These Rainbow Sherbet Jello Shots have a layer of raspberry sherbet, lime sherbet, and orange sherbet flavors and have a vodka base.

I’m not sure if it actually happened or if it’s just what I remember.
But growing up I only remember getting to have rainbow sherbet in the summer months.
I loved the pastel colors and the variety.
Just like neapolitan ice cream, I used to eat each flavor separately.
Starting with orange.
Then lime.
And finally raspberry.

I’ve made many a baked good on this blog using orange sherbet.
Plus, I have made an orange sherbet jello shot as well.
Those turned out fantastic so I thought why not rainbow sherbet jello shots.
I mean, can you really go wrong with melted sherbet and vodka?
The answer is no. 🙂

These do take far more time than the orange sherbet jello shots.
Simply because of the time between each layer.
As you can see from the photos I experimented with how to layer them.
Some had the straight horizontal layers. A few had angled layers.
And a couple I filled a little early while they weren’t fully set to try and make a swirl effect.
That sort of worked.

I suggest that when you use the melted sherbet that you do your best to match the colors.
So when you are making the raspberry layer you try and get as much raspberry sherbet in that layer.
With rainbow sherbet it’s a little harder since it’s swirled together but try.
Otherwise you can get a weird color going and you want to try and keep the colors as they are.
Last but not least…it’s a great time to order my cookbook. 😀

Want More Jell-O Shots?
Dole Whip Pineapple Jell-O Shots
Peanut Butter Grape Jelly Jell-O Shots

Rainbow Sherbet Jello Shots
- For the Raspberry Sherbet Layer:
- 1 cup water,
- 3 oz package Raspberry Jell-O
- 1/2 cup Vodka
- 1/2 cup melted rainbow sherbet
- For the Lime Layer:
- 1 cup water,
- 3 oz package Lime Jell-O
- 1/2 cup Vodka
- 1/2 cup melted rainbow sherbet
- For the Orange Layer:
- 1 cup water,
- 3 oz package Orange Jell-O
- 1/2 cup Vodka
- 1/2 cup melted rainbow sherbet
For the Raspberry Layer:
Bring 1 cup water to a boil.
Empty raspberry gelatin powder into a large mixing bowl and add the boiling water.
Continue stirring for two minutes or until the jello is completely dissolved.
Add in a half cup melted sherbet and 1/2 cup vodka.
Stir until mixed and pour into 2oz. cups 1/3 of the way up.
Transfer to fridge and let sit for 35 minutes. Ten minutes before the raspberry layer is partially set, start the lime layer.
For the Lime Layer:
Bring 1 cup water to a boil.
Empty lime gelatin powder into a large mixing bowl and add the boiling water.
Continue stirring for two minutes or until the jello is completely dissolved.
Add in a half cup melted sherbet and 1/2 cup vodka.
Remove cups from fridge and fill the lime layer, this time less than 1/3 of the way. Put back in fridge for about 40 minutes.
For the Blue Raspberry Layer:
Bring 1 cup water to a boil.
Empty orange gelatin powder into a large mixing bowl and add the boiling water.
Continue stirring for two minutes or until the jello is completely dissolved.
Add in a half cup melted sherbet and 1/2 cup vodka.
Stir until mixed and pour over the lime layer up to the top of the cup.
Place in fridge and let set up for at least two hours.
Veronica Franco says
Wouldn’t it be easier to buy a pint of orange, a pint of lime and a pint of raspberry sherbert to keep the colors clear?
Peabody says
If you want but I was trying to save money.