So good news in our household on Wednesday, Crazy Cocker Spaniel’s lab results came back with the news we had been hoping for. CCS as most of you know has skin issues due to her allergies. Sometimes that causes staph infections and she goes on meds. But then she got a sore that looked like nothing she had ever had before…turned out it was MRSA. Now we didn’t find this out until 5 days after she was at the vet since they had to send it to a lab. They called me in a panic saying that it came back as being resistant to antibiotics and I listened but then also let them know that hey, it may say that but that it has improved greatly on the meds she was on. Oh they said. My actual vet was on vacation and I said I will wait until he comes back and keep on the meds she is on. They said okay but to be careful, that if anyone had health issues (which I do) then they are susceptible to getting it from the dog. Ugh.
We went in to the vet, now 2 weeks on the meds, and he agreed it improved greatly. He also commented if it was MRSA he was pretty sure I would have it too at this point, which I did not. So he swabbed again. Gave strict instructions about me not to touch the dog until they got word back. So my poor dog thought she was being punished and I felt horrible as I wasn’t allowed to hug, pet, hold her for weeks. The vet also told me to prepare that if the MRSA was not being cleared up that the meds she would have to take were very costly, daily injectables, and that it was highly toxic for the dog and she would most likely die. Oh gee, great. 🙁 And this picture sums up how she was feeling about all of that.
Six days of waiting and we finally got word that the MRSA that was there had cleared up and that the staph she has can be cleared up with what she was on. That dog had never been so squished and hugged by me in one night. 🙂 In fact she might even say she is hugged out…but I am not.
I do want to say a huge thank you for all the support. I had several fellow food bloggers (who are also dog lovers) reach out to me, reader support through comments (Instagram and email too), and the most sweet delivery…literally. I was sent 4 pints of Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream with a note telling me “Your blog makes me smile and brightens my day. I know you are going through a rough time right now and know you love Jeni’s ice cream. So it’s my chance to put a smile on your face.” Yeah, that was beyond awesome. Also awesome was she picked flavors based on my taste on this blog! So amazing and generous!
I’ve been sentimental with all that’s been going on and wanted just to make some good ol’ snickerdoodle cookies. I like to make mini ones because I can eat so many more and lie to myself that I’m not eating that many. I mean the first photo of cookies works out to be about 2 ½ real size cookies by my math. 😀 Plus they are Snickerdoodles so they are yummy in general.
- 1 cup unsalted butter (I used Plugra), at room temperature
- 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
- 2 eggs
- 2 ¾ cups all-purpose flour
- 2 tsp. cream of tartar
- 1 tsp. baking soda
- ¼ tsp. salt
- ½ tsp. freshly ground nutmeg
- Cinnamon sugar for rolling cookies in
- Heat oven to 375F.
- Using a stand mixer with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes.
- Add eggs, one at a time, scraping down the bowl after each addition.
- Add the flour, baking soda, cream of tartar, salt, and nutmeg with the mixer on slow until all ingredients are fully incorporated.
- Roll into balls (I use the super mini ice cream scooper…about the size of the small side of a melon baller) and then roll in cinnamon sugar.
- Place on a baking sheet.
- Bake for 6 ½ minutes. I know strange but use your phone or something that can do seconds as well as minutes.
- Remove from cookie sheet to wire rack let cool.

Liz S. says
SO SO glad that CCS is doing better!! xo
Joy says
I am so glad that you can snuggle CCS again! We tried to keep the poodle off the bed for ONE night (because he’s getting pushy and forgetting that we live here too) and I folded I missed him too much so I can’t imagine how hard it was for you…
Peabody says
@joy- yeah she would just sneak up every time. 🙂
Zazzy says
Excellent, excellent news! It gets so scary with our little furry family.
Judy says
Glad to hear CCS is on the mend!
Audra Blair says
This is indeed fantastic news Peabody! Hip Hip Hooray!
Karen says
What fabulous news!
Erika says
Yay! So glad she is going better! Keep on giving her All.The.Hugs. 🙂
Peabody says
@Erika- oh she is getting ALL the hugs
julia meyer says
Relieved to hear about CCS. And the kids want snickerdoodles, so now I don’t even have to look up the recipe!
Rebecca says
Great news about the pooch! MRSA is pretty nasty stuff, and hard to recover from! Not being able to touch CCS would be the worst! So glad she’s better!
Ali says
yay 🙂 glad to hear it!
KB says
Almost cried I was so happy to hear the news about CCS! I can’t imagine not being able to cuddle her for comfort (hers or yours), so thank goodness you get to hug her again. I hope the best for her recovery.
Also, I had never noticed that she was Snickerdoodle-colored before. 🙂
Peabody says
@KB- Yes, so love hugging her again. And as always thanks so much for your support!
Kristen says
Oh this is such great news!!!! Yay!!!!
Peabody says
@kristen- yes! I was beyond a wreck
Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie says
Yay for healthy puppy!! And for awesome mini snickerdoodles.
Peabody says
@Erin- thanks, we are happy for the healthy pup
Kate says
I’m glad to hear your dog is doing better. We recently lost our kitty, Chester Manly. He was our baby princess & we really miss getting to pet him so give your baby a good petting for us.
Peabody says
@Kate- I’m very sorry about your kitty (awesome name)…I will give my pet extra loves in your kitties honor
jacquie says
oh so so glad she is feeling better – and you and the family also by extension. She looks fabulous in the second photo w/ her eyes all sparking. one has to treasure ever day one has w/ an older pup doesn’t one? take care of yourselves.
Heather says
Glad your girl is doing better! Nothing is more stressful than when a loved one is sick!