This Cookie Butter Caramel Sauce is a simple but tasty three ingredient caramel sauce that is perfect for pie or ice cream.
I am so over the “Be In Love With Your Life… Every Minute Of It” movement.
I get it.
And I get why it started.
People bitch and complain way too much about First World Problems like someone spelled your name wrong on your Starbucks.
Or you are annoyed that people pronounced your child’s name (which you spelled weird to be special) not how it’s supposed to be pronounced.
You have time to get upset over grammar.
Or you complain that you don’t like the new app format that you have on your $400 smartphone.
I get that we should be happy with what we have.
And I am.
I have a pretty darn good life even with its ups and downs.
BUT…let’s be realistic, I’m not going to be loving when they change my dosage on my meds and I’m dry heaving at 3am.
I’m thankful I’m not dead but not loving those minutes.
Not Sorry.
I have tried and tried to love folding laundry.

Happiness books and websites tell you to appreciate the moment and be thankful that you have clothing to fold.
Yep, I get that.
I am super happy that I have clothing to fold that goes on my body.
It’s still a pain in the ass to fold.
I am not loving the minutes I fold laundry.
Whoever invents the folding laundry machine wins life.
I’m not loving that my dog is in pain from her constant battle with her skin issues.
I don’t love that her having all these health issues has caused massive debt for us.
So I’m starting the “Be In Love With Your Life…Almost Every Minute Of It Except When It Genuinely Sucks And Don’t Let Stupid Sayings On People’s FB And Pinterest Make You Feel Bad About Not Always Loving It” movement.
Who’s with me?
One thing I am definitely loving is this Cookie Butter Caramel Sauce that I made to go on top of my Cookie Butter Apple Crumble.
Just three ingredients but it’s pretty much liquid love.
I loved every minute of every time I took the spoon to my mouth.
P.S. It’s a great day to order my cookbook.
Want More Caramel?
Salted Caramel Apple Fritter Bread
Vanilla Bean Caramel Thumbprint Cookies
Mini Caramel-Glazed Honey Crisp Apple Bread

Cookie Butter Caramel Sauce
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 1 cup heavy cream
- 1/3 cup cookie butter
- Place the sugar in a medium saucepan and set over medium heat.
- Do not stir the sugar (you will get the urge). It will start to melt around 3-4 minutes.
- Once it starts to melt then you get to gently mix the sugar into the melted sugar.
- When the sugar is completely liquid keep a watch on it.
- Again not stirring it, wait for it to become a rich amber color once it does immediately remove from heat.
- Stir the heavy cream slowly.
- It will sputter and bubble up, but keep stirring. You may get little chunks of caramel but don’t worry they will dissolve in the next step.
- Return the pan to medium-low heat and simmer while stirring until all of the caramel has dissolved this can take anywhere from 5-10 minutes. Mine only took 5.
- Stir in the cookie butter and stir over medium-low heat until smooth.
- Store in a jar in the refrigerator for a week.
- Makes a little over a cup.
Cookbook Queen says
I think I need a huge mug of this caramel sauce for breakfast….
sara says
I like your new book. 🙂 🙂 And, that caramel sauce looks amazing!
Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie says
Oh that is most definitely love in liquid form.
KB says
Did I just read the future title of your memoir? 🙂 Also, I think I need to get some cookie butter and make this to top ice cream.
stephanie says
And now I know what will top my cheesecake! Off to look up your peanut butter cup-peanut butter chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake bars…again.
Amanda says
I think I could just drink this, DELICIOUS!!!
Erin M. says
Love it!!