Snickerdoodle Peach Cobbler is a very unique cobbler that infuses snickerdoodle flavors and peach pie to make this comforting peach dessert.

Eight years.
It doesn’t even really seem possible, I mean I am after all still 29. 🙂
While in some ways it really seems like only yesterday I also can’t remember a time when I didn’t have this blog (that’s because I am getting old…who knew you could lose your mind at 29 :P).
I made this amazing Peach Snickerdoodle Cobbler to celebrate…but we will get to that in a bit.
In honor of my blog turn 8 I will give myself the knowledge I have now that I wish I had back when I started this blog.
Dear Peabody (8 years back),
1. More than your family members will read this blog.
I know I was shocked by this too.
And I will never forget the first time I put a stat counter in.
For I was both excited and freak out at the same time.
Each year more and more people read it and each year you will continue to wonder why.
2. Many of the people who you “meet” through the blog will become real life friends.
One will become your best friend who you need to keep as your best friend because she knows all your stuff…but vice versa luckily.
3. There are a large percentage of crazy people in the world and for some reason they were all given your email address.
They will write to you asking for refunds, nude photos, ask for print buttons (repeatedly), tell you that your husband was smart to divorce you (that’s the only one that really hurt), complain how the frosting in your cupcake photos leaves the cake portion too exposed and therefore make the cupcake dry.
4. To balance out the crazies you will have nice people that will email you and tell you how much they liked a recipe.
Some even donate money through Paypal to pay for supplies or just a keep up the good work (or sometimes it’s just go have a beer on me).
They will tell you through your Facebook page that they like you.
They will follow you on FB, Pinterest, Twitter, Google +, Instagram and now email subscription.
You will soon learn that it’s really important to get your readers to follow you.
5. You will get people who will email or comment that a recipe didn’t work out and without giving you any info ask what went wrong.
This will frustrate you.
But then you will ask what went wrong.
Sometimes they tell you.
Often it is substitution of ingredients.
Sometimes they never write back.
What you really wish is that you can just pop over to their kitchen for just a sec to see if you could help.
But the Star Trek people haven’t figured out how to do that in real life yet.
So you remain frustrated.
They will also ask you about recipes from 2008 and when you don’t remember they seem genuinely shocked.
6. Your mother will never understand what you do.
She will be very excited when you get a side gig working for General Mill’s Blog Tablespoon because she tells everyone that you work for General Mills.
But when they ask what I do she is brought right back to not really understanding/knowing what it is you do. 🙂
Don’t worry about it and stop trying to explain it to her.
7. Believe it or not in 8 years there will be like a million food blogs and yours will kind of get lost when it used to sort of stick out.
When you tell people you run a food blog you will no longer (unless talking to your mother) get a strange look.
Instead you will get oh, my mother’s sisters second cousin has one of those.
8. In the beginning you will get no comments.
Then one or two and you will do a happy dance.
The day you get 10 comments you actually call your now ex-husband at work (he will think something is wrong) to tell him you got 10 comments.
Then before you know it you are averaging 60 plus comments a post.
You will get very excited that people are engaging with you (especially because when you leave a comment it leaves an impression and therefore bumps my revenue…and brands like it).
Then as if everyone was sent a memo but you, people stop commenting.
You assume you are getting less readers but in fact you are getting three times as many.
You are baffled to this day as to why and wish you had the engagement you used to.

9. You will get asked for an autograph in the grocery store.
And you will get asked to judge a cookie competition in which 40 plus people show up to meet you (and you are thinking why on Earth do these people want to meet me?).
You will get asked to be on a few reality cooking type shows (and say no).
And you will get to work with some really fun brands (most recently Dole Bananas), the most fun getting to grow a garden on your apartment patio for Better Homes and Gardens!
You will go to Arkansas to see Sam’s Club headquarters and you will go to Oregon to the Harry and David headquarters.
And you will be given a large amount of free cookbooks and random food/cooking things.
You will however always choose with integrity and not for money which things you liked and did not like.
And you will only work with people you feel are quality which is why, while you get lots of offers, you only work with a few.
10. The IRS will force you to become a business.
Which you don’t really feel like you are one.
You will actually get to the point where you have to give them pretty much all that you make as a food blogger and that sucks big time.
And you will be on what seems like perpetual payment plan with them.
But you love food blogging too much and kind of ride the line of worth it not worth it.
11. You will write a lot about the dog.
12. Oh yeah, you will get divorced.
You remain friends with the Picky Eater (for real and baffle people).
But you will fall in love with you best friend and are getting ready to marry him.
You will have to go from this blog being a hobby to a profession.
I know you didn’t see any of that coming Peabody.
