These Aunt Bethany’s Jello Mold Jello Shots are based of the Christmas Vacation movie made with lime jello and vodka.

It’s pretty hard to go through the holiday season without seeing at least a part of the movie Christmas Vacation.
It’s on quite a few channels starting the end of November and continues on. Some stations even have marathons of the movie.
Personally, I watch it the whole way through each year.
This year twice.
Mostly because we were without internet/cable for four days when the Seattle area had it’s Bomb Cyclone.
Fun to say, not fun to live through.
We had power during that time but all TV was antena (so slim pickings) and we watched a lot of DVD’s.
Some British Bake Off DVD’s I have and all the Christmas movies.

And while Cousin Eddie steals the show, Aunt Bethany is pretty awesome herself.
These Aunt Bethany’s Jello Mold Jello Shots were made in honor of her wrapping her lime jello mold up as a gift…and her cat.
I had seen on Pinterest, someone make a full size jello mold and used Lucky Charms as the cat food for on top.
And I knew I could make them into mini molds…and add booze to them.
Since you do have to take them out of molds, I added extra gelatin to the shots.
So they have more of a jello jiggler kind of texture.
The mini Lucky Charms did not look like cat food so I went for mini Cheerios.
Which I think worked out really well.

Flavorwise these are pretty boring.
Especially coming from a girl known for making fun flavored jello shots.
But with these shots it was the comedy of the jello molds and cereal that made them.
I had wanted to use Everclear (I feel Aunt Bethany would have) but these would have been liquid if I did.
So cheap Costco vodka it was. 😀
These were a big hit and a lot of fun.
Eat enough of them and you will stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. 🙂

Tips for Unmolding Gelatin Molds
Before unmolding a gelatin mold be certain that gelatin is completely firm.
This usually requires several hours in the fridge.
Once gelatin is firm, dip a small pointed knife in warm water and run tip of it around top edge of mold to loosen.
Or moisten tips of fingers and gently pull gelatin from top edge of mold.
Some prefer the finger method because they knife can cut off parts of the design in your mold if you are not careful.
Pat a chilled plate or cake stand with a wet towel.
The wet surfaces make it easier to slide the gelatin into the center of the plate after it has been unmolded.
Dip mold in warm water that is in a pan larger than the mold you are using.
Do not use hot water as it will melt the jello.
Working quickly, dip the mold just to the rim in the warm water for about 10 seconds.
Lift the mold from the water, holding it upright.
Shake slightly to loosen the gelatin from the mold.
Invert the plate on the mold.
Always unmold gelatin on a chilled or cold plate or platter as a warm plate will melt the gelatin.
Then invert plate and mold together.
Lift off mold carefully.
If your gelatin mold doesn’t release easily, dip the mold in warm water again.
You may end up with a little melting like I did with mine this time but better to have a little melt then a broken mold.
If necessary, move mold to center of plate.

Things to remember when making Jello Shots.
When throwing a party, you’ll probably want to prepare 4-6 Jello Shots for each guest.
This batch uses 3 ounces of gelatin and so you will get around 9-10 Jello Shots.
If doubling the recipe and using 6 ounces of gelatin you will get you 18-20 Jello Shots depending on how you pour.
If using a garnish, don’t place the garnish on the Jello Shot until just ready to serve.
And as always it’s a great day to order my cookbook.

Want More Jello Shot Recipes?
Peanut Butter Grape Jelly Jelly Shots

Aunt Bethany's Jello Mold Jello Shots
- 3 cups water, divided
- 2 (3 oz) packages Lime Jello
- 1 heaping tsp. unflavored gelatin
- 1 cup vodka
- mini Cheerios cereal for garnish
- Bring 2 cups water to a boil.
- Empty lime gelatin powder and unflavored gelatin into a large mixing bowl and add the boiling water.
- Continue stirring for two minutes or until the jello is completely dissolved.
- Add in the cup of cold water and cup of vodka.
- Stir until mixed and pour into mini Bundt molds or 2oz. cups.
- Let set up in fridge for at least 3 hours, I usually make the night before.
- Dip a small pointed knife in warm water and run tip of it around top edge of molds to loosen.
- Dip molds in warm water that is in a pan larger than the mold you are using. A 9-x-13 inch pan works well, just make sure it's keep enough to have water in it to dip the molds.
- Do not use hot water as it will melt the jello.
- Working quickly, dip the molds just to the rim in the warm water for about 10 seconds.
- Lift the molds from the water, holding it upright.
- Shake slightly to loosen the gelatin from the mold.
- Invert the plate on the molds.
- Sprinkle the molds with the mini Cheerios, how many is up to you. I averaged about 6 per mold. If you get any broken molds, just put them in shot glasses. 🙂
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