This Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Caramel Corn has oatmeal Cookie mix, raisins, and cinnamon sugar make this buttery homemade caramel corn.

I went to undergraduate school in what was then a small town (it’s grown quite a bit).
There were only two places to dance at: a hip hop kind of bar and a shit-kicker bar.
I was not a hip hop gal and so off to country-western world it was…line dancing was your friend.
When I went to college Garth Brooks was just starting to get popular.
I had a friend who wanted to see him in concert and asked me to go along.
So I did.
Wow. What an entertainer he was, all energy and played song after song after song.
After that I was a true fan.
Garth stood out like a sore thumb back then in my mostly punk and alternative music cd collection.
I was what one would call a closet fan since when you were young for some reason you cared what people think.
Nowadays my iTunes goes from Carpenters to Green Day to Garth Brooks to Taylor Swift.
And I don’t really care what people think of that. 😀
Garth came to the Seattle area this last weekend. Tacoma to be exact (which is south of Seattle). He had not been here in 19 years.
So needless to say his show sold out in minutes.
He released another, then another, then another, and another for a total of five shows in 3 days.
I don’t go to concerts often.
They are expensive and leaving our dogs tends to be a pain since for some reason they like to go out to the bathroom, eat, and get their pills.
But Garth would be the exception.
Both my husband and I really enjoy his music and since Garth’s concert prices are not outrageous we decided we needed to go.

Luckily, we had a friend come over and hang with the dogs for a bit so that they weren’t neglected.
It’s a three hour round trip drive to Tacoma from where we live.
Add that to the three hours of performance and we were gone for quite a while.
One thing I love about his concerts is that he plays the old songs.
I had thought about going and seeing Depeche Mode a few weeks ago (I’ve seen the 17 times).
The tickets for nose bleeders were $125 a piece (Garth’s were $65 for our lower level seats).
I was happy when I saw the playlist the day after the concert because while they played some of their old stuff, they played a ton of their new stuff…stuff I did not know.
While Brooks did play his new hit, 99% of the songs were his old hits.
The ones that everyone knows the words too.
We were the 5th concert in 3 days and he admitted right from the start that his voice was fried but that he would carry on…and that he did.
Concerts often remind me of food in a way.
If you are known for certain food dishes for let’s say Thanksgiving but you decide you want to be the creative foodie and not make what you normally make you will get disappointed people.
That’s why we always make the classics and then try something new.
Sometimes those new dishes become part of the classics over time. That’s how we ended up with Green Jello Salad at Easter time.
We are moving into the time of year of appetizers and snack food.
I love to have caramel corn out during the holiday times for people to munch on.
Had some leftover oatmeal cookie mix that I had used in another recipe similar to a cobbler and decided why not throw it in the caramel.
And make Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Caramel Corn.
So good.
I know some of you out there are anti-raisin, just leave them out, you will live. 🙂
Or use chocolate chips instead.
Be sure to order my cookbook.

Want More Oatmeal Recipes?
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Babka
Mixed Berry Oatmeal Cookie Cobbler
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Bread Pudding

Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Caramel Corn
- 16 cups popped popcorn (unsalted)
- 1 cup unsalted butter
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 1 ½ cups brown sugar
- ½ cup Lyle’s Golden Syrup (if can’t find use corn syrup)
- 1 tsp. lemon juice
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1/2 cup oatmeal cookie mix
- ½ tsp. baking soda
- 1 ½ cups pecan (chopped or not)
- 1 cup raisins, divided
- 1/4 cup cinnamon sugar
- Preheat oven to 250F.
- Spray two baking sheets with nonstick baking spray and set aside.
- In a large bowl (the largest heat safe bowl you have in the house) put popcorn and 1/2 cup raisins in it. Set aside.
- In a large saucepan over medium-high heat, combine the butter, sugars, golden syrup, lemon juice and salt.
- Cook, stirring occasionally, until the butter and sugars melt together.
- Increase the heat to high and bring the mixture to a boil.
- Boil gently until the mixture reaches the hard crack stage (300F on a candy thermometer) 6-9 minutes.
- Remove from the heat and stir in oatmeal cookie mix and the baking soda.
- The syrup with bubbles and foam with the baking soda is added, simply stir until it subsides. Immediately pour the caramel over the popcorn mixture and stir with a large wooden spoon until a caramel glaze completely coat all the popped corn and mix until all the popcorn is covered.
- Divide the caramel corn between the prepared baking sheets and sprinkle caramel corn with 1/8 cup cinnamon sugar per baking sheet.
- Bake for 20 minutes.
- Remove from oven and stir and flip (I use a heat proof spatula) the caramel corn.
- Bake for another 20 minutes. Do the same again.
- Let caramel corn cool completely.
- Store in a tightly covered container for up to a week.
Patty Jensen says
Peabody, did you use your Mini Batch Oatmeal Raisin Chocolate Chip recipe for the cookie mix??
Peabody says
No, they make oatmeal cookie mix. You can find it at most stores or on Amazon.
Patty Jensen says
Thanks! Great idea for neighbor Christmas gifts.