In the eight years there have been many wonderful bloggers whom I am either friends with or who inspire me and I just want to give a quick thanks to them (yes I will forget people…I’m 29 after all) :
Lori at Recipe Girl
Kevin at Closet Cooking
Kristen at Dine and Dish
Kristan at Confessions of a Cookbook Queen
Heather at Sprinkle Bakes
Naomi at Baker’s Royale
Kita at Pass the Sushi (she gets special thanks for being my extra awesome web designer)
Laurie at Tuesdays with Dorie and French Fridays with Dorie
Maria at Two Peas and their Pod, Bridget at Bake at 350
Shelly at Cookies and Cups
Jessica at How Sweet It Is
Jen at Use Real Butter
Jessie at Cakespy
Alice at Savory Sweet Life
Amanda at Amanda’s Cookin
Dana at Dana Treat
Nicole at Baking Bites
Helen at Tartelette
Allison at Fridgg
And Julie at The Little Kitchen.
I know I’m missing a tons more but just want to say THANKS for being a source of inspiration!!!!
And lastly and of course most important is THANK YOU to you the reader!
Some of you have been with me for years (which if you do I wish I had some sort of I survived years of CCbP commemorative patches or something) and some are just finding me for the first time even perhaps today (hopefully you will stick around).
PLEASE leave a comment and tell me how long you have been a reader and if there is anything you would like to see here on Culinary Concoctions by Peabody as we roll into year nine.
Peace, Love, Happiness…and Body Acceptance,
Oh and yeah, this Snickerdoodle Peach Cobbler…run don’t walk to make this.
It’s a little out there in recipe land as far as how you make it.
But I have made it all the time without the cream of tartar and cinnamon sugar.
It was originally a blackberry cobbler and I have made it with other fruits but this is my new favorite version of it by far.
The first photo is only half a cobbler because my fiance and I simply could not stand to not eat it.
And then we ended up eating half of it in one sitting.
Not proud.
Well I kinda of am. 😛
It’s a great day to buy my cookbook.

Want More Cobbler Recipes?

Peach Snickerdoodle Cobbler
- ½ cup chilled unsalted butter, cut into pieces PLUS ¼ cup unsalted butter
- 1 cup water
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 1 1/2 cups self-rising cake flour
- ¾ tsp. cream of tartar
- 1/3 cup milk
- ½ tsp. ground cinnamon
- 3 cups fresh or thawed peaches (about 1 pound) diced into bite size pieces
- 2 TBSP granulated sugar plus ½ tsp. cinnamon (to sprinkle on top)
- Preheat oven to 350°F.
- In a 10-inch pie plate or baking dish melt 1/2 stick (1/4 cup) uncut butter in oven.
- In a small saucepan combine water and 1 cup sugar and heat over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until sugar is completely dissolved.
- In a food processor pulse together flour, cream of tartar, and remaining ½ cup chilled butter pieces until mixture resembles fine meal.
- Add milk and pulse just until a dough forms. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and with a floured rolling pin roll into an 11- by 9-inch rectangle.
- Sprinkle dough with cinnamon and scatter peaches evenly over top.
- Beginning with a long side roll up dough jelly-roll fashion and cut into 1 1/2-inch thick slices. (Slices will come apart and be messy). Arrange slices, cut sides up, on melted butter in pie plate or baking dish.
- Pour sugar syrup over slices, soaking dough, and bake cobbler in middle of oven 45 minutes. Sprinkle the cinnamon sugar mixture over cobbler and bake 15 minutes more, or until golden.
- Serve cobbler warm with ice cream or whipped cream.
- Serves 6…or 3 if you are in our house. 😛
Rosa says
Congratulations and to many more!
This cobbler is awesome.
duchessbelle says
Happy anniversary! Love your blog, have been reading for… 5+ years? Man, I must be getting old too 🙂
Megan P. says
Happy Bloggy Birthday!
Heather @ Snookie's Cakes says
The cobbler looks fantastic!
Congratulations on 8 years!
Wendy says
That looks soo good! I’m going to have to pin it with my 1000’s of other yummy not necessarily healthy, but healthy for my sweet tooth pins! THANK YOU!
Congrats on the blog turning 8! I can’t remember how long I’ve been following/stalking your blog! I know its been at least 4 or 5 years! I love reading about your newest creation and exploits! It has kept me both entertained and hungry! ; )
Good luck on the next chapter! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us! (Even if there is no print button on your old recipes!) ; )
Foxyvee says
Eight years already?! I have been reading for at least 5, I check it everyday!
Thanks for all the great recipes, heres to another 8 years!
Karen says
I have been reading for five years, ever since I sat with you at the communal table at The Herb Farm. Thanks for all of the great recipes!
