Ever have so much to do that you choose to accomplish nothing? This seems to be me as of late. Only problem is it doesn’t really work. 🙂 Procrastination is only your friend during the procrastination part…it’s the part that comes after that’s not so great. I’m procrastinating now by putting this post up. 😛
When we were in Idaho there was a chocolate shop that we stopped into to get some huckleberry ice cream from. They had giant peanut butter cups. I looked at them and thought, I could do that. They seemed to be made in mini tart pans. I thought I have those.
What you can do and what you should do of course are two different things. 🙂 Making giant peanut butter cups is actually pretty easy especially because I didn’t temper the chocolate because well, I was eating/using them right away. But then I had giant peanut butter cups at home. Calling my name. Oh and to answer the question just how giant are those cups…see the last photo with the Hello Kitty Band-Aids to get an idea.
I realize that many of you don’t have mini tart pans so I thought I would give a set away. So if you would like to win some Chicago Metallic Tartlett Pan 4 Cavity, 10.60-Inch by, 9.90-Inch by 1.30-Inch (3-1/2-Inch by .90 Cavities) just leave a comment telling me what about Spring are you most looking forward to? It’s open to US residents only sorry. You have from now until Thursday April 18th 2013 at 6pm pst to enter. You can only enter once.
Off to procrastinate some more from my real responsibilities by baking something with my giant peanut butter cups!
Giant Peanut Butter Cups
6 cups milk chocolate chips (or semisweet or dark whichever floats your boat)
1 1/2 cups creamy or crunchy peanut butter (preferably natural and I went crunchy)
3/4 cup powdered sugar, sifted
You could make this in a giant tart pan but I think you would need more peanut butter filling for that. I used Four 3 3/4” removable bottom tart pans. The removable bottom makes them…surprise, easy to remove. Spray some baking spray into the tart pans, then add a parchment paper circle to the bottom of the tart pan (this makes the lifting up part easier).
In a double boiler, melt chocolate until smooth.
Fill the bottom of the tart pans with chocolate and spread evenly using a offset spatula. If you thinking how much chocolate then ask yourself how thick are peanut butter cup bottoms and go with that. You will want it to be a little thicker as it is the bottom of your cup. Once done throw in to fridge for 30 minutes to set up.
To make the filling just add the peanut butter and powdered sugar to a mixing bowl (I used a stand mixer) and beat until fully combined. If not using salted peanut butter, you may need to add a pinch of salt. Test to see. Place filling into a piping bag, if you don’t have one use a plastic storage bag.
Pipe the peanut butter filling in a circle on top of the chocolate layer. Leave about 1/2″ open around the edge. Do this to all of the peanut butter cups.
It’s probably easiest to put the remainder of the chocolate into a piping bag (If it’s cold where you are you might have to reheat it a little). Pipe the chocolate (or spoon) around the peanut butter and then pipe/spread a thin layer on top smoothing it out(try and get yours smoother than mine…and yes that was my best one sadly).
Chill for a least an hour. Unmold by pushing the bottom of the tart pans up.
You can just eat yours or save it for a baked good like I am.

denise says
I am most excited about the end of spring when the pollen counts will go back down (but in the meantime, i’m loving the sunny days sweeping the clouds away). For the past year i’ve been making homemade PB cups (with crushed graham crackers mixed in with the PB for some texture). It was strange at Easter to realize that i like my homemade ones even more than i like the Reese’s eggs now!
Peabody says
@denise – I’ve read that some people use the graham cracker crumbs.
Janice Dunning says
These look awesome! The thing I am most looking forward to in Spring is sitting out on the deck, enjoying the view of the mountains, and grilling food for dinner 🙂
KB @ Home-Baked Happiness says
I’m excited about being able to go for a walk — it’s still too darn cold for it.
Angie P says
Regarding spring, I’m most looking forward to digging in the dirt, planting flowers and the garden. It’s been a long, cold winter without fresh basil and other yummies!
Rachael says
Rhubarb desserts.
Debbie says
The rabbits running though my back yard & my little dog thinking he is going to catch one.
