This Caramel Corn Caramel Layer Cake is a twist on southern caramel cake made with brown butter frosting and covered with caramel.

People don’t really know what to say to people when someone or some-fur-one has died.
I don’t really know what to say to that person either as each person grieves in their own way and so that makes it extra hard to figure out what to say.
Most people are pretty safe with sorry about your loss.
It’s when you venture into inserting your own opinion that gets you in trouble…case in point.
While I have had many wonderful condolences I have had just as many “If it were me….”
And that’s the thing…it’s NOT you, it’s me.
I mostly get this in person when they see me and I’m not bawling my eyes out.
I get “wow you are doing so good, if I were you I’d be a wreck” and all other forms of that sentence.
And I get it even more so when I mention that my hubby and I are looking for another dog.
I have had many a person tell me that again, if it were THEM, they couldn’t do that right away.
They like to tell me I’m not ready…and when I ask why they say it’s too soon.
For them maybe, not for me.

Sadly Crazy Cocker Spaniel had been sick for a long time and I’ve known her time was coming for probably the last year.
I’ve cried a whole lot over the last year, especially the last 6 weeks before she died.
Every fiber of my being knew she was leaving me and so I grieved. I cried.
I don’t feel anger, she lived a great 15 years.
Nor did I plead for one more day as she just couldn’t be here any longer.
I don’t want my next dog to be like her, only Crazy Cocker Spaniel and all her quirks could make up CCS and no other dog will be that.
So while you may not be ready for another dog, I am.
I’m ready to open my heart to another or two for that matter.
CCS would want me to help other dogs get a loving family, and we are a loving family.
I had someone tell me I couldn’t get a dog until I stopped grieving CCS…if I did that I would never get a dog again.
For I will grieve her the rest of my life is my guess.
I still cry randomly now and will probably do so when things remind me of her…though I tend to smile more when I think of her than cry.
The other thing I want to address I had several emails telling me that it was in truly poor taste to put a picture of me and CCS up in her last moments on Earth on Instagram.
I respectfully disagree.
So many bloggers are obsessed with making their life look a certain way, the perfect life, I have never been one of those bloggers.
I show you my dirty laundry piles that have been there for days.
The food I messed up on.
I have pictures where I have a double chin or my arm looks huge at that angle.
That’s real life.
I felt silly asking my husband to take the picture at the time, and yet I’m so glad I did as that picture puts me at peace.
So many of you had followed the journey of CCS through her illnesses over the past year, and well I felt the need to share the end of her journey on Earth (because I believe she is still on a journey just not here).
If I offended you I am sorry.

Well enough of that…if I were YOU…I’d make this Caramel Corn Caramel Layer Cake. 😛
Okay. But seriously.
This cake. Oh this cake.
I love me a good old fashioned Southern Caramel Cake.
This is not traditional by any means but still reminds me of the classic cake.
The caramel cake recipe comes from the new King Arthur Flour magazine called Sift.
It really shouldn’t be called a magazine, it’s more like a glossy mini cookbook.
People seemed upset that it cost almost $13 but to me it’s worth it. I really like it.
It also has no ads in it and like I said is more like a mini cookbook.
The brown butter frosting in this cake is a must, it really helps cut down the sweetness that you get from having caramel corn with it.
It also taste freaking amazing. Plus I think the cake is visually stunning!
Thank you all again for the kind comments and emails about Crazy Cocker Spaniel as well as the donations to the climb we did.
She is forever with me in my heart and there she will always stay.
P.S. It’s a great day to buy my cookbook Holy Sweet!

Want More Layer Cake Recipes?
Circus Animal Cookie Layer Cake
Strawberry Mascarpone Buttermilk Layer Cake
Chocolate Salted Caramel Popcorn Layer Cake
Strawberry Lemonade Layer Cake

