These Snickerdoodle Muffins is one of the most popular items on my blog. It’s the comforting cinnamon sugar cookie in muffin form.

I think of all the things that my blog has been known for over the years, I think nothing more controversial than what eventually became known in the blogging community as the Refund Muffin.
Which started out as a Snickerdoodle Muffins, which I loved.
And so did many other people…but not one person.
Who wrote this oh so wonderful letter:

“Dear Mr. Peabody (first off Peabody is my first name and I am a woman…just want to clear that up),
I recently made your muffins that were so highly recommended.
One blog even said they were the best muffins ever.
Well mine turned out horrible.
I am an excellent baker so I know that I did nothing wrong, it must be your recipe.
I wanted to bring these to a potluck and so I made a double batch.
I wasted $7.30 on making these.
Enclosed is my address, I would appreciate a refund for the money I spent on the ingredients. I will take a personal check if that would be easier.

At first I thought this person was kidding…but turns out they were not.
Informed them that they would get a refund as soon as every cookbook publisher gave me a refund for every recipe I tried and did not like.
I haven’t heard back from them since.
And I have to say this is by far the strangest email I have ever received in regards to my blog.
Keep in mind this is the second email like this from this individual….the first time they only suggested I should give people back their money and did not give a bill and an address.
So after receiving this let me be the first to say that if you try something and don’t like it or it doesn’t turn out…I am very sorry.
I will be more than happy to work with you to figure out why it didn’t turn out right.
Also realize that some flavors I like and you don’t…so some things I say I love and I think is the best, you might not like at all.
With that in mind I wish you all happy baking and I hope you certainly find something on my blog that you will like!
These muffins are too good and the letter is too good not to feature on Way Back Wednesday.
And last but not least it’s a great day to buy my cookbook.

Want More Muffin Recipes?
Clementine Chocolate Chip Muffin
Cider Glazed Apple Fritter Muffins

