This Candy Corn Tres Leches Cake is made with the cream and milk being infused with candy corn for just a hint of candy corn flavor.

This blog post has nothing to do with the recipe for Candy Corn Tres Leches Cake.
It’s just a funny read that made Ree (the Pioneer Woman laugh big time).
So not only in the 14 paragraph email did I learn that I was horrible for not having a print button (which again for the record I do on the newer recipes) I also learned that I am not the best blog.
Which is upsetting to me as pretty much anyone who asks what I do I tell them well I run the BEST BLOG don’t you know that?
So clearly this was a blow to my ego.
Thank goodness for Nyquil or I might not have been sleeping for the last few nights.
The other thing I learned is that The Pioneer Woman is the best blog and one of those reasons is because of her print button.
Martha Stewart has a nice print button as well but that they would not want to be friends with her because she was in prison.
Let me just say Ree this woman is a follower of you for life, though I do fear she may have a shrine up of you somewhere made of print buttons.
Let’s hope she looks nothing like you Ree or she might be trying to do a little Single White Female switching action on you.
Run Ree. Run.
Since she was so dedicate to all things Pioneer Woman I decided why not make a Pioneer Woman recipe?
So I did…with my own twist of course.
Tres Leches Cake (which means three milks for those not familiar) but with a candy corn twist since this has pretty much been candy corn week.
Like the other things I have made with candy corn this week, this does not have an overpowering candy corn taste…just a hint.
Which is why both candy corn lovers and haters will eat this Candy Corn Tres Leches Cake.

And because I know the majority of you are dying to see what was in the email…here you go…in its entirety.
My comments are in bold. 😛 :
I found your blog through Pinterest and while I find many of the recipes to look delightful you site is not nearly as good as most of the food blogs I follow.
Do you know the Pioneer Woman’s blog?
You should strive to be more like that.
That site is well put together and has a lot of features your blog should consider.
Hmmm…who is this Pioneer Woman you speak of? 😛
The thing that bugs me most is that you don’t have a print button.
I see a recipe that looks interesting yet I can’t print it.
Am I supposed to walk to my computer everytime to make the recipe?
Is this how I will burn off the calories I make from all your fattening treats?
That is actually a great way to burn calories….good idea.
Why would you make a site and not put on a print button.
A print button is not that hard of a thing to put on.
All of the best blogs have a print button so clearly you do not have a best blog.
The best blogs have print buttons.
Oh the shame I am not a best blog. (hangs head)
Maybe you like to tease us and are like joke on you you see the recipe but you don’t get to print the recipe.
So you can want the recipe but can’t make the recipe unless you own a laptop which I do not.
So if I want your recipe I either have to buy a laptop or not make it.
Or if I print it will print out your entire site.
Yes when I write this blog I think about how I can tease and mess with the reader…I did that in teaching school as well.
Whoever designed your site should have put in a print button.
I hope you didn’t pay someone for this site because when you don’t have a site that looks like the Pioneer Woman people aren’t going to come to that site.
But I guess that’s why she has books and tv shows because she knows how to run a blog.
She also gets a lot of comments and you don’t because she runs a better blog.
She does get a lot of comments. I used to get comments a lot more than I do now so maybe I used to be a best blog….just not anymore.
It would make the life of the people who read this blog much easier to have the print button.
We could just look at the recipe and print and it would be there in the printer.
But you do not have a print button.
The best blogs have print buttons.
So what you are saying are the best blogs have print buttons?
It seems to me that if I were to start a food blog that had recipes on it and I wanted people to be able to use those recipes I would have a print button.
I don’t have a food blog though.
I don’t have a blog at all actually.
But these are things to think about.
Oh please, please, please start a food blog so I can learn from you.
Another site that has a print button is Martha Stewart.
She has both magazines and her website and I think she still puts out books as well.
Very streamlined site.
And she does crafts as well. Most people who cook craft or scrapebook as well have you considered a section like that.
The Pioneer Woman has different sections on her blog and Martha Stewart does to.
I’m not skilled enough to do more than one thing.
I know you are not as popular as those blogs and people but I think more people would come to your site if they knew you had a print button.
Maybe put in a print button and advertise that you have one on Pinterest and that you now have a print button which you currently do not have.
I will have to look into that print button advertising. I’m sure it’s all the rage.
Does it cost money for the print button?
Is that why you don’t have it?
Are you too cheap?
I bet the Pioneer Woman didn’t care about the cost of the print button.
I bet she thought what would the people want?
I think she is very generous in that way.
I bet she would be great as a friend.
I wish I were her friend.
I don’t think I want to be Martha Stewarts friend because she has been to prison.
I don’t trust people who have been in jail.
I suck at programming so yes it cost money to have the print button added. As with anything added to this site. It cost more than I make in advertising to run this site. I bet Ree would be a good friend. And yes be wary of Martha Stewart as she has far too many knives at her disposal and who knows what trade secrets she learned in prison for stabbing people.
So if you could add a print button that would be great.
I notice you have a donation button for paypal so you will take our money gladly but you wont give a print button feature.
I will never give you my money for your inferior site.
Hey look I do have a print button.
I can’t believe you expect people to give you money for this site?
You just rake in money from us and expect us to sit by and make you one of the popular blogs when you don’t have a print button.
You will never make it as a blogger without a print button.
Yes, that’s me, just raking in the money.
Maybe one day if you are very lucky you will meat the Pioneer Woman.
If you do you need to ask her how she runs the best site there is.
She might not talk to you because you don’t have one of the better blogs but she seems charitable to me.
So maybe charity will be on your side and she can tell you how you can do the best blog ever.
Yours will never be the best as hers but maybe.
Yes MEATING the Pioneer Woman would be great. I have met her sister and she was lovely so genetics probably dictate that Ree is the same, eh? Yes hopefully she would help me become the best blog ever…after hers.
So again please put in a print button.
I want to print this cake but I sit here and I can’t I can not print because you do not have a print button. You are not a good food blog.
Your wish is my command.
Thanks for consideration please add print button or I cannot make recipe,
By the way, it’s a great day to buy my cookbook !

Candy Corn Tres Leches Cake
- 1 cup All-purpose Flour
- 1-1/2 tsp. Baking Powder
- 1/4 tsp. Salt
- 5 whole Eggs
- 1 cup Sugar, Divided
- 1 tsp. Vanilla Bean Paste
- 1/3 cup Candy Corn infused Milk
- 1 can Evaporated Milk
- 1 can Sweetened, Condensed Milk
- 1/4 cup Candy Corn Heavy Cream
- 1 cup Heavy Whipping Cream, For Whipping
- 1 cup Candy Corn Heavy Cream, For Whipping
The day before add ½ cup whole milk with ¼ cup candy corn.
Let sit in fridge in airtight container.
Also Take 1 cup heavy whipping cream and ½ cup candy corn and let sit in fridge in an airtight container.
Strain the candy corn out of each after 8 hours or overnight. Measure 1/3 cup of milk and 1 cup heavy cream.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Spray a 9 x 13 inch pan liberally until coated.
Combine flour, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl.
Separate eggs.
Beat egg yolks with 3/4 cup sugar on high speed until yolks are pale yellow.
Stir in milk and vanilla.
Pour egg yolk mixture over the flour mixture and stir very gently until combined.
Beat egg whites on high speed until soft peaks form.
With the mixer on, pour in remaining 1/4 cup sugar and beat until egg whites are stiff but not dry.
Fold egg white mixture into the batter very gently until just combined.
Pour into prepared pan and spread to even out the surface.
Bake for 35 to 45 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
Turn cake out onto a rimmed platter and allow to cool.
Combine condensed milk, evaporated milk, and ¼ cup candy corn infused heavy cream in a small pitcher.
When cake is cool, pierce the surface with a fork several times. Slowly drizzle all but about 1 cup of the milk mixture—try to get as much around the edges of the cake as you can.
Allow the cake to absorb the milk mixture for 30 minutes.
To ice the cake and 1 cup regular heavy cream and 1 cup candy corn cream and whip the cream until thick and spreadable.
Spread over the surface of the cake.
Decorate cake with candy corns.
Adapted from the Best Blog ever and someone who has not been to prison that I know of The Pioneer Woman Cooks.
sara says
Haha, WOW. Someone does not know how to use copy and paste…
This cake looks awesome, so fun!
Kalyn says
Well I used to have a postcard on my fridge that said “Never forget that half the people on earth are less intelligent than the average person!”
But now with the internet, I guess there is no chance we will forget it.
And now she will probably come after me, except luckily I do have a print button! Well, actually it’s a link; hope that counts!
Keep smiling!
Larz says
That had to be written by a child. Oh my. How many times does it reference ‘print button’? It has to be a record. Wow. Love it. Pea, you really do being out the best in people. Spreading love and good cheer. 😉
sarah venn says
Oh my goodness!!! Cracking up over this! Especially your comments after each paragraph! I think this person made their point! Jeez! 🙂
The Happy Sorceress says
You can *never* MEAT Pioneer Woman with your blog in this state!! Charitable or no, you are not a BEST BLOG because…
I can’t. I just can’t.
You get the best (read: nutso) readers, my friend.
