I have always said that if you are happy with who you are and you don’t have any health issues in which losing weight can help reduce those health issues then be whatever weight you want to be. But then it happened to me. Not blood pressure or diabetes or anything like that, all my numbers with that kind of stuff are great, but last year I had a health issue that started me down a path I didn’t really expect. I’ve held off sharing it with you for quite some time but I’m tired of holding it in.
In July of last year my acid reflux at night was so bad that it would keep me up an average of 2-3 hours a night. It was affecting my life greatly; it was affecting my health greatly. So I made an appointment with a specialist which took months. Finally got in and no knowing my weight, not knowing a thing, the jerk (I had much stronger words I can assure you) told me that he would not run any test until I lost 30 pounds. I argued a lot with him and in the end did not win. Getting into another specialist was going to take several months and so I thought to myself, screw it, I will just drop the weight as quick as I can, get the test done, and if I gain it back oh well.
Except, it’s not that easy for me because of my chronic illness, I take large amounts of Prednisone and had to go to another doctor to get tapered off of the medication. If you have never been on Prednisone (lucky you) it makes you gain weight and retain fluid so losing weight it darn close to impossible on it. They agreed to taper me off but only for 4 months. Ummm. Okay, I have to drop 30 pounds in 4 months? Ummm. So I researched how I could lose the most in the least amount of time…that wasn’t going to cost me any money. I thought low carb but actually didn’t do well on it years ago but I remembered that my goalie had done low carb HIGH fat and done well. I researched it and decided to go with that. The acid reflux was so bad I was willing to do whatever it took, even if that meant no sugar, beer, bread, etc. After all, it was going to be for four months and that was it. Plus, there was still bacon.
I lived in fear of the sugar withdrawals since everywhere you go you read that sugar is as addictive as cocaine, and well, I ate a lot of sugar. A lot. So I was sure I would die.
Except I didn’t. Not a headache, not anything. No low carb flu (I did take potassium and sodium supplements). Nada. I had no withdrawals. I also had no cravings. I did not die. Apparently I can beat a cocaine addiction then. 😀
I once gave up sugar for a year and gained 13 pounds and never lost my craving for sugar. What was the difference this time? Fat. Lots and lots of fat. How much fat? 75% of my calories come from it.
So what did happen? Three days into it my acid reflux stopped. Not in thirty pounds but in three days. Take that jerk doctor. My night sweats that I used to have every night, stopped within a week. My thyroid medication has been reduced drastically to the point where the next step is to be off them completely. After the four months they didn’t put me back on high dosage of Prednisone because they don’t feel I need it. So much improvement that my husband who was doing slow carb (eating beans and sweet potatoes and things like that) switched over and loves it so much. And yes, I did lose weight. Not sure how much as I still don’t really weight myself unless I go to the doctor’s office and even that’s not right since I annoy them and weigh in with shoes and my purse in protest. :). MDP lost weight as well.
I could care less if I lose any more, I’m just happy to not have the acid reflux and the night sweats. For the first time that I was on a diet ever, I didn’t care what the scale said because I wasn’t doing it for that. I wasn’t doing it to be a smaller size. I was doing it because I felt better. All the previous ways I have lost weight, I didn’t actually feel better, just smaller. So because of that, at least for right now, MDP have chosen to continue to eat this way.
But you run a baking blog? Are you turning this into a low carb blog? Yes, I run a baking blog and will continue to do so as I love baking. It will continue to stay a sugar filled carb filled baking blog. And I know you are thinking how on Earth are you baking all that and not eating it? Well, some of it I am. If it’s for a client I always take a nibble because well, they paid for it. For the most part I have taste testers though because almost everything is too sweet these days. If I truly want it I take a bite. For the record I truly wanted that cinnamon bun oreo cheesecake. I took a nibble. Assessed that I wanted more of it and took two rather large bites. I was at home so if I got sick I at least was at home. After the two bites though I was done. Totally worth it. So good. Fortunately nothing happened. I say that because I had some beer after a 5K and my body was very anti that…for days…and I didn’t even have a whole beer.
