This Brown Sugar Spiral Banana Bread is a yeast bread made with a banana filled dough filled and rolled up with brown sugar and butter.

I keep seeing people say they can’t wait to get back to normal.
But reality is that when this is all said and done it won’t be normal.
It will be a new normal.
When this all started I had so many people I know who thought that this would last two weeks and we would move on.
At the time when they cancelled my hockey games even the league was like see you in two weeks.
I tried to tell the league administrator that he needed to prepare for longer than that.
But he was quite certain it would two weeks or less.
Yesterday marked the two weeks mark.
We are not back at hockey.
In fact the city in which the rink I play at most is located just put into effect a shelter in place order starting at noon today.

Our trajectory for all of this is shooting straight up.
Mostly because people want to keep normal.
I see photos of them at the beach all clumped together.
On hiking trails right next to each other.
Still having get togethers at their house because that can’t possibly go without seeing their friends for a few weeks.
So it’s going to be more than two weeks.
Prepare for that.
I don’t mean by buying up 7 years of toilet paper like everyone for some reason is.
I mean prepare for it mentally.
There is a great book called Comfortable With Uncertainty.
I highly suggest it.
The book was suggested to me years ago by my doctor because I have a progressive chronic illness.
I’ve gone through and re-read the book this past week and it definitely helps with the anxiety of the uncertainty of it all.
Mentally prepare yourself for the world to look different after all of this.

One thing that is certain in my life is baking.
It definitely keeps me centered.
Bread baking in general does.
I had some SUPER ripe bananas (remember you can freeze bananas) that I wanted to use up because freezer space was limited.
But I wanted a yeast bread as well.
Enter this Brown Sugar Spiral Banana Bread.
It’s a banana yeast dough that is rolled out like cinnamon rolls but just has brown sugar and butter. If you want to add cinnamon to yours feel free.
You can eat it with a little butter or it also makes for a great French Toast.
As always, it’s a great day to order my cookbook. 🙂

Want More Bread Recipes?
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Babka
Chocolate Peanut Caramel Quick Bread

Brown Sugar Spiral Banana Bread
- For the Dough:
- ½ cup milk

- ¼ cup unsalted butter

- 2 TBSP granulated sugar

- 2¼ tsp. yeast (one packet)

- 3 ½ cups all-purpose flour

- 1 tsp. salt

- 2 large ripe bananas, mashed (about 1 cup)

- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- For the Filling:
½ cup brown sugar

1/4 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
- For the Dough:
- Put the milk and butter in a small bowl and heat to temperature is 110F (you will need a thermometer if it’s too hot it will kill the yeast). If it gets too hot, just let it cool for a few minutes. Pour into the bowl of a stand mixer.
- Add the sugar and then the yeast and whisk to mix all the ingredients. Let this mixture stand for about 5 minutes, or until it begins to foam.
- Add two cups of the flour, the salt, the bananas, and cinnamon to the yeast mixture and beat well.
- Add the remaining flour, ½ cup at a time, stirring well after each addition. When the dough has just pulled together, turn it onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth, about 5 minutes (alternately, use the dough hook on a stand mixer). If using the dough hook (I did) when the dough has pulled away and forming a ball on its own and no dough is sticking to the sides it is ready.
- Place the dough in a greased bowl and cover with plastic wrap.
- Allow dough to rise until double, about 1 hour, longer if your house is cool.
- When dough has risen, sprinkle flour out on a flat surface and roll out the dough into a 12 X 9 inch rectangle and spread the butter evenly on the dough leaving a 1/2 inch edge. Then sprinkle the brown sugar over the butter.
- Roll up the dough from the long side and pinch seam to seal. Twist dough rope to form a figure eight.
- Place into a standard loaf pan that has been sprayed with baking spray and lined with parchment paper. Don't skip the parchment paper because the sugar escapes sometimes and makes the loaf hard to remove if you don't have the parchment.. Loosely cover with plastic wrap and then a kitchen towel.
- Let rise for another hour.
- Preheat the oven to 350F
- Bake uncovered for 30 minutes.
- At the 30 minute mark place a piece of foil on top of the bread and bake for another 20 minutes.
- Remove and let rest for 5 minutes.

Elizabeth E-W says
oooooh this sounds good! I might give it a shot.
stefanie says
This bread is soooo good. Amazing. It’s an unexpected but fully satisfying combo. My husband loved it so much, he was enthusiastic when I asked if I could pre order the cookbook.
I also just finished the Pema Chodron book you recommended. It was a good read. Very deep – thanks for recommending.
Peabody says
Oh this makes me so happy to hear! Glad you enjoyed the bread. I think it’s a very unique but tasty combo!