Lauren at Keep It Sweet says
Wow, that email… wow. 1) Thanks for a good laugh and 2) Seriously who has time to write a mile long email like that?!
Jill says
Someone needs to learn how to organize a persuasive argument. State it, back it up, go away. Don’t just say the same thing over and over and over again. And aim for complete sentences.
Candace says
HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh that takes the cake. Yes, we food bloggers all HAVE TO BE JUST LIKE THE PIONEER WOMAN! It astounds me that the reader has never heard of pen and paper to write the recipe. And also astounds me that the reader believes that PW doesn’t have a staff that does most of the work on her site.
This whole post made me laugh so hard. Especially about being too cheap for the print button. This makes me want to make a cake and decorate it to say print in honor of your “educated reader” LOL
Carrie says
OMG! That is an EPIC “feedback” letter. I wish I could get a best letter like that. She is the best feedbacker I could ever wish to meat. You are very lucky to have such critics. (Oh, by the way…I have a print button. Am I a best blog now??) xoxoxo
Diana says
LOL… that is either the stupidest person alive, or it’s a fake email. I’m hoping for fake- not so much that the person doesn’t understand copy/paste, but that they took that long to ramble about a print button.
The cake looks yummy 🙂 Candy corn makes (almost) everything better.
Peabody says
@Diana- I wrote her back. It was a real and working email. I simply wrote that there was a print button for the newer recipes and that I was currently doing the archives starting with the recipe she wanted. She wrote back thanks. So who knows. Though I am going to assume she wont be reading my blog anymore…or maybe she will now that it has print buttons.
Kristi says
Wow… reading that gave me a headache. How you manage to deal with people like that is beyond me, I just don’t have the grasp on my temper I would need lol. In my opinion you run one of the best blogs, not only are you a hoot to read but the recipes always look amazing and the ones I’ve made (how I managed some of them without a print button I’ll never know!) have been amazing. I’m glad you continue to put yourself and your amazing food out there despite the idiots, thank you!
gina says
Hey, Pea…why don’t you have someone to make this recipe for me? You’d be a much better blogger if you actually came to my house and made this cake for me.
Peabody says
@gina I’ll work on that service. 🙂
Becca - Cookie Jar Treats says
I’m just going to say this right now. I got through three of those paragraphs s and wanted to K in the stomach with a boxing glove full of concrete. The NERVE of some people. I know you are perfectly capable of defending yourself and I’m sure that you look at things like and just laugh it off (maybe? I dunno you personally, but you seem strong enough to not let that stuff bother you). God some people need to just chill-out. Maybe step away from blog-reading. Get some sunshine…actually write something with a pen, pencil, crayon, chalk, just something!
Plus she was also redundant. I bet she was not the best in her English class. The best people in English classes don’t repeat themselves, especially fourteen times.
So in other news, this tres leeches look fabulous. When I lived in Puerto Rico tres leeches was my go-to dessert. I loved eating it as a little girl. I never thought I would see the day where a con day corn version would pop up. It seems…. fantastical. I dunno. I’m really liking candy corn week, even though I can’t remember if I like candy corn or not.
Chewthefat says
I will totally know that I am a ‘best blog’ if I ever get a letter like that!
Incidentally, I work with students and their parents at one of my jobs, and I did once encounter a mother who did not know how to cut and paste.
Actually, I often cut and paste recipes even with the print button so I can shrink the font, if I don’t feel like printing the picture, and so forth.
brandy says
good gravy that email is hilarious!
kita says
Well, as the designer who installed the new shiny print button, I’m cracked up. But what else is new. You know I love your crazies.
What kills me, is that before the print button, fancy printers, and even shiny laptops, there was pen and paper and from time to time I had to humble myself and use it to jot down a recipe. What happened to that skill. Would have saved this person the time of writing the email to you, and she could have conquered her dilemma and had cake. Win win.
Secondly, I’m glad that Martha Stewart and Ree are both amazing web site programmers and don’t have hundreds of dollars to rain over their designated web site staff to make sure there are print buttons on every page. No, they are just two generous and humble women programming their sites, running their empires, and baking all by themselves. We could all learn something from them.
jessabelluh says
That was great! Thanks for sharing. The cake looks amazing, with or without a print button.
hobby baker says
Oh my ROFL. I want to believe that the email was written in jest but it’s just sad to know that this person actually takes them-self seriously. Ah, the old “I can’t do this unless somebody highlights the easy button for me, wraps it, puts it on a silver platter, and spoon feeds it to me” type person. Too dumb to learn how to copy paste. Guess they won’t get to enjoy your treats.
I enjoy them though! 😀
Brett says
Printing is so 1990’s. But maybe she had tres tequilas with her tres leches cake. That would explain it.
Judy says
She should have “Print Button” tattooed on her forehead. A slacker for sure — ever heard of copy & paste, or, pencil and paper? If it were me, I’d remove every instance of print button, just out of perversity, and let her suffer.
You’re still a Best Blog to me.
Krista says
I’m freaking dying laughing over here! Some people just have too damn much time on their hands. Perhaps “K” could have better spent hers learning how to copy/paste/print. Hey, maybe you could make a Best Of category of all the weird emails you get. THAT would be hilarious.
The candy corn whipped cream makes me want to lick the screen.
Jenny says
This so reminds me of “refund muffins”!
I really wish I had as much time as these people who send you long, drawn out complaints to you seem to have. Personally I’d have just copy and pasted what I wanted into a word file and printed it from there – its what I used to do when I needed to print one of your recipes. So hard, copy and paste, then print.
While I like Ree and her site and her recipes, your site is the one I click straight through to when you post a new one. You make me smile, you make me laugh, and sometimes I even want to cook something from it. 🙂
Peabody says
@Jenny – Yes! This is SOOO a Refund Muffin email. In fact I think this one might beat it. That and the guy who asked for naked photos of me.
Dolores says
Just when I think that I’ve seen everything, that nothing could possibly surprise me. Thanks Peabody, I needed proof today that the world is FULL of people crazier than me. <3
Kaycee says
You know how I feel about the Pioneer Woman- too much focus on the photography and print buttons. And I don’t find it funny. Your blog is totally a best blog. PS, was that written in crayon?
Erin {Lemon Sugar} says
Oh. My. Heavens.
I wonder if she’s related to this guy?
I do think you have a best blog. So there.
Peabody says
@Erin- yes!!! She sooo has to be related.
m @ random musings says
That email is hilarious! and your notes equally so ^_^
On a printing related note, I’ve discovered there are some websites that choose to block media from printing (for the techie folks out there this is accomplished via a stylesheet link with media = “print”). Of course this does not affect good ‘ole copy and paste or !gasp jotting down an ingredient list….
lucyinaz says
My stomach is hurting from laughing so hard! Thanks for sharing! Omg, funniest and most pathetic email ever!! I, too, hope you will get to MEAT the Pioneer Woman.
Margaret says
Evidently cut and paste is out of the question!!! LOL I, for one, love your blog!!
Erin says
Maybe with the mad cash you must be making your could buy this chick a lesson on copy and paste.
Peabody says
@Erin- no I am far to selfish to buy her copy and paste lessons. I hoard all of the large amounts of money I make from this blog. If I don’t I wont be able to take over the world.
delia says
What’s the big deal about not having a print button? Copy and paste works just fine. Heck, you could even click print directly from your web browser. Some people are high maintenance.
I think you’re a best blog :).
Melinda says
You get the best kooks. My mirth cup runneth over.
But now know why my blog has never amounted to much…I never had a freakin’ print button!
If only I knew anything about programming, I could have been in the big blog leagues.
I look forward to your next ‘ Kathy Bates ‘ fan email, hopefully, full of venom.
Peabody says
@Melinda- now all the secrets of the blogging world are out. I can now write a book about how adding a print button will make your blog instantly awesome.
Patti T. says
This was hilarious. I sure hope you did not take any of her insults personally. I really, really think she could have copied and pasted many times in the amount of time she spent on this rant. Oh what was it that she wanted……….not sure she was clear about it. Ha,ha. I hope some day to meat you, I think you would be way fun to hang out with. I hope you have a Swiss bank account or some offshore accounts to put all that money that you are raking in from you donation button. I agree with the other poster, if you absolutely positively wanted to be a very best blogger, you would come to our kitchens and prepare your recipes for us. Then no copy and paste would be needed.
Peabody says
@Patti- I SOOO don’t take the insults serious. In fact this was one of the highlights of me week. I am still laughing and I got it a few days ago.
I don’t even take it personally when someone tells me they didn’t like a recipe…we all have different tastes. I was just raised to not tell someone that…others were raised in a barn though. 😛
Melinda says
I forgot to say… I tried your print button but it didn’t work. Please get it repaired asap.
….Sorry, dearie, I needed to put more paper in the printer! Oh well, I am sure this is your fault.
bellini says
Has this woman heard of cut and paste? Or simply highlight what you want to print (ie the recipe) and press Print and Selection. Easier even than a Print button…sheesh.
Anne says
Thanks for the laugh P. People are crazy- cant wait to hear what she emails when she sees you put up her letter!
Leslie says
OMG…I almost tl;dr…but, I had to keep reading to see your comments. I can never understand how some people can send stuff like that…if you don’t like something don’t come back.