Alexa says
5+ years. I don’t comment often but I am reading.
Amanda Joy says
In the words of Gus Gus the Mouse, “Duh Happy Birfday!” I am not sure how long I have been following, I know for sure since 2010. I went reading back to determine my stalkership, and cracked up on all of the little gems I discovered. A particular post had me cracking up, November 6, 2008… Adventures in Babysitting:)
Have a happy bloggy birthday today Peabody.
Erika says
Congrats on 8 years! I can’t remember exactly how long I’ve been reading (I’ve been 29 for a while, too!), but probably at least 4 years.
I’m excited about the new changes and look forward to many more good recipes and laughs 🙂
Keep up the good work!
p.s. I think it’s fantastic that you and your ex-hubby have remained friends… me that says a lot about your (and his) character.
Bri says
Congrats Peabody! As seems to be the theme, I can’t remember how long I’ve been reading your site. It’s been 5 or 6 years at least. Love your site, can’t wait to see what you come up with next!
Tracey C. says
Congratulations on 8 years – wow! I’ve been reading for.. dunno, 5 or 6 years? Right about the time I started my own food blog (now forever frozen in the past). I love your inventiveness and creativity, even if I rarely make anything you post (it all looks great, but the husband can’t have dairy, and I avoid sugar, and at that point you just have some fruit and call it a day most of the time). But I really come for the stories.
Audra Blair says
WOW – 8 years already?!!?!? I bet I have been reading for 7 or even 7.5 of those years. I have made countless numbers of your recipes and they never fail! Here is to many many more years!
Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie says
Happy 8 years!! I hope your blog still comes up on Feedly? If not I will definitely be signing up for the e-mail.
Stephani says
I’ve been reading for two or three years, and have enjoyed every post, since I’m lazy, I haven’t made many of the recipes, but I love to read and dream ip what I would do to change the things I can’t eat. Unfortunately I’m also a picky eater, but I do like to try new things!
For my birthday, my sister made the Butterfinger Fudge Frosted Banana Cake, and it was delicious.
This cobbler is one I will be trying since snicker doodles are my best friends favorite and I have a tradition of making them or a variation for her birthday and other special occasions!
KB says
Happy 8th Blogthday! 😀 So should we measure this in people years, dog years, or blog years?
When I first discovered food blogs by a random post of a cake on a comic forum I visited, I opened a door to a world I didn’t know existed. I found some amazing food blogs, but there aren’t many that kept me coming back. Yours did. There are so many reasons why, but these are the top ones:
1. Butter. Now, I don’t think this needs explanation, but to clarify: you are totally unashamed that your baked goods have butter. And flour, sugar, heavy cream, chocolate, booze, and bacon. There is none of this needless “whole wheat/agave/fat free almond milk/tofu bacon” stuff that gets thrown in not because you really want it, but because it’s the thing to do and it’s “healthy.”
2. Your wit, humor, realistic attitude, and absolute honesty. You always make me grin or laugh or nod my head thoughtfully, and I always find myself thinking “I know what she means, I can relate, I never thought of it that way before.” You’re fearless. No marathon-running-wannabe or skinny-latte-dieter scares you. The reality show thing? I’d totally watch no matter what show it was, just to hear your Talking Heads. 😛
3. You’re inspiring. When I started reading food blogs, I was in a bad place. An anorexic, self-hating, exercise-obsessed, emaciated place. Food blogs started to pull me out of it, rekindling my love of food, but I’d never found one like yours that told me to love my body, to love who I am, and to not conform because some people say that skinny equals attractive. I’m still healing. You’re still helping.
4. Candy corn ice creams, chocolate peanut butter cakes, peach snickerdoodle cobblers, and everything else. I want to make everything I see on here. I want to EAT everything I see on here. It’s creative and it’s addictive and I get excited every time I see a new blog post.
So thank you. Thanks for sticking around and making my mouth water and making me laugh and feel good about myself for eight years. Happy Blogthday!
P.S. Every time I see a link to I’m Not A Best Blog, I have to go back and read that email and laugh my head off yet again.
Peabody says
@KB- Thanks so much for all of that. I just want to say that your #3 made my week…probably even my month. If I can just get a least a few people to really start to love who they are I feel any and all blogging I do is 100% worth it! I’m so glad you are healing. It takes a long time. I think that is where people get upset. I didn’t just wake up one day and be like Oh I Love My Body it took many, many years to get where I am. So keep reading I will do my best to keep inspiring!!!
Kelly C. says
I have been reading your blog for four years now. I never comment but thought I would today. I love your honesty and realness. I can tell that you do not try to be someone that you are not and that is refreshing when reading blogs today. Happy blog anniversary and keep up the good work.
