First off thanks to all of those who have taken the time to respond to my homework request. If you haven’t done so please go here and help out. Thanks. Second let’s answer some reader mail:
Dear Peabody,
You are so good with body acceptance and you seem to roll with the punches. Do you ever have “fat days” or days where you have a break down?
Dear C,
Of COURSE I have what most people call fat days. Days where I put on pants that fit literally three days ago that now somehow feel like sausage casings and I’m ripping through them. I try and remain calm and remind myself that there is no way I ate THAT much food in three days to gain that much weight to make the pants not fit. I also remind myself of what is usually the culprit…MDP doing the laundry. He does the laundry (and I fold it). He loves the dryer. He loves to put everything into the dryer. At the same temperature. The jeans eventually stretch out but that first hour in them makes me feel like I am in the garbage shoot from Star Wars with the walls closing in on me…except it’s the lycra closing in on me. 🙂
And do I ever break down and cry? Um, I’m a Cancer which is a water sign. I was born in a water year. I am pretty much made of tears. I cried today over the dog that was the baseball mascot who passed from away from cancer…they had a tribute video. I made the poor choice of watching it. Anything animal related gets me…like those darn Sarah McLachlan depressing pet commercials. I think they should make an ice cream flavor called “I just watched the pet abuse commercial with Sarah McLachlan” because I could totally eat a pint after watching that commercial.
Dear Peabody,
You get hitched yet or what?
Let’s just say that I haven’t had my wedding yet. 😉
Dear Peabody,
You use vanilla bean paste a lot on here. I can’t find it at the store. Can I use vanilla extract instead?
I can’t find it at the store either. I started using it when I did a research and development job for a bakery and have been using it ever since. I order mine on line. Usually from Amazon, like this Nielsen-Massey Vanillas 4-oz. Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Bean Paste..
But you can certainly use vanilla extract. There is just something about seeing the specs of vanilla that just make me more happy for some reason.
Dear Peabody,
You said you have been reading more lately. What is on your summer reading list?
I tend to read more non-fiction as a general rule. I think it’s the science nerd in me. Right now I am reading NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children. I think it’s the former school teacher in me that wanted to read this. Next up to read is Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls
. Sedaris tends to crack me up and the title is certainly interesting. And if you haven’t read it yet Let’s Pretend This Never Happened
was my favorite book from last year!
Enough questions let’s talk food. I wanted tiramisu. I wanted Oreo’s. I wanted Oreo Tiramisu. But all of the Oreo Tiramisu I found used the Oreo as the lady finger and I didn’t want that. I wanted ladyfingers. I wanted mascarpone mixed with double stuffed filling. I wanted crushed Oreos on top of that. And I wanted mocha instead of espresso. Mission accomplished. Oh and I learned I don’t like mini Oreos…way too much cookie and not enough filling. Speaking of the cookie, don’t discard the cookie pieces you don’t use, save them to make a pie crust for later.
Disclosure: There are a few Amazon affiliate links included within this post.
1 package Double Stuffed Oreos, middles removed, cookies saved for another recipe
16 oz mascarpone cheese (you can sub cream cheese if need be)
1/3 cup granulated sugar
½ tsp. vanilla bean paste
¼ cup mocha coffee (I just went and got one from Starbucks and then just drank the rest of it)
2 packages ladyfingers (there were 24 small ones in each package) or sponge cake
2 cups crushed Oreos
Using a stand mixer with a paddle attachment, cream together the mascarpone cheese, sugar, and Oreo fillings until smooth, about 2 minutes.
Add the vanilla bean paste and beat for another 30 seconds.
Using an 8×8-inch dish (or individual cups) lay down rows of ladyfingers so that the bottom of the pan is covered. There will be gaps but that is fine.
Brush on some mocha with a pastry brush to get the ladyfingers moist with the coffee.
Pipe on a layer of mascarpone mixture. Piping is easier than spreading. When you try and spread on the moist ladyfingers it gets ugly.
