These Butterfinger Cream Cheese Banana Muffins have a banana chocolate chip base filled with Butterfinger cream cheese filling.

Yesterday I sat at one of the many 8th grade promotion ceremonies I have attended in my lifetime.
My own of course.
The ones I had to attend as an 8th grade teacher.
And the one last night.
It was warm, packed with proud parents and bored siblings, dressed up like Hawaii on steroids (there was a Ride the Wave to High School Theme), and of course filled with 8th graders with eager and nervous smiles, who most could pass for adults with how they looked.
Of course for most of them in four years they will be legal adults.
They may not act like adults but neither do some 38 year olds I know. 😛
A lot will change for them in the years ahead.
Heck, just as the slide show last night showed, a lot had changed in the three years at middle school.
Going into high school I was dead set on being a Marine Biologist.
I left high school wanting to teach high school Spanish. Ole.
And in just the three months after high school I declared my major in college to be Forestry.
Forestry; Wildlife Management to be exact.
Turns out Forestry is not a good career choice when one is allergic to almost every plant.

We place a lot of emphasis on kids about what they want to be when they grow up.
It is good to have goals but I am certainly a living example of you don’t always end up with the job you thought you would have. Sure I became a teacher but not in what I thought I was going to teach.
I wanted to teach the little kids when I went into student teaching.
And I got stuck teaching 6th grade due to a scheduling error.
Boy was I crushed.
Turned out I loved it.
Even if I had not, it was for a reason.
I loved it and learned I wanted to teach the older kids.
And if I hated it I would have learned that the older kids were not for me.
I couldn’t help last night sit and wonder as I watched MDP’s son go up and get his academic award (YAY!!!!) about where his future will take him.
How quickly time has gone by and how I am sure that in no time I will be sitting at his high school graduation probably wondering the same thing.
People often wonder what to get a graduate.
Cash. Cash or Gift Cards.
I know it sounds cold.
And I know it’s not personal.
But let’s be honest, it’s what they want.
So along those lines my final giveaway for the blog birthday is a $50 Amazon Gift Card.
You will need to leave a comment telling me what you wanted to be when you grew up and what you ended up being.
And you need to live in the USA (sorry). You have until Thursday June 28th 2012 at noon PST to leave a comment to be entered.
Winner will be announced on Friday June 29th 2012! CONTEST HAS CLOSED.
And lastly are these Butterfinger Cream Cheese Banana Muffins.
They have nothing to do with this post other than maybe you can buy muffin tins with your gift card. 🙂
It’s a great day to order my cookbook.

Want More Muffin Recipes?
Clementine Chocolate Chip Muffin
Cider Glazed Apple Fritter Muffins

Butterfinger Cream Cheese Banana Muffin
- For the muffins:
- 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 tsp. baking soda
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 3 medium bananas, mashed
- 3/4 cup white sugar
- 1/3 cup brown sugar, lightly packed
- 1 egg
- 1/3 cup unsalted butter, melted
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- For the cream cheese filling:
- 8 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
- ½ cup sugar
- 4 oz Butterfinger Candy Bar, smashed
- 1 egg
- Chocolate Chips to sprinkle on top
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
- Fill a muffin tin with liners and set aside.
- Combine 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt in a small bowl. Set aside.
- Using a stand mixer with the paddle attachment, on low speed, beat the bananas, sugar, egg, melted butter and vanilla extract together until smooth, with only the bananas being a little lumpy.
- Remove bowl from mixer and add the flour mixture to the banana mixture. Mix with a spatula until all ingredients are fully incorporated, but don’t over mix.
- Scoop batter a little over half way up the muffin cup.
- Cream together the cream cheese, sugar, and egg. You should be able to do this by hand but if not get out the mixer.
- Fold in the Butterfinger pieces. Place 3 TBSP into the batter in the muffin cups.
- Then sprinkle with chocolate chips. How many is up to you.
- Bake for 18 to 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
laurie says
Liam will all about these. Its got his favorite sweets in it.
I told my high school guidance counselor that I wanted to be a ‘Mattress Tester” because the only thing I was really grand at was sleeping. He handed me a brochure for community college and that was the last talk we had. 🙂
corinne says
Those muffins sound super good!
I wanted to grow up to be a manatee. Hasn’t really worked out. But then again…neither has this whole being a lawyer thing…
Audrey Feather says
I wanted to be a chef when I grew up, but ended up being a preschool teacher. I like where I ended up!
jen says
omg these look amazingly delish!
Sarah McH says
I wanted to be every thing from a CIA agent to a doctor to a zookeeper. I’m a stay at home mom. Before the whole mom business I was an STNA.
Hayley C. says
There were a lot of things I wanted to be as a child, but the one I remember most is wanting to be a pastry chef! Ok, that was really only like seven years ago, and I’m still in college now – so for the latter half of the question, I’ve so far ended up being a mass communications student!
amanda @ fake ginger says
I wanted to be everything, I think. The most random was probably a florist – I can’t keep anything alive!
Corinne says
I wanted to be quite a few things, a ballerina, a paleontologist, a doctor, a nurse. Right now I’m still a student but I’m not sure I’ll ever consider myself a “grown up”. 😀
sara says
I need to make some of those muffins right away, YUM.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a lawyer (like my grandpa)…until I got to college and realized what going to law school/being a lawyer was really like! 😉 Now I’m getting my PhD and hope to become a professor when I’m done with my degree.
Desi says
These muffins look amazing.
My whole life I wanted to be a doctor. First pediatrics, then neonatology, then trauma surgery. I ended up going in to the military when my parents couldn’t pay for college. I did project management in the service and then got out and worked in insurance. Then after 4 years of that, I took the FAA exam on a whim and became an air traffic controller. Been doing that ever since.