Scott Elliston says
Happy blogger bday!!! Congrats on keeping it going for 8 years. That is awesome.
deb says
i found you through the daring bakers many moons ago.. 6-7 years ago!!! i stopped blogging pretty much. life got in the way (though i do still bake. a lot.).
i’m so glad that you kept it going.
happy blog birthday peabody!
Melissa says
Here’s to 8 years!! I’ve been a reader for maybe two years is all. I found your blog via a cupcake site who was featuring one of your recipes. I no longer follow them but I’m still a fan of yours. Sometimes, I feel bad because I enjoy reading your posts more than wanting to try your recipe (not because your recipes are bad but because you crack me up!) You are awesome!
Donna says
I cannot remember when I first started to read your blog, or how I even found you. But I won’t forget to make this cobbler.
Bethany says
I’ve been reading since 2007 🙂 I have LOVED the more recent posts about body acceptance and I will always, always, always love your amazing dessert recipes.
Betsy says
I’ve been loving your honest stories and your delicious recipes since I was in undergrad in 2009! Give us at least another 8 years 🙂
laurie says
You were one of the very first food blogs that I ran into. I remember the exact post, it was a strawberry cake with strawberry gelatin on top and I was so wickedly impressed. I had a blog crush on you for years and now your my best friend, man did that work out. 😉
Love you babe, more than butter. Happy Anniversary! xo
Stacy T says
That looks amazing and I can smell the peaches baking. I think I’ve read your blog for almost the entire 8 years… So happy for your successes – Happy anniversary.
Zainab @ Blahnik Baker says
Happy anniversary! I have been a reader for about two years now…never engaged in comments because I was too shy and had a blog crush. Your desserts are always amazing and your recent posts about body images have just been fascinating and motivating! It’s my favorite Pinterest board of yours too 😉 I hope you have many more years of blogging and sharing!
Melinda says
It is a little bit scary to think 8 years have gone by. I’ve been a reader of yours since 2006 and I love you! You are just yourself and I like that very much. Don’t let anyone ever temper your spirit. Stay fiesty.
Those refund muffins and the guy who wanted pictures of you naked posts still are the best. Those need to be sent to anyone needing a good laugh that will last all day!
Cheers and here’s to many more tasty recipes, drool-worthy pics and a pithy write up on C.C.B.P! X
jeri says
Happy blogversary. I enjoy your stories as much as your recipes, especially the hockey and dog ones. I’ve already signed up for an email subscription, so I won’t miss any posts. Congrats.
Becca from Cookie Jar Treats says
HAPPY 8th YEAR, PEABODY! I have only been reading for 3 years (give or take a few months) and I have loved every single post. Even if it is something I don’t like I always rush to your blog 🙂 Here is to another 8 years! <3 Oh and I'm aligning up for that e-mail thingy majig.
Lauren at Keep It Sweet says
Seriously… 8 years?! Congrats! Reading through this post it is amazing to hear all that you have accomplished. So glad I found your blog a few years ago:-) It is always good to come over for hilarious reader email stories and amazing looking desserts.
kita says
I can remember reading your blog when I still lived at home with my parents! (Ok, Im not sure who that’s going to make feel older… you or me…)
And I can’t say how much it means to be included (and to get an extra special thanks!) in your list of blogger friends. 🙂 It really does mean a lot to me. I would have never thought that sharing recipes and stories would make such awesome friends. And damned if I am not ignoring that pesky IRS step too….
Congrats on an epic 8 years – your blog will never blend in with all the others.
Jennifer | Bake or Break says
Happy blog birthday! I have been reading since the early days… probably around the time I started my own blog. It’s strange to think how many of us there were then versus now. I’m glad we’re still kicking! Hope you have many more blog birthdays!!!
Peabody says
@Jennifer It is hard to believe. There are so many that started with us that don’t blog anymore which is sad because there were some really good blogs.
Collette says
Congratulations on 8 years. I was thinking, oh, maybe I’ve been reading for about 5 years so I checked to see when I first subscribed. Um, 2006. Yikes! I’m a never commenter and unfortunately, I’ll probably stay that way but at least I wasn’t a big commenter then stopped! We can totally blame that on those other goobers.
Again, congratulations!
Bobbi says
Happiest of Blog Anniversaries to you!
Jenna says
I’ve only been reading your blog for a mere 3 years (Congrats on 8!) but it was one of the first I found when coming to realize what food blogging was all about. I love you writing, your pictures, and your food! Keep it coming!