I’ve fit an even better idea than copy/paste…highlight recipe only, open print dialogue box, and under page range section select “selection”…print.
BTW, how does someone scrapebook?
Peabody says
@Leslie- I picture her just rubbing books along the ground or other objects for her scrapebooking. 😛
KG says
Peabody, I love you for putting that letter up, almost as much as I love candy corn. And that’s a lot. I really needed a laugh today. Your comments just make it even better. Oh, how I wish I could MEAT you. 😛
I also want to note that your candy corn ice cream, which I added a handful of candy corn to after it was churned, made my older brothers practically fall over and worship me, so thank you. Many, many thanks.
Peabody says
@KG- that ice cream is crazy good…I’m always in awe of how just those three ingredients make such a yummy thing. And non-candy corn eaters love it as well.
Karen K. says
That was THE BEST POST EVER! I want to print it but I can’t find the print button for the letter. You need a print button for the letter. Where is the print button for the letter. You need one. 😉
Joanna says
I just wanted to let you know that I bought a laptop just so I can make your older recipes, since you don’t a print button for them, you know. I’ll be sure to tell everyone that they should come to your site since you now have a print button 🙂
Sonja says
I kinda want to find a “Print Button” key, like you can buy esc keys and the like, and mail it to her. Tell her if she glues it to her monitor, it will automatically print that which she desires. Oy.
Denise says
That is too funny! Thanks for sharing. I needed a good laugh today.
Felice says
I really hope K does start a blog because I want to learn how to “scrapebook”. It sounds like it could be the next big thing. I mean not even Martha (or Ree) has discovered that yet! I just hope that K has a print button because I live to print things. Basically my life would be over if he/she was so inconsiderate as to not have one. I might even have to send him/her an email to let her know, and 14 paragraphs should be about the right amount to explain this to her. Any shorter and I just don’t think I could get my point across.
I am just shaking my head at this one. K obviously has way to much time on his/her hands. I wonder how many other blogs have been the lucky recipient of one of K’s emails? I guess K doesn’t realize that these other people she mentions have “people” putting together many aspects of their blogs.
I have enjoyed your blog for quite a while now so just keep doing what you are doing, and don’t let the crazy’s get you down.
Kristin says
gosh, I just highlight and “print section”. Works for me. I’ve also cut and pasted. Maybe the writer needs some technical training.
Pam says
OMG how sad she will never get back the time that it took away from her life to write that email. She needs to take a writing course she repeated herself throughout the whole email.
If the emailer is reading this…..Why don’t you check out the person you designs PW’s website – I did and I can’t afford that kind of money to have a beautiful blog with all the bells and whistles. For that kind of money I could get a well needed living room set, a new washer and dryer, a new fridge and range.
Bless your heart being subjected to all that crap
Yen says
Thanks for a good laugh! I never minded you not having a print button. It’s what copy and paste is for! But wow, I can’t believe she rambled on and on about a print button for so long! Hoping she’s just really old and has no clue what copy and paste is.
Katie Rose says
Is it wrong of me to love your hate mail so much? Okay, so they weren’t actually hating, but still. Anyone else get the impression that either English was their second language or that they were a middle school student (it had a very “school assignment” feel to me) or perhaps even both? Keep the recipes and banter coming, you may not have a “best blog” but you certainly have a best personality and that’s what I come for. 🙂
Jen C. says
Is it just me or did that person have a very deep love for the print button because most of the email was about the print button. Well if it’s any consolation to you, I subscribe and read your blog and recipes on a regular basis. I use to read the Pioneer Woman’s blog but lost interest about a year ago and have unsubscribed to it. So having a print button isn’t a deal breaker for me 🙂
Lorie Shewbridge says
I’m with Jen C., I totally lost interest in The Pioneer Woman when she seemed to get too big for her britches (so to speak). (I am also not a fan of Dooce who is so arrogant and self-involved).
I prefer a blog who likes to talk about herself and her family along with giving great recipes with fabulous, self-taken photos. Who cares about a “print” button, I can either use my tablet or, god forbid, do it the old fashion was and write it down with a pencil on paper…. OH NO!
Tere says
What the Fudge? I have to say I stopped reading after the 90th reference to a print button. However, I will say “Thank you” for posting the letter. I now have a new game. Every time I see “print button” or “Pioneer Woman” I’ll take a little shot (maybe it will be a shot of icing, maybe it will be a shot of tequila – only the pantry will know).
Deborah says
I’ve been trying to figure out how to gain more traffic. I guess I missed the memo that all it takes is to have a print button on all of my posts. I guess I’d better get on that!!
But I do love the twist to this cake – I would have never thought to use candy corn!
Lori @ RecipeGirl says
This is quite possibly the funniest thing I’ve ever read. WTH? Why did you take so long to get a print button? You could have borrowed some cash from me, ya know! hahahhahahha
Peabody says
@Lori- yes this was a good one…it ranks up there with the email from the male reader who wanted nude photos of me and of course the person who wanted a refund for when the snickerdoodle muffins didn’t turn out how they wanted.
Stacy says
When you meat Ree can you take pictures? Pretty please. ::Eyeroll:: I can’t believe people are this dumb.
Kelster says
Comedy Gold!!
I never knew the power of a print button! I never print recipes though. Wait.. how on earth do I make recipes without printing them? I must go consider this. Maybe I haven’t been baking after all.Well, I did print vol-au-vent instructions once. I highlighted the recipe and printed just that. Weird, I know. But it did not print the entire blog. Again, very weird.
Kelster says
Back again. I just wanted to say:
Ree’s Print Button brings all the readers to her blog!
And they’re like..
It’s better than yours…
Sorry. That email was just too ridiculous.
Allison Day says
So since I’ve had a print button on Sushi Day this whole time, does that make it a Best Blog?
*glances at blog stats*
Hm… guess it doesn’t work that way. 😉
You sure do get all the nutters! But I’m glad you posted this – I got a much needed giggle. 😀
Peabody says
@Allison- yes you totally have a best blog!
Natalie says
Why was she released from the ward?
Margaret says
This is hilarious!! K needs to get a life and to chill out a bit! From the way that K writes, I get the feeling that she’s very young and obviously not very well educated. K doesn’t know how to write a paragraph, gather their thoughts or spell. MEAT!!! LOL
Keep your blog just the way it has always been, wonderful!!!
Alysa (InspiredRD) says
Hilarious! I had a reader hounding me for a print button a while back. I finally put one in, but at the time I had no idea about such things. I guess I was a long ways from the “best blog”.
SarahK says
that was hilarious! if “K” can’t master copy/paste/print or writing out the ingredients by hand, i would hate to see her try put the whip attachment on a stand mixer 😛
Tasha the clean eating mama says
This made my night!
Kristina says
DANG you for making me copy paste.
I don’t have a print button, but my readers don’t mind using the brand new technology of copy paste (do you know about this? It’s pretty new).
you cannot be bothered to design a less inferior site because your arms are tired from all that raking, right? I know, same here.
PLEASE don’t meat Ree.
Stephanie says
Surely that was someone attempting to be funny. No one could be that obsessive about a print button! Going on and on like that? I’m hoping. 🙂
And by “meat Ree Drummond,” does she mean pelt her with meatballs, perhaps? 😉
Teresa says
So are you gonna get a print button and stop raking in all our money or what? I’m glad I’m not the only one who had her life RUINED by the fact that you don’t have a print button. I think I’m gonna need a refund for that…
Aly says
That is such an unfortunate email. Even if you aren’t saddened by it, it’s still frustrating that there are people like that out there. It’s one thing if someone just commented and asked about how to print a recipe but to send a crazy-long email with insults? Just ignorant.
Jane says
How hard is it to copy and paste? In a way,this blog is more realistic and so much better than Ree’s blog. Your blog is wonderful!
Frank says
Never had a print button… BUT, now I want one! So, serious question… what is required to get a print button on the page? (Obviously, one that actually works… not just a little box that says ‘print’ that is there to primarily distract the print-button obsessives of the world)
Diane says
My printer only works half the time, and on top of that, it is currently out of ink. Please send me either ink or a new printer so I can use your print button. Not that I’ve never used a pen(cil) and paper to bring a recipe with me into the kitchen from my bedroom.
Pro-tip: Highlight the text you want to print out. Now comes the hard part, figure out if you want to print it out directly or copy it into a word type document before you print it. If you want to print it directly, press Ctrl P. If you want to put it in a word doc, press Ctrl C then open up the word doc and press Ctrl V. Now you can Ctrl P.
shelly (cookies and cups) says
OH. My. Gah.
I freaking LOVE that email. Having a print button has really changed my life. People MEAT me all the time and congratulate me on my print button. It’s really been the difference from not having a best blog to having a best blog.
I mean, can you not AFFORD a print button, Peabody? Seriously, as you sit there and count the millions you must be raking in do to your “donate” button, I would think you would be able to afford one.
Emails like that make my life, honestly. Because honestly not being able to make a cake because there s no print button is basically the equivalent to genocide or a Zombie Apocalypse.
Stephanie @ says
You better get one of those print buttons. Are they really that expensive?