Ellon St. Croix says
The cherry blossoms in my yard!
Scott Elliston says
The thing I am most excited about Spring for, is my garden. I am so very proud of it. I have blueberries, blackberries, boysenberries, grapes, three different varieties of strawberries and three different kinds of banana. I love my garden. Makes me very happy and helps relieve stress. Spring time it all starts to come back to life. When the buds start coming in, I can feel my spirits rise. Its an awesome thing.
Kyra says
I’m most excited about rhubarb coming up! There are a couple of big rhubarb plants in our garden that are almost ready to harvest. I found this awesome recipe online for strawberry-rhubarb cupcakes and strawberry-rhubarb crumble, and they’re so delicious I can’t wait to make them again!
Heather @ Kitchen Concoctions says
I love all the huckleberry treats that can be found in Idaho and Montana! I also love giant peanut butter cups and these photos! And what do I love about spring? All the bluebonnets that pop up all over Texas!
Lucy says
As soon as the weather warms up enough – we dedicate 1 weeknight to a picnic in the park as a family. Our city is known for it’s many parks – so we try to switch up where we go every week. With a teenager and toddler, we always find fun 🙂 And, yes – of course, we always stop for ice cream on the way home at the local non-chain shoppe!
Jessica D. says
I am most excited about the warm weather spring brings with it and the beautiful flowers!
Melissa C. says
I love the spring bulbs in Utah all over in bloom the most!
Joanna H says
I’m looking forward to being able to wear cute summer clothes instead of 4 layers of sweater. Also looking forward to seeing the ski resorts close so I can see my boyfriend on the weekends again 🙂
Brittany Dean says
I am looking forward to wearing skirts and colorful dresses!
Julia says
Yum! Well, first ballpark fireworks of the season will be visible from our 10th floor windows this evening, a favorite Spring event for me snce our move to this place over 3 yr ago. Spring! No warmth yet, but if baseball and fiireworks are here, it can’t be far behind.
Tania says
I can’t wait to ride my bike – to burn off calories from treats like this!
Katheryn says
I am most excited for spring so that I can finally get all of my garden in the ground
corinne says
I’m looking forward to biking without freezing to death!
Dana C says
I am just looking forward to being able to open my windows and get the fresh air flowing through the house while I bake.
Stacy T says
I’m looking forward to my garden and letting my rugrats run outside as much as they’d like
Peggie says
The thing I am most looking forward to in Spring – is Spring. I am done with the cold weather – possibly forever if we move before next winter!
KJ says
These are too cute! What a great idea for a gift. I love giving gifts made in the kitchen.
As for springtime, I’m most looking forward to getting my bike out and going for a ride. Just got a new trailer for my 2 little boys, so I’m also excited to pull them along to trips to the park!
Jenny Hartin says
I hate spring. I’m looking forward to Spring and Summer being done with and Fall in Colorado!
tracie carter hans says
Spring gives me the fresh oxygen I have been deprived of sitting inside all winter. Good for my pain
Rebecca Drumm says
I’m excited for Spring because of all the beautiful flowers that bloom, the fragrances and beauty of most flowers are intoxicating, especially lilacs and hyacinths….mmmm
Mary says
The best thing about spring is checking on my perennials. I love to see them peaking through the ground! Especially love seeing my fern leaf peony as it breaks ground and grows into a delicate beauty. Hope our late snow and ice hasn’t been too harsh on all the magnificent color that has been dormant for too long!
Corinne says
I am excited for spring because it means it is planting season! Other than that it is just a stepping stone to summer! 😀
Amy Mason says
I am most looking forward to lilacs…
Caley says
I am looking forward to flowers, specifically lilacs, peonies, and crabapple blossoms.
KB says
I’d say spring rain, but our rainy season isn’t until August. 😛 I’m looking forward…to the end of spring, i.e. summer, i.e. the best part of the year for college students (at least ones without summer school/jobs…).
Tamra says
I am looking forward being outside as much as possible! I love sitting in the outside seating area for restaurants and enjoying the perfect weather.
donna says
These PB cups look insane – I can’t wait to make them!