Carla says
Happy 56…er I mean 8 years! I absolutely relate to you in your letter to yourself (minus the cool brands and being pestered by the IRS. I haven’t gotten to that level yet…). To be honest, I’m not sure how long I’ve been reading. I remember you did some kind of chocolate peanut butter cup cake. Like literally a giant peanut butter cup. Your peach snickerdoodle cobbler sounds so good! Peaches and ooey gooey warm cinnamon dough topped with vanilla ice cream. Can’t wait until peaches are ready here!
Stacy | Wicked Good Kitchen says
Happy 8th bloggy birthday, P-Bods! Congrats! Incredible post. You are a gifted writer, my friend. You had me laughing throughout because I identify and have been a reader of yours. You nailed it. But, wow…8 years! I can’t get over that and feel so behind, LOL. I first found your blog during the 2010 Olympics. That time was all about you, your blog and all the gooey-rich treats you concoct, Vancouver, Bode Miller, Lindsey Vonn, Virtue and Moir, Shaun White and Olympic hockey. So appropriate! Once again, congrats and best of luck to you as you venture forth into “professional” territory. You’re gonna rock it, girl! xo
Stacy | Wicked Good Kitchen says
Whoops! I forgot to mention…AWESOME Peach Cobbler, all Snickerdoodle-y! I must have missed that particular issue of Gourmet magazine. I’ve never rolled out dough to create a fruit cobbler and this looks major delish. I’m just fascinated by this technique for cobbler! Wish I would have known about it, because I just posted my blueberry cobbler recipe yesterday and could have included this method when I mentioned other methods. Fab job!
Robyn says
happy bloggiversary peabody! i think i’ve been reading for 4 or 5 years? i love your posts about body acceptance, it’s true. as a canadian, i also appreciate your early thanksgiving and canada day posts!
Nancy P.@thebittersideofsweet says
What a great post and Happy Blogiversary!
Emily says
Congratulations on making it 8 years and for having an blog. The recipes, writing, photography, and your awesome sense of humor really make it one of my favorite blogs of all time. I’ve been reading your blog for about 4 or 5 years, and it’s only one of 2 that I will click over from my Google Reader to read your full posts EVERY TIME. Will miss the Google Reader, but am excited to sign up for the emails.
Camille says
Wow! Happy Blogoversary! I’ve just completed 1 year and still get excited when I get 1 comment. Hope I can grow up to be like you…well I’ve already passed 29 so it may be too late for me! 🙂
Marcilla says
Congratulations Peabody! Your work and dedication to get this far will carry you into the next phase. CANNOT wait to try this recipe–and I’m pretty sure we have all the ingredients in the house.
Joy says
Happy 8th birthday CCbP
I’ve been reading for at least 6 years because I remember reading a post to my mom and she passed away January of 2008
Nancy @ gottagetbaked says
I’ve been a silent lurker on your blog for a while but no more – I want to engage! I want to comment and tell you how amazing I think you are and how I want to eat everything you make, my waistline and cholesterol levels be damned! And thank you for all your wonderful insight on this crazy blogging world. It’s fun, it’s exciting, it’s frustrating and stressful, but you hit the nail on the head – the best part is the community. The amazing people we meet and interact with. Speaking of which, I’m going to IFBC in Seattle and I can’t wait. It’s my first conference and I’ll be one of the people waiting to meet you (and I’ll probably squeal – did you read Irvin Lin’s recent post on blogging conferences? – so I apologize in advance). Here’s to many more years of following your incredible blog, Peabody!
Panya says
Wow, congrats on eight years!
I’m switching to Feedly since Google Reader is going away. I’m in the process of moving my shared and favorited items from Reader onto Tumblr. [It would be great if there were an easier way of sharing your stuff there.] While doing that I’ve realised I’ve been reading your blog for four or five years. I know you’re thinking a lot about how to expand your business and that’s the only reason I’m mentioning this — proof reading would help you gain/keep readers. I know you’ve stated before that it’s not your strong suit, and I already love your blog [and I’m not going anywhere], but honestly, when I find a new blog I’m really turned off by poor spelling and grammar. I’d hate for you to lose potential readers/advertising dollars because of something so simple to fix.
Liz (formerly VeggieGirl) says
You were the blogger who taught me how to bake. Your posts, recipes, photos, and humor are the best. So glad to know you through blogging, Peabody! Hope to meet one day.
Miss Mile High says
Not sure how long I’ve been reading – at least 3 years, I’d guess.
I’m glad you’re making a move toward this being a career/business, since it’s obviously something you’re passionate about and very good at! I just hope you don’t lose the personal touch like so many food bloggers seem to lose when they go big. I enjoy your stories and snarky commentary possibly more than the recipes, and I’d hate to see your blog turn sterile and impersonal.