Sarah C says
When I was little, I wanted to be a veterinarian, because I loved animals. Then we ended up having to put our cat down, and I realized I didn’t want to do that…now I’m an Executive Assistant and soon to be mom. Life’s weird. 🙂
Marji says
When I was a kid I wanted to be a zoologist or a marine biologist so that I could swim with the dolphins. I ended up a registered nurse and now have to little ones at home so am a full-time mom. Pretty sure it’s the best and hardest job I’ve ever had!
Tania says
I truthfully never had any idea what I wanted to be. Ended up choosing a major as late as possible in college, and now I am a nurse.
Marcia Smith says
I wanted to be an Astronomer at work at Kitt Peak in AZ. When I left for college I was going to be an Interior Designer. I graduated with a degree in Computer Science. Between college and present day, I worked for IBM, a now defunct computer game company, a needlework store, and Target. Now I work from home as a Medical Transcriptionist.
Kaycee says
I wanted to be a vet. However, I passed out when I was out in the barn with a vet, and he pulled the eyelid of a horse that had scratched her cornea back to get a better look. I hit the ground, and decided to change paths. In about 11 months, I’ll be ready to be a child psychologist :). I’m ready now, but dissertations are not quick and are not for sissies.
Krista says
Those muffins look incredible! I can’t decide if I think I would like banana and butterfinger together, but the pictures definitely make it look worth trying.
When I was little I wanted to be a beautician. I went to school to be a family counselor. Then I went back to school to be a nurse. Then I went back to school again to be an exercise physiologist. So, I guess at 41, I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.
Heather says
I told them I wanted to be an archaeologist in 3rd grade.. I’m a stay at home mom lol.
Gigi says
I wanted to be a journalist. I love working in retail.
Peggie says
I did a 9th grade paper on being a pharmacist and realized I did NOT want to do that. So I took my math degree and was a stay at home mom until my daughter graduated from high school. Then I worked at a large university in Student Affairs. I really enjoyed working at a university – lots of diversity and kids to keep you young.
Mrs. L says
Good lord anything with Butterfingers would work for me!
I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. I was such a reader and I thought writing books would be the best thing ever.
megan says
i told everyone i wanted to be a vegetarian when I was little…I meant a veterinarian. Alas, I am neither a vegetarian nor a veternarian. Went to college for biology and ended up with an accounting degree.
Belladatura says
I wanted to be a vet, but after working for one all through high school and college, I decided it wasn’t for me. Now I’m in research. Still science-y, just, you know, different. 🙂
Amy Hinkle says
I wanted to own my own business but ended up being a middle school science teacher. I will have that business someday! Love your blog!!
Stephanie says
I wanted to be a Film Director! And I became a High School art teacher. Equally as exciting I think 🙂
Kristin says
I so wanted to be a marine biologist. Unfortunately, I wasn’t good at science. Right now, I’m a mom. The rest of my resume is a mishmash of random stuff (kinda prepares me to be a mom actually).
Nee Nee says
I wanted to be a teacher. I am now in communications at a bank – I realized I don’t have the patience to teach!
(My first college major was genetics – EEEEEK!)
Stacy says
I didn’t really know what I wanted to be until I was a junior and we got a new, younger, art teacher who inspired and encouraged me to explore art as a profession. I started out in graphic design, switched to photography and then finally ended up in art education. I say finally because both of my parents were teachers and I knew what I getting into so I fought it as long as I could! ;D Today I’m on summer break, but in August I’ll go back to being an art instructor for grades K-8!
lucyinaz says
Like all teenage girls, I wanted to be a psychologist! I ended up working in finance then became a mom & now a baker/dessert caterer! 🙂
JenB says
In college I was set on psychology and business; a year later I found I loved my Chemistry classes so much I decided I could get a degree in that. But as the first chemist I knew, I didn’t know what to do with it- I started with some menial environmental testing jobs (testing of sewage, porta-potty contents and various other potential hazardous waste- all stinky) before my final job as a criminalist for the State of AZ. It was like CSI but not so cool- I tested what police thought could be drugs and testified to the results. It took me to some interesting courtrooms around AZ. 🙂
My final job to date is a stay at home mommy, which I enjoy so much right now I don’t even know if I want to return to being a criminalist…yet. 🙂
And for the record, if I do win, I WILL be buying muffin pans! I soooo want to try making mini ones of these for snacks. 😀
Laurel says
I wanted to be the organ player at Dodger Stadium until I was 14. Never you mind that I only knew how to play the piano and that I had never played an organ. That was my dream job. When I was 14 I found out that the organ player had changed only once in my lifetime, and that it was probably a bad idea to pin my career hopes there. So now I’m an editor.
Melissa says
When I was younger, I wanted to be a writer, like Edgar Allen Poe. Now, I am in IT at a consulting firm. Not really the same, but I probably make more money!
Rachel says
I have wanted to be a psychologist since I was in 3rd grade, and next year I will become one 🙂
KG says
I wanted to be a ballerina when I was a little kid. My mom even sewed me a bright pink leotard and tutu just so I could pretend. Through my pre-teen years, I went from ballerina to CIA agent to Jedi to geographer to accountant.
Now I’m on my way to a Biochemistry degree, hopefully headed for medical school. But maybe a biochem-bakery. 😀
Vicki says
I wanted to be a forensic pathologist when I grew up, and now I am a stay at home mom, and have worked in all sorts of jobs, but never had a career. I love what I’m doing now, and probably would’ve loved being a pathologist too.
Amanda Joy says
I wanted an integrated degree of art, design, and business. I got married and two surprise pregnancies. Once my husband finishes grad school, I can quit my job as a braille printer, go back to school, and get my degree to run my own party and wedding business:)
delia says
I wanted to be a doctor when I was little. Dreams do come true, but in my fantasy life, I would also have a bakery or frozen yogurt shop on the side.
KB @ Home-Baked Happiness says
I honestly had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up. Once faced with the decision, I still didn’t have any ideas, other than I wished I could just stay in school and be a student, ’cause I was good at that and enjoyed it.
I ended up becoming a journalist.
Katy says
I always wanted to be a teacher when I was a kid, and I now teach fourth grade!