Seriously, my favorite one email is how do I search for anything on your site. The search bar is on the top middle of every single page. I don’t know how many times I have answered that question.
If you need a good deal on a print button, let me know, I know someone that can get it for you for a good deal.
Barbara @ Barbara Bakes says
I think when you meat Ree you should not take along any of Martha’s knives. I’m one of those candy corn haters, but tres leches cake is another story. It looks scrumptious.
Victoria says
“You will never make it as a blogger without a print button.” Best. Sentence. Ever.
Bebe says
I just wanted to take this time to remind you that you also are not the best cupcake decorator as pointed out by one of your kid readers as well.
Interesting point about comments. Did you say you get less comments than you used to? Any correlation to the print button being added?
I have to say I personally think you are one of the best blogs. I read it for articles.
Rachel says
Copy, paste, print. Good lord, people are insane.
Keep up the good work, Peabody. I love your blog even though it is completely impossible to print recipes without a button telling me to do so.
Chris says
I prefer copy-paste-print. It gives me the opportunity to use use abbreviations, change things around to my gluten-free way, etc. Of course, you can’t see the top of my computer desk because of all the pen/paper written recipes, too….. And I thought I had no life….. Gee whiz! At least this made me smile for a GOOD 10 minutes this morning!!!
Your blog is one of THEEEEEEEEE best out there!!! I come here E.V.E.R.Y. time I hit food blogs. I may see Pioneer Woman a few times a year…and only because something redirects me there. So…..I don’t comment every time you post but I READ every time you post!!! The entertainment is non-stop! No complaints here!!! (And where do I find the pattern to make that hat?!?!?)
Bridget {bake at 350} says
This might be my favorite blog post EVER.
Carie says
Somebody clearly has too much time on their hands, and maybe was a wee bit tipsy? I’m sure that Martha Stewart and The Pioneer Woman run their blogs all by their selves and did all the computer programming by their selves and comes up with all of the content all by their selves…NOT! (I don’t know anything about The Pioneer Woman, so maybe she does…but there is no way that Martha Stewart comes up with all of her content.)
Shai says
I only read 4 of the emailers paragraphs before I got too frustrated on their entitlement & lack of “copy & paste” knowledge before I came to comment. I see a lot of other people have commented & I hope they are all positive (because I’m lazy, I didn’t read most of them).
I’m glad you found the silver lining to the 14 paragraph hell, I’m glad your true readers have come out to try to make you feel better about it. I like your blog, I like your blog so much that I’ve disabled my add blocker for your site in hopes that the 3 cents it gives you in revenue helps you create MOAR blogs.
Your blog is a breath of fresh air from other foodie blogs I read (and yes, I’ve read Pioneer Woman). I’ve tried a couple recipes, but really I’m here for your stories & your humor (and photos of your pup). Keep on creating & don’t worry about a print button, I can copy & paste (or as one commenter said select & print selection).
Laura Dembowski says
I am shocked that someone would send such a mean thing. I would be devastated if I got an email like that, and I have a print button 😉 It’s terrible that people will take so much time just to knock someone else down. I think your blog is awesome, and so is this cake. I love candy corn! When a site doesn’t have a print function, I just copy and paste into Word; not that hard. I have to pay for all the coding on my site too, as memorizing how to put a link into Easy Recipe after 6 months of looking it up every time I needed to do so is about as technologically savvy as I get. Keep up the great work with your site.
Pam @ The Meltaways says
I hope you do get to MEAT Ree, so you can SCRAPEBOOK about it! Just please post it online so I can take a picture of it – I know I won’t be able to print it from your site, so I’ll just take a picture from my screen!
P.S. – thanks for the laugh!
Melissa says
I’m without words. What must K’s life be like that a print button is her biggest problem. Sorry your comments have slacked off, but I read faithfully, and manage to make your delectable recipes on a regular basis. Rise above it, K, rise above it.
Lolo says
Lo. I can’t believe people like this actually exist. I bet this person never leaves their mother’s basement. Fuck a print button, who can’t copy and paste? honestly? Keep doing you Peabody, print button or no print button I still love to make your stuff and read your blog.
rendalicious says
So funny I tres leched my pants! I absolutely love your comments in reply to K. I would pay to have somebody make me laugh this hard every day. I’ll never look at a print button the same way again. 😎
marbaird says
I am in complete utter disbelief of the waste of time and space from that wonderful K person. In my humble opinion, I don’t print recipes because I don’t want to waste the paper, the ink from my printer and then finding a place to store the recipe. Thanks for sharing your story. I, on the other hand, can never get anyone to even comment on my blog. So now I wonder what is worse. LOL. Keep on keeping on. I love your blog.
Teresa says
I made your White Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins tonight. The hubby loved them! And…I even took a huge risk, and I DIDN’T USE THE PRINT BUTTON!!! The muffins still came out AMAZING without printing the recipe, and I saved a tree at the same time!
Tiffany says
Oh. My. Gosh. If only you had a quarter for everytime she said print button then you could afford to buy your very own print button and then you could be the best blog!!!! I think she has a print button fetish lol.
Kristen says
JFC, I want to smack that broad with a print button. I didn’t know it was rocket science to know how to copy/paste. Hey, guess that makes me a genius! 😉
Lauren says
To me you have a way better blog then the Pioneer Woman, You keep it simple and that is how I like it.
Paula @lkg4sweetspot says
I am laughing out loud with tears streaming! Your comments to the letter are just priceless! And please if you ever do MEAT the Pioneer Woman, please keep the details to yourself! LOL!!
karin says
I think “K” needs to grow a set of print buttons, and put her (I’m assuming it’s a female) full name out there. Maybe she can look at her Abilify prescription bottle, if she needs help remembering what her name is.
I am shocked that anyone would take the time to be so ‘effed-up’ about a print button.
Peabody…I love your blog! I think the whole thing is great and I have never once went looking for a print button. Does “K” forget about good old pen and paper? She could have written the recipe out a hundred times by hand for all the time and effort she put forth ripping you a new one.
I think you have a ‘best blog’!!!!!!!!!!
Bobbi says
Peabody what if I don’t have a printer?! Oh noes! Whatever will I do I can’t bake this recipe because I’ll never be able to print it even WITH a print button??
I personally subscribe to the walk back to the computer method of cooking or you know the old fashioned picking up a pen and write it down on a piece of paper method.
g-force says
I like the old pen and paper method, shouldn’t one read a recipe before you start cooking anyways? It sounds like this reader has plenty of time on their hands to write 14 paragraphs so why not a few recipes? Geeze
Jean Layton says
So funny. I’m grateful you can be so eloquent
Rhonda says
Oh Peabody…I just don’t know if I can read your inferior blog any longer…(large sigh) and I would NOT ever want to be your friend…what if you have a knife??? You are obviously to witty for me, but if you would just add a print button perhaps then I would come back to you…oh? What’s that you say? You HAVE one?? Yipee! I no longer have to leave your beer drinking, hockey loving, desert loving blog…but back to the print button…
I just love people…but I love your cooking more 🙂
Amy @ What Jew Wanna Eat says
This is the best thing I have ever read. I never get any cool hate mail! Jealous.
Miss @ Miss in the Kitchen says
This made me laugh, a lot. I admire the way you handled it.
Jen B says
That is quite the ridiculous email. Is it that hard to select text and copy over to Word, then print??? She wasted a lot of time ranting. :/
Chin up, you know you have more cheerleaders than haters. 😉
Emily @ Holistic Kid says
LOL! This is the funniest thing I have read in awhile. – From another “not best blogger”. 😀
Renee says
Oh my goodness, you either just got punked or this person has severe mental deficiencies. Especially since she can’t seem to figure out how to cut and paste. For the record, I never print recipes, as it’s a waste of paper, so you can get your money back on that print button if you want. 😉 Love you blog! It’s is most definitely a best blog!
Pauline says
Awesome. Even your hate mail is funny. I usually just lick the icing off my phone when I’m done baking, but with a print button on your older recipes I could single handedly be responsible for the death of so many trees 😉
Baking Soda says
I.. I just.. I really… Seriously.. I mean.. sigh..
For a moment there I was tempted to go back and count how many times the “p”word was mentioned in that e-mail. I hope she gets a life in the near, very near future and a chance to print it.
michelle says
It almost sounds like you made that up! That is HIL-arious!!!! “Why don’t you have a print button? Why? Why? Print button, print button, print button. You do not have a best blog.” Frankly I am glad to get a break from the PW (and wanna-be) blogs with the million shots of chopping an onion, the shots of all the ingredients, etc. I’m just like “Give me the recipe already!” Anyway. I do not have a print button, but I already knew I was not a best blog. LOL!!! Do you think this dear reader realizes that you do, indeed, now have a PRINT BUTTON?! Ha ha ha!!!!
Peabody says
@Michelle- sadly I think it’s real. It ranks up there with the man who asked for nude photos of me and the man/woman (that person’s name could have gone either way) who wanted a refund for the muffins they made that didn’t turn out right.
Marthe says
Hahahaha, hilarious! I can’t believe this person actually took the time to write up this entire message!
Y says
In other news, the cake looks kinda pretty.