Caramel Corn Caramel Layer Cake
- For the Caramel Syrup:
- 1½ cups granulated sugar
- 1/3 cup water
- ¾ cup additional water
- For the Cake:
- ¾ cup additional water
- 1¼ cups granulated sugar
- 3 cups all-purpose flour
- 2½ tsp. baking powder
- 1 tsp. salt
- ¾ cup unsalted butter (I used Plugra)
- 1 cup sour cream
- 4 large eggs
- ½ cup caramel syrup
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract (I used Rodelle)
- For the Brown Butter Caramel Corn Frosting:
- ¾ cup unsalted butter (I used Plugra)
- ¼ cup caramel syrup
- 2 tsp. vanilla extract (I used Rodelle)
- ¼ tsp. salt
- 4 cups powdered sugar
- ¼ cup caramel corn infused cream (see here for instructions)
- Caramel Corn Caramels (garnish)
- Caramel Corn (garnish)
For the syrup:
- In a small, heavy saucepan, combine the sugar with 1/3 cup water.
- Cook over medium heat until the sugar melts and the syrup starts to turn color.
- When you reach a medium amber color remove the pan from the heat and slowly pour in the ¾ cup of water. Be careful it will splatter up.
- Once the water is added, place back on low heat and stir until the sugar melts and you have a smooth liquid.
- Remove from heat and cool to room temperature.
- For the Cake:
- Preheat oven to 350F.
- Prepare either two 9-inch cake pans or two 6-inch pan (the size I used) with baking spray and parchment paper (if you skip the parchment your cake will stick most likely).
- Using a stand mixer with a paddle attachment, mix together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.
- Add the butter and beat on low until the mixture looks sandy.
- Add the caramel syrup, vanilla, and sour cream and mix until fully incorporated, scraping down the sides and bottom of mixing bowl. Then mix another 30 seconds.
- Add in eggs one at a time, scraping down the sides and bottom of mixing bowl after each addition.
- Divide the batter evenly between prepared pans.
- For 9-inch bake for 25-27 minutes. For 6-inch bake for 45-55 minutes or until cake is light to touch and center springs back and cake begins to pull slightly from the sides.
- Remove from oven and let cool on a wire rack.
- For the frosting:
- Place the butter in a 2-quart heavy bottom saucepan and melt over medium low heat, cooking until butter foams.
- The butter will begin to caramelize and give off a nutty aroma, when that happens remove from heat and pour into a clean mixing bowl to cool to room temperature.
- Add the powdered sugar and mix on low until fully incorporated, it will be a little stiff until you add the caramel corn cream.
- Add the caramel corn cream and the frosting with smooth out. If it’s not smooth enough add a little more cream. To runny? Add a little more powdered sugar.
- To assemble:
- Place one layer on a serving plate (making sure you have trimmed the top even.
- Spread 2/3 cup frosting over the first layer.
- Place the second layer on top.
- Cover the top and sides of the cake with remaining frosting.
- Drizzle about 1/3 cup remaining caramel syrup around the edges of the cake first and then the center to fill out the top.
- Add a few caramel corn caramels around the center and top caramel corn on top of those for garnish.
If you are interested in using a 6 inch pan I use Wilton Excelle Elite 6 x 2-3/4 Inch Springform Pan. I make almost all of my cakes on the blog using the 6 inch.
Karen says
I personally thought the picture was beautiful even though it made me break down in tears. Good for you for doing whatever is best for you during a very difficult time.
Peabody says
@Karen- thank you. Yes I fully expected that it would bring tears…but life sometimes brings those sadly.
Nicole says
I’m glad that picture puts you at peace; that’s all that matters. I think it is wonderful that you are thinking of getting a new dog and that another dog will have the opportunity to join such a loving family.
We’re close to the end with our kitty, whose cancer has returned. We’ve decided to forgo chemotherapy as it will likely just make her sick. Now we just have the time we have, but at least she will be the kitty we know until the end.
Peabody says
@nicole -oh no, I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. I understand your choice not to put her through that again. Enjoy all the time you have left with her.
Carey says
All I can say is thank you, thank you for being real, for being human. I saw the picture on Instagram and I cried for CCS and for your pain, and I was grateful that you shared such an honest and true picture. And I cried for the pain that I will experience sometime in the nearish future as I say goodbye to some-fur-one special.
I also understand the idea that getting a new pet to love and cherish does not replace or diminish your love for the special one who had to leave. Do what is right for you, your family, your heart, your life.
Peabody says
@Carey- thank you. I hope that they nearish future for you and your furbaby is not so near. But cherish the time you do have with them.
Carey says
