So this local guy had been dying to meet me because he said he wanted to help me with make more money with my blog. And well, I would like to make more money with my blog (more medical bills are coming in and Crazy Cocker Spaniel needs quite few tumors removed that I can’t afford to remove 🙁 ). So we meet and he starts talking and tells me that I need to stop thinking that I’m marketing a blog but in fact marketing a lifestyle. He was serious so I withheld the laughter since I thought it would be rude but was like are you F-ing kidding me? He rambled on and on about clothing, fragrance, cookbook, cookware, etc…
While he rambled on I kind of zoned out (because he was ridiculous) and started to think about me selling my “lifestyle”:
Oh sure I could probably sell a few “Life is too short to think that a sugar free pudding cup is dessert” t-shirt with my blog on the back. But what else did this man think I would sell? Replicas of my cleaning sweatpants, the ones with the bleach stain in the crotch (huge seller I am sure)? Or perhaps blinged out jean jackets ala 1982 with a giant rhinestone stick of butter? Though I could see more people in Hello Kitty Vans like I own. 🙂
And fragrance? Considering most of the time my signature fragrance is “is that frosting in your hair?” my only guess is that I would have a cream cheese frosting scent and something having to do with malted milk (hence these cookies)…oh and if Swedish Fish could get made into a scent.
Yeah, I really would like a cookbook. But they always want me to do a cookbook that I don’t want to write one about. And while I want a cookbook I’m not a sellout. Seriously considering putting out a couple smaller E-books similar to what Maria did? Thoughts? Would you buy an E-book dedicated to Caramel Recipes? Or Bread Pudding? Or Snickerdoodle flavored everything?
I could probably get behind the cookware idea. 🙂 I could visualize and entire line of mini pans.
Or how about sporting equipment? A whole line of hockey gear designed by me? Yes men would love my pink bows I add to the back of the pants. 😛
I think he was sad that I didn’t want to create a new Martha Stewart empire. I tried to explain to him that I wasn’t a best blog and I just only recently got a print button so his grandiose ideas probably weren’t going to work out.
Don’t forget to enter your chance to win free cheese! Cougar Gold is some seriously awesome cheese.
Vanilla Malted Valentine M&M Sugar Cookies
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/3 cup malted milk powder
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
2 oz. mascarpone cheese
6 TBSP unsalted butter, at room temperature
1/3 cup vegetable oil
2-3 drops pink food coloring
1 large egg, at room temperature
1 TBSP whole milk
2 tsp. vanilla bean paste
1-1 1/4 cups Valentine M&M’s
Preheat oven to 350 F. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
Using a stand mixer with a paddle attachment, add the oil, butter, sugar, and mascarpone cheese to the bowl and beat on medium-high speed until it’s fully incorporated and becomes lighter in color, about 3 minutes.
Add the food coloring and beat another 30 seconds.
Add the egg, milk, and vanilla bean paste and mix until smooth.
Add the flour, baking powder, baking soda, malted milk, and salt to the mixer and mix on low. When the dough starts coming together stop the mixer. Remove the bowl.
Add the M&M’s to the batter and fold them in. Make sure all the dough comes together but is not over mixed.
Portion the dough onto the prepared baking sheets with a small cookie scoop.
Bake for about 11-13 minutes. Let cool on a wire rack.
Makes about 30 cookies
Adapted from Cooks Illustrated

Maria says
I would love to see a cookbook or ebook from you:)
Y says
I’d buy the jean jacket.
Ellen says
I’d buy anything you made, Peabody, just to support you. (Although honestly I do want a caramel e-cookbook!)
bellini says
Definitely do an e-cookbook Peabody.
Becca - Cookie Jar Treats says
I would buy your mini pans 🙂 I like mini pans; they are so cute, and I’m getting really good at scaling down recipes, if only I had the pans for them :/ Oh well.
And these cookies look awesome! I still have some fall m&ms (they’re still good, right? 😉 ) and I could just make these cookies with fall m&ms or maybe just chocolate chips or both. But I do like the colors. Pretty colors :L <– drool face
Carrie says
Yes to the e-books!
A butter-bedazzled denim jacket would also be great … or what about a butter-bedazzled clutch? (Guess I have clutches on the brain since you won that gorgeous Kate Spade one!)
Alex G says
I’d buy these cookies!
Zazzy says
Pink hockey skates with your blog logo on them. 🙂
Ashley says
If you made ebooks or cookbooks, I would be all over them. 🙂
Amy says
I would LOVE an e cookbook on a specific subject!
Rosa says
Delicious cookies! Hope your dream will soon come true.
Jenny says
I’d spend the money to buy a cookbook or e-book from you. Probably skip the pink hockey equipment, though.
Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie says
I would kill for some cream cheese frosting perfume haha
Bebe says
I think he has some great ideas! I actually thnk the hockey stuff is a great idea. I would definitely buy an ebook, both or me & as a gift.
patsy says
If you did decide to do a cookbook, I’d be thrilled! I’m not a fan of e-books when it comes to cooking/recipes… but, I think I’m in the minority on that these days. I like to turn pages and look at drool-worthy pictures while I add a million post-it notes (so I don’t ruin the book) to mark what I want to make. 🙂
Love those cookies! My boys would devour them!
Destinie says
I would SO love love love if you put out a cookbook. But not an e-book. I’ve bought them before and I never ever look back at them again. Cookbooks are usually beautiful too and I think the whole e-book idea takes away from that. Also a cookbook is something I can tote to the kitchen with me and I can put sticky notes all over the thing… with an e-book I probably wouldn’t take my computer into the kitchen or kindle or whatever and while you can put bookmarks in an e-book it still wouldn’t be as fast as flipping right to the spot I want to go. But seriously DO a COOKBOOK! That would be so awesome! I love your blog. 🙂
Nicole L. says
Totally would buy a cookbook. Or e-cookbook. Or whatever you put out…
Tim says
Sell your lifestyle. All of us fans will call ourselves “Peabodies”. Hmm…can I copyright that?
Erika says
I would totally buy the cleaning pants 😉 I like the idea of a designated outfit for cleaning!
Not a big fan of ebooks….something old school I like about an actual nicely bounded book.
I think your blog is great just the way it is!
Melinda says
Yes, I need some cleaning sweatpants with pre-bleached stains in groovy places.
I’ve said it before that a cookbook would be good. Perhaps a hockey stick as a book marker as a special accessory!
A board game involving CCS and building your own snickerdoodle cupcake. If you drew the caramel card, you get 2 more free draws and can add sprinkles.
Just make it happen!
Rebecca says
Oh dear… did he use the word “monetize” repeatedly?
Chris says
Yep, it’s official. I read your blog because you make me LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!
Short story: I walked into a choir rehearsal once, after having applied “vanilla frosting” lip gloss, and one of the men immediately asked who was hiding the sugar cookies! I have no idea if that stuff still exists but it did several years ago anyway!!! That’s about as “perfume-y” as it gets around here! Usually, I just smell like the real stuff! So… Maybe you should reconsider… are pretty “into” smells like that!!
KG says
I dunno, Peabody, I think you’re onto something with frosting scented perfume. Do you know how awful most perfumes smell these days? I coudl walk around smelling lovely and saying I had on “Snickerdoodle Scent – it’s a Peabody original!” 🙂
Jill says
I want a cook book! A real one though. Not an e-book!
How about frosting scented candles? 🙂
Jill says
oh I know! An all carb diet/cleanse program!
Natasha P. says
I had forgotten about best blog – gave me a big laugh!
joan says
I made these and brought them to work last night. I used cream cheese, because I didn’t have marscapone, and added a handful of chocolate chips to the batter. Divine! So soft and chewy. They disappeared in no time! Thanks for the great recipe.
Mary Red says
I’d love a Peabody cookbook but you would need to keep your stories. I’d prefer a hard copy book;however, it you choose to e-Publish mini-books, I’d buy them. caramel & snicker doodle would make great books.
Katrina @ In Katrina's Kitchen says
Okay so I keep forgetting to add you to my Reader because I’m usually on my phone when I click over here. That’s also to accounr for the lack of comments. Will fix that. 😉
I just laughed out loud at your reference back to the print button. Oh that’s good stuff right there. And please if you make a swedish fish perfume my 6year old might start licking me. What kid loves Swedish Fish? Mine. Weirdo.
Justin the Admin says
Seriously, You should totally talk to Heidi @foodie crush about an ebook.
Carrie says
Peabody, where do you get your malted milk powder? Do you prefer a certain brand? Thinking about making these, but I need the malted milk powder. 🙂
Peabody says
@Carrie- I buy Carnation Malted Milk Powder. I can get it at pretty much any local grocery store. It’s sometimes by the Ovaltine
Annamaria @ Bakewell Junction says
I would definitely buy cream cheese frosting scent. Oh, and the cookies look delicious too.
kristin says
Snickerdoodle everything cookbook. Yes. Please.
Simi says
Anyway to replace the whole milk with 2% milk or heavy cream???
Peabody says
For cookies and that small amount you can easily sub out. Always good to check though. 🙂
Simi says
Thank you! Also, I can’t find malt milk powder in any of my nearby grocery stores. Is Ovaltine the same thing???
Peabody says
@Simi- if there is vanilla ovaltine you can use that otherwise Ovaltine has chocolate in it…and taste a little different.
Anita at Hungry Couple says
I would think that a perfume that smells like frosting would really attract men. Also ants. 🙂
susan beck burns says
my cookies came out like pancakes. did you chill the dough?
Peabody says
No I did not chill the dough
susan beck burns says
what do you think went wrong?