Tayberry Cobbler: A simple, old fashion cobbler using tayberries that has a crunchy cake like top and juicy berry bottom.

The memo to me letting me know 2018 was going to kick my butt must have got lost in the mail.
I really would have appreciated a heads up though.
If you follow me on social media you might have seen that this week was my turn to stay in the hospital.
On Wednesday while driving back from Costco to pick up our new pup (well, senior special needs pup) from the groomer, I felt a pain in my chest and then in my neck and jaw.
It went away and I didn’t think much of it.
I was too early to pick up the dog so I went to Rite Aid to look for a card for a friend.
While standing in the card aisle I suddenly felt drunk.
Looked down at my Apple Watch (which has my heart rate on it) and noticed it dropped waaaay down.
Then all of a sudden shot waaaay up.
Went over to the blood pressure machines they have there and measured my blood pressure. Which was elevated but not super high.
Walked back to the car and still felt dizzy.
Called my husband and said you better come home from work to pick up the dog as something is not right and I’m going to urgent care (it was right down the road).
He said okay and by the time I got to the desk at urgent care I was really feeling light headed and they told me I was breathing fast (it felt normal to me).
They hooked me up to an EKG and that was fine but what wasn’t fine was my blood pressure. It was through the roof.
Now, I do not suffer from high blood pressure or from panic attacks so they decided it was best to put me in an ambulance and send me to the ER.
There my blood pressure continued to get higher and higher, topping out at 214/98. Keep in mind my normal is usually 117/72.
They did EKG’s.
Ran blood work.
Had an X-ray of my heart.
And then a CT scan to check for a blood clot in my lungs.
Gave me anxiety meds. Didn’t work.
Finally just gave me meds to take my blood pressure down and told me they were keeping me for the night.
That if things did not improve then the cardiologist would be to see me in the am to discuss options.
So after 8 fun hours in the ER, I was admitted.

They drew blood every couple hours and took my blood pressure every hour or so…all night.
Luckily as the night went on lower and lower my blood pressure went…as well as my heart rate which was high as well.
Since my blood work was still all clear and my blood pressure and heart rate went down they decided not to have the cardiologist come.
Doctors best guess….and I do mean guess is that I was dehydrated, did not eat enough, was on Sudafed (which I was for a sinus infection), that I started to panic that I too was having a heart attack like my husband.
Except that they fully admit my blood pressure should not go that high for a panic attack.
So they kept me on a low dose of blood pressure meds until I go see my primary physician for a recheck on Tuesday.
They said I could ask to have a stress test for peace of mind but given all the cardio I do and that I get my heart rate up to the 170’s for hockey that I would pass it no problem.
Medical mystery basically.

In fact the only diagnosis they gave me was hypothyroid…which I already have been for most of my life. Which they were already told and even gave me meds for in the morning.
I’m totally back to normal and have stayed that way.
On the way back from the hospital I made my husband stop for tayberries.
So I could make Tayberry Cobbler.
They are only around about a week or two each year.
Tayberries are like marionberries…kind of half blackberry, half raspberry. And a little tart.
If you can’t find them I suggest marionberries or blackberries.
This Tayberry Cobbler is a little odd as it does the boiling water float.
Which sits on top of the batter when you put it in the oven.
Then the batter rises to the top.
Super easy to make which super easy was what I was needing right about now. 🙂

Want More Cobbler Recipes?
Cherry Limeade Biscuit Cobbler
Mixed Berry Oatmeal Cookie Cobbler

Tayberry Cobbler
- 2 cups granulated sugar, divided
- 7 TBSP unsalted butter, at room temperature, divided
- 1 cup whole milk
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 4 tsp. Baking powder
- 1 tsp. Salt
- 1 tsp. Vanilla extract
- 3 cups Tayberries (or marionberries or blackberries)
- 2 cups water
- Preheat oven to 425F.
- Spray a 9-x-13-inch baking dish with baking spray.
- Using a stand mixer with the paddle attachment, beat together 4 TBSP unsalted butter and 1 cup granulated sugar until fully combined.
- Add 1 cup flour, 2 tsp. Baking powder, and salt to bowl and mix on low for 30 seconds.
- Then add 1 cup milk and vanilla extract.
- Pour in the remaining flour and baking powder and mix until fully combined.
- Batter will be thick.
- Spread evenly on the bottom of the prepared baking pan.
- Top with the berries.
- Heat 2 cups water, 3 TBSP unsalted butter, and 1 cup granulated sugar in a large sauce pan and bring to a boil.
- Pour the boil mixture over the top of the berries.
- The liquid will float on top.
- Bake for 30 minutes of until golden brown.
- Serve with ice cream.
Irene says
Glad to hear that you are back to your old self again.
Peabody says
Thanks, me too.
Liz S. says
Sending major good health vibes.
Peabody says
Thank you.
J says
Oh no Peabody…not you too! My thoughts and prayers are with both of you. Happy Birthday to you on Monday! Remember…keep a bottle of water with you at all times…I do. It’s no fun getting dehydrated. Your new dog is cute!
Peabody says
Yeah, we could kind of use a break this year. 🙂 Kind of tired of doctors. And I agree, our new pup is cute.
Peabody says
Thank you Liz!