PS – the cake looks & sounds absolutely divine!
Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie says
I actually wondered if/when you were going to start looking for another!
Martha says
I get you on wanting a new dog soon. When my parents first dog (also a cocker spaniel) died, they had a new one picked out three days later. When that dog died (also a cocker spaniel), they would have had a new dog sooner than they did. The only thing that stopped them was that I was getting married in Maine five months after the dog died and they would be traveling between there and their home in Texas for various reasons over the next couple of months. You do what is good for you and brings you comfort.
Tracey C says
I’ve been offline for the past week or so and missed the news. 🙁 I’m so sorry for your loss. After years of reading about her, it feels like CCS was a member of my own family, in a way. I lost one of my elderly kitties last year (and the other is failing); there is no right or wrong way to grieve. You do what works for you. (and I thought the picture was lovely; I wish I had one of me with my Malia in her last moments)
I hope you find a new fur-companion soon and wish you all the best in your search!
Joy says
That picture was heartbreaking but in a way that reminds you that real love never ends. I was with my beautiful horse until her last breath reminding her of our favorite rides and someday (in the very far future) I’ll be there for the poodle with all my heart… And I’m so glad that some other dog will get your love (and you theirs)
Mia says
Bridget says
People are eejits, and feel compelled to give everyone else advice. Sometimes, you can even let it get to you, and you start questioning everything. Please just be you and keep being you.
BTW, that cake looks yummy!
June Burns says
I’m so sorry for your loss…I can’t imagine how hard it is, never having experienced the loss of a pet like that before. I’m sure this cake helped a little 🙂
Lindsay says
Perfect. Yes to everything in this post. Love and hugs, strangerfriend. I look forward to the day we meet in person, over beers and doggie loves!
Lindsay says
Also … this cake? Swooooooon!
Darlene says
My beloved McTaggart, (best dog ever) died almost 9 years ago. I still grieve, from time to time,but we also have another great dog. Everyone in their own time.
On another note, my friend had all her close friends over the night before her cat’s last day. We took pictures with him and drank “Cat’s Pee on a Gooseberry Bush” white wine and toasted Friendly, (best cat ever). Glad we had the opportunity. It was important to my friend.
No one can tell another how to live their life, it’s your very own.
My condolences.
I keep meaning to make your culinary concoctions. I really think I will make this one. Thank you.
Peabody says
@Darlene- I love that your friend did that for her cat. We are considering having a wake in the dogs honor as we “retired” her doggie hockey jersey right before she passed and are having it mounted.
And I’m sorry for the loss of your beloved McTaggart
erika says
I think it’s awesome that you want to open your home to another dog or TWO! Screw those people who think they know how you should live your life. You do what is right for you. When I lost my beloved bulldog I had make me a stuffed animal in her likeness. I keep it on my nightstand. She will forever hold a place in my heart. But I knew in my heart that her passing would allow for another dog to live. Within a month I was searching rescues and shelters for another bulldog. I ended up rescuing a chihuahua mix. What can I say. The dogs that need you and that you need, have a way of finding you. She is the greatest little dog ever. So full of love and happiness despite the scars that tell of a horrible start at life. Good luck in your search!
Sarah says
You are my favorite and one of the few bloggers I actually will visit the site of rather than just read in feedly, and that is because of your realness. People said we rushed when we got a new puppy a few weeks after our dear pup passed last year, but it was right for us, and I love that you have been honest and raw and shared everything, and admire you so much for still making the time to bake and post! You are amazing and CCS was truly blessed to have you and the next pup will be too!
Annamaria @ Bakewell Junction says
I didn’t want another dog after our first dog passed. Then a year later, Casey came out of the woods and chose us. Everyone is different and there isn’t one way to move on after a fur-baby’s passing. It sounds like you’ve got it figured out and no two dogs are alike. Even if you find one that looks just like CCS, she or he will have a different personality. Good luck in your search for a new fur-baby. I’d love to see photos when you do.
Peabody says
Oh @annamaria you know whatever new pup we get we he/she will be all over this blog.
Kara says
Could you please provide the link to the caramel corn cream? Thank you! I am looking forward to making this tomorrow 🙂