Audrey Leah says
I’ve been a reader for about 6 years. I’ve only commented a few times. I”m very shy. Your blog is one of my most favorites. You just seem to cook/bake in a direction I tend to enjoy. Thanks for all your hard work. Looking forward to the emails I’ll be getting! 🙂
Amanda says
Holy cow, 8 years!! That’s amazing! I have been so blessed to have met you Peabody. I had such fun in Seattle, I wish we could get together more often! Your blog is so fun and unique, you will never drown in the sea of food blogs that are out there now. You just won’t. You are such a cool person and I love ya!
Katie Rose Yaniak says
Probably around 4 years? Congratulations! Here’s to many more!
Bebe says
Peabody!! Congratulations! I am incredibly proud of you! I’ve been reading since the start. I remember your first few blogs and wow it’s awesome. Your blogs and words of wisdom through the years have brought me sanity, laughter and headshakes. Oh and dont forget the invredible baking. Thanks for inspiring me in more ways then just my love of baking.
Jackie says
I’ve been reading your blog since 2008. I hadn’t even heard of food blogs back then but saw a picture somewhere of this delicious looking peanut butter and chocolate dessert you had made for your then in-laws. To tell you the truth I have only made 1 or 2 things from your blog – they were very good. I really just like the way you write. It’s real, you don’t try to impress us with a supposed perfect life like so many of the other blogs do. You’re genuine. Thanks for a good read for all these years.
Valerie says
Happy 8th Anniversary. I’ve been a mostly regualr reader for the past few years. As in the comment above, I’ve only made a few recipes from your blog. It’s the writing and stories that keep me coming back. Recently some of my favorite blogs have reminded us that their real lives aren’t always blog perfect. You don’t have to write that post, because you’ve beeb candid and upfront from the start. Love it and wouldn’t change a thing.
Congratulations on all your success and best wishes for even more in the future!
Gwyn says
I love your blog!!! You always brighten my day. I have been following you for maybe 3 years and have made mostly muffins from you. Keep up the good work.
Dana says
I’ve been reading for about two years. This is the only food blog where I consistently read the written part instead of skipping right to the recipe. Yet I have probably made more of your recipes than of any other food blog I read 🙂
JulieD says
I have been reading your blog at least a couple of years now and I have always enjoyed your humor. I always LOL 🙂
First, this cobbler looks amazing. Second, congrats on 8 years!! You’re amazing. Third, I love how you reflected on 8 years of blogging! Especially #2. #2 is near and dear to my heart and I know exactly what you mean. Fourth, it was amazing to get to meet you last year, so glad we got to hang out a little bit and fifth, I’m so happy you’re 29th too! 😉
Katie says
Probably around 7 years.
Kim says
I have been reading this blog since about Christmas of 2011… I love the unique recipes and the stories that accompany them. Definitely a blog on my favorites list!
Jenny says
I rarely comment, usually only when you ask people to check in, but we’ve baked together a long time ago as Daring Baker’s (when there were only 7 of us), so I’ve been reading a long time!
Happy Birthday/Anniversary/Whatever you call it! 🙂
bridget {bake at 350} says
First….i love this post.
Next…happy EIGHT years!!!
Finally…How long have I been reading? I started my blog about 6 years ago. I think I found you right about that time. And I was just in AWE of your talent and still AM!!!
Finally, part 2…so honored to be in that list!!!
stephanie says
PEABODY! I love each an every one of your posts. (I love #6, by the way.) Reading this, realized that although I see “celebrities” from time to time and couldn’t care LESS, I would probably freak out, laugh, and cry if I ever ran into you. You’ve just got “it,” girl, and your blog sticks out among thewaytoomany food blogs I read. Thank you for the 8 years. I think I have been reading for four, but I have definitely delved into your archives. . I did a happy dance when I subscribed to your email! YAY you.
Deepa says
Hey Peabody….Happy 8 yrs…been a reg reader for over 3 yrs now…love ur blog … ur recipes are awesome but i come to here mostly to read ur posts…thanks !!
Laurie A. says
Mazel tov on 8 years and hope to see CCbP for many more years to come! I’ve been reading your blog for about 5 or 6 years now…. I love the candid posts and the recipes. I have made many of your recipes and have even meandered over to Northwest Noshings too… I loved how you always posted pics of you in your wardrobe! I don’t always comment but I do follow you on Facebook (one piece of social media is all I can handle in my busy life) and check regularly on this site. I relate to you in how you approach life and handle situations. I love your honesty… your creativity is amazing and I consider you a “virtual” friend, even though we have never met. Have a beer and some Swedish Fish on me in honor of your 8 years!
kollos says
Happy anniversary!