As for spring, I’m looking forward to getting out in the garden, digging through the dirt and planting veggies and flowers. I’m also looking forward to days spent in the sunshine and at the ocean
Tommy says
Being able to eat dinner outside and warm weather!
Stephani says
I am most excited for Spring Benchmark testing to be over. I’m also excited for and dreading end-of-year activities like Field Day, Pioneer Day (our first annual), Literacy Night in which our principal is going to kiss a pig, the Spring Book Fair, my birthday, and the last day of school.
All That's Left Are The Crumbs says
I am hopping that when Spring arrives it will bring back our trade winds. When the winds blow from the south it brings in something called VOG (from the active volcano on Hawaii – the Big Island) which causes all sorts of respiratory problems and can cause headaches too., and make it depressingly humid.
One of these giant peanut butter cups would cheer me up though.
Becca - Cookie Jar Treats says
Wow those are some giant peanut butter cups. I’m definitely a bigger fan of the homemade peanut butter cups than Reeses. Reese’s cups are too greasy and give a weird mouth feel.
As for your question, I’m most excited for all the flowers blooming here in South Carolina. Back home in Colorado nothing blooms until like July… :/ but here everything is beautiful, and I get to go to the Masters tomorrow so I get to see everything in full bloom on a beautiful green golf course. That is why I’m excited about spring 🙂
amy hensley says
I am looking forward to playing with my kids outside cause they totally have “cabin fever” and need to run and est homemade peanut butter cups!!! Happy Spring!!
Clover says
I am looking forward to spring actually GETTING here! We are still so cold here in Central NY. Can’t wait to walk outside without a jacket!
nancy says
the best part of spring is getting rid of the winter gear. no more sweaters or heavy coats. yeah!
gina says
This is dangerous! Thanks for sharing.
I think the best thing about the spring is the one week of warm weather before the summer sauna sets in!
Debbie says
My favorite part of spring is watching the bright colors appear. I live in wine country and the first thing we get is bright yellow fields of mustard. Then comes the mile after mile of vineyards and trees bursting with vibrant green. Love it!!
jacquie says
while not really a lover of spring in general i am looking forward to the return of warmer but not hot weather and fresh local produce.
jennifer says
I am looking forward to spring bringing out the sun and keeping me warm, I’m tired of being cold. And now I want to make huge pb cups!
karen farrell says
Spring is the time that I Love spending time outside with my grandbabies!!
erin m. says
I’m looking forward to nicer weather!
Megan P. says
I’m looking forward to celebrating my daughter’s first birthday (which happens to be 4/18) and seeing reenacting friends at different 18th century events.
Meg L says
I am looking forward to the warmer weather, longer daylight
hours and being able to talk long walks at the waterfront after
stephanie says
In my corner of the world on the shores of Lake Superior it is STILL snowing, so I am looking forward to not having over 40 inches of snow…on the ground…today…
Jeanne ODonnell says
I am really looking forward to golf! We just got 8 inches 2 days ago. BOO!
Amanda says
My favorite part of Spring is the Cherry Blossoms. It’s
just so gorgeous!
Kate says
I’m looking forward to Spring for the cherries, especially proper tart cherries for pies which I probably won’t be able to find since I’m not in Michigan but I’m still dreaming.
Leah says
I love spring because I can start planning and planting my
garden. Although, here in Hawaii the seasons aren’t as noticeable,
spring does show itself here and there. Can’t wait to try these PB
Cups. Aloha!
stephanie says
I am looking forward to fresh (and cheaper!) strawberries and melons. I WANT THAT PEANUT BUTTER CUP!!! 😀
Melissa new says
I am most look forward to the warm weather. I work at a child are facility and am looking forward to taking my babies outside to enjoy the beautiful weather.
ilona t says
the tulips!
Kellie Stone says
I’m looking forward to Spring because tax season will be over so I will have a lot more time to spend in and by the pool hanging out and entertaining, as well as reaping the bounties of our new garden my husband planted!