Sprinkle about 1/3 of the crushed Oreos.
Then repeat until you run out of ingredients.
Top with more Oreos if you would like.
Refrigerate for a few hours to let the flavors get to sink in and get to know each other.

Alice says
I don’t like the mini Oreos either… This recipe looks divine, as usual!
Becca from Cookie Jar Treats says
In regards to finding vanilla bean paste, you can find it in Williams Sonoma. I would love to try that stuff some day 🙂
This looks incredible! And I don’t even like coffee flavored stuff. Oh Peabody you so inventive 😛
P.S. You should really read Dear Girls Above Me by Charlie McDowell. I’m pretty sure this is like 20th time I’ve recommended this book in the past week haha. But seriously, read it. 🙂
Stacy | Wicked Good Kitchen says
Looks like a Tiramisu dessert made by The Cookie Monster! And, LOL…get out the tissues! I bawl over those animal abuse commercials with Sarah McLachlan and Wendie Malick.
The Big Lug says there was one featuring Elton John’s music. He shielded me from it and warned me to never ever watch it. He says it’s the song, “Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word” and that I would cry over the lyrics, “It’s sad, so sad… It’s a sad, sad situation” and “What do I do to make you love me?” I. DIE.
OMG…I kid you not. An ASPCA commercial just came on right now as I am typing this. (Dang these late night TV commercials while I’m up late writing next post!) Incredible, I tell you. It’s Roberta Flack singing, “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face.” Wahhh! I swear…this is Twilight Zone weird. I have goose bumps now…along with the tears!
Emily {Pink Tiger in the Kitchen} says
I LOVE tiramisu!! It is by far and away one of my all time favorite desserts. I also LOVE Oreos… As in I have absolutely no self control when it comes to a pack of them being in my house. This dessert sounds like pure heaven to me!!
Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie says
Just to chime in I found vanilla bean paste at stores like HomeGoods, TJMaxx and Marshalls.
Peabody says
@Erin- thanks for letting us know where we can get the vanilla bean paste.
Karen says
I am not a coffee drinker, but love it in stuff but ave never figured out how to make it at home since I do not have it on and. Why, oh why did I not think of just going to Starbucks? You are so wise Peabody.
Peabody says
@karen- yeah, I rarely make coffee at home. If I do I use the Via packets for baking.
nora says
Re Vanilla Bean Paste – this is the only vanilla I use, exact same brand, also purchased from Amazon. It’s great in baking, it’s fantastic in oatmeal, and it really rocks in plain non-fat greek yogurt!
KB says
I really appreciate the first question you answered, especially that you included the part about crying. I have an abundance of some of the hormones that cause emotional tears (as opposed to the reflex kinds that clear the eye or result from eye irritation). That means what anytime I get too emotionally stressed, tears come whether I want to cry or not; it’s chemistry, not emotional sobbing. I have happy tears, sad tears, angry tears, laughing tears, why-am-I-crying tears…etc. For a long time I thought this made me a crybaby, but I finally did some research and found out it’s not because I’m too sensitive and I’m not the only one like this either. It’s just how my body reacts. Another one of those things I had to learn to love about myself. 🙂
Unbelievably, despite loving coffee, chocolate, and anything creamy and sweet, I’ve never tasted Tiramisu. Now I’m going to have good dreams of it, find some to try, and make this, stat. And try not to cry that I can’t have it now. 😛
Jackie says
This looks delicious and easy to make. Interesting answer to question 2.
Peabody says
@Jackie – 😀
jacquie says
oh I so hear w/ regards to the Sarah commercials. what combination of flavors were you thinking of for the “I just watched the pet abuse commercial with Sarah McLachlan”? I have my spoon already to dive in 🙂
Monica h says
PS. you can find vanilla bean paste at Williams-Sonoma and Sur La Table if you have any of those local to you.
Avanika {Yumsilicious Bakes} says
These look amazing, those mini Oreos are adorable!! They haven’t arrived here yet, will have to make this without them 🙁