A boozy twist on a potluck favorite. This Jack and Coke Texas Sheet Cake uses Coke instead of milk and kicks it up a notch with whiskey.

13 years.
Thirteen years ago, I started this blog.
Honestly, I never thought in a millions years I would still be blogging. 🙂
The vast majority of bloggers that started at the same time I did…are gone.
I know for sure if I were to start blogging today that I would not start.
When I started people were just happy if you posted a photo even if it was a slightly blurry blob.
And you hit publish and that was that.
Nowadays you have to search what recipes are hot right now (I don’t do this) on Pinterest.
Then go recreate that recipe (I don’t do this).
Make a video of it (I don’t do this).
And make the recipe (I do this :P)
Photograph the recipe but not just the food but you have to create a mood and have a tablescape (I just take pictures of the food).
There are even bloggers who hire food stylist and photographers as well (I don’t do this).
Write about the recipe (I don’t do this…I ramble on about stuff like I am right now).
If it’s a sponsored post chances are it won’t be your own words just the words the company wants you to say (I don’t take those types of sponsored posts).
Then you have to pick what words to put into your keywords section for SEO (I sort of do this but not really).
And apparently there are programs you can buy that will tell you the best words to use (I don’t own that program).
Then you hit publish. (I do that).
I just hit publish whenever I finish.
But most bloggers have graphed when the best day and time to post is. (I don’t do that).
Social media did not exist when I first started.
Nowadays I have to go around and make sure I have shared my recipe on all the different sites (I do this).
Some even go on Instagram and Facebook Live to tell you that you have a recipe (I don’t do this).
So much has changed in 13 years.
I remember how excited I was the first time I got 10 comments on my blog.
For I would be excited again if I got 10 comments on the blog. 😛
When a stat counter came out and I was in awe of how many people were reading my blog but also completely freaked out at how many were reading my blog.
Back then people came to my blog to READ my blog.
Now people complain they had to scroll through to get the recipe or that we have ads running on our sites.

The blog was started because we had moved to a state and a city where I knew no one and longed for connection.
And to make and share food.
Today I have many friends in this state, though most are not food related friends.
Most are through hockey and spaniels (dog people stick together).
But I still very much enjoy making food and sharing that food.
I thought a lot about what I would make for my 13th blog anniversary.
Layer cakes.
Bread pudding.
Then someone posted a Texas Sheet Cake they had taken to a party.
I had not had Texas Sheet Cake in forever.
The kind I grew up on had nuts but as usual I did not want to do the usual.
Enter the Jack and Coke for a Jack and Coke Texas Sheet Cake.
If you are not a booze fan you can simply omit the whiskey.
This cake is perfect for my 13th blog anniversary.
It’s tasty, boozy, and no nonsense.
Thank you to those that still come around.
And to those that have been here since the beginning you deserve a badge or a beer or something. 😀
To those who recently started reading…welcome.
And to everyone in between.
Thank you.
P.S. It’s a great day to buy my cookbook Holy Sweet!

Want More Cake Recipes?
Chocolate Peanut Butter Stout Layer Cake
Vanilla Cheesecake Funfetti Pink Ombre Layer Cake
Chocolate Salted Caramel Popcorn Cake