Melissa says
This is fantastic!!!! I sort of want to heat it for five seconds and put ice cream on top for true lilly guilding. And my very thing about spring is the light….the bright that just seems to wake up everything. Yay for no more snow.
Megan says
Those giant peanut butter cups look amazing!! (im kinda peanut butter and chocolate obsessed 🙂 )
What I am most looking forward to in the spring time is the warmer weather and longer hours so I can have more energy to outside, get some fresh air, and maybe even some exercise! 😉
jeri says
No more coat, yay spring.
Renee says
Oh my god, are you kidding me? This is like my dream come true. I wish I would have made this when I lived in Taiwan.
sara says
YUM. I want!
Amy says
The sounds of birds again singing. It is so quite in the winter.
Theresa says
I love spring because i start growing my veggies and fruits! I love going into the garden and picking fresh veggies and fruit and just eating them in the sunshine. Nothing is better! I can make some tarts with the pans, i grow strawberries and raspberries.
Madeline says
These look amazing! I’ve made smaller ones before but I’ll definitely have to try these! Thanks!
As for spring, I am looking forward to the cloudy days that include thunderstorms! But also the warmer weather and beautiful flowers of course! 🙂
Deepa says
Besides the beautiful weather i always look forward to the blossoming flowers everywhere…also fresh cherries and strawberries..YUM !!!
Aly says
I love PB cups! I am looking forward to our move next month when I can enjoy my new lovely backyard as the weather becomes sunnier and warmer.
Joyce says
I look forward to spring because it brings out the song birds, longer days of sunlight, bright colorful flowers, warmer weather to go for my 3 mile walks in the park near my home! Reese’s are my favorite candy….glad to have this receipe!
Nancy P.@thebittersideofsweet says
I could use a giant peanut butter cup any day! I am looking forward to spring because our pea plants and salad in our garden is starting to sprout and i can’t wait for harvest time!
Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie says
This just made my day. Nothing better than a huge PB cup to the face! I’m looking forward to enjoying the outdoors for spring for a the short time before it turns to 90+ and humid. In about 2 weeks lol.
Victoria says
My favorite thing about spring is when all the trees have little leaves. There’s something about that first little bit of green after all the winter gray. Love!
Rosie @ Blueberry Kitchen says
Oh yum, this looks amazing!
Sarah says
I love peanut butter cups and I can’t wait to make these! Yummy!
My favorite thing about Spring is all the green. No more brown. I get to enjoy the colors!
Pippin says
I heart tulips, tree blossoms and spending Saturday mornings at the soccer fields cheering on my three Happy Thoughts! I love the smell of fresh bark, planting veggies/herbs, drooling over all the yummy berry recipies I want to make, bike rides and feeding the ducks…probably because those are all the things I remember doing as a kid.
Sharon R says
Ok, here is something really wierd; I hate peanut butter in any way, shape or form including cookies. But….I *love* peanut butter cups!! Why is that? They just don’t taste like peanut butter to me. Oh well.
Just sprung upon your blog this month and LOVE every bit of it! Thanks for all the great recipes!!
NOT looking forward to Spring. I live in the Great White North (Northern Michigan) and Spring to me means Summer is next. Give me single-digit temps over triple-digit anytime!! Luckily, I only have about two months of uncomfortable weather up here, and Lake Superior makes for cool nights, even in July.
P.S. TY for the give-away!!
Kate D. says
Definitely most looking forward to warm weather and sunshine. A farmers market wouldn’t hurt either.
Becky S says
Warm weather, playing in the dirt. Can’t wait to get my hands dirty and watch the garden grow.
Jean says
the smell of spring air!
Paula says
When I think of Spring I start to think of lighter food, like different types of salads, ripe tomatoes and fresh herbs. Where I live (in Galveston), Spring is more like Summer in the Northwest. Oh, and I’ve never used tart pans before, but am always finding recipes for them 🙂 Thanks for the give-away!
lauren says
im most looking forward to open windows, the scent of flowers and fresh air, driving with the sunroof open and sunshine 🙂
Shelli says
The beautiful weather…although I’m so pasty-white it scares me to see my own legs in shorts. 🙂
Natasha P. says
I’m most looking forward to working in the yard and enjoying the sunshine.
