Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles, Chocolate Chip Cookie pieces, and a chocolate filling make up these decadent and fun tarts.

At the beginning of May the New York Times came out with a piece about the former Biggest Loser contestants and the research indicating that losing weight at that rate screwed up their metabolic rate basically guaranteeing they were going to gain it back.
And gain back they did.
Most people do.
It’s why the weight loss industry makes so much money.
We gain it back and usually gain a little more each time.
When I was on Weight Watchers and was a receptionist and leader I had lost 92 pounds.
And when you weighed as much as I did the weight comes of fairly quickly in the beginning even when still eating quite a few calories.
The quick weight loss is what keeps you motivated and what keeps you willing to eat less and less so it continues on.
But the less and less you eat the more and more your body thinks it’s normal to only eat 1000 calories a day.
800 calories a day.
In our messed up society we congratulate ourselves for being strong and only eating 500 calories that day…go us, what willpower.
Yet, as studies are showing that is doing more harm than good.
When I knew the divorce from my ex was coming, the stress eater in me started to come out.
I fought it hard.
Which for the record stress eating cucumber sucks.
Big time.
I couldn’t let myself eat how I wanted to because I was a WW leader.
People looked to me to be slim and trim and something they were aspiring to be.
They didn’t want to hear about me hoarding chocolate and inhaling it when no one was looking.
But sadly, even with keeping the calories in check, the weight started to come back.
Even though I was not eating more than 600 calories a day.
Why? Because my body thought anything over 500 calories was extra.
I had screwed up my metabolism…all so that I could fit into a size 4/6 and people could tell me how good I looked.
Yet, no matter how small I got and no matter how many people told me, I never really believed them.
After the divorce I quit WW.
I did low carb.
Then I did WW again.
Tried South Beach again.
I did WW again.
Almost anything that came along diet wise I tried.
And I gained half my weight back.
But then I stopped gaining the weight.
Because I stopped dieting.
I had, well, had it.
Sarah Jenks had me put my scale away so maybe I gained some more weight, maybe I lost some, I don’t really know from a scale point of view as I went three years without stepping on one.

I quit my job of losing weight.
Do not lie to yourself, it’s a job.
You don’t wake up and think I can’t wait to count the calories or points of everything I put in my mouth today.
I can’t wait to eat 12 cucumber slices instead of 3 pieces of bacon.
It’s a job and it’s exhausting.
You waste so much time doing it too.
I bet if you sat and tallied up how many hours you have spent dieting you would cry.
And I bet if you tallied up how much you spent you would cry even more.
I quit my job of exercising as well.
Gone were spending hours and hours of doing exercise I hated just because it burned the most calories.
Spinning. Hated it.
Boot Camp. Hated it.
Hours upon hours on the elliptical and stair climber? Hated it.
I like Pilates, I liked hockey, I liked going for walks, I liked Zumba.
So I kept the things I liked and lost the rest.
Enough of that, let’s talk Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Chocolate Tarts.
You will need to have made the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles from Tuesday in order to make these.
Which if you haven’t read that post you might want to…I reveal the new blog name.
Other than tempering the egg these are quite easy to put together.
If you end up overcooking the egg and water a little…no worries…that is what the strainer is for. 🙂
You can make your own crust but these little mini pies/tarts were too cute.
This recipe will also make just one large pie/tart if you would prefer that.
You can use made from scratch cookies or just Chips Ahoy like I did…whatever floats your boat.
And you can also use as little or as many cookie dough truffles as you want, no judgment here. 😛
Last but not least…it’s a great time to order my cookbook. 😀

Want more Cookie Dough Recipes?
Snickerdoodle Cookie Dough Cinnamon Rolls
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake Cheeseball
Snickerdoodle Cookie Dough Truffle Fudge
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Rice Krispie Treats

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Chocolate Tarts
- Cookie Dough Truffles
- ½ cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
- ¾ cup packed brown sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- ½ tsp salt
- 2 cups all-purpose flour (heat treated if you have concerns)
- 14 ounces sweetened condensed milk
- ½ cup chocolate chips
- For the Tarts:
- 6 mini graham cracker crust or 1 regular size one
- Chocolate filling (recipe follows)
- 18-30 (depending on how many you like) Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles
- 6 Chocolate Chip Cookies (I just used Chips Ahoy)
- Chocolate Filling:
- 8 ounces semisweet chocolate, finely chopped
- 5 TBSP unsalted butter, cut into 5 pieces
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- 1 large egg yolk, room temperature
- 1/4 cup boiling water
- Using a stand mixer (or a bowl and beaters), cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes.
- Beat in vanilla.
- With speed on low, slowly add flour, alternating with condensed milk, beating g well after each addition.
- Fold in chocolate chips.
- Shape balls into 1/2-inch balls and place into an airtight container.
- Store in freezer for at least 3 hours.
- These make about 100 depending on what you feel is 1/2 inch. 🙂
- Place 3-5 cookie dough truffles into each mini pie/tart pan.
- Chop each cookie into pieces and place cookie piece of one cookie into the mini pie/tart pan.
- For the filling:
- Combine chocolate, vanilla, and butter in medium metal bowl.
- Place bowl in skillet of barely simmering water set over low heat.
- Stir just until chocolate and butter are melted and smooth.
- Remove bowl from water.Place fine strainer over bowl with melted chocolate.
- Keep skillet with water set over low heat.Whisk egg yolk in small metal bowl to blend.
- Gradually whisk in 1/4 cup boiling water.
- Place bowl in skillet of hot water; stir constantly with heatproof rubber spatula, scraping bottom of bowl to prevent egg from cooking, until instant-read thermometer inserted into egg mixture registers 160°F, about 3 minutes.
- Immediately pour egg mixture into strainer set over bowl of chocolate.
- Stir just until egg is incorporated into chocolate and mixture is smooth.
- Pour chocolate filling into crust.
- Cover and chill overnight or up to 2 days.
- Before serving, let tart soften slightly at room temperature.
dani says
i’ve come to same conclusions! after fad diets, calorie counting, and isagenix, my metabolism has packed it bags and moved on… so nowadays i am focusing more on enjoying my life, my family, and my food 🙂 something easily done with these tarts, i am sure!
Stacy T says
<3 this. I've killed myself with dieting and ruined my metabolism in the long run and finally am on the road to healing it. These look amazing but those truffles look divine!
Emily @ Life on Food says
ah! Planning on making those truffles this weekend and now these. They look so scrumptious!