Andrea says
Wow! Those muffins look awesome. Well, I wanted to be a U.S. Supreme Court Justice. For the past 19 years and likely 18 more, I’ll be a SAHM 🙂
winnie lee says
Growing up I always thought I would be a teacher, ended up becoming an accountant. Sort of glad I didn’t become ateacher.
Erin says
I wanted to be an artist. I drew a (stick) figure of myself at an easel in a red dress when I was six. I definitely went through the “child psychologist” phase in middle school. In high school, I loved literature and thought I might want to teach. Currently, I am a professional modern dancer living in NY. Which might have been my first dream. Of course, I have to work two other jobs to be able to do this, but I count myself as lucky.
Junglewife says
I wanted to be a wife and mom… and that is what I am now!
KJ says
I went through a period of wanting to be a dolphin trainer. Which is totally nuts because I have an intense fear of drowning. Now I am a part-time CPA and part-time stay at home mom. It’s great! Never a risk of drowning!
Abby says
yumm…looks delish!
i wanted to be a meteorologist when i was little but now i work in healthcare. just a bit different!
Diana says
When I was four, I reported that I wanted to be a mother. Then, I wanted to be a lawyer. I got a bachelor’s degree in psychology, only to decide that I wanted to be a teacher. What do I do now? I’m a photographer.
Amy @ The Nifty Foodie says
WOW! Those muffins look fantastic!
I wanted to be an aerospace engineer for NASA growing up. Those space movies really got me. 😛
I ended up being a GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Analyst, basically meaning I make big fancy maps all day. 🙂
Cat says
I wanted to be a starving artist in Greenwich Village. At least, that’s what I wrote on my English paper in 7th grade. Which probably led to what I really wanted to be…an English teacher!
Sarah says
When I was very young, I wanted to be a country music singer. Then, I wanted to be a teacher. For awhile, I thought it would be fun to be a sign language interpreter. Then, I decided I wanted to be a special education teacher in 7th grade. So, I became a special education teacher. And taught for 5 years. Then, I realized I just couldn’t do it anymore (it wasn’t the kids, just other stuff about being in special ed.) I decided I wanted to be an FCS teacher. I just graduated with my Master’s in FCS and will begin teaching Foods this fall!
Jenny says
Yummy muffins!
I played with fisher price toy stethoscopes as a kid and now I’m a pediatrician, about to go into more training in GI. I did also want to be a storm chaser…now I’m more of a sweets chaser 🙂
Amber W says
I always wanted to be an actress or stuntwoman. I am still holding out on being a stuntwoman- I think they are amazing 🙂
In real life I am a project manager and mom of one with one on the way- I think that has been the best job that no one can explain until you have kids of your own.
Fingers crossed that I win because I sure could use that Amazon gift card 🙂
rachel says
I wanted to be a singer when I grew up. Instead, I started out as a professor and I’m now a SAHM teaching occasional on-line classes.
Angela K. says
I never really knew what I wanted to be when I grew up – I still don’t 🙂 I wish I had thought further ahead, but I’ve always been more of a “fly by the seat of my pants” kinda girl. I should have thought further ahead but I I have no regrets – regrets would mean my life now would be different, and I wouldn’t change my current life – it’s too good!
I currently work at a call center but am taking night classes to become a RN in Pediatrics. I don’t feel “called” to Nursing as much as I want a career that has a better future than the travel industry I currently work in.
Michelle says
I always wanted to work in a bakery or be a “cake lady”. Unfortunately all my college degree has gotten me so far is a position as a glorified label-maker at a major insurance company…
Shari says
I wanted to be a doctor. Then I realized I’d have to deal with people all day, and people are ANNOYING.
Now I am a data specialist 🙂
Amy says
I wanted to be a musician on Broadway. Alas, I am a teacher.
Emily says
I wanted to be a social worker or a high school French teacher. My parents wanted me to be an actuary. 18 years later I’m a 6th grade math teacher and a foster parent.
Sarah Elizabeth says
I wanted to grow up to be either a tightrope walker or a paleontologist. Now I’m 24, in love with my husband, and still learning about what I want to become.
Katie says
I wanted to be a veterinarian. And years later, I am! Goal achieved 🙂
Amy Boyett says
I wanted to be a veterinarian. I ended up being a nurse. Not too far off, right? 🙂
Katie Rose says
For the longest time I wanted to be a Chiropractor…until I realized that it meant 8 years of college and having to dissect a human body! Then I decided to be a music teacher, which is what I ended up getting my degree in. Not that my degree got a lot of use before I got married and had kids and put the degree on the shelf to be a stay at home mommy and homeschool my kids. And that is where I am honestly most fulfilled and happy. I know it isn’t for everyone, but I wouldn’t change any of it, (not even to go back and skip on college because the degree is currently “wasted” on me).
Lisa @ Fit in the Midwest says
I wanted to be a broadcast journalist and even went to college for it for two years. Then, I switched to a history degree and ended up getting my Masters in Museum Studies. I am now working in a museum education department. I wish I had discovered my love of fitness and nutrition earlier. I probably would have become a Registered Dietitian if I had.
Lindsay says
When I was really young I thought I wanted to be a garbage truck driver, then when I got older I thought I wanted to be a pharmacist. I always swore I’d never be an accountant like my dad, but guess what – I’m a CPA.
Amy @ What Jew Wanna Eat says
I wanted to be a greeting card designer!
Chewthefat says
I always had very grandiose dreams. I was like Snoopy, wanting to be the World Famous Lawyer/Actress/World War I Flying Ace. I’m a technical writer and editor, which isn’t very exciting but it pays the bills. I may grow up to be a butterfinger cream cheese banana muffin taster very soon, though…
Amber says
I wanted to be the first lady.
Cara says
My first memory of what I wanted to be is a fashion designer. I don’t think I would have been very good at it! I ended up becoming a chemical engineer… and later a full time blogger/freelancer/ woman on a mission to make the world a healthier place 🙂
Alex says
I was totally going to be a lawyer. Then a businessman. Then a doctor. Then save the world. Now, I create ads on Facebook and Google 🙂 I still wouldn’t be opposed to the second to last one though.