Linda says
Camping. I can’t wait to pull the tent out!
Nutmeg Nanny says
Holy moly! I love this 🙂 peanut butter cups are my favorite!
Erika says
These would be great to include with homemade goodies around the holidays…or any day for that matter 🙂
Spring…..I’m looking forward to watching all my plants grow and planting a little garden.
thanks for the chance to win a set of mini tart pans!
Jenna K. says
I am looking forward to walking in the sunshine and seeing all the beautiful flowers pop up!
Kari says
Looking forward to spending time outside with my 15 month old twin boys!!
Caroline Cabrera says
I am looking forward to birthdays, BBQ food, and camping! All with family and friends of course!.
karel says
I’m looking forward to seeing the sun a lot more often. I’m so tired of the gray winter days.
shandi h says
I am looking forward to the blooming flowers, green grass and trees, butterfly catching and swimming with my babies! Reese’s are our favorite and I have started experimenting different desserts in the kitchen and would love to try this with or without the pan 😉
Ellen says
Im looking forward to warmer weather! I’m tired of winter 😄
Becca Entenberg says
Spring vegetables, definitely.
Kathy S. says
No more snow and being able to open windows – fresh spring air is the best!
karen says
I always look forward to spring because I like the longer days – so nice to be able to take a walk in the evening and still have light!
thanks for the giveaway, I would love a set of tart pans!
Melissa E says
My favorite part of spring is easily my birthday. 😀
Rachel says
Rockclimbing! And more baking since I won’t have classes on the summer. I totally plan on making this that is for sure!
Elizabeth says
The warmer temps and longer days!
K Lujan says
Just being able to go outside without putting on tons of extra clothes. Feeling the sun is your skin is so lovely and I miss it in the winter!
Marie Harp says
I am liking forward to taking my first child, who is 6 months old, out to play in the grass and smell all the flowers 🙂
Cindy Clift says
I love spring because it means my older girls come home from college for spring break. Planting new plants,and buying some new summer clothes. Because of sugar problems, I won’t be able to enjoy the peanut butter cups 😤 but I love all the healthy recipes on your site!
Vicki Tunell says
My favorite part of spring is birthdays! We have 3 in April in our family 🙂
KNatGU says
My favorite part of spring are jelly beans at Easter and swimming once it is warm enough which in Phoenix could be this week or next.
Linda Lester says
I like spring because I can work in my yard comfortably. I don’t like to work outside in our hot, humid Georgia summers and in the fall you don’t get to see the fruits(flowers) of your labors because the cold is coming. I love to see the tulips and azaleas, dogwoods and other spring flowers blooming after I work around them in the yard. The grass turning green and the trees leafing out are beautiful to see.
Anne says
What about this spring I am most looking forward to is the end of this winter weather!!! It is April 16 and they are talking snow AGAIN on Friday:( I did manage to housebreak all 12 of my golden retriever puppies, most of them went to their new homes last weekend, and the new owners are very impressed with 7 week old HOUSEBROKEN puppies with good manners:)
Anyhow, the 4 still here will be in intensive obedience training, mostly how to act on a leash and in a car, since they have already lots of practice indoors, looking out at the snow, rain and ice! It would be great if the flowers which have popped up their green parts would feel the sun, open up, and smell and look pretty, so we could stop and smell the flowers on our walks, then come home and eat some decadent treats (salmon jerky for them, peanut butter cups for me:)
jackie says
I’m looking forward to al fresco dining! Preferably with that peanut butter cup as dessert!
Mary says
I love Spring, with all the flowers and trees budding out. It’s such a beautiful time of the year.
Peggy says
I love spring because here in Oregon everything is green. The tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and flowering plum and cherry trees are in full bloom and the world is full of beautiful color. It’s still rainy season, but the temperatures are moderate and the promise of summer is just around the corner. A giant peanut butter cup would be just the snack for a spring afternoon 🙂
jacquie says
the warmer weather for dog walking.
Jen shears says
It would be crazy dangerous for me to have that giant peanut butter cup at my house!