I have struggled with wanting to tell you the reader but also fearful of doing so. I turned to Sarah Jenks for advice. Most of you know her because I have promoted her and her program Live More Weigh Less for years now and continue to do so (it’s coming up again). I told her how guilty I felt that I have not been eating sugar and carbs (well I still have a few Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Almonds each day) and yet I am making things with sugar and carbs. How most people would not consider what I do eating in moderation and yet that is what I promote. She talked me down off a ledge and told me what an amazing thing it is that I am able to not have food control me. How I am simply baking for the joy of baking, which we all know I lost last year. How people would kill (well, injure) to be where I’m at, oh no, I’m not craving sugar or carbs. That I am still practicing what I preach.
You may say how am I promoting everything in moderation when I eat what most would consider a restrictive diet? For me, I don’t think of it as restrictive. I haven’t once said to myself I CAN’T have that, I simply say I’m not having that right now. I still believe in moderation. I’m not going my whole life without a glazed sprinkle donut, it’s just not going to happen. I’m just not craving it right now. I don’t believe the way MDP and I are eating is for everyone. I don’t think everyone would do well on it…and we tell people that all the time because people have noticed (not just the weight loss but the energy). Some people thrive vegan (been there, done that, didn’t thrive). Some people thrive high carbs. Some people do well vegetarian, and so on.
So there you have it. My dirty little secret of sorts. I felt you should know. I hope you don’t think less of me.
On to the food. Yes, I did try these….because it’s sprinkle donuts as a cereal made by Captain Crunch. So, yeah, I don’t think I could eat it as a cereal because they are sweet, but as marshmallow squares? Heck yeah! The team ate these up and agreed they were quite good and wanted to know where to buy the cereal. I got mine I think at Winco but someone told me they got theirs at Target. You can always buy it on Amazon if you want. I wasn’t going to post these because they are simple but I had people ask on social media so that’s why they are on here.
Sprinkle Donut Cereal Marshmallow Squares
1 box (17.3 oz) Captain Crunch Sprinkle Donut Crunch Cereal
1 bag (10 oz) mini marshmallows
3 TBSP unsalted butter
sprinkles for decor
Grease a 9-x-13-inch pan with butter.
Melt butter in large saucepan over low heat.
Add marshmallows and stir until melted and well-blended, stirring constantly.
Remove from heat.
Add cereal.
Stir until well coated.
Using buttered spatula or waxed paper, press mixture evenly and firmly into pan.
Top with as many extra sprinkles as you would like.
Cut into squares when cool.

Martha says
Thanks for telling us, Peabody. I am happy you have found the right solution for you and most importantly, that you feel so much better. I completely agree that what works for one does not work for all and once you find that “sweet spot” (pun intended) you need to go with it.
Continued good health………..and Blog On!
Audra Blair says
Yay for finding a healthy solution that works!
Rose McAvoy says
Peabody I am so happy you have found a livable way to do what you love and feel good on the inside (body and soul). You are a wonderful cheerleaders for self love and your honesty only makes that more true. Here’s to many more years of feeling great and baking unbelievable culinary concoctions 🙂
Diana says
I started a low-carb high fat diet in Febriary and It has been the best decision I ever made for my health. I still enjoy things in moderation. After battling a number of things that packaged together rendered me infertile, I am finally expecting a baby in October. Food is a powerful thing- I’m so glad you found something that works for you!
Melinda Pickworth says
I am glad you are feeling better. No need to feel guilty about anything. Sending you lots of good wishes and hoping to see more of anything you want to blog about! xx
Lisa Holsberg says
Glad to hear you’re taking care of yourself!
Katrina says
Thanks for sharing all that. Me and my now sugar free/gluten free MS butt hear ya and can totally relate. Still baking and sharing and am never really tempted to eat it–anymore. Must still have my bites of 90% Lindt chocolate almost daily though. We rock. Perfect use for those Sprinkles Donuts cereal.
