in daycare! I developed way early in that department. Now, after having two kids and nursing them…I have NOTHING on top! My husband calls it the bait and switch. Good think he loves me anyway!
The cake looks amazing!
janet@fromcupcakestocaviar says
I always figured the flat chested women had it made… nothing there to have sag down to your knees and flip over your shoulders as you age. 😀
As for the pound cake… ummmm… all I can say is yum. And I want it. Now….
Becca says
Wow that looks like a great pound cake. And I remember watching 16 Candles last summer on ABC Family. I thought it was kinda funny and it was weird to see Molly Ringwald so young…but not young, I mean she looks exactly the same, it weirded me out.
Carrie says
Sadly, when I indulge in goodies, all the calories seem to head to my thighs. I wish I could redirect the calories once in a while to even things out. 🙂
I have to confess that I’ve never seen “Sixteen Candles” in full, but this is the second time this month someone has mentioned the movie. Adding it to my list of movies to see!
Melinda says
I’ve never seen ‘Sixteen Candles’, either. It has not even been on the telly. I do love ‘Peggy Sue Got Married’. It just seem to highlight all the things that seemed so important at 17 but seem so silly once you got older. I was the nerd, flat chested, wall flower girl at school.
While I was in Seattle I decided to go buy some pretty bras from Victoria Secret. The kind that click together in the front. The gal said she thought she should measure me up first and said I was 38 DD. I knew the puppies had developed a bit but had I been wearing a size much smaller. When she pulled out the bra, it looked more like a hat for someone with two heads. But when I put it on, it fit like a glove…er, a bra that fit properly. And for the record, I don’t regret being the wall flower nerd at school. It has kept me well grounded. My husband is the man of my dreams, even though he doesn’t drive a Porshe.
Kevin (Closet Cooking) says
Now that is how to enjoy some pound cake all covered in tender sauteed apples and ooey gooey caramel sauce!
patsy says
One of the best movies of all time! If I catch it at any point on tv, I have to stop and watch it… I know all the lines – still!
Now that cake with the sauteed apples… well, that’s something worth remembering and making soon!
Elizabeth says
hahahhahha! I love that movie so much. And that sweatshirt with bib that girl wore? Oh hilarious.
Elizabeth says
pound cake…how do you spell? You don’t spell it son, you eat it!
Peabody says
@Elizabeth- hahahaha
Melinda K says
That is such a great movie! I’m 32 and still waiting to be blessed by the boob fairy. I put on 20 lbs in a year, and NONE went to that area…just my dough belly. The pound cake looks awesome, I want a piece!
Lesley says
Love Sixteen Candles! In fact I found it again just a couple of weeks ago and have watched it twice since then.
It was funny and certainly gave us all hope…
Lucy in AZ says
Sixteen Candles is my all time favorite movie! Back in the day (this is wayyy back) I taped it off HBO onto a Betamax tape (my dad thought he was onto something when he bought us a Beta player rather than a VHS player) and I think my friends & I wore out the tape over whatever summer that was. “oh sexy gulfriend”
I enjoyed the post so much, I forgot to check out the recipe! Oops!
Anne says
You really can describe almost anything in such a humourous and striking way.
This cake looks delicious, I’m putting this one on my ‘to bake’-list.
thanks for the story and the recipe