Jack and Coke Texas Sheet Cake
- For the Cake:
- 1 cup unsalted butter, cube
- 1 cup Coke (or any regular cola, not diet)
- 3 TBSP Jack Daniels Whiskey (or whatever whiskey you want or you can omit)
- 1/4 cup baking cocoa
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 cups granulated sugar
- 1 tsp.baking soda
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 1/2 cup buttermilk or sour cream
- For the Icing:
- 1/2 cup unsalted butter, cubed
- 1/4 cup Coke
- 3 TBSP Jack Daniels Whiskey
- 3 TBSP baking cocoa
- 3-3/4 cups powdered sugar
- 1/8 tsp. salt
- In a large saucepan, bring the butter, Coke, whiskey, and cocoa to a boil.
- Remove from the heat.
- Combine the flour, sugar, baking soda and salt; add to cocoa mixture.
- Stir in the buttermilk until smooth.
- Pour into a greased 15x10x1-in. baking pan.
- Bake at 350° for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
- For the Icing:
- In a small saucepan, melt butter; add Coke and cocoa.
- Bring to a boil.
- Remove from the heat.
- Whisk in powdered sugar and salt until smooth.
- Add the whiskey and whisk until smooth.
- Pour over warm cake.
- Cool completely on a wire rack.
Donna says
Peabody – Happy Anniversary. I’ve probably been reading about 10 of your 13 years and I love your honesty. Hope you keep blogging!
Peabody says
10 years! Thanks for sticking with me for that long. I don’t plan on quitting anytime soon.
Judy says
I have been with you since the beginning. Loved the blog then love it now. Happy anniversary. 🇨🇦🍾
Peabody says
Thanks for sticking with me all these years Judy!
Allison Day says
I don’t often comment, and rarely ever make your recipes (although the few I have made were all wonderfully delicious!), but I do still stop by and read every single post. I enjoy your ramblings, and it’s always fun to see what crazy concoction you’ve come up with this time!
I totally agree, food blogging has changed so much. I’m going on 12 years, and even though I was definitely never a “best blogger”, I very much miss the days where there was actually some sort of community feel on blogs. Some of it’s on me, for sure – I really should put more effort into commenting on other peoples’ blogs more often (here’s comment #1?) and responding to comments on my own blogs. Anyways, here’s to many more years of blogging!
Peabody says
Thanks for continuing to read Allison. It has very much lost it’s sense of community. But like you said some of that is on us. I rarely read other blogs now just because I feel so many of them are just giant ads over and over again. And I don’t believe that the blogger LOVES every single product they promote. I only promote a few so I do actually love those. 🙂
Mia says
Keep it up…please!
Peabody says
Will do!
Carrie says
Happy 13 years! I enjoy your blog posts and recipes. Haven’t ever made a Texas sheet cake before, but this looks so good – adding it to my summer baking list. 🙂
Peabody says
Oh, yes, you should make Texas Sheet Cake. It’s a big crowd pleaser usually. I’ve had it at so many pot lucks.
Jen says
Congratulations! I always enjoy what you have to say. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and recipes.
Peabody says
Thank you for reading Jen!
Irene says
Happy Anniversary!
I’ve been following you for about least eight years now. The first recipe that I tried from your site was your oatmeal buttermilk bread. Yum!
Does this cake have a fudgy consistency?
Keep on bloggin’!
Peabody says
It’s a more dense cake but the frosting is very fudge like. And thanks for being a reader for 8 years!!!
karen says
Congrats and thanks for doing what you do- I really appreciate your blog – I have been following you for at least a decade and enjoy every post.
Peabody says
A decade! Wow! Thanks for sticking around. 🙂
Vicki Tunell says
I have been reading your blog for 12 years now, so almost from the beginning! We love your blog around here, and we are looking forward to trying this cake too. We recently made the fruity pebbles banana bread, so good! Thanks for your great blog, I really appreciate your recipes and your sharing of your life.
Peabody says
Thank you Vicky for sticking with me for 12 years! Glad you enjoy the recipes! I’ll keep making them. 🙂
Stephanie says
This cake fills me with such nostalgia. It was the cake I first learned to bake and I would bake it often as a teenager. Thanks for remaining true to yourself. Cheers!
Peabody says
Thank you. And yes, I had this cake a bunch (well not the Jack and Coke version) when I was younger. And then it just sort of went away and that’s sad because it is such a great cake and a crowd pleaser.
Erika Morris says
Happy anniversary! I’ve yet to make one of your delicious recipes but I will on day!
Peabody says
Thank you! And don’t worry I have a ton of people who read the blog and never make a thing. It’s all good. 🙂
Sarah says
I think I’ve been reading a decade or longer, though shy about commenting. I always have enjoyed how you tell it like it is, and the little snippets of your life. And, of course, the recipes. 🙂
Peabody says
I appreciate you commenting now! Thank you!
Liz S. says
I’m sorry I rarely comment, but I hope you trust that I’ve been here since you started blogging and I’m still here 🙂 YOU were the one who taught me how to bake and I got to start trying recipes on my blog. You’ve been such a great blog friend and I’m hoping you keep up the awesome work. Cheers! xo
Peabody says
Oh dear Liz I know that you are always here and I thank you.:) I plan to keep on keeping on.
J says
Happy 13th Anniversary Peabody and many more! Wow, that’s great! I didn’t realize there’s so much that people do just to get a post up. That’s ridiculous! Keeping it simple is the best way I agree. I don’t do all the social media anyways, just emails. Life is too short..I’d rather be enjoying it! Glad you are not planning to stop bc I love reading your blog and seeing all the yummy food you post on it.
Peabody says
Yes, they’ve made blogging more difficult than it needs to be.
Kelly says
Love this post for so many reasons. I found your blog a bit over 10 years ago, searching for a way to use date sugar and came upon your cherry and walnut loaf. Still remember your other blog at the time and a post about finding a pair of undies or a thong in a bathroom somewhere. LOL
Peabody says
Yes, I love me some key lime.
laura says
Happy Blog-iversary! I can’t remember how long I’ve been reading your blog, but I’ve always enjoyed it and not just for the recipies. I like your sense of humor and writing style. 🙂
Peabody says
Thanks for reading! Glad you enjoy the blog.
Courtney says
I enjoy reading what you write and love how you share your heart on your blog. Thank you! It’s fun to read all of your unique recipes, too! 🙂
Peabody says
Thank you for reading Courtney!
Lisa says
Happy Anniversary! I’ve been with you from the beginning or pretty darn close and love your blog! Love the recipes and hearing what you are up to (usually with a dash of humor thrown in).
Peabody says
Awesome! Thanks for reading all this time! I greatly appreciate it.
Kristin says
i’ve been reading your blog for a looong time, and i’m glad you’re still doing it! love your posts and recipes.
Peabody says
Thank you Kristin.
Lori says
I second most everything you say. Blogging is so different now. I keep plugging along too. Sometimes I dont know why, I dont really earn money because I do not have a ton of adds. No one comments. I used to love that sense of community. My blog is lost in a sea of flashy, perfectly pictured food blogs. But! I love that if I make something, I can go to my food blog and find the recipe lickety split. I also love that my daughter was thumbing through the blog a few months ago and was thrilled to see things she remembers and some she does not from earlier in her childhood.
I do remember your name and blog from years ago. All the Daring Bakers and such. (I just loved that group). Happy Anniversary!
Peabody says
Yes, there are so many blogs now. I can’t believe how many there are now. I say if you enjoy it…just keep plugging along.