Chris says
So happy you are feeling better! That’s what’s important! And if it makes you feel better, I’m a health nut and I create recipes for Nestle. Everything in moderation.
Sanjana says
Ketogenic diets are very good for people with thyroid, pcod, epilepsy and diabetes. The weight loss is just a side effect of ketosis since you’re burning fat for energy instead of sugar.
You’re doing what’s right for you, don’t feel guilty about that! 🙂
Alice says
You found a lifestyle that makes you feel better and allowed you to even reduce your medications. You continue to bake and blog about it because you love it. You continue to entertain is with your blogging and storytelling because you love us. I haven’t found a negative yet!
Thank you for continuing to share your thoughts and views with us. And moat importantly, thank you for sharing your culinary concoctions! 🍰
Stephanie K. says
Whatever makes you feel healthy is what is best for you! I’m sure people will fuss, but who wants them around anyway 🙂
Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie says
I’m so happy to hear you’re feeling better! I about died laughing though when I read about you living in fear of the sugar-cocaine withdrawls, convinced you would die. The longest I’ve ever gone without sugar (and fried food actually too) except for the occasional taste test was 3 months. When I started eating sugar and fried food with abandon after that, my insides were so incredibly pissed off – what is this crap? I’ve been trying to cut back again these days on my sugar intake because it was getting a bit out of control (and my pants were starting to not fit). It’s hard to resist sometimes but if you feel better, that’s most important!
Anne says
You’re such a great writer Peabody, you could write about pulling weeds and I would read it. Keep it up, whatever you want it to be. 🙂
Cakespy says
I’m proud of you, Peabody. It’s very interesting because I’m sure that like me, people are like “oh, you must be eating all sugar all the time”. Actually, not really, although in my case it’s still partially a control thing and a vestige of disordered eating–like, I can eat sweets but only in controlled settings where I have “planned” for it in my day. It’s still pretty unlikely that you can say “hey, let’s go get ice cream” and i agree without having planned it out first.
I think that what our bodies need shifts, depending on age, health factors, any number of things. Knowing what is right for your body and working with it? Amazing.
Don’t forget, blogs like ours are partially here to act as daydreams. So even if you’re not eating 12 of these in one setting, it doesn’t mean you’re offering anything less or being insincere. You are still making the world more sparkly with what you do.
Reta Kenter says
I am a fan of your blog. I read with interest your latest entry about losing weight by decreasing sugar intake while on a diet with fat carbs.
I need some help. Where do I find more information about the diet? Are there guide lines? Sample daily serving suggestions?
Please let me know.
Thank you.
Peabody says
@Reta- I’m not on a diet with fat carbs…there are hardly any carbs in my diet. But this website is a good resource http://ketokarma.com/
SarahK says
Way to go, Peabody! I’m glad you have found a solution that makes you feel good! YAY!
Keep the sweet treats coming, I love reading your posts.
kita says
Wait, I smuggle you oreos and you dont show me this?!
Two, you rock, and we love you no matter what you eat. You know I’ve been playing with my own diet too and I am loving the high fat low carb thing. I just feel better, didn’t lose a pound, but felt great (no sugar withdraw for me either – but serious caffeine addiction did set in – hello coffee), and that’s what matters. What are some of the best recipes you have made with these ideas in place? I’d love to see them? And, I need to fly out and be a taste tester soon. Really, I just need to chill on your sofa and hang. Missing you. :/
Beverley Press says
Thank you for sharing we all have a little secret or 2 and you seem to have a handle on yours. So proud of you for what you have gone through and keep on blogging we love it xoxo ps deeeeelicious recipe, thank you .
Katie Rose says
Oh, to be one of your testers, move to NJ 😉
If you just wrote random reflections, no recipes included, I’d still come because I enjoy your writing. Be you, change in diet or no. I’m thrilled that you are feeling better and able to take less medication, go rock your new energy and health!