These Chocolate Nougat Sprinkle Brownies topped with chocolate nougat similar to the filling of a 3 Musketeer bar and covered with sprinkles.

So if you ever thought to yourself I wonder what 3 Musketeers Bars would taste like as a brownie?
I now have your answer.
That answer of course is: have mercy pass me another one.
I threw some sprinkles since I have to and some caramel filled chocolate chips (because I throw those on like everything now) just for good measure.
We will get back to the brownies in a bit.
I was sitting on the couch with a spaniel on me (which he is always on me…case in point) and clicked on some fluff article about 5 things I’ve Kept Secret for 35 years.
It started me thinking what secrets do I have that I haven’t told anyone?
So of course I want to tell you.
1. When I was like 8 years old I was in a Hallmark store in the mall.
There was a little glass heart that cost $.10.
And I asked my dad (who I was with at the time) to buy it for me and he said no (um, aren’t dad’s supposed to spoil you rotten?).
I remember putting the heart in my jean pocket.
We walked around the store and I had what could have only been small panic attack the whole time.
My love of this glass heart vs all that I was taught about morals raged inside of me.
Finally my morals won out and I went to put the glass heart back…but it was gone.
Now that I’m older I know that it most likely just fell somewhere in the store and therefore I did not steal it but I still feel a pang of guilt over it to this day.
Yes I am a super goody two shoes I know this.
I’m okay with it.
2. Most of my childhood I knew all of my Christmas gifts ahead of time.
I have a knack for unwrapping gifts without it being detected.
Somehow my morals don’t get in the way of this.
Of course now that I’m an adult I realize I took all the fun out of Christmas and long for the days when things were a surprise.
Which is why I think things like Barkbox, Birchbox, Ipsy, etc are so popular…it’s like Christmas every month.
3. I am sad (more liked worried) for my friends when they lose weight, and it’s not a jealousy thing.
It’s a because I know what they are going to go through kind of thing.
First they are in their happy zone (which is good of course).
You start going out more so people can see you and tell you how great you are looking (though until they do you get upset that you have lost 10 pounds and no one has noticed!).
Then they get into the diet takes over my life I’m a horrible person for drinking that beer or eat a cupcake stage.
Then you get into verbalizing that you were either “good” or “bad” that day based on what you ate.
Newsflash: if you didn’t kill, rape, wound, rob (etc) someone today you had a good day.
And while the people may joke about it or brush it off in their mind they really do feel that they were bad or good.
Then the; I will never gain weight back this is my new lifestyle (I cringe the most at this part) phase starts.
Then comes maintenance.
Maintenance in my opinion is the hardest.
For me losing the weight wasn’t really the hard part.
In maintenance you don’t get the people constantly building you up by telling you how great you look and how they are inspired.
Sure you will see someone that hasn’t seen you in a while and they will gush and you will feel great.
You look how you want to look and so now that evil cupcake gets eaten and you remember that they taste way better than the fat free sugar free pudding cup that you were passing as dessert for so long.
You don’t go to the gym as hard as you used to because you made it to your goal.
Then it slowly happens, the weight creeps up.
At first you don’t really care, it’s just a few pounds…and then up and up it goes.
And you are crushed not even by the fact that you gained weight but that because you feel you let people down.
I can assure you, that you did not let people down.
People are so absorbed in their own lives that if you gained weight their life goes on and so will yours.

Yes I sound pessimistic.
When it comes to the weight loss industry I am.
I’ve been in it to lose weight.
I’ve worked for Weight Watchers (both as receptionist and leader).
I have friends who have all been through it.
I’m sad to report that every.single.person has gained some of the weight back.
Google how many of the Biggest Loser contestants gained weight plus more (which they have a gag order to not tell).
I gained some of my weight back.
Now granted I lost weight to save my marriage, that didn’t happen, and I stress ate.
But I’ve watched injuries sidetrack people, life circumstances (including not having money to belong to gyms and buy organic kale), people just sick of tracking everything they ate, you name it.
I’ve had friends that kept off weight for several years only to have it come back.
Recently I reached out to a blogger I hadn’t heard from in a while only to find she stopped blogging because she gained the weight back and was ashamed.
Gaining weight should not be something to be ashamed about!
And so this is why I am so about loving who you are as you are.
Wow, sorry that was longer than I thought.
4. I miss the days when you could meet someone at the airport at the gate.
As teenagers this was one of the things we would do.
We were lame, I know.
But we would make signs with generic names and just go and see if we could meet new people.
I still talk to one of the people we met when I was 17 years old.
5. I was scared for years that watermelon seeds if swallowed would indeed grow a watermelon in my stomach.
And now these Chocolate Nougat Sprinkle Brownies.
Yes they are over the top.
Everything on this blog usually is.
I urge you to make sure to use bittersweet and semisweet chocolate or these will be too sweet.
But if you love a 3 Musketeer Bar then these are the brownies for you.
You don’t have to have the toppings but I think they make them more festive…and well I have a lot of sprinkles to use up!
Last but not least…it’s a great time to order my cookbook.
Want more recipes? Try these:
Hot Chocolate Marshmallow Brownie Bars