Jenny says
Ha! I actually subscribe to the Walk back and forth to the computer philosophy as one way to be greener and less cluttered with paper and NOT print recipes! I created my own blog (pre-pinterest) to store links to my favorite recipes so I would not have to use a print button! It’s actually quite amusing when my kids are trying to play a game online and I come running in screaming”pull the recipe up- I need to see what temp I am supposed to be cooking at!” or ” I forgot how much baking soda I was supposed to put in!”… oh and I don’t have a laptop either so there is lots of running back and forth to my office-unless my hubby is kind enough to loan me his iPod touch! But thank you for adding a print button that I still won’t need to use!
Mellisa W says
I have two thoughts. 1 – is someone pulling your leg, that cannot be real. 2 – Let’s start a drinking game 1 shot each time this person says print button and 2 shots each time they say best blog.
Peabody says
@Melillisa- we have already been doing the drinking game around these parts. 🙂
Casey at Kitchen PLAY says
That is one of the longest, most poorly written and boring emails in the history of emails. She (he?) is clearly not the best email writer.
Peabody says
@Casey- it’s a woman…with and AOL address and an IP from Florida. 🙂
the wicked noodle says
Were you at IFBC this year? I partied in a monkey hat there, so that’s why I’m wondering. I mean, you don’t have a print button or anything, so I don’t really care nor would I probably speak to you because who would speak to someone who doesn’t have a print button? I just thought we could meat, you know, next year. And party in monkey hats and talk about how my blog is better because I have a print button.
Peabody says
@Wicked Noodle- I was at IFBC this year but we went out and didn’t end up at the Mail Chimp party until right as it was ending and so no monkey hat. To which I was very sad about and they sent me one. 🙂 And yes, I am sure you didn’t talk to me there because I do not have a best blog.
Sharlotte says
What I don’t understand is why she could not just highlight the recipe, right click, select copy, and then paste into a word processing software. Or maybe she could just print the webpage to PDF, and then print the appropriate pages on paper. These are things I have done with pages without the beloved print button. Problem solving is apparently not this reader’s forte. Though this person tries, complaining is also not a forte. I love your blog and appreciate your time and effort to make this fabulous blog!
FBOCats' "the Girl" says
Copy & Paste? Geeze!
Tara @ Unsophisticook says
Oh my word, I almost spit my coffee all over my screen! File>print, honey… sheesh!
Maureen | Orgasmic Chef says
That’s the funniest email I’ve ever read. Perhaps we should correct the grammar and send it back. Send a big photo of a print button with it.
Love the candy corn cake.
Pam says
Oh! Oh! Let’s make this a drinking game! Take a shot every time she says print!!!!
Frenchlady says
Seriously?? I mean seriously???? Is this person for real??? I’m here dying of laughter with the ignorance and stupidity of this letter!!!
Anyways, I’ve been following your blog for years (silent reader, i know 😝)and thank you for all the wonderful recipes. But please get a print button cause I can’t copy and paste!! Lol lol
Peabody says
@Frenchlady- sadly I believe it to be a real person.
jenna @foodwithkidappeal says
K could have written your recipe down by hand, translated it into 4 languages, hired a recipe writer to reformat the recipe contacted recipe blogs in 4 different countries, gotten them published in less time than it took her to write her complaint to the not best blog. talk about bad busy…..readers with unrealistic expectations, *sigh*
Tammy says
Did my mother-in-law write this? Because she, too, seems to think I need to be told the exact same thing over and over and over again in order to understand it, but worded differently every time. If that lady has horses I can guarantee you that they are dead, but she probably keeps them in the stable so she can continue to beat them.
Peabody says
@Tammy- maybe not your MIL but I suspect an older person as they have an AOL address and live in Florida. 🙂
Erin says
Amazing! One of the best blog posts I’ve read all month. I wonder if she has ever heard of copy and paste? Or maybe if she was really so desperate she could write down the recipe. Life is hard without a print button 🙁
Denise says
Peabody, I have to carry my laptop to my printer, and then sometimes it does not even print. So what good is this print button on your site. I guess if I want to make this cake I will have to carry my laptop to the kitchen and read the recipe off of it. I like your reader would like to MEAT the Pioneer woman someday, too.
This is classic – someone took the time to write you paragraph upon paragraph about a freaking print button. Geez. I just recently started adding a “print” option to my recipes, as in last Friday recent. Maybe I can become a “best blog” like you, now. People need a life ..
Great response. You always make me chuckle during the day. I thank you for that! ~ Denise
Jami says
Oh thank you for making me laugh today, what is wrong with that person? And honestly, I try not to print out a bunch of recipes, I’d rather mark them as a favorite or pin them. Who wants to waste all that paper printing out recipes?
Natasha P. says
Oh my Heavens! that just made my day! I needed a good laugh! Thanks for posting that. People are completely insane – this woman is a prime example! Love your site – and I’ve been copying and pasting for years. Works just fine for me!
Kathy Hester says
Best blog post – ever ; )
Molly says
The humor you used to handle the letter was refreshing. In the time it took for her to write, she could have used the time to check spelling, grammar, AND write out the recipe by hand AND make the entire cake! I guess all those skills might seem a bit old fashioned.
Tim says
Here’s an idea, Peabody. You should add a Print button. In case you hadn’t though of that. Just sayin’.
I mean seriously, how can you expect someome to make a cake without a Print button??
Wendy says
WOW.. just WOW! for the time it took this b.. err.. person to write out in 14 paragraphs that there was no print button, she could have typed out the dang recipe or hand written it! GEEZZ!
Don’t worry.. i’ll keep reading and baking your recipes with or without a paste button =) you rock! and i agree… that email would make the absolute best drinking ever!
Destinie says
hahaha!! That has GOT to be a joke, right? I hope. And has she ever heard of copy/paste or … i dont know.. pen and paper? LOL 🙂
KELLY says
At least you have something new to laugh at.
Keep up the GREAT blog.
Alice says
I know you’re probably tied up with programming a print button on all your archived recipes and procuring printers to send to all your readers who don’t currently have one – but, I just wanted to know: how’s your leg?
My apologies for the horrible run-on sentence above. Maybe I should have re-worded it to about 14 paragraphs…
Kim @ The Cookie Puzzle says
OMG! Tears are running down my face! What a flipping loser! Who does that? Who would write that much about a stinking PRINT BUTTON! Does this person have a life?
Oh…and just so you know….I think your blog pretty much rocks!
Jimi says
I couldn’t even read to the end of that mess. What in the world? Have they never learned the very basic copy and paste commands? Do they know how to use a word processor? Oh my goodness. I don’t even use print buttons. I copy & paste into a document so I can eliminate pictures and save ink. But, this poor person needs a laptop to be able to make your recipes. Oh dear.
Jennifer @ 20 something allergies and counting...down says
That.was.awesome. I hope to get such fantastic hate mail in the future. I think I need to send a plea to my readers…I’m sure there are a few things that keep me from being ‘a best blog’. I’ll have to start with staying out of prison and not bleeding my readers out of their hard-earned money if I can’t deliver the goods. 😀
Karma’s going to be after you, you print poor blogger!
Hahahahaha. Awesome.
Dina-Marie @ Dimes2Vines says
Someone has too much time on their hands! If it is any consolation, even if you had a print button, I would still sit at my computer with pen and paper and copy it down!!! I am an old fashioned type gal and I like your blog!
TheAvasmommy says
In the time it took her to write that email she could have copied and pasted every recipe you’ve ever posted into Word. Where there is….. *gasp* a print button.
Lexie says
This has GOT to be a joke! Are you kidding me? I’ve got to print this. Do you have a print button? Bwahahaha!!! xo a fellow blogger who got a real kick out of this
Laura says
That is just hilarious! Is this person 8? I’m pretty sure that is how my 8 year old would have written a letter, focusing with childlike persistance on the print button. Haven’t they ever heard of copy and paste? I do it all the time- because most of the blogs I follow don’t have print buttons and the ones that do don’t have them in a format that I prefer.
Alex G says
LMAO. Clearly you need to schedule a conference call with the Pioneer Woman immediately, lest you miss out on your opportunity to be a best blog. I LOVE your blog; glad you have such a good sense of humor about this a-hole.
Kevin says
This is, hands down, one of the best things I’ve ever read. Bravo!
Julie says
Oh that is just too funny! Love it!
Kim-Cook It Allergy Free says
You are brilliant! Thank you for making my night. Have gotten too many like these myself.
Printing recipe now. My laptop is far too heavy to actually carry into the kitchen and leave on the counter while I make your cake. 😉
Deepa says
Lets look at the bright side…she gave you the inspiration for a new post…and a hilarious one at that.Also not to forget add a print button to your recipes!!
teresa says
What? Is this for real? If it is this person must not be all that bright poor thing! Print button or no print button it’s the same to me, I don’t have a printer, so here’s my little secret: I take a pen and paper and I just write it down! And it’s cheaper than a lap top! Really you should be ashamed of yourself, teasing people like that…
Sonja says
Still laughing at the Print Button :)))
Love your blog because i get a delicious recipe and an entertaining post! 🙂
Rebecca says
You’re are one of the best for me. You have such original ideas, you’re funny and everything you make looks amazing. You are so generous with your culinary creativity and I am sorry I don’t tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog more than I have.