I’m not sure how long I’ve been a reader–kind of a long time, but not right from the start–but even though I can’t eat a single thing you make anymore, I still read. That’s all because of your your charm and humor and everything else.
And I can dream of eating the lovely things you make too!
Bonnie M. says
Congrats on 8 years!
I just found your blog yesterday. Definitely enjoying it!
Rhonda says
Happy 8th Birthday to the BEST BLOG! 😉 You ARE a best blog in my life…the only one I consistently read…for 6 years now! I love your stories, CCS and of course the food! Thank you for always putting it out there…good, bad, ugly and fantastical!
Tim says
Dear Peabody from 8 years ago,
Some people will read your blog mostly for the entertainment value. Sure they will peruse the recipes and maybe even use some as inspirations, but they might never actually use one of your recipes. That’s OK. Just be your witty, entertaining self, do what you love, and people will keep reading.
Jeane says
Congrats P. I’ve been here for 3 years. I love reading your posts and seeing your life unfold (that sounds a little stalker-ish, but in a loving way 🙂 Congrats on finding happiness in whatever form you like. I’ve tried some of your recipes and I have a back-log of the ones I want to try. Like you, money dictates the new things I try. It’s also nice to see how accepting you are of others and yourself. Everyone is always preaching about being nice and tolerant of others but we forget ourselves in that equation. Thanks for the reminder.
Kristen says
I heart you, a ton and am so glad we’ve been doing this blogging thing together for so long. Your blog is older than mine, but I think we can both say that through the years things have changed… I’m glad to go through those changes with people like you!
Thanks for the shoutout too, friend. I think the world of you! You have one of my favorite spaces on the web. Keep on keepin’ on!
Emily says
I’ve been reading this blog for about 6 years, maybe more and this is my first time leaving a comment. I love your blog. I baked some recipes from it too and everything always turns out perfectly. Happy 8th anniversary 🙂
Aly says
Congratulations on 8 years! Definitely a long time in internet land. I wish you many more happy years blogging and making yummy food! 🙂 I always love how creative your recipes are.
Summer says
Sorry I’m late to this post, but I am a faithful reader. Best I can remember, I think I have been reading for at least 6 years, maybe longer. When I first started reading it was when I was working full time and I somehow stumbled on your blog when I should have been working! Now I stay home with my children, but I still read every post. I love your creativity and your outlook on life!
Alice says
Congratulations on 8 years! I think I’ve been reading about 3 years now and I love you…
Oh, and the reason I don’t comment often is that I feel like a cyber-stalker if I comment every time you post…
Peabody says
@Alice- I’m okay with the stalking. 🙂
Allison Day says
Oh gosh, I don’t even know how long I’ve been reading your blog! Definitely more than three years, because I know I was very familiar with your blog before I actually got to meet you in person at IFBC in Seattle in 2010… but less than seven years, because I’m positive I didn’t really read any other food blogs before I started Sushi Day.
You’re definitely a Best Blog to me – yours is one of the few blogs where I actually read every single blog post in its entirety, plus I’ve made a few things from your blog and they’ve always turned out wonderfully (sadly, you can’t say the same for all blogs out there :-\ )!
Very many congratulations on eight years! 😀
erin m. says
Hi! I’ve only been reading for less than a year, but I’m working my way back through the archives and I love your site! Good luck!
Tracey says
Happy Anniversary! I can’t remember how long I’ve been reading, guess it’s been a long time! Yours is one of the few blogs I can still read at work since everything else is blocked or I have to use quota time, so don’t change your format!!
Kim Roberts says
Just found you on pinterest and I love peach anything! I loved your “8 year” blog entry. Will be following you! Thanks for what you do!
Sue says
Happy 8th! How long have I been a reader??? No idea! but you always make me smile. We are a hockey family and love beer and Swedish should try beer and hot tamales they are my fav! Looking forward to following your next 8. 🙂
Mary Red says
Peabody, I believe I’ve been reading for six years. Thank you for your beautiful essays about body image. I love your attitude of controlled decadence. Thank you for many great recipes and even more laughs. You’re incredible.
Sarah says
Happy 8th! i have been reading since 2009 when I first got into blogs, and as the years have gone on, I have stopped reading many and almost completely stopped posting, but yours is one of the maybe 5 that I still read every post (and one of the only ones that I will actually click to the site every single time). You are awesome! Your food is great, and your writing is super entertaining 🙂
Kristina says
I have been reading you way before I thought I’d ever have a blog (I wanted a cookbook, didn’t know I wanted a blog), and have been reading consistently this whole time, ups and downs and crazy emails… and the fabulous culinary concoctions. happy 8, here’s to many more and much more success!