Snickerdoodle Muffins
- 2 (8 ounces) sticks unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 2 tsp. vanilla extract
- 2 large eggs
- ¾ tsp. baking soda
- ¾ tsp. baking powder
- ¾ tsp. cream of tartar
- ¾ tsp. freshly grated nutmeg
- 1 and ¼ cup sour cream
- 2 and ¼ cups all-purpose flour
- 1 cup sugar and 2 TBSP cinnamon mixed together for rolling
- Preheat oven to 350F.
- Using a stand mixer with the paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar until soft about 3 to 5 minutes.
- Add in the vanilla.
- Add in the eggs one at a time and mix until each is incorporated.
- In a separate, mix together the flour, baking soda, nutmeg, and baking powder and cream of tartar.
- Add the flour mixture and the sour cream alternately to the egg-butter mixture in the additions.
- Start with the flour and end with the flour.
- Scrape the bowl occasionally.
- Let batter sit in fridge for 30 minutes covered in plastic wrap, this will help it to roll in cinnamon sugar easier.
- Using an ice cream scoop, scoop out muffin batter one at a time and drop into a shallow bowl filled with the cinnamon sugar mixture.
- Roll the muffin around in the mixture until it is covered completely in cinnamon sugar.
- Place muffin into a greased muffin tin.
- Depending on the size of your tins, you should get about 12 to 14 muffins.
- Bake them for approx. 20-22 minutes in a 350F oven or until they are golden brown.
Megan says
Ha!! I remember that. I had a friend who had a similar thing happen. She has a great recipe for strawberry glace pie and someone was like THIS WAS TERRIBLE I WANT MY MONEY BACK (which is stupid because the pie is SO good).
Oh, the internets! Sigh.
Sarah says
What the what? Who does that?
This was the first recipe of yours I ever tried, and they were wonderful.
Paula says
I missed the Refund attempt, but what a novel idea! We’d ALL be rich if we could go to a recipe writer with such a complaint! Unless of course you happen to be the original author of a recipe, in which case you’re SOL.
Sourkraut says
I have never heard of someone demanding such a thing! I hope you’re able to just laugh it off as someone else’s peculiar personality. Now you’ve got me intrigued to try these for myself. Too bad I’m on a diet and a budget at the moment or I’d rush home and do just that.
Suz O says
I am a new reader to your blog…love love love it!
I am a decent cook, but I have had my share of desert disasters in trying recipes from different blogs. But in now way could I ever think it was the blogesses fault. I mean seriously?
Can’t wait to try these and I am sure they will turn out great.
sara says
Haha, I remember this story from way back when…too funny! I have also tried those muffins…they are SO good…must have been user error!
Rose says
I’m wondering how she came up with that total. I hope she costed out that recipe before she sent you that bill because I find it hard to belive that it will cost you $7.30 to make 12 muffins.
Bridget says
What a novel way to extort money! I would never have thought it. Nonetheless, I love snickerdoodles and these muffins sound pretty darned good. If I don’t like them I won’t ask for my money back. Promise!
Jo and Sue says
That’s funny, I remember reading this story too. I still think it is funny. Some people are truly incomprehensible. :/
Oh well, for what it is worth – we think you are great
laurie says
Still waiting on the snickerdoodle cookbook or ebook? If you need a partner in crime for that, Im in.
Amy says
This recipe has become one of my family’s favorite things-these muffins are wonderful! I haven’t made them in a while and I’m happy to be reminded of them and of the nut with the refund email.
Kathy says
The things I have made off your website were great…so that individual was just in a sour mood.
Jenna says
Wow. I cannot believe that that is serious. I wish I could get a refund for every recipe I’ve made that I didn’t like. None from here, so far, though.
Lissete says
I STILL get a kick out of this one! AND I also still LOVE the muffins!
T says
Well, after I vote all I ever see is “Thanks for your vote. You can vote again tomorrow.” I want to know where you do all your beta testing because I want to be on the testing committee starting with some of these muffins? (lol)
Melinda K says
So does this mean the readers should pay the blogger for every recipe that turns out great?
I haven’t made these yet, but they look tasty. I won’t blame you if they don’t turn out, since I’m not very good at baking…I much prefer the tasting part.
Suzanne says
This was the recipe that brought me to your blog. They were so good, I had to take the rest to church ASAP!
Victoria says
Just letting you know I tried to vote today but I keep getting a message saying that the verification code I entered was wrong…which it wasn’t. Not sure what is up, but I’ll try voting again later.
Oh, and everything I’ve made from your blog has turned out wonderful and I just might have to try the refund muffin. Sounds super yummy!
kristy says
Perhaps you should send me that person’s email address so I can write to them and demand a refund that covers the amount of time I spent reading their stupid email!
Some people are so ignorant.
I havent tried your recipe, but if I do and it sucks, then so be it. You’re a cook and a blogger, not God!
Aisleen says
Thats ridiculous! Your recipes ALWAYS come out great when I try them, which is more than I can say for other food bloggers. But its not their fault; you’ve just really idiot proofed your recipes for people like me