Thank you for sharing your kitchen life with the world.
Thank you for inspiring me.
p.s. Candy Corn Tres Leche Cake? Pure genius and utterly divine!
p.s.s Anyone who cannot think to copy the text on the internet and paste it to microsoft word or similar needs to go back to school.
Sally says
Do these people not have a cut and paste feature on their computers. I often do this even when there is a print button, that way I only get the info I want and not all of the other jargon.
Your cake sounds amazing. I like your blog, it has humor, something Martha is lacking greatly.
Karen says
All I have to say is THANK YOU! That email was fabulous.
Jen says
Is this person actually serious? i can’t believe we live in a society surrounded by people like this.
Natalie says
Has this person never heard of copy and paste?! Your blog is still my favorite. 🙂
Saeriu says
Wow–I couldn’t stop reading her email to you. I just kept thinking–it isn’t too hard to copy/paste into a Word/Work/Notepad document and hit print. I hope her laziness doesn’t rub off on me…I have some serious printing to do…later.
Jeane says
I have no words to say about this. I’m glad that you can laugh at this because you make me laugh at this. Thanks P!
Cheryl | Black Girl Chef's Whites says
Print button? PRINT BUTTON? How mundane! I want a button to press that makes the actual recipe appear on my kitchen counter, ready to be eaten!
Print button. . . hmph.
LeeH says
I know a lot of people who check out PW every day just to see if she’s giving something away. You have something to say and I enjoy your humor and point of view. Oh, and you have some great recipe ideas. So keep on keeping on, you DO have a best blog
KimS says
Given that this woman is able to cook, and use a computer, I’m going to assume she has full use of her hands and arms. So – if she’s incapable of using copy and paste, what’s wrong with pen and paper? No? it’s either print button, or she can’t use the recipe without a laptop in the kitchen with her? Too funny!
Elise says
Yours is the only blog I read regularly, so to me, you are the best blog! Thank you for posting something so amazingly amusing for me to find on a day I really needed a laugh!
Courtney says
Oh boy, this is hilarious! I kept laughing and therefore had to explain the whole thing to my roommate! (*^_^*) thanks for sharing! And I think your blog is great–you always have unique recipes and funny stories!
Amy Tong says
hahaha….sorry I laughed, but this is just very entertaining to read. On a brighter note, take it as a compliment as she compared you with the Pioneer Women and Martha Steward side by side! 😉 Okay, now, you have the Best Blog Ever because you’ve got a Print button on this post! hahaha….sorry, again. Can’t help it. Nice looking cake, by the way. Have a good day.
Stephanie says
I. Am. Speechless.
Kendall says
Hilarious, yet sad. In the time it took her to write that email, she could have printed all of your recipes. Amazing! I wonder how some people function. Thanks for sharing – it was a great laugh!
Chris at Hye Thyme Cafe says
Your blog may never be “the best as hers” (Ree Drummond), and you may never have a chance to “meat her,” but you’re both bester than me cuz I don’t have a Print button. I really should figure that out at some point, but I guess it’s a good thing your ex-reader (?) didn’t stop by my blog!!!! That’s hysterical. If you think about it, she devoted so much time to the message, maybe she really does care and just wants to see you succeed. ;’)
Peggy Fisher says
Oh my gosh! This is hysterical. Where is the LIKE button? Is that an option because really everyone should be able to LIKE something. Does Ree know about that?
Dawn says
LOL. That print button lady is a kook. If she doesn’t know how to print a recipe without having the “print” button, she clearly should not be on the web. As far as who’s blog is the best, hands down yours is. No offense to Ree, I personally do not like her blog or her recipes. Tried a few, wasn’t impressed. But I chalk that up to just different people have different tastes. Keep up the good work!
Danielle says
I don’t know maybe go the old fashion way and get a pen and a piece of paper?
Sarah W says
What ever happened to writing things down on a piece of paper. Remember recipe cards?! Yikes, people just have too much time on their hands to complain about silly things.
Stephanie (bake with ginger) says
Oh my. There are just no words for that woman. I think your blog is great and seriously funny.
Tammie says
This is my first time to your blog via Bake at 350. That letter was so annoying, I couldn’t make it through paragraph 3! She is obviously very skilled with the use of her keyboard and has A LOT of time on her hands. Has she not yet heard of copy/paste/print? That’s what I do when there is no print option. (by the way crazy lady.. I have a laptop and an iPad and I STILL copy/paste/print!) I do not sit down and spend a half hour firing off a nasty email! There are some nutso people out there. Anyway.. You will be followed by me from now on because I think you are hilarious. Obviously you would be much funnier if you had a print button, but I’ll give you a chance anyway. 😀
Smee says
I’m naughty. My first thought to reply was, “Hey K, print *this*!” lol but ya, copy/paste, pen/paper, crayon/candy wrapper, knife/tree trunk, chisel/rock, interpretive dance/captive audience, fire bad/ (and obviously) Ree good… what a kook- “K” needs to get a life! lol
Audrey says
OMG Thank God you FINALLY added that print button! I know it is super difficult to just cut and paste your recipe and print it that way. So thank you! Did you ask Pioneer Women for help on how to add the print button? But don’t ask Martha Stewart!
Michelle says
It scares me that there are people who can navigate Pinterest but can’t print things without a button. And more importantly, people this obsessed with a print button.
If this would have arrived in my email, I would have just replied with “Am I being punked?”
Cathy says
Hilarious. 3 words. Copy and paste. What a moron. Love your blog, don’t listen to the weirdos!!!!
CJ says
That person was seriously disturbed. If she can’t copy and paste the recipe has she ever though of a pen and paper??? Ugh.
Shiloh Barkley says
Sad. Simple.
Korine says
Oh. My. Goodness. Someone needs a life – don’t they?! Seriously? This just floors me. This is why I’m glad I DON’T have a popular blog! LOL! And really – I can’t tell you how many times I have just copied the recipe onto a word document and PRINTED it. Maybe that is more than this reader can handle. It just floors me. Pull that head up high and continue to blog proudly! 🙂
Julie @White Lights on Wednesday says
Oh my goodness. I can’t believe this is for real. I’m dying. I found this post and your totally BEST BLOG (you’re great, I can tell already) through Bridget @ Bake at 350. I’m so sharing this and you with my readers. Your cake sounds yummy. Thank god I know how to highlight and print selection, but just in case some people (eh hem) don’t know about this miracle of technology you’re splendid Print This! button is the way to go. Thanks for the laugh. So following you now. Gotta make sure you have the clout to meet Ree. 😉
sanjapanja says
Soo Funny! But where is your LIKE button?? :p
Angie says
Even though you are not the best blog, I am going to start following you:) that person is crazy!
Loretta E says
This is awesome! Who needs a blog conference?! I’m deleting my posts and replacing it with a giant print button so people will come from miles around to gaze at it! You just made my morning!
Kat says
oh my gosh. That email was WAY more mental than I thought it would be! (I read a later post first) Who the HECK has that kind of energy to spend on a print button?? With all that time spent typing she could have just hand-written out the recipes she wanted a few times over! Yikes. Sounds like my MIL. Actually, the only reason I know it’s not her is that she doesn’t live in Florida 🙂 PS, I LOVE that you don’t have a blog like Martha Stewart. You are perfect!
Kare @ Kitchen Treaty says
Print button. Print button. Print button.
The word has lost all meaning.
Jeanne Lobsinger says
I found your blog through “Bake at 350” and now I must follow you! I love a good blog, especially a funny blog. When you can make fun of yourself, you have a “best blog!” Looking forward to many more laughs.
kelly says
“Blah, blah, blah print button. Blah, blah, blah print button! BLAH. Print button” COPY IT INTO A WORD DOCUMENT AND PRINT IT THAT WAY!
jen shears says
Bwah ha ha ha!!! For the record, I just asked my 7 yr old daughter if she could figure out how to print this WITHOUT a ‘print’ button- and she can. So you are surely the best food blog in our household. I adore your beautiful photos, the recipes sound amazing (I’m pretty sure I’ve gone up 2 sizes just reading them!)- and LOVE that you’re a local girl!
Thanks for the chuckle!!!
patti says
Thanks to Bridget for giving us the link to this site….It is incredibly sad that K has nothing better to do than write negative volumes to express one point…hopefully someone kind in her life will show her how to copy and print from the internet….I am in awe of you and other bloggers who have so much talent! You bring joy daily to millions of readers….never fear, most of us know how to use the recipes, even without a “Print” button!
debcurlydog says
OMG…I can’t believe this person, get a life??!! Print button, REALLY? Maybe copy text and paste, if you can’t do that, you shouldn’t have a computer LOL!
Teri Youngblood says
Love it you are fantastic!
Erika says
hilarious! Why couldn’t that lovely emailer just right click and print? I mean, really. This is only my second stop to your blog and I find it lovely and inviting. 🙂
Crazy frikkin people, gotta love them.
Becky says
That was quite an email. Somebody certainly loves print buttons.
Amazing! And may I say Peabody, you DO have a “Best Blog” in my book!
…Now that you have a print button, anyway.
Stef says
Wow.. just wow. Thanks for sharing giving me a good laugh.
