This Pumpkin Spice Mocha Latte Pie will help you get your a PSL fix in pie form by adding espresso and milk chocolate to the mix.

I have on more than one occasion brought up our society’s obsession with being happy here on this blog.
That society makes it seem something must be wrong with you if you are not happy 24/7.
That if you are not happy all the time that you should go and find what makes you happy.
We seem to be of the Pinterest generation that tells up if we just decide to be happy you can be happy.
Sorry folks, it doesn’t work that way for everyone.
Today is World Suicide Prevention Day.
Even if you have never thought about suicide, I can guarantee you that you know someone who has thought about it or even attempted.
Yet, we rarely open up about mental illness.
Or life being overwhelming at times.
Society wants us to conform to everything is okay.
And if it’s not okay just think happy thoughts and pull yourself up from your boot straps and you will be awesome.
I went through most of my life not having depression.
Even when I was diagnosed with my chronic illness I never got depressed.
I think mostly because of a hint of denial and that it had not progressed to really controlling my life.
My first dip into the depression pool was when I got divorced but even then I knew deep down that I would remain friends with my ex (and as you all know I have) and so there was not as much sense of loss.
My second and definitely crippling depression came when Crazy Cocker Spaniel passed.
I wrote about it on here how I simple had no desire to do that things that once brought me joy.
Luckily, with time and spaniels that went away.

But then Holly passed and back the depression came.
Having gone through it with Crazy Cocker Spaniel though, I was able to navigate out of my depression a little easier that time.
Then came my diagnosis of being fully disabled.
I had been partially disabled since I was diagnosed at age 27 when they wanted me to stop teaching.
Needing to eat and have shelter I did not stop working.
So when hearing that technically doctors feel that my illness controls my life I let the voices in my head take over.
The you have nothing to contribute to society voices.
Or the your poor husband has a broken wife voices.
The what a burden you are voices.
For the most part, I have worked through it.
The voices still pop up from time to time like when we have a really large vet bill and I think gee, if only I could work like a normal person we wouldn’t have to stress about this bill.
I know it’s a bummer to talk about things like this.
Especially on a food blog, but the more people talk about it the better.
The more people realize that people go through crap too even if their Instagram looks like they are fresh out of the J Crew catalog is needed.
As an example friend Craig (who was our dogs foster dad) wrote about his anxiety.
Corey Hirsch (a former NHL hockey player) opened up this past February about his dark thoughts.
Comedians more and more have been opening up about their depression especially ever since Robin Williams passed.
Therefore don’t be afraid to share your story if you have one.
Let people know they are not alone.
I didn’t mean to make a pie last week.
When making the Candy Corn Flan Magic Cake I accidentally opened a can of evaporated milk instead of condensed sweetened milk.
Thus I didn’t want it to go to waste.
I also had a couple of egg yolks left over from that cake as well.
The main reason I have evaporated milk is for pumpkin pie.
However, I didn’t want to make just a plain pumpkin pie.
So in honor of Pumpkin Spice Latte season I made this Pumpkin Spice Mocha Latte Pie.
As a result of the bottom being lined with chocolate that will harden back up in the fridge you will need a good sharp knife when you cut this pie.
And last but not least…it’s a great time to order my cookbook. 😀

Want more Pumpkin Recipes?
Pumpkin Spice Latte Russian Tea Cake Cookies
Salted Caramel Frosted Pumpkin Cupcakes
Chocolate Cinnamon Frosted Pumpkin Cupcakes
Mini Pumpkin Toffee Bundt Cake
Pumpkin Dulce de Leche Magic Cake

Pumpkin Spice Mocha Latte Pie
- 3/4 cup granulated sugar
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
- 2 tsp. espresso powder
- 3 large egg yolks (or two eggs)
- 1 can (15 oz.) pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie mix)
- 1 can (12 fl. oz.)Evaporated Milk
- 1 unbaked 9-inch (4-cup volume) deep-dish pie shell
- 1/2 cup milk chocolate, melted
- Beat eggs, sugar, pumpkin pie spice, and espresso powder in large bowl.
- Stir in pumpkin and sugar-spice mixture.
- Gradually stir in evaporated milk and whisk until fully incorporated.
- Pour the melted chocolate into the pie shell and spread evenly along bottom of pie shell.
- Pour pumpkin pie filling into pie shell.
- With a knife mix some of the chocolate on the bottom with the pumpkin pie filling.
- Bake in preheated 425° F oven for 15 minutes.
- Reduce temperature to 350° F; bake for 40 to 50 minutes or until knife inserted near center comes out clean.
- Cool on wire rack for 2 hours.
- Serve immediately or refrigerate.
- Top with whipped cream before serving.

Marianne says
Hi Peabody! I just wanted to say I think what you wrote is both brave and helpful. I love your blog not just for all the yummy recipes, because it is so real, and that means the good and the bad. Thank you for talking about something that is so important!
Peabody says
Thank you Marianne!
Carrie says
Thank you for posting this. I’ve dealt with depression before; what was hardest was feeling alone with my grief and dealing with people who thought I just needed to snap out of it. Through the years, though, I’ve realized that many people – or someone close to them – have dealt with depression and other mental health issues, and that people want to discuss their experiences and listen carefully to others’ experiences.
I made this pie on Sunday, took it to work on Monday, and it was devoured.! I bought a pie crust (I’m scared of making pie crusts, but want to learn how); used two Starbucks VIA packets since I couldn’t find espresso powder; and used a mix of dark and milk chocolate. I did end up with some extra filling, but I threw it in a loaf pan and baked it for a shorter time alongside. That extra filling was heavenly mixed into oatmeal this morning! This is a delicious twist on pumpkin pie.
Peabody says
I use the via packets all the time, they are great. Love hearing it was devoured.
And yes, I felt like I should say something so that people do realize they are not alone. I think social media makes us have the illusion these days that everyone is happy and life is amazing…when sometimes it is not.
Thanks for taking the time to comment about it, makes my day.