Chocolate Nougat Sprinkle Brownies
- For the Brownie batter:
- 8 oz. unsalted butter, cut into pieces
- 3 oz. unsweetened baking chocolate, finely chopped
- 1 cup bittersweet chocolate chips
- 4 large eggs, at room temperature
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 1 cup brown sugar, packed
- ¾ tsp. salt
- 1 ½ tsp. vanilla extract
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- ½ tsp. baking powder
- 1/3 cup sprinkles
- For the Chocolate nougat:
- 4 TBSP unsalted butter
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- ¼ cup evaporated milk
- 7 oz. marshmallow fluff
- ½ cup semisweet chocolate chips
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- 1 cup caramel filled chocolate chips
- 1 cup mini marshmallows
- 1/3 cup sprinkles
- For the Brownie:
- Prepare a 9-x-13-inch pan with baking spray.
- Preheat oven to 350F.
- In a small saucepan melt the butter over low heat.
- Add the unsweetened chocolate and the bittersweet chocolate chips and whisk until the chocolate is melted and smooth.
- Move from burner and set aside.
- Using a stand mixer with a whisk attachment, beat together the eggs, sugars, and salt until incorporated.
- Add the chocolate and whisk until combined.
- Add the vanilla and beat until fully combined.
- Remove from mixer and fold in the flour and baking powder until just combined.
- Fold in the sprinkles.
- Pour mixture into prepared pan and spread the batter out evenly with a spatula.
- Bake 28-30 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.
- Transfer to a cooling rack and let cool to room temperature. Then place in freezer while you prepare the chocolate nougat.
- For the Chocolate nougat:
- Place butter, sugar and evaporated milk in a medium saucepan.
- Cook over medium-low heat until the butter has melted and the sugar is dissolved.
- Increase heat to medium-high to bring the mixture to a boil.
- Then lower heat to low and let it gently slowly boil without mixing for 5 minutes.
- Remove from heat and add the marshmallow fluff, chocolate, salt, and extract and whisk vigorously until the mixture if fully blended.
- Pour the nougat over the chilled brownies and spread evenly with a offset spatula
- Sprinkle the toppings evenly on top of the nougat
- Put in fridge for 7-8 hours or overnight.
- Cut into 24 squares and serve.
Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie says
I had a similar experience with #1 but it was over a pack of gum and I didn’t put it back… but my mom spotted it and to my horror, carted me back to the store to return it. Lesson learned.
#4 heck yea! I was super excited when you made the signs when I flew into Seattle to visit!
#5 Um yes, along with flavored gum. I was gullible. DId you know that gullible is written on the ceiling?
Linda says
Caramel filled chocolate chips???? Have yet to see them in Canada or perhaps it is just where I live (Winnipeg..Go Jets!! ) I’ll have to keep my eye out for them, or else I will have to take a road trip down to the U.S. These sound yummy.
KB says
I’m kind of surprised at #3. I can understand your pessimism after your experience with Weight Watchers, but I’ve known people that have lost weight and been honestly, truly happier that way. I also can’t imagine being sad if a friend achieves something they want to, like losing weight. I celebrate them meeting that goal. I’ve known some who do go into the weight-obsession spiral, but that’s what I’m sad about, and that’s when I want to be there to support them. Some don’t do that, some can live happily with moderation. I just feel it’s kind of harsh and judgmental to be sad for someone just because they lose weight, but like I said, I can see how your experience could make you feel that way toward the idea of dieting or trying to lose weight.
These brownies look fabulous, though! I’ve made a similar nougat once for a Snickers-themed cake, but it was peanut butter. Mmmm.
Peabody says
@KB I warned that it was pessimistic. But reality is that I am 42 years old. I have only two friends who have kept weight off and they both had surgery and are determined to not waste the money. But they both aren’t that many years into it. I have several people who had the surgery who have gained weight back more than 5 years out. My goalie so far is the only one currently who I see (and believe by how he talks) that he is in an okay place. He does low carb most of the time but doesn’t shy away from carbs when out with friends and what not. He exercises a lot and more importantly I never hear him say things like I’m bad or I have to go work this off. He has lost 80 pounds and I could not be prouder because he has done it in a slow and amazing way that works for him and in real life. I don’t hear any trigger phrases from him.
I have friends that gain and lose the same 10 pounds. That work for places like Advocare and what not and are losing and gaining the same 10-15 pounds who feel like shit when up and great when down.
I’m not being judgmental, I’m going off of life experience. Not one of my WW peeps kept their weight off…not one. They didn’t gain it all back but they didn’t keep it off. There are some that can, but that is the 5% that the diet industry talks about. It is a very hard thing to do. And most people tend to get to a dark place. Some get out of it and are able to chill out and maintain but they still went through the dark phase and for that I’m sad. I know that dark phase. It’s not a good phase.
I want people to be okay with who they are. Because when you get to the point where you feel crappy that you gained 10 pounds then you are not in a good place.
Lora @cakeduchess says
I need to take the time to visit your blog more often because it makes me happy, brightens my morning, and makes me smile when I read your posts. xo (love these brownies!)
Kelly says
Mmmmm, brownies and memories. I swiped a pack of Hubba Bubba bubblegum from our little grocery store (two horse town) and felt so bad about it that a year or so later I went back and left a big wad of change with interest on the checkout stand.
But those brownies. Those are a must try. We can’t do the fluff because of the corn syrup but I have a recipe for chocolate nougat which is exactly the same thing so I will have to try these out when it’s my turn to bring treats! YUM.
I love your blog. And so glad Mr. Squishy face is such a match!
Erin M. says
These look so fun and yummy!!
Elizabeth says
I love FESTIVE so I’ll be using ALL the topping!
Caanan says
I loved your #4. I would never have done it growing up (too shy), but it’s sounds fun to me now.
Rebecca says
Hi! I’m a random reader but just wanted to comment to say first, when I was reading #3 on your list I found myself nodding along the entire time. You seriously hit the nail right on the head. And second, I made these brownies to bring to a party this weekend and to say they went over well would be a (HUGE) understatement! I actually didn’t know if they were even going to make it to the party since I couldn’t stop eating them while I was cutting them… Just wanted to say thanks for the beautiful and completely delicious recipe!