Cat says
Yeah. And as soon as you get that LIKE button, you’ll get all kinds of AWARDS for BEST BLOG! 🙂 Thanks to Bake at 350 for directing me to your blog. That letter left me speechless; the comments left me in tears of laughter. Good medicine.
debbie says
Wow, that was hard to read. Do you think the person was drunk when they wrote it?
Kelly Savelkoul says
Copy and paste. If you cannot figure that out “K”, you probably aren’t smart enough to make any of these lovely recipes correctly anyway.
I could use the print button (I’m sure it put you in the poorhouse to get that :-), but I’ll copy and paste just on principle.
Keep it up!
Alicia says
This is hilarious! What’s so difficult with just copying and pasting? That way you get to change the font type, size, text alignment, AND decide which picture (or not) you print out.. I’m a bit weird that way, but hey, at least I don’t send these lovely people (bloggers) rambling emails about the importance of having a Print button!
Emma says
This sounds like a child! Best thing I have read all week, not all month mind since you are not a best blog!!
Does this woman (assuming it is a woman) not own a scrap of paper and a pencil? Even easier than copy and paste.
I loved this!
Sugary Flower says
This is hysterical – how DARE you not have a print button?!?!?!
Love it – thanks for the laugh.
Romi says
What the heck??? Surely, this reader has some print issues stemming from childhood. I always just highlight recipes anyway – even those with a print button – because that way I get all the pretty pictures that you guys take so much time to post. 🙂 This is my first time visiting your blog and while you may not be the best blog to her, I’m sure to someone out there…YOU ARE. Way to keep positive!
Amy B. says
Wow! So sad that this person “K” doesn’t have anything else to do in real life but comment on and on about you not having a print button. Sometimes when I want to make a recipe from a blog (even ones that have print buttons) I just (gasp!) grab a pen and paper and jot down the recipe.
Jamie says
I don’t have a Print button on my blog! So I don’t have Best Blog either *sobs* (even though I never said I did) Perhaps I should look into getting a print button so I can be in the running for this Best Blog thingy K speaks of….
I never had a problem with “Copy” and “Paste” as the person who wrote you that email apparently has never heard of. Nor have I ever had issues with Highlighting and “Print” + “Selection”! Or even better, “Ctrl” + “P” =D Maybe I know all these methods of printing because my husband works in IT and I know all the tricks of the trade! (like turning it off and on again – trade secret, y’all… don’t spread it about.)
Your post gave me a good laugh however I would not put much stock in the woman’s opinion considering how many spelling/grammatical errors she had in her missive. Don’t you just love people like that??
Thanks for the laugh on a Monday morning!
Michelle says
Seriously, this lady needs to copy and paste and move on with her life. Good grief!
nancy l says
OMG…this post was tooo funny. Is the poster print button obsessed or what??
I copy and paste all the time but I have a feeling this poster is not that computer savey…she can only handle ‘the button”. Anyway thiss is my first visit to your blog but I like what I see so I will be back. Thanks for sharing!
Alisa says
I think you need a neon print button. I could barely find it. Also, I would totally come to your blog more often if you only came to my house and baked that cake for me. Do you know how much work it is to bake a cake? I have to get my flour out of the cupboard, walk all the way to the counter and use math to measure things. You should think about dedicating your entire life to making my life easier. Then, I would read your blog and then you would be the BEST.BLOG.EVER.
Thanks to Bake at 350 for sending me over for a morning laugh.
Amanda says
Oh my word. Thats a whole new level of crazy. Has this person ever heard of copy and paste? (Not to mention that you have a Print Button!) My word. I am going to be shaking my head and laughing about this all day long! Right after I double check to make sure I have a print button.
Amy says
She obviously does not know how to cut and paste. I’m sure Ree would not want your to “meat” her. Lol too funny!
Alicia D says
Oh my gosh. Hilarious!!
Wonder if I can create a 14 paragraph reply with instructions on how to copy and paste, or even, highlight & print selection??? ;P
Stacey says
Wow, I’d hate think what they might say if they knew I didn’t even own a printer…!
Pen & paper baby, woohoo!
Ka says
I really don’t care if you are the best blog. I don’t even care if you’ve been in jail. This post made me love you. So you’ve got a new follower. Especially since you have a print button now!!!
Megan P says
I was REALLY hoping your print button would direct me to a page that said something very… colorful 🙂 Or maybe take us to a 14 paragraph response about how this person could simply write this on a scrap of paper. OR how they are super inferior if they can’t read a recipe and memorize it like the rest of us with crazy robot brains. They must have the worst brain ever.
TidyMom says
oh my what a hoot! I’ve always said I should write a book some day, just filled with all the crazy emails and comments we get as bloggers!
so I’m dying to know…….did you reply?
Peabody says
@Tidy Mom- I did reply. Was politically correct and told her that I had a print button on newer recipes and now the recipe she wanted. She wrote back THANK YOU!
tanja says
Hahaha!!!! funny post-thanks to Bake at 350 for posting thins.
It’s amazing what free time does to people, cause I suppose that someone who wrote such a lengthy email about this, really has a lot of free time . I don’t know why, but I think I might have seen on a blog a similar comment about not having a print post, a few months back.
tanja says
Ok, I found the comment I was telling you about…. (search for Bonita of Bwana said… )
I dunno if you want to publish this or not on your comments, just thought I’d send you this FYI.
Peabody says
@tanja- haha- yes she clearly loves her print buttons too
Adrienne says
Ohh I know I am no wear near the best blog now! :(( But there is hope for you!! You added that print button! I so hope you let her know. What a hoot! Love it! I can now follow you since you installed that PRINT button!!
Amy says
One time my blog broke and my print button disappeared. I think this same lady might have emailed me!! LOL Seriously.
It reminds me of the Sat. Night Live Skit… Cowbell. “I need more Print buttons!” “I got a fever, and the only prescription is more print buttons.”
Cindy says
I think she thinks you need a print button! LOL
I wish people understood how much work goes into a blog and instead of finding fault be thankful for your generosity in sharing!
Liz says
Thank you… for sharing that hysterical email, for having such a fantastic sense of humor and for letting the oddness of this one person roll off your back. In the time she typed up that monstrous email, she could have hand-written the recipe, baked the cake and eaten it. Funny!
Jen says
I almost choked on my Sugar Free Red Bull this morning. Thank you for sharing that – and thank you for reminding us not too take it all so seriously! ha! 🙂
Lisa @ Snappy Gourmet says
Love it!!! AS someone else mentioned, this would make a GREAT SNL skit!!!
Susan says
I popped over to read this from the Food Blogger Friends FB page. This is the best blog post I have ever read. Seriously made my day, if I wasn’t at work, I’d be laughing out loud. I can’t believe someone sent you that email. Also, love your wit and snark!
Pepi says
This Has got to be a Joke! No wonder the world is ending on 12/21. You get my Vote for Best Blog Evah.
Wendy N says
Oh sheesh what were you thinking No print button!! Laughing, giggling and chuckling…some people need to get a life!! Thanks for the laughter today, it takes all kinds of people to make the world go round!
Ronda says
TOTALLY cracking up. I’d accuse you of making it up, but I honestly don’t think stuff like this could be imagined. Wow. How hilarious!
Laura says
Omg! So funny! Seriously how hard is it to copy and paste or hit ctrl p?
Shame on her. I hope you don’t take anything she said seriously.
Thanks Bake at 350 for pointing me over here. Made my day. Have a great rest of the day! 🙂
Sarah says
This is what happens when you take too much speed and start reading blogs…the 14 paragraphs just keep coming (with bad gremer). Thanks for the laugh. I think my favorite is when she says people who cook like craft or scrapebooking…what is scrapebooking. I mean I know what scrapbooking is , but scrapebooking? For what it’s worth, I think your blog is a best blog;)
Melissa says
This made me laugh out loud! She is riding the crazy train and wants to take you with her! Thanks for the laugh and and bigger thanks to everyones comments!
Nina says
See, and now I am going to start following your blog!!! Thanks!
Jennifer says
Funniest post EVER. And this may not be the BEST blog, but it’s a pretty damn good one 🙂
Lety says
That’s hilarious! Kind of pitiful, but too funny!
Kim says
You responded so well, and added the print button! Your crown awaits you in heaven for your kindness to the strange and annoying.
From the comments, I gather this person is on a mission to ensure that all food blogs have print buttons for each recipe — Food Bloggers Beware!!!
shelley says
I don’t have a blog but do you think i can get one of these print button thingys. They seem awfully important and popularity seems to be attached to one. (I wish I knew that in high school… all I needed was a print button).
Lydia says
Please oh please tell me the “print” button brings up a splash screen with instructions to Copy/Paste, or to highlight and use “Print Selected” option?! haha.