Katie | Healthy Seasonal Recipes says
This made me smile. How wonderful to have this all now. I love how you are so honest and open. I am sure that is part of the reason people come back again and again. I know i will.
Cakelaw says
8 years – scary! I have been a reader – for 8 years – when I first found food blogs, yours was one of the first. I don’t comment much, but your posts often make me laugh – and I adore hearing about CCS. Best wishes for the next step.
Sanjana says
Hi there!
First time here. Came here through Jeniffer’s How Sweet It is.
Looks like I’ll be sticking around for more!
Congratulations on the 8 years and all the wisdom it has brought forth! 🙂
Heather @ Sugar Dish Me says
New Reader! Followed every link. Soaked up every word.
And look! Lots of engagement! Cheers to peaches, snickerdoodles, and eight more years 🙂
anna says
oh the stories!!! Love them. And yes, it’s my first time here (I’m a sewing blogger). But I plan to stick around and look over your recipes. And I hope you get more interaction like you want, it’s definitely a weird turning point, isn’t it? Congrats on 8!
Valerie says
Tina says
I don’t know hiow long I have been following your blog … I can check as it is one of the very few I do not delete. I enjoy re-reading them, especially your lists. I like your recipes too and also save them. Thanks for such an enjoyable site. I didn’t know it made a difference ‘liking’ a site or ‘commenting’ on a site … as I have certainly ‘liked’ it a lot ….hahaha
Lisa says
I just found your blog through How Sweet It Is. I’ve only read a little bit, but I think I’m gonna like it here. Consider me your newest email subscriber. Congratulations on your 8th anniversary!
Lyndz says
This inspires me. Way to go! Congratulations on eight years!
kasey says
Peabody my husband Matt introduced me to you after a hockey game about 5 years ago I think. I’ve been following your blog ever since. It’s given me a ton of laughs and pure joy in baking. Thank you so much!
Jenny @ The Brunette Baker says
Absolutely LOVE this post. Love, love, love, love……love. And the Peach Snickerdoodle Cobbler? Dios Mio! Congratulations on 8 years! XO
Courtney says
I can’t remember if I’ve commented before, but I really enjoy your blog! Your stories are entertaining and have a meaning. I especially like your stance on bony image and enjoy those posts. Your recipes are so creative and fun! Since I live overseas I don’t always have access to all the ingredients but I enjoy reading and trying recipes when I can. Keep up the good work and congratulations! 🙂
Jamee says
Today is my first day reading your blog. I followed a link from How Sweet It Is. I am going to subscribe to your emails and I look forward to reading more of your blogs. I love to bake!
Nutmeg Nanny says
I absolutely LOVE this post! How helpful all of that would have been in the beginning 😉 and this cobbler looks fantastic!
Peabody says
@Nutmeg – ah yes, I would have done thing so different had I known a few things back then. 🙂
Rebecca says
Peabody.. can’t believe you’ve been blogging for that long! I know that I’ve been reading your blog for at least 5 years… for sure one of my first blogs, and still one of my favourites. Love your sense of humour, your attitude about body acceptance..
oh, and most of all? Your recipes! Hope that you keep going for as long as you are still having tun…
Jeannette says
I am so happy for you!! congrats on this milestone! I think it’s funny to read your letter to yourself and be able to connect on a few points (especially doing a happy dance for getting 2 comments ;))
Kristi says
I’m a first time visitor to your blog, but I have to say I love this post! I’m glad How Sweet Eats led me to your blog.
Ashley says
I can’t even remember ever NOT reading your blog. I love it! It is pure evil in the best possible way. Congrats on your blogiversary!!
Caanan says
That cobbler looks and sounds amazing. Can’t remember how many years I’ve been reading your blog.
Gail says
Found you today from this recipe on Pinterest! Yum! Sounds like an exciting 8 years… we’ve just started year 2 at our blog and long for daily commenters (on something other than our viral-ish crochet slippers) but not complaining!
Can’t wait to start trying recipes! Just added you to my feedly.
Gwyn says
Must admit this is my first visit to your blog. Only clicked to find out what a snicker doodle was. Still not sure but it looks fantastic. Have signed on for your email. In the words of Arnie “I’ll be back!”
Amy says
Can you use all purpose flour in stead of self-rising?
Peabody says
@Amy- if you use AP flour you will need to find a site that will tell you how much baking soda or powder will be needed to add to the all purpose flour.
Kara says
I can’t seem to find self rising cake flour. Which brand did you buy?
Peabody says
Aqiyl Aniys says
Whoa! I looks like your cobbler will be a lot of fun to eat. 🙂
Cathy says
First time reading your blog, found the peach snicker doodle cobbler recipe in Pinterest. Relay enjoyed your letter to yourself, thanks!