There had been rumors that a Chick-fil-A was coming to Washington State. Now for some you might not care, but I love me some Chick-fil-A, and I missed it. Before getting to have it in Nashville when we went in February, I had not had it for about 8 years. So when I learned it was actually in the works to come to our state and one of the three being built was coming to my town, I posted on FB that I was a little too excited over this (because I am). And then the debate began.
First off everyone agreed it was delicious that was not the debate. The comments were more along the lines of the food is good but I won’t eat there because of what they stand for. And I get it. If for some reason you don’t know Chick-fil-A was giving money to groups that supported anti-gay marriages. Many of my friends boycotted them…which is easy when you live in a state with no Chick-fil-A. I chose not to boycott.
I chose not to boycott, not because I don’t support gay marriage (because for the record I do…I support love) but because I chose not to boycott in general. I’m a pretty open minded person. I understand that Chick-fil-A is run by Christians. The man who is president of the company believes in the traditional family, as the bible describes, this is how he was raised, these are his beliefs. The company also believes rest on Sunday…which is when I (and most people) tend to crave Chick-fil-A unfortunately. I personally have known a few individuals (two of whom are gay) that worked for Chick-fil-A when I lived in Arizona. All of them enjoyed working for the company and the two gay gentlemen even received the Chick-fil-A scholarship to go to college (they worked there in high school). They were never treated different or in a hateful manner.
Now this is not a promo for Chick-fil-A by any means…except for their sandwiches which oh my…that’s good eats. I personally just focus on how a company treats me. I love my hairdresser, she does an excellent job, and I don’t care about her political views. I don’t care about my insurance agents political views. I don’t care about the man who works at the PostNet by my house political views. I care that they are friendly, helpful, and carry a good product or do a good job. It’s why I love Nordstroms,, Zappos, and Harry and David to name a few because they still believe in customer service. And Chick-fil-A is friendly, helpful, and carries a darn good sandwich that I look forward to eating in Spring 2015. I’m sure many are going to disagree with me but please do so in a respectful manner or else you will be deleted. 🙂
So not chicken or political related are these Nutella Truffle Brownie Cookies….they are just good. I got the idea from Cookies and Cups who had a Buckeye version that looked yummy but I wanted me some Nutella darn it all. I wanted something easy to make for the hockey team since I didn’t have much time before out game. Feel free to make them with peanut butter but I was feeling the Nutella love that day.
- 1 box (18-19 oz) Brownie mix
- 1/4 cup butter, melted
- 1/2 cup cream cheese, room temperature
- 1 egg
- 3/4 cup Nutella
- 3/4 cup powdered sugar
- Preheat oven to 350°
- Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Using a stand mixer with a paddle attachment mix on low the brownie mix, butter, cream cheese and egg.
- Mix until dough comes together; it will be very thick and sticky.
- Form rounded tablespoons sized portions of dough into balls, placing on baking sheet about 2 inches apart, making an indentation with your thumb in the center of each.
- In a medium bowl stir together Nutella and powdered sugar. Form truffle mixture into teaspoon sized balls and press into the indentations in the brownie cookies.
- Press Nutella truffle down slightly because the Nutella won't spread and you don't want the cookies to be too tall.
- Bake for 10-12 minutes until edges are set.
- Transfer to wire rack to cool.
- Adapted from Cookies and Cups

pascale says
I love this post and agree. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. Who in the world knows what goes on in the most judgemental person’s home, behind closed doors?
Be happy and leave people alone. When did we start calling people names if they don’t share our beliefs?
And… I am going to make these cookies for my daughter, the nutella fiend!
Karen says
I just moved from WA back to the Midwest and CHick fil a was the first place we went. They have the best food and are the nicest people. I too do not agree with their gay marriage views but do support how they act on their other views, like giving their employees Sunday off.
Christi @ Love From The Oven says
So very well said. 🙂
Shares says
I wanted to agree with your point of view and I get where you’re going with it, in that you shouldn’t feel like you’re being “forced” to boycott something, you’re right, its a choice. But I think you missing the main reason why people choose to boycott things, the money they make to support these anti-gay organizations is the same money you gave them for their services.
You’re right in that I think that more companies should place a higher value on customer service and employee relations however I don’t think this plays hand in hand for why you should boycott a company. Had that company’s values been more nefarious, and their funding went to things that were much more sinister in nature, I doubt that many people would agree that you shouldn’t boycott them because they still have good food.
Peabody says
@Shares- I get the point of boycotting. I understand that my money is going towards some of that. I think my former SIL said it well “Being from the home of Chick-fil-a, I can say there’s an awful lot of tension surrounding this decision. Easily 3/4 of my friends are gay, and about half of them boycott. My personal opinion is that since I’m not going to research every single company that donates directly or indirectly to anti-gay enterprises, there’s no reason for me to boycott one or two. He’s welcome to his opinions, just as I’m welcome to mine.”
erika says
Liz S. says
I’m 100% with you, Peabody! And I also 100% support those Nutella Truffle Brownie Cookies 😀
Marcela says
Love the recipe! But I have a doubt: in the ingredients you say we use butter, but in the instructions you say “Press Nutella truffle down slightly because the peanut butter won’t spread and you don’t want the cookies to be too tall.” So, is it butter or peanut butter?
Peabody says
@marcela- it’s neither, it’s Nutella. I used this recipe from Cookies and Cups and just missed that. Thanks for pointing it out.
Carey says
We said piece & well made cookies – yay!
Mia says
Well put…
EH says
I will probably be in the minority, but I really admire the owner of Chick-Fil-A for standing up for what he believes in, but not being mean or nasty about it. I happen to agree with many of his beliefs. And I think Chick-Fil-A is an excellent example for businesses that you can be successful without being open every day of the week and every holiday 🙂 But, I also shop from companies that I know have different views than I do. I choose places that offer excellent products, excellent customer service and treat me with kindness and respect.
On a lighter note, Patio Daddio posted a copycat recipe on Tasty Kitchen that’s gotten good reviews, although it’s not nearly as easy as hitting up the drive-through 🙂
KB says
My opinion on the matter is that I eat for food, not for politics. 🙂 I’m very religious myself, but I’m not anti-gay, and most people who work at Chick-fil-a are similar – not similar because they have the same views, but similar because they’re just average people with different opinions. If I have to think about it, I think about how my money is going toward those people getting paychecks in rough economic times because the restaurant stays open. Besides, if you boycott everything and everyone with a different political/social view than yours, you’re in for a very, very rough and lonesome life.
Besides, their chicken is dang good. We have one at my local mall and if the lines there are any indication, good grief, clearly ours isn’t being boycotted much. Sometimes they’re out of the restaurant and almost to the doors of the next store down, and it’s not because the employees there are slacking off at all.
And now I want Chick-fil-a. But I also want these cookies. Meaning to get one, I need to leave the house anyway, so I may as well get the ingredients for the other! 😀
Gwyn says
Wow!!! Very nicely said!!!
Vicki Tunell says
This recipe turned out so well, my kids loved these cookies, and they were easy enough for them to help me with. Thanks for another winner!