Thank you so much for sharing, I definitely got a good laugh from this (incredibly repetitive) email, especially your comments. Appreciate the laugh! 🙂
Don’t let it get you down, I think this is a great blog! haha
lisa says
Quite frankly I was waiting for the offer at the end of the long diatribe to install a print button for a low monthly fee. And you may not be as popular as that other blog, but you don’t have a hate site dedicated to you either.
kellypea says
Holy cow. I guess this means I have to figure out how to put a freaking print button on the ol’ bloggy. Haven’t people figured out how to cut and paste for gawdsake??? Toadally hilarious, peabody. Erm…”candy corn taste?” I guess I never actually thought about there being one I was so busy nibbling off the pointy part, and then that bottom stripe before popping the rest in. 😀
Jenn1boyle says
wow–thanks for the laugh, loved it And i think i may know this person, or at least a relative who is just as knowledgeable and helpful…good luck raking in the money. and for the record, its a great blog, i’m a fan <3
Rebecca says
I prefer to copy onto a Word doc to save the recipe to my hard drive. Thanks for the great laugh. She sounds too scary for me.
Erin says
I happen to adore your blog, and have been copying and pasting from blogs since long before anyone had a print button. People who can’t figure this simple thing out should be banned from using a computer 😀
krystal says
can’t she just copy and paste it? lol. that was crazy, rambling, and awesome.
Martha says
Found you through Bake at 350. Your post made me laugh! I am looking forward to perusing your not-best blog and not-printing recipes.
Kelly says
Hilarious! People lack of knowledge about computers is always impressive…you know you can go to File–>Print on most web browsers, right, anonymous writer? Right? Right…?
Mimi says
Ok, I seriously laughed harder than I have in like…forever.
People never cease to amaze me. I am a first time visitor and have hopped all around. And this is just CLASSIC!
Jennifer says
So I just came across your site from Pinterest and I LOVE it…I seriously just about peed my pants reading this entry (exactly what I needed today at work) That person is a total an idiot who clearly doesn’t know techniology and can’t spell.
skye @ neathering our fest says
OMG THIS IS THE FUNNIEST BLOG POST I HAVE EVER READ!!! Bridgit at Bake at 350 posted in on her blog and I came over to read it and I have been literally LOLing at my computer with my coworkers staring at me like a lunatic. And it was completely worth it. I cannot believe someone would have the gall to say all that! People are insane. (Plus, haven’t they heard of “copy and paste it into a word document and click PRINT???”)
Thanks for sharing – hilarious!! 🙂
pam oswald says
I saw this on pinterest, and couldn’t stop laughing.
Maggie says
Okay, crazy ass question, but how the f*&( do you put a print button on your blog. I’d love to put one on mine. Thanks! maggie
Peabody says
@Maggie- I would love to tell you but I have no idea. I hired someone to put that in.
Cyndy says
I haven’t been around in quite some time and was sent this by a good friend. I LOVE your blog, always have. I hope the poor woman realizes that she could of Cut & Paste to word or note pad and printed out the recipe. Oh but wait, she didnt ask your persmission now did she? it’s your original twist that she wants to make, but then ethics aren’t a strong point here. she wanted to tell you about not having a print button HOW MANY TIMES? guess it’s why i’m not blogging anymore. Love your attitude Pea, You’re a class act and ALWAYS will be, Print button be damned! LOL
Gayle @ Stampingville says
“…Most people who cook craft or scrapebook as well.” Really? I’ve visited a lot of food blogs and most of them do not also craft. And none of them SCRAPEBOOK. In fact, I don’t believe I’ve ever run across any blog, good or bad, that features scrapebooking. Also, I have not had the opportunity to MEAT the Pioneer Woman either, but I know for a fact that she does not craft nor does she scrapebook. Maybe she’s too cheap?
Are you kidding me? Seriously. This is sad. Just sad. I feel bad for her. She obviously doesn’t carry a full box of cookies. Isn’t it fun running a (not the best) blog, raking in the money, and making new friends all over the web-a-verse.
p.s. First time visitor – I’ll be back (said like AH-NOLD). Thanks for the laugh. And the yummy recipes. And the almighty print button, for the love of Pete.
Avanika {Yumsilicious Bakes} says
Hahhha how on earth did I miss this post? I’m not a commenter, but I just had to on this one. I think she said print about 50 times. Every other sentence is.. print button, why don’t you have a print button, your blog will be better if you have a print button!
I wish this woman visits my blog, atleast you have a print button on your newer posts, I don’t have one at all 😛 (maybe I should change that, basic coding is manageable)
claire (Parisian Skies) says
THIS. this made my morning. clearly a few donuts short of a dozen….
Barbara | Creative Culinary says
I am visiting this page a bit after the fact but the good news is that you DO have a print button. That will alleviate the torture of me having to copy your text and paste it into a text document for me to print. I don’t care if this effort cost you a bazillion dollars for you have saved me 10 seconds of my life. I know Ree has a bazillion dollars but then she is the Best Blog; I doubt you have that much money because you are not so I am doubly impressed. 🙂
Nancy says
The woman seems rather obsessed with the print button. Wonder if she’s ever heard of a pencil and piece of paper to jot down the recipe on. Hmmm…….
Angie says
I find in a pinch good ol’ fashioned pen and paper can come in handy. Slightly longer process but same end result…
Jessica @ RunYourMuttOff says
I completely disagree with a couple of your commenters. I hope this woman, K, never finds the copy/paste trick. I hope she is forever taunted by your recipes that she cannot print.That seems way more fun for the rest of us!
Katrina says
This is awesome and I did not see it the first time around. Love, love, love it. And you. You and your blog rank right up there as one of my favorites. And I’m saying this as a 6 1/2 year peon blogger–I do not have a print button on my blog. Besides my laziness and my “really-don’t-care” attitude, I don’t want one. I don’t like them. I never use them on any of my favorite blogs or ones that I hate when I want to print a recipe. I have always and still prefer to copy and paste to my Word files. I can then make the recipe look like however I want, in the size of print I want AND I hate when I have a very few times printed a recipe from a “print this” button and it prints the last two lines of the recipe on a second piece of paper. So annoying—and wasteful, and adds to the death of innocent trees. I stand by my “no print button” policy. So if you want to continue as one of my favorite blogs, please remove your print button. I would be so happy.
And for the record, I’m not kidding (about my way of liking to print recipes) and that your blog is one of my favorites. No joke. I’m just sorry I can’t say it in 14 paragraphs. I might die if I try. 😉
Christine says
A foreigner…on drugs..
Kerry Srike says
Oh dear. That poor woman who emailed must not have hands to scrawl down the basics to try your *amazing* recipes. Because of the lack of print button I’ve only made almost all of your recipes. Some multiple times. Sad really. No print button, no hands, starving…
Linda says
I have been DUPED! I don’t own a printer, and until now I didn’t realize how much of fool I have been reading all those recipes and even making some of them over the years.
You tugged at my heartstrings so by a plea for beer money I even hit the donate button.
Heather Imbraguglio says
That was one of the funniest things that I have read in a long time!!! What a jackass!!!! I find,in a pinch,if there is no print button,paper and pencil work pretty good. Just saying.
Barbara | Creative Culinary says
I am dying here (yes you MADE me come look). In the time she whined about a stupid print button she could have copied the content and pasted it in notepad and printed it a hundred times. Which was what we did in the ‘olden’ days; even before The Pioneer Woman!
On another note…I remember Print This! I modified it with great success for clients for years until Ziplist convinced them they would all make money from their recipe plugin; you know, before they went defunct? At least Print This is still working!
Peabody says
@barb- yep I jumped to Ziplist and then went back to Print This…simple, easy, and works.
Michele says
Yours is the very first food blog I ever came across. I didn’t even know food blogs existed before finding yours. When I found it, I sent you a message asking for your help with making a Bailey’s Irish Cream caramel sauce, which you not only answered but also took the time to develop a recipe for said sauce. Yup, I’m Michele 🙂
A lot of time has passed since then and I have obviously found many food blogs and have also learned to cook and bake without a food blog instructing me. However, all that being said, I still to this day (obvs!) follow you on Facebook or turn to your blog if I get an idea and am looking for ideas or input.
I like The Pioneer Woman and think she and her site are helpful to a certain demographic but for me, yours is tops and you win by a mile.
Though many people who either blog or run food trucks or whatever, seem to do what they do because they seek fame, fortune or recognition, that to me is a not the point of loving the craft of cooking, baking and creating. I think if you would have ended up on Food Network, it would have been a sell out and it would have changed you. I, for one, am glad you didn’t sell out.
Thank you for doing what you do 🙂
Peabody says
Thanks, Michele! I don’t think I would ever end up on the Food Network…I’m not good at changing and would be a pain in their butt…er. :)They wouldn’t put up with that for long. 😀
Karla says
Ok this was hilarious and sad at the same time- who has time to write a novella like that on the merits of food blogs having a print button?!? Just when I thought ok she’s got to be done now, nope- like the killer in horror movies she just got up again with another angle on why the print button is ESSENTIAL hahahahaha! She could have written the recipe with pen and paper faster than it took to write this diatribe! Thanks for posting for our enjoyment 🙂
Julie says
Your sense of humor is hilarious. I loved reading every word. HOWEVER, you really should stop trying to antagonize your dear readers and maybe put a graphic of an arrow pointing to your new print button. I know if Martha or Ree thought of that they would do that too. Maybe I will do that so I can be the best blog too. 😂
avast says
Are you kidding me? really such a fun that you have got/ thanks for sharing you experience and keep sharing