These Monster Cookie Dough Brownies are fudgy brownies topped with Monster Cookie Dough, Ganache and mini M&M’s.

I will say this about Facebook, it does open your eyes to your friends and acquaintances views, especially the very vocal ones.
I have a handful of friends on FB that love to post political stuff from conspiracy theories to why the country is going to hell in a handbasket.
And that’s okay.
I’m not sure when we all got on the bandwagon of anyone that doesn’t think just like me is wrong and I don’t need to associate with them.
We all come from different experiences and those experiences shape us who we are today.
My parents were both police officers, that shapes how I see law enforcement.
I was a teacher and that shapes how I see public education.
I am a stepmother and that shapes how I see stepparents.
When people travel to other countries it shapes who they are and more importantly how they see the USA (which newsflash most people don’t love us).
If you never left your hometown your experiences are going to be different than those that did.
All of it matters and all of it affects us.
The parents of Alison Parker and Adam Ward probably have very strong opinions on gun control right now, ones that they might not have had before…because of experience.
So while you may be saying to yourself this person is ignorant and stupid…you don’t know what experiences lead them to feel this way.
Do yourself a favor and find out.

I rarely see eye to eye with my parents and I love to debate my mom.
She’s one of the few people I like to debate with.
Most people just want to shout their side and when they don’t agree with you they are idiots.
But not my mom.
We both say why we feel like we do and move on.
I like learning why she has formed that opinion and it helps me understand.
Is it going to change my mind? No.
But it helps me get an idea of where she is coming from.
Though some people don’t have a reason other than they saw it on the News or someone forwarded an email…those people need to research a little more.
If you can’t passionately back up what you believe in…then maybe you don’t really believe in it.
One thing I can passionately believe in is cookie dough and brownie combined and form Monster Cookie Dough Brownies.
While I bravely will eat it with raw egg in it and all, many will not and so please note that the cookie dough in this recipe is egg free.
Lots of people do a chocolate chip cookie dough, but I am all about the Monster Cookie because it has M&M’s which is way better than just chocolate chips.
Monster Cookies also have peanut butter and oats.
It’s an overlooked cookie that shouldn’t be overlooked.
BTW- my husband hardly eats many of the sweets I make and he ate like 7 of these.
That just doesn’t happen.
They are that good.
Last but not least…it’s a great time to order my cookbook. 😀

Want More Brownie Recipes?
Marshmallow Crunch Brownie Bars

Monster Cookie Dough Brownies
- Brownie Mix of your choice prepared according to an 8×8 inch pan.
- Monster Cookie Dough Truffle Layer
- Chocolate ganache layer
- Extra mini M&M’s
- Monster Cookie Dough Truffle Layer
- ½ cup unsalted butter, at room temperature (I used Plugra)
- ½ cup peanut butter (I used Jif)
- ¾ cup packed brown sugar (I used Imperial)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract (I used Rodelle)
- ½ tsp salt
- 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour (heat treated)
- 1 cup oats (I used Quaker)
- 14 ounces sweetened condensed milk
- ½ cup chocolate chips
- ¾ cup mini M&M’s
- Chocolate Ganache:
- 3 ounces semi-sweet chocolate, chopped
- 1/3 cup heavy whipping cream
- 1 TBSP unsalted butter
- For the cookie dough:
- Using a stand mixer (or a bowl and beaters), cream together the butter, peanut butter, and sugar until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes.
- Beat in vanilla.
- With speed on low, slowly add flour, alternating with condensed milk, beating g well after each addition.
- Fold in chocolate chips and M&M’s.
- You will only need about half this batch to make the brownies, set that aside.
- I suggest making truffles with the remaining amount.
- Simply ball them into 1-inch balls.
- Then chill.
- Dip in chocolate and place back into fridge.
- To make the brownies:
- Prepare according to package.
- Let cool for 5 minutes after out of oven.
- Break cookie dough into pieces.
- It’s going to be easier to pat it down than it is to spread.
- Once evenly distributed, place into freezer.
- Prepare ganache.
- Melt the chopped chocolate, cream, and butter in a stainless steel bowl placed over a saucepan of simmering water.
- Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature and then spread the ganache over the cookie dough.
- Top with mini M&M’s if so desired.
- Wrap in plastic wrap and let set up in fridge for 8 hours.
- Yep, 8.
- Warning, these are HEAVY.
- They will feel like you are carrying around a brick.
- It’s okay, because it’s a brick of awesomeness.
Ashley says
Knowing what you believe in and what shaped you to be who you are with the thoughts and biases you have is a good thing. Bonus points if it includes awesome creations like monster cookie dough brownies. 😀
Cakespy says
“One thing I can passionately believe in is cookie dough and brownie combined.” Please, can you run for president???
Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie says
I definitely don’t like stating my claim on an issue before researching it which is why I have only voted in 1 presidential election since I was 18 because I haven’t paid enough attention to the candidates to feel like I can make a choice between them. I feel like I should care more but at the same time barely pay attention to the news because I am off doing other things… like baking ;-).
Mary Frances says
It’s my best friends birthday this weekend and this is a great idea! The Cookie Dough Brownies look mind blowing! Thanks for sharing your recipe.
Annette says
I only joined Facebook 3 months ago and I’m almost ready to drop it because of this reason. I have opinions – just don’t put them on Facebook. These brownies look awesome. I believe they will be my next work treat! 🙂
Annamaria @ Bakewell Junction says
I’ve missed your e-mails terribly. Since I blog at I didn’t realize that bloggers with their own domain pay for sending out e-mails. Every time I post, my e-mail followers automatically get an e-mail. I haven’t been posting much but that’s because of time limitations. Hope your ad agencies get on the ball.
I love your brownies. I would eat more than seven.
Peabody says
@Annamaria- the good news is that I had to pay for the whole month so there will be at least 3 more emails coming. 🙂 And I should be keeping it for awhile as I have some client work that has payout very soon.