Felice says
I wanted to be a flight attendant as it sounded like a good way to see the world. Turns out I am a very nervous flier so I am glad I did not pursue that. I am a stay at home mom.
jacquie says
to be honest i can’t really remember in part because it was rather vague – work w/ animals, outside, something along those lines. a vet perhaps or a forest ranger. nope – a data analyst.
Cheryl Newton says
I wanted to be a lawyer; I ended up in journalism. For the past almost 13 years, I’ve been a stay-at-home mom.
Sarah says
All I wanted was to be a mom–now I’ve been happily married for over 6 years and we decided to take our time and enjoy marriage before starting a family. I still hope to be a mom someday, but right now I work for a non-denominational college ministry and I couldn’t be happier!
Jill says
I thought I wanted to be a Senator for a while. Holy Hell what was I thinking? Then I wanted to be a lawyer. Then a teacher. I actually became an environmental engineer. And then a mom. 🙂
Gin says
I really didn’t know what I wanted to be–truly. Even when I declared my major, English, I didn’t know. The one thing I was absolutely sure of was I DID NOT want to be a teacher.
I worked as a tech writer for 10 years, then began teaching high school! Now I teach college English!
AnnaP. says
Sounds cheesy, but, I wanted to be a mom. And now I am. 24/7. I do love it but wow it can be tough and I do wish it was a paid position.
amy marantino says
i also wanted to be a marine biologist for a good while. I am a computer programmer.
Tiff says
I wanted to be an actress and wound up in marketing
Diana says
Hmmm… it really depends on when you would ask me. All through high school I wanted to be a doctor like in Outbreak and devote my life to studying tropical diseases. I did go as far as getting my undergraduate degree in Microbiology, but my goals in life shifted along the way. I met my husband at orientation (before college even started!) and we were married before we graduated… so pursuing a medical degree wasn’t really high on my list by that point.
I worked a for a little but not in my field- so really, you could say I became a mom. We had our first kiddo about a year after graduation, and I stay home with them (2 now). I honestly couldn’t imagine doing anything else now, so I know I made the right decision for me. I’ve changed enough now that even when I go back to work at some point, I don’t think I would want to work in that field at all. I’ve thought about going back to school and becoming a nurse. I’ve always liked medicine, but I also love interacting with people more than anything.
Debbie says
I wanted to be a checker at Safeway when I was growing up – I just thought it was so cool to be scanning items with the beeping and whatnot. Somehow, I ended up being an eligibility worker for the human services department!
Ellen says
When I was in third grade I wanted to illustrate children’s books. By 4th I realized I couldn’t draw and decided to author them. I then progressed to librarian and math teacher. On my early decision application I declared French Education and never looked back. In the fall I will be a first-year middle school French teacher!
Donna says
I wanted to be a veternarian, but I am an elementary school teacher.
sarah says
i wanted to be a be a nurse. still pursuing actually, life gets in the way sometimes, currently a CNA, going back to school in the fall.
Susan says
When I was a kid I wanted to be a secretary because I thought they had the fanciest clothes. Now I’m living life as a city planner which better affords me all those fancy clothes!
Diane says
I had no clue for most of my childhood, then decided I wanted to be a veterinarian, then decided against that. I still haven’t figured out what I want to be when I grow up 😀
jenny says
In high school, I was determined to do something oversees- Peace Corps, State Department, CIA- I finally picked journalism after watching the reporters covering Desert Storm…. Somehow, I still managed to graduate college in only 4 years, even though I changed close to 10 times! My mom gave me great advice during my sophmore year of college- she said, “your major doesn’t really matter- the degree and your experiences do- so major in the classes that you like because you will do well in them and then, when you graduate, you can use those things to find whatever job you like”- I ended up majoring in sociology and poli sci (surprise), while getting just shy of a minor in Swedish…. and I have had several very different work experiences, most recently as a practice coordinator for an eye clinic…. (with the future opportunity to go oversees for volunteer eye care groups in the future!)
Lisa says
When I was little, I wanted to be a math teacher. I ended up being a social studies teacher who taught a bit of everything (including math) at a small private school. Now, I am a stay at home mom, who teaches my kids a bit of everything.
Joann says
I wanted to be a teacher (mostly for the chalkboard) and I ended up being a speech pathologist in a school! No chalkboard, though…
Katie says
When I was a kid, I always wanted to be a teacher. Once I got to college I changed my mind many times. I went in as a general business major, switched to social work, and ended with Hospitality. I am now an Event Coordinator. Crazy how dreams change!
Gwyn says
wow, I was looking for a muffin recipe and you gave me the perfect one!! Thanks
I wanted to be a nurse and I am a nurse… Love my job!!!
Megan P. says
I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. I was for a year and nearly lost my mind. Now I run the office for my in-laws and throw a little pottery on the side.
Chris says
It’s been quite a relief to see that I’m not the only one who couldn’t put my finger on the answer of what to “be” when you grow up! I honestly had no clue when I was in high school and declared computer science (way back when) as my major because I’d taken such a lofty approach with my high school classes prior…..but, six weeks into college, I did a 180 and was an environmental design major! Neither one made any sense…not one art class had I taken! It wasn’t necessarily a ‘bad’ choice, I discovered, just something I wouldn’t really use for income. I, too, became a SAHM (of 3) and homeschooled for many many years. The time with my children was something for which I will always be grateful!!! So, that leaves me STILL wondering what I want to be when I “grow up”…, after 50! Time to figure it out and get back on the horse!
Erin says
In high school and when I started my first semester of college I was dead set on being a pediatrician. It took about 5 weeks of college before and I decided I didn’t want to be a doctor (and probably fainting in driver’s ed while watching the crash videos should have been a sign that medicine wasn’t for me).