I LOVE spring! I love the days getting longer, the tulips, my wedding anniversary, my daughter’s birthday….so much to love! Thank you for the chance-so fun to read your delicious and funny posts!
Casey says
That giant peanut butter cup is calling my name!!! Oh my gosh…looks so so so good. What i am looking forward to most this spring is graduating from high school and finally seeing some green outside again!
Janelle says
Well St. Louis has yet to see spring weather, so I’m looking forward to be able to hang out outdoors and making fruity desserts!
Amanda says
Spring means a little more sun in the NW, and lots of flowers.
Diana says
I am looking forward to having more daylight and warmer weather- both make the long walks/ jogs way more fun. The more I walk and jog, the more peanut butter cups I can enjoy, seems like a good trade.
Amy says
Spring means push mowing my lawn! It’s exercise and time in nature all in one shot. While both are really excellent standalone reasons, push mowing really means blocking out the incessant noise and chronic refrain of my thoughts… all the planning, the feelings, and my tendency to reflect on it all. Everything that seemed so urgent disappears for a couple blessed hours. And my weekly ritual ends with a righteous shower to get rid of all the frickin pollen.
Gin says
I’m looking forward to more daylight, fresh veggies, and just the change in outlook.
Chris says
Spring means my lovely little purple crocus pop up! With so few “hopeful” sites around here this year, I am appreciating them more than ever! (And, if you could, think of me as the 18th is my birthday and I would love these little pans as a gift!!! Yeah, I know…you can’t play favorites…but my fingers are crossed!!) Best of all, these are naturally gluten-free! Or, maybe, not…because I WILL MAKE THEM!
Carol Engelhardt says
Definitely looking forward to the tulips!! They’re my favorite flower, and it isn’t Spring until they are up.
Katie says
My favorite thing about spring is warmer weather and no more snow/ice on the ground…that means more running with my dog outside, which in turn means I can eat more desserts!
Katheryn says
I am looking forward to the warmer temps and all the blooming flowers.
Martha Spiegel says
I am looking forward to NOT seeing snow on the ground. Seeing the flowers blooming makes me so happy!
Lauren says
LOVE LOVE LOVE all the fresh veggies when the Farmer’s Market opens again! Nothing better than grilling out while the kiddos run around outside in the beautiful weather!
Katie Rose says
Not feeling like it’s bedtime ALL DANG DAY because the sun is actually shining!!
Helen in CA says
Being able to open the windows to breezes , SUN and dancing the May Pole.
basketpam says
This is a message in reply to Cindy Cliff. I hope she sees it since the comments on this site don’t have reply ability. When I saw the title of Giant Peanut Butter Cup I immediately thought of my dad. He LOVES peanut butter cups and has at least all of my life. (which has been quite a long time now). However, my dad is diabetic now and shouldn’t ever really be eating lots of pure sugar like you find in a peanut butter cup like this. I’ve been lucky at one of our local pharmacies to find Sugar Free Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and once a month when I get my one prescription I try to get him a small bag or two. They’re not inexpensive but hey, this is my dad. I’ve also started trying to make him homemade sugar-free candy, especially peanut butter cups using chocolate I’ve discovered sold by Wilbur Chocolates in Lititz, PA (it’s basically in Amish country). They’re chocolate is heavenly, it’s so…….creamy and they offer a lovely sugar free chocolate. Their chocolate does need to be tempered. Anyone interested in this chocolate and needs to have it shipped should do so soon. They don’t do much shipping in the summer due to the heat. I live about 2 hours away so if I need an order I or my family can collect it. My parents visit the area quite a bit. So to you diabetics, you don’t have to deprive yourself if you would like to make a peanut butter cup. Check out Wilbur Chocolates online and request one of their catalogs. You won’t be sorry!
Tammy says
Spring is when all the flowers in my garden look great!I love to work in the garden in spring!!!
Tammy says
I love Spring because all the flowers are blooming !I love to work in the gardening Spring!
Jennie says
I look forward to being able to walk my dog without bundling up and reading outside when it is a comfortable temperature!