That person must have been in the clouds while baking.
By the way, your mini chocolate muffins with chocolate frosting you have so long ago in your blog? I make those really often. EVERYONE loves them and my boyfriend requests them
So thanks for giving me a recipe I will hand down for years to come!
CW says
You shouldn’t ever apologize just because someone doesn’t like your recipes. You can’t please everyone. And if they have such a problem with you let them go elsewhere.
Kelsey says
Hahahahahahah, this is hilarious that they wanted a refund. Not everything turns out right every time. I remember I was trying to make some caramel recipe that you had posted and it just WOULD NOT solidify. You kept giving me ideas of what to do. In the end it didn’t solidify. :-/ but damn was it tasty still!
Becca says
When I first read that letter on the origional blog post, I laughed. Just the thought of refunding people for ingredients if something doesn’t turn out right is just down right funny to me! Anyways, awesome looking muffins; they really do look like snickerdoodles when you look down on them.
ALKD says
as someone who worked in a customer support center (answering calls & emails) for a company who released recipes for their own restaurant items as a promo, i can sadly say this person is not alone in their entitlement-craze. one customer i remember wanted us to pay her for the cost of the recipe (because she didn’t like it), as well as the cost of her medical bills (because she burned her hands and mouth attempting to eat it straight out the oven). She admitted up front that she did not wait the suggested 45 min cooling time before burning herself trying to eat it, but still felt it was the company’s fault. Some people are determined not to take responsibility for anything.
Rodzilla says
Jessica says
If anything we should be paying you for these awesome recipes! I’ve never had one of your recipes turn out less than excellent, and these muffins are next on my “to bake” list. I don’t really have any cash to send you, but I have been voting every day!
Jenny says
Oh boy do I remember those! We love those muffins here, and I posted about them on my own blog at the time. Haven’t made them in forever though, so thanks for the reminder!
Anne says
This story is hilarious! I think you responded to that outrageous claim just right. I’ll try to make these muffins as soon as I’ve found ‘cream of tartar’ in a Dutch shop.
Voted for you today again of course.
kristine@SugarBeams says
Oh Man!! That’s HILARIOUS!! Now I’ve GOT to try these!! (Let you know how this comes out and I’ll send you the receipt *grin*) :-}
Alisa Fleming says
Wait, this is serious? Perhaps they would like to pay for the hundreds of recipes you put out for free?
I’m thinking baker error – that recipe looks pretty flawless and awesome!
Kristen says
Oh I remember that letter – and totally remember those muffins. I blogged them way back when after you wrote about them and remember being so proud of my picture (which now I look at and want to hide
PattiTaylor says
We love snickerdoodles, I can’t wait to try these they look delicious. I will have to wait until the blueberry muffins I made are all. People still continue to amaze me, sorry that you got that perplexing e-mail.
Alli says
Hilarious! There are some odd birds out there. These look incredible. Thanks for bringing them back.
SallyBR says
I swear, when I think I’ve seen it all, someone shows up and amazes me even further!
Indeed, there are plenty of odd birds out there…
these muffins look simply spectacular!
Gabriela says
What wonderful blog fodder your unhappy reader provided! The poor slob is actually hilarious in her inimitable attempt at extortion. Amateur!
Vanessa says
If the refund thing worked than Martha Stewart would owe me a lot of money!
Erin says
Made these this evening as a mini muffin. I was pretty sure the girls liked them when I didn’t see a crumb on their plates, but I was absolutely positive that they loved them when I noticed the 4-year-old was licking crumbs off the table…
Brigit says
hey i was wondering if i sugar/cinnamoned the muffin tin after i sprayed them with non stick cooking spray, if that would work in lieu of rolling each one in the cinnamon sugar. i’m gonna try it when i make this recipe.
Peabody says
@Brigit…only one way to find out….give it a shot.
Jillian says
I just made these this morning and they are fabulous. Though your recipe doesn’t say when to add the nutmeg, so I added it in with the flour. I’m not sure if they go in with the batter or with the cinnamon sugar mix. They turned out great regardless!
Peabody says
Jillian- you put it in at the right time.
Vicki Tunell says
These are such delicious muffins! They are tender and super flavorful. I love all your muffin recipes!
Tammy Creech says
Can I make the batter up a day or two early? Planning on baking these on a camping trip. Would be sooooo much easier if the bare will tolerate that.
I’ve already made them once so I know they will be a grand hit for my grands!
Love your recipes.
Tammy Creech says
Can the batter be made ahead of time? Want to make them for a camping trip this coming weekend. But want to bake fresh. They are delicious by the way. My grands are gonna think I’m the bees knees. Giggle
Peabody says
I don’t think you can make ahead of time due to the leavener in it.