I kept my original science major for a bit – switching half-way through school to an education major and then switching back.
Now? I work as a project manager for “Big Pharma”. Sort of related to science (but not really at all…)
Anna says
I wanted to be a veterinarian, but after realizing I hated math and math-based science, my career path took a different route. I majored in East Asian Studies in college, and now I’m a high school Chinese teacher.
Nic says
First I wanted to be an entertainer (what kid doesn’t). But, I wanted to be like Bette Midler (yeah I’m strange but I did have the red hair). Then college I tried to be a Broadcaster (radio DJ), but I ended up being a Software Developer. Plus, my birthday is Sunday (yeah big 35 lol). And I love your blog and comments!
Destinie says
Well I always wanted to be a rapper because there weren’t and still aren’t many female rappers out there. But with no musical talent to save my life I realized that profession was out of the question. I am now studying to be a financial advisor. Yep… so much for dreams ;p
Erin says
Gah these muffins sounds great! As a kid I wanted to be a marine biologist. I haven’t fully grown up yet since I am still in graduate school working towards my PhD in microbiology, and have no idea what job I will get next! Something lab-like.
Becca - cookie jar treats says
Well since the time I was 8 all the way until either freshman or sophmore year of high school I wanted to be a vet. Then I didn’t know what I wanted to be. I actually just like the idea of a lot of things. But This upcoming year is my first year of college and right now I’m going in as an industrial engineer. 🙂
Nice looking muffins by the way. Cash is nice, but so are muffins. 🙂
Erika says
I wanted to be a cheerleader at the University of Alabama 🙂 I also secretly thought it would be fun to be one of “The Price is Right” girls….hahaha. Oh to be 6 again. Unfortunately my personality and figure didn’t turn out for either of those – LOL!
gail says
at first i wanted to be a vet. i am a teacher/librarian
Samantha says
I wanted to be a bounty hunter or a repo-lady! This was before all of the repo reality shows, I was so ahead of my time! I’m a real estate paralegal now…not nearly as exciting!
Rennie says
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a psychologist and ended up being a counseling social worker! I had a lot of jobs in between, but pretty much came full circle. Those muffins look scrumptious!
Jean says
I wanted to be a vet. Now, I’m a project manager at a software company…yea, definitely not as glamorous. 😉
Amy says
I am pretty sure in 8th grade I wasn’t thinking about my future that much, other than which boy I was infatuated with next…
I now live a truly blessed life, my husband retired early from Microsoft and we get to spend our time enjoying ourselves!
debcurlydog says
When I was little I wanted to be a librarian just like my Grandma. Also an artist. When I was looking for a career I went to school to be a Commercial Artist, but never actually got a job as a Commercial Artist, but do use some of the skills I learned.
Tanya says
I wanted to teach elementary school. Instead I worked as an event planner for motivational seminars then got married and am now a stay at home mom to my two little boys.
Samantha says
These look delicious!
I wanted to be an astronaut. I thought I would be the first person to walk on Mars (lol). Then I wanted to be a cardiologist. Turns out blood makes my stomach turn, so I’m not sure where I was going with that. Photographer, horse trainer, pastry chef, I wanted but am not. I sit in a cubicle and coordinate financial training sessions and dabble in web design. I finally realized that maybe I don’t love what I do, but it enables me to do what I love, which is far better than being so engrossed in my work that it takes over my life. Instead, I get to leave early on a Friday and go see those horses, maybe make some muffins. =)
Heidi L says
for most of my growing up years I wanted to be a teacher, I’m not sure when that changed – maybe when I realized that students would actually talk back, something that my doll students didn’t do – and now I am an accountant by day and piano teacher by evening
Nina says
In the fourth grade I decided I was going to be a music producer. I lived in a super small town full of rednecks and I was gonna be the next Dr. Dre and make rap music … In high school I was going to be a writer/marine biologist. Now I’m 28 years old and I’m a cake decorator. Life is funny sometimes.
Carole says
I always wanted to be a college professor. Ubnfortunatly my dream got stomped on when I grasduated from high school in 1963. In September of 1981, at the age of 37, I began work on my BA. Twelve years later I got my PhD. Better late than never.
Natasha P. says
I wanted to be a math professor – instead I’m a program manager on a defense contract.
Caralyn @ glutenfreehappytummy says
those sound so delicious! yum!!
Michele says
When I was little my father was a thoroughbred trainer. So, of course, I wanted to be a veterinarian. Now, I’m a psychology major/homemaker/blog writer;)
Irene says
When I was about 5, I wanted to be an architect so that I could build a house for my grandparents, and then I wanted to be a firefighter so that I could put out the fire in the house I built. Limited math abilities and a fear of heights… such is adulthood! Now, aside from my day job, I can be an architect and a firefighter for my 2 year old, which is almost as good, and hey, job security! 🙂
wooliegirl says
I wanted to be a mom and had big dreams about it, but that never happened for me. I did become a nurse and now 17 years later I’m trying to decide what I want to be next.
AnneStrawberry says
Wow these muffins sound amazing with the cream cheese! It’s too hot to bake as much in Phoenix right now but every couple weeks I just eat the heat and bake all day long to stock up and get my baking wiggles out. 🙂
When I was little I wanted to be a pediatrician. I ended up working in PR before I became a homemaker but after my kids grow a little I’m going to nursing school (or culinary school, I don’t think the choice gets easier even as you get older!) I’ve always envied those few people that knew what they wanted to do and went for it!
Jenn says
Those muffins look amazing! I think I might sub the Butterfingers with Snickers, as that’s what I have at home. 🙂
When I was little I wanted to be an attorney. When I was in college I decided four years was enough and I should let my employer pay for grad school. Now I’m a CPA and I specialize in tax accounting so I do a lot of legal research/analysis. It’s close enough for me. 🙂
Mellisa W says
I wanted to be a psychologist.
Jennifer says
I don’t think I had any strong desire to do anything in particular. I left high school and declared a major in biology… Then decided that wasn’t worth all the work, lol. Went through a culinary arts program, then a few computer science classes (should have stuck with that) and then settled on business (concentration in accounting). Now I’m a government employee. Not at all where I saw myself ending up, and not entirely sure it’s where I’ll stay forever, but it’s a good job for where I am right now.
Jessica J. says
I wanted to be an interior designer. Instead I’m now a structural engineer. And I still contemplate becoming a math teacher 🙂
Karen says
I wanted to be an architect and then a doctor. I ended up doing non-profit and university work, and as of next Tuesday, mom.
suzanne says
these muffins look amazing!
hmmm, what did I want to be when I grew up. Well, the honest answer is all I ever wanted to be is a mom but I did go to college with the aspirations of becoming a doctor. Somewhere along the way I decided against that idea and finished college with a degree that has nothing with my actual career. I now work for the government regulating insurance. And finally after 16 years of trying I can now say my real goal has been reached and as of 6 weeks ago I am a mommy.
Katie says
So true. I had many career aspirations early on (astronaut, doctor, marine biologist) but decided in high school I wanted to be in business somehow and decided to pursue accountancy. Here I am 2.5 years out of college working in an accounting firm! Think I’m more of a weirdo in figuring it out that early though.
Mary says
Kindergarten: Wanted to be the first female president.
Middle School: Astrophysicist
College: Chemist
Angi McB says
I left middle school wanting to be a zoologist. I left college when I got a great job with a cosmetics company. Now I’m 40 with one semester left in getting a degree in Anthropology that I will be able to do nothing with!
Beth Cook says
I wanted to be a teacher when I was growing up because my mother was and that’s what I thought I should be. I did start out teaching but now I’m a probation officer for teenagers. I love it, too!
These look sooooooooooo yummy!
Turmeric n spice says
I really did not know what I wanted to be as a child, I was spending too much time having fun !! Sometime in high school I realized that I wanted to be in advertising . I did my MBA in mkt worked for an advertising agency for some time but soon realized it was not for me. Now am a stay at home mom, love to spend time blogging or sketching apart from time spent keeping up my home ! I love my job !!
Rhonda says
When I was growing up I wanted to be a teacher…now after working in a middle school for 5 years…what was I thinking 😉 all of those hormones running around? I just love those kids 🙂
Shopaholic says
In grade 8, I wanted to be a doctor. In grade 12, I wanted to be a stock broker. I now work as an accountant since it turns out that I suck at Sciences, especially physics.
katie says
Marine biologist!
Although a nutritionist will have to do….:)
Mia says
I wanted to be a lawyer or a doctor. I am currently a stay at home mom, but hoping to go to midwifery school in two years 🙂
sunny says
When I was 4 I wanted to be a clown. I’m now a pediatrican. Sometimes it feels like the same thing…
Firework the Comic says
What I want to be: animation scriptwriter
What I am: journalist
I still have time and I want to get there.
Kim K. says
Well, first I wanted to be a physical therapist but then changed my mind in college and I ended up with a degree in management. Never really used my degree, so I went back to school when I was 30 to be a nurse. Best decision ever.
Taryn says
I really wanted to be either a veterinarian or a famous singer – crazy, yes, but true! Instead – I ended up getting into marketing, with a side of baking to feed my creative kitchen side. It’s a lovely combo – but someday I still hope it’s ALL baking.
cindy says
I always wanted to be a history teacher-high school. Job outlook was poor, so I went into nursing and LOVE it-but regret not following my dream.
CW says
I wanted to be a veterinarian when I went into high school, and I held onto that going into college. I work at a vet clinic for a summer and hated how all the sweet animals were sick and all the mean animals were healthy (the doctors weren’t to nice either). I toyed with a few career choices and ended up studying zoology. I’ve always loved animals. My job now is certainly not what I thought I would be doing, and I don’t particularly love it, but I still get to see wild animals now and then, and it pays the bills. 🙂
Caroline H. says
From the time I was in 2nd grade, I always wanted to be a teacher. What I wanted to teach is what changed. At first it was 4th grade. Then it was violin. (I actually did this for 3-4 years.) But I finally settled on my love – high school math!
joan says
I wanted to be a cartoonist. My friend, Teresa, and I were going to go to California and work for Walt Disney.
I ended up being a midwife….and I really love my job!
Ashley M. says
These muffins look ridiculously delicious!
I wanted to be a veterinarian growing up but once high school came I decide being a teacher sounded better (you know, for summers off!)
Now I do medical billing haha- funny how things don’t usually turn out as planned!
Elle says
I wanted to be an artist and it took a long, long time and at least 13 other jobs and professions along the way, but I ended up being a graphic artist and designer in the end. How cool is that?
Happy blog birthday! Those muffins show that you still have an awesome ability to combine sweet igredients in an amazingly creative way! Hope that is at least part of what you wanted to be when you grew up 🙂
Lorelei says
I thought I wanted to be newspaper reporter all the time I was in school. When I started college, I decided I wanted to be a high school English teacher. That’s what I became, did for 36 years, and never regretted. Loved every day of that career.
Anyuta says
I am from outside of States but it´s so much fun to read people´s stories that I thought to write mine too. I wanted to be a President (as high as that I wanted to jump))). At high school I wanted to be an actress, I was realy good at school thater but my father didn´t think it was a great idea. Later I studid for Advertisment, Human Science, and I ended up studying Tourism Business and working as a receptionist at a 4-star hotel (really cute one). Now, 5 years later I am soo tired of people that thinking of changing something again. Who knows what I will be next? (I will give it a thougt while cuddling my future son the next year))).
Denise says
In high school I had no idea. I did know I didn’t want to do anything in science because I hated the labs. When I got to college I first wanted to be a math teacher, then tried out psychology, and ended up a chemist. I worked as a chemist for years and really enjoyed it, until about a year ago when I quit my job to work in my husband’s office of my husband’s garbage company so that I can ferry my kids to and from school. I do a little bit of everything there as we are a very small business with only 2 of us working in the office.
Naomi A. says
No lie, when I was about 5 or so, I remember telling my dad I wanted to be The Gingerbread Man. Why? So I could run really fast. That changed to ballerina, to singer, to engineer, to nurse. And today, I’m a nurse who wants to be a mom. 🙂
Bobbi says
I wanted to be an oceanographer. Did I mention I lived in landlocked Iowa? I ended up majoring in Industrial Organizational Psychology. I worked in HR for a few years as a glorified paper pusher and now I’m home where the world things I’m unemployed but somehow I seem to be kept busy managing kids, the house and the farm.
Susan B says
I wanted to be a Dental Hygienist, and became a Dental Hygienist for over 20 years. Now I keep my grandbaby. Both positions very fulfilling! Thanks for the opportunity, would love to win!
Julie says
I wanted to rule the universe. Then I sensibly decided on a judge. At the moment, I’m a lawyer. But I haven’t ruled out the judge thing in the future. And I’m never ruling out Ruler of the Universe as a retirement job.
Amanda says
I wanted to be a doctor, and then a lawyer, and then a math teacher, and at some point a veterinarian, and finally a registered dietitian, and then I became an auditor after realizing that the math department folks had no people skills, veterinary medicine and teaching weren’t as lucrative as I wanted, and being an RD would be triggering.
So now I tell people what they’re doing wrong. Quite gratifying, really. 🙂
Katie says
I really wanted to be a marine biologist. Instead, I ended up an investment advisor. If only I had been a little better at science!
Zazzy says
I wanted to be a doctor and I became a psychotherapist instead. Currently, I just sit around hoping to win prizes. 🙂
Joanna says
When I was a kid, I wanted to be an actress when I grew up. My mother especially loved to tease me about this, saying that I was so outgoing and dramatic, what else could I possibly be??
I ended up going to school for Fashion design and have worked nearly every job in the apparel industry. What I do now – I’m a quality specialist at REI. I couldn’t imagine a more fun and crazy job.
Coleen says
I wanted to be an astronomer because I was totally fascinated with the stars, planets and all things space-until I discovered a would have to study and pass some really hard math and science classes.
Now I am a sales rep-talk about totally changing my mind.
laurel says
i wanted to be a chiropractor. now i’m a homeschooling mom who dreams of being a midwife when the nest is empty!
Susan J says
I wanted to be an astronaut, scientist or CEO of my own company. I am now a SAHM/homemaker. So I’d say the last one worked out 😉
Sharlotte says
I wanted to be a lawyer / judge in the fifth grade, but ended up getting my doctorate in Aeronautics and became a research scientist studying deformation of materials. Getting to break things and use lasers for a living are way better than being a lawyer!
Valerie says
I didn’t have a clear profession in mind when I was young. Mostly, I wanted to be a mom and that was it. Today, I’m still single and working as an accountant… not what I had envisioned for my late 20’s but I can’t complain. 🙂
Torey says
These look yummy!!
I wanted to grow up to be a teacher – I did!
Cassie says
I was always interested in science. My folks are both geologists, so I got a love for science from them, as well as a desire to do anything besides geology. Every vacation we went on, the conversations in the car went something like “Hey kids! Look at that great extrusive sedimentary rock formation!” *groan*
So, when I got to college, I went for aerospace engineering – far away from rocks. =) These days I’m a genuine-y rocket scientist, though currently working on airplanes rather that rockets.
Tracey C. (SugarPunk) says
I wanted to be a pediatrician – then it turns out I don’t like kids! 😉 After that I planned to be a music teacher. I ended up in libraries totally by accident, and despite a 6 year hiatus (which included starting my own baking/chocolate biz), I am still doing it and loving it.
Oh, and I get to teach now, too! College students, it turns out, are much easier for me to teach than grade-school kids.
Tracey C. (SugarPunk) says
p.s. I asked my 8-year old stepson what he wanted to be when he grows up. He thought about it for several minutes (!), and eventually decided to be a Cooker. As in, someone who cooks. Because they get to taste everything.
This is the kid who will only eat a very narrowly proscribed list of foods, including nothing green! Never can tell.
Katie says
I was convinced I wanted to be a biologist until I took intro bio in college. I then switched to a political science major, went to law school and am an attorney.
Sharon says
I wanted to be a missionary! But I ended up working at an insurance company
Panya says
When I was in middle school I wanted to be a doctor with Médecins Sans Frontières [Doctors Without Borders]; I can’t remember why or how this specific profession entered my brain, but I felt very strongly that Médecins Sans Frontières was a great programme and that I needed to be a part of it. A few years later I realised that I couldn’t be a doctor because of moral conflicts [that I won’t get into]. At the time I was reading the Kay Scarpetta novels by Patricia Cornwell, and decided that being a medical examiner/forensic pathologist would still allow me to help people without the conflicts of being a doctor for the living. A few years after that I realised that the math and science needed were *slightly* above my ability to comprehend them. I toyed with the idea of becoming a librarian, or a Geography teacher [my ability there is almost freakish], but sadly my brain interceded and decided for me that I wouldn’t be able to make it through university with all of the panic attacks and social anxiety and phobias that I was experiencing. *sigh* I still wish every once in a while I could be/do either one of those [or both!], but it’s just not possible. Finally, I decided that I wanted to be a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom. Ten years of infertility and one lost baby later, that’s not looking too promising either. 🙁
Laura says
When I was tiny (like kindergarten) I decided I wanted to be second woman president of the US/ballerina. Basically, I figured there really ought to be a woman president by the time I grew up, so I didn’t want to be first (that’s what everyone always said: “o, you could be the first woman president!” which is like saying “it’s going to take 30 years for the US to get over itself and elect a woman”). Also, as far as I was concerned president of the US = world dictator. The “/ballerina” was because ballerinas are bad-ass, and I figured they wouldn’t let me wear a tutu while doing president stuff.
Then I wanted to be a paleontologist. Because dinosaurs. When I discovered that you could study dead people, I figured there were way more bits of dead people running around than bits of dead dinosaur, so there were probably more jobs. I switched to archaeology in about 2nd grade. Because of job security.
And now I’m an archaeology graduate student.
Melissa says
I love Butterfingers and these muffins look amazing!
Growing up, I wanted to be an astronaut, then a nurse. Then I graduated high school and pursued a business degree. Today I’m an office manager.
Jen says
I wanted to be a lawyer when I was young…ended up an accountant!
Katie says
Hah! I’m still laughing at the commenter who wanted to be a mattress tester. I wanted to be a pediatrician… pretty specific huh? Now I’m in grad school for epidemiology. Still don’t really know what I’ll be when I “grow up” but there’s fun to be had in the journey, no?
Linda says
At first I wanted to be an architect, then a journalist, but my freshman year of high school I decided I wanted to be a public defender and that is what I am today.
Lori J says
I wanted to be a pediatrician, but then I realized I’d have to go to school forever and I ended up working for the government… now going to school “forever” doesn’t sound like such a bad thing!
Tim says
I wanted to teach Spanish. I even graduated with a Spanish degree. Now I’m a Product Manager for a commercial bank. Ugh. But it provides for the family, and that’s what really matters!!!
Amanda says
Hi there!
I remember when I was about 9 years old I told my brothers I wanted to be an ice cream truck driver. I truly believed it would have been the best job ever. Sadly, that dream never came true, instead I am a research assistant in a psychology lab. =)
stacy says
I wanted to be an entomologist when I was in the 4th grade… I ended up an electrical engineer. It’s in the sciences I guess
Zita says
I wanted to be a Marine Biologist because I loved (and still do) the ocean. As a kid, we went on a trip to San Diego one year and that was when I fell in love with the Pacific.
I work in television and broadcast distribution now. But I live in Southern California so I’m still close to the ocean I love!
Katie Bryan says
There were so many things I wanted to be when I grew up. Two that stand out are owning my own bakery or opening up a clothing shop.. Okay, Okay, that was really only five years ago, and I’m still in college, I’ve changed my major 4 times..Ekk!! So for the latter half of the question, I am (for now) majoring in Computer Science! And maybe I’ll minor in Business too.. 😉
Dalea says
I wanted to own a chinese/mexican food restaurant (my two favorite cuisines as a kid) . . . or be a dentist (my mom always took us to ice cream after dentist appointments, so I LOVED going to the dentist).
I ended up being a lawyer, that still loves mexican and chinese food and going to the dentist.
Pauline says
I wanted to be a zamboni driver, a football goal judge, and famous artist…I’ve never driven a zamboni, I have reffed high school football, and I’m now a jewelry artist ..not so famous, but hey, living my dream 🙂
Dot says
I wanted to be a marine biologist (thanks, Free Willy). I’m now a public servant doing data analysis (by way of working in a non-profit, teaching English in the Peace Corps, and working in research on ageing and spirituality). Who knows where life will lead?
mary ellen says
I don’t remember…I ended up being a stay-at-home mom and now I’m a stay-at-home daughter. I like your page.
Annamaria @ bakewelljunction says
These look yummy.
When I was a kid I wanted to be a secretary but then I found I was good in math and programming and went with the computer thing. Now I’m a business analyst for a software company that sells reinsurance software.
Cori says
I wanted to be a lawyer just like my dad; however it totally didn’t fit my personality and now I’m a social worker. I definitely made the right choice!
nancy says
i thought about being a teacher but was not 100% sure when i graduated now i work as a customer service rep in a glass company
Amber Parthun says
I can wait to try these muffins. If they are anything like the brown sugar apple cheesecake than I am super excited. I wanted to be a Veterinarian or in the military when I grew up. I am now a stay at home mom and wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Denise says
As a little one I wanted to be a veternarian because I love animals, learned it had a lot of gross aspects and gave that dream up fast! I got my degree in Art Education and but work as a graphic artist!
Krista says
When I was little I wanted to a ballerina…I took dance lessons for 6 years and I was the least graceful ballerina ever. I still am one of the most graceless people every- I trip over myself all the time! Now I am a stay at home mom and I’m working on my masters degree in counseling part time.
Melissa C. says
I wanted to be a ballerina or an Olympic gymnast. I grew up to be an office bitch for a demolition company. Cest la vie!!
Courtney says
I wanted to be a mom that dtsyed at home with my kids but that hasn’t happened yet so who knows!
Ashley W. says
I went to college dead set on being a child psychologist, but hated it and ended up getting a degree in accounting. I then realized sitting behind a desk all day wasn’t for me so I followed my passion and went to pastry school. Now I have a full-time job as a pastry chef and I’m loving every minute of it!
Diane says
I didn’t really know what I wanted to be when I grew up. When in high school, I knew that I wanted to work in an office, at the top of the building with a huge office that has a window.
I do work in an office, but in a cube that I share with someone, with no windows.
kamaile says
My kind of breakfast!
I started out wanting to be a pediatrician. Then marine biologist. Then surgeon. I ended up teaching high school science classes in a juvenile rehab center. Fun stuff.
Adele says
Look Delicious… yummy 😉
Betty says
Always wanted to be a teacher as long as I can remember…ended up as an Accounting Supervisor…still “teaching”…just a different age group! LOL! Must love it…it’s been 22 years! (BTW…love the addition of Butterfingers!!!…my grandchildren love my banana choc chip muffins)
Aka says
I just graduated 8th grade and I have no idea what I want to do. (well, probably some combination of baking, acting and writing, but I don’t know what that means.) It’s strange to think ahead and wonder what’s going to change, but at the same time it’s really exciting.
elizabeth says
My parents say I first told them I wanted to be a lawyer when I was about 5… and I’m a lawyer. I swear, I actually wanted to be an architect when I was somewhere in the 12-17 range, though.
My cousin’s career aspirations when he was young was “cheese